EXO Boyfriends Rent Application || Kang Jiwon



{ }  hello, beautiful!
Kang Jiwon | The Dreamcatcher
Username: sakuramimi
What can I call you: Maegan
Activeness: 9
Face-claim: Yurim
Pictures: Gallery
Backup face-claim: Lee Jung Ha
Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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{ } so you want to rent a boyfriend?
Full name: Kang Jiwon
Nickname: -
Birthdate: May 22nd 1993
Age: 20 - Interntational, 21 - Korean
Birthplace: Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Hometown: Seodaemun, Seoul
Ethnicity: Korean
Occupation: University student of Ehwa Womans University; Literature major - part time job as a librarian
Blood type: O
Current appearance: I have a relatively oval-shaped face and my eyes are quite big, but they always look bigger when I wear makeup. My eyes are a deep brown, almost black. My lips are sweetly shaped and fit my face well. I have long chocolate brown hair and a petite figure. I have a tattoo of a latin quote across my shoulders (meaning 'there is more to life than merely living'.). My left ear is pierced in four different places; lobe, rook, forward helix and the tragus. My right is pierced thrice; lobe, anti-tragus and snug.  
Height & weight: 161cm & 54kg 



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{ }  everything there is to know about you?
I find that on the whole, I'm relatively confident in the things that I do. Whenever a daunting task comes my way, I always face it with a headstrong attitude. I rarely ever let things get me down, mainly because I can't see the point in it. If you can understand you have something to overcome, letting yourself get down about it will stop you from doing that, won't it? I don't like to be behind on things. That's the only thing I ever seem to get stressed out over, like if I'm behind in work for Uni, though it rarely happens. I can be quite carefree when it comes to university work, because generally, I know I'll be good for it.
I'll say one thing, I can be rather stubborn. I nearly always win in an argument, because I know how to argue a point. I don't generally like to argue with people though, it's not really pleasant, though I have found myself doing so a lot in the past. But I digress. My stubbornness is not something admirable, not at all, but I can't really do anything about it. I've tried but it's not that easy, you know?
In addition to my stubbornness, I have the mentality of a five-year-old. In essence, I'm a very childish human being, and I'm not ashamed of it in anyway. As I say, life is much more fun when you don't take things seriously all the time, so hence I have my childish side. It usually just consists of me acting like a weirdo, which my girl Kazumi can relate to me on. We are like one and the same when it comes to this. She's usually the one to carry out childish antics with me, like throwing things as passing people and then hiding. It's so much fun. Anything childish you can think of, we'll have done it, including giving each other horrific makeovers. 
As much as it sounds like I'm tooting my own horn, I'm a very trustworthy person. Give me any kind of secret and it will never leave my lips. I'm better at keeping things hidden than the Chamber of Secrets. I'm also quite protective of the people I care about. I think my confidence helps with that, since I'm never one to back away when I see someone mistreating my family or friends. It's not something I could stand by and idly watch. I think I'm very understanding of people, but I'm a bit childish, so I like to play around and not always take things seriously. Life seems a lot more fun without the reins of seriousness yanking you back all the time. 
I'm someone you can depend on, that much I know for sure. I've always been told that I'm someone good to have around during problematic situations and I'm good for listening to others. Whilst I won't always understand, I'll always try to give the best advice I can, but again, sometimes I let go of seriousness. If that happens, people just need to ignore me and it run its course. My parents have always said I'm like a kid at heart, and that's it makes me a good sister to my little one. I'm quite happy to have that about me though. It's fun being childish now and then, it's less of a strain on reality. 
I also never lie to people. I won't hesitate to voice my opinion because I don't care if people want it or not, since most of the time, it's necessary and will improve a situation if I say something. Not because it's me, but because I said something. I'm no hero, I just hate seeing unfair treatment on university grounds, a place I consider to be a wholesome environment.
Do not, I repeat NOT, ever criticize the way I look. I may be confident but when it comes to my appearance, the smallest remark will give me a complex. I couldn't exaggerate that. My parents always told me I'm beautiful but that's what they have to say, isn't it? There are a few things that always make me think otherwise, so I'm quite sensitive in that aspect. Another of my bad parts is that I have a bit of OCD over unkempt rooms. I'm forever cleaning, because I can't stand filth. I won't reprimand anyone for making messes, but I will immediately clean up after them. In that manner, I can be particularly annoying, but I don't care. Untidiness is bad for health! And that's another point that drives people crazy! I'm very health conscious. I'm a vegetarian for a start and I rarely eat any unhealthy things. If you see me around at lunch at University, I'll most likely have some kind of homemade salad or pasta dish. I always annoy my little sister with this, because when I take her out for food, she whines when I complain about her choices in food. Hey, I'm just trying to be helpful! As a big sister, it's my duty!
Finally, I will say I have the heart and soul of a literary author. Fair enough that's probably a bit exaggerated, (see, told you I can be childish) but I truly feel like there is a writer somewhere within me. I'm a bookworm, hence why I work at the library. It's like my favourite place. I'm one to enjoy sitting alone and just diving into a good book. I would rather read for the rest of my life than get wasted on a night out. But as they say, it's each to their own I suppose!
- Literature; 
I love the escapism found in the pages of a good book. My favourite genres are crime drama and fantasy. Weird right?
- Pokemon; 
This has always been a huge part of my childhood, so I still love it now! My favourite Pokemon is probably Charmander.
I love the piano. I can play small pieces, but nothing major yet. I adore Yiruma and everything he does.
- Cuddles; 
Is there anyone who doesn't like cuddles? I got them all the times as a kid so cuddles are one of my most favourite things in the whole world.
- Cooking; 
Such a huge fan of cooking! I always used to watch my mother cook and I learned everything from her, hence why most of my meals are homecooked.
- Rain; 
My hair goes curly when I've been caught in the rain. I don't find it all that romantic either. 
- Dishonesty; 
I've dealt with enough of that. I can't stand people who aren't honest with me. 
Unkempt rooms; 
I honest to God go into near panic mode if I walk into a room and it's dirty. Keep your rooms clean around me! 
- Stress; 
I can't stand it. It stops me sleeping properly, and I seriously enjoy my sleep. It's not something I like to lose out on.
- Boring conversations; 
I can't be having those. I hate to be rude in that situation but it's something I just can't keep with when it happens.
Pet peeves: 
- Constant questioning over the same subject
- Narcissists
- People who sleep in class  
- Clowns 
- Thunder
- Twirling her hair around her fingers in a nervous situation.
- Yawning inappropriately.
- Pulling on her clothes in an awkward situations. 
- Writing stories; 
I love to write as much as I love to read. It's actually a passion if I'm honest. 
- Learning piano; 
As I said, I love piano and I'm slowly trying to improve. Might take a while though, I'm not great. 
Style: Sophisticated
- my favourite food is pasta salads.
- my favourite beverage is any kind of smoothie.
- my favourite colours are blue, black and cream.
- I have a pet munchkin cat named Mao. She's my pride and joy.  
- my favourite book-turned-movie series are Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
- I have an addiction to kimchi fried rice. I couldn't exaggerate that any more if I tried.
- If I have no work due, I have a long bath before I go to bed.
- I don't like to indulge with chocolate like many people. Doesn't appeal to me very much.
- I love scented candles!
- I have dream catchers in various places in my apartment. You can't miss them.
- I've had two past relationships with boys, and none ended well. 
- I was bullied as a child. 
- I've moved houses more times than I care to count. 
- My best friends are Japanese twins who came to Korea for better studies. 
- Currently, I'm studying for a literature major at University. 
- I'm seriously bad for daydreaming. Not kidding.
- My current favourite book is 'The Fault in Our Starn' by John Green.
- I have a routine for Uni, work and everything in between.
- I visit the gym at least three times a week.
- I'm a terrible librarian. Not because I'm bad at dealing with books, but I can't seem to get people to be quiet in the library!
- I go through earphones like I go through salads; irritatingly fast.
- I like to wear my hair in a ponytail when I go to bed, and shower straight away in the morning.
- I have a terrible habit of pen chewing. My friends despise loaning me stuff.
Honestly, I think I'm a pretty average human being. I was born to a family somewhere between high and middle class. My dad had his own business that was pretty successful, which he still has, so we had plenty of money to keep us going. My parents were so loving and caring. I had practically everything as a little baby girl, but when I started growing up, things were slowly changed and of course, I stopped getting things, for two reasons. One, they were teaching me that you can't have everything in life, and two, my sister Jooyeon had eventually been born. She was always the best little sister. After her birth, we moved house for the first time. 
We moved out of the house in Gyeonggi-do to another on the complete opposite side. God knows why. We were happy there for a few years, Jooyeon had some birthdays as well as myself, and I met my first boyfriend. His name was Gwak Junghwa, and it brings back bad memories already. Needless to say his obsession over keeping me from everyone else kind of messed me up. Surprise, we moved again! Because of me. I felt bad, Jooyeon had made friends at her little play group... 
We moved into the next house and things were fine. I had no friends, but I had no jerk boyfriend either, so I recovered slowly but surely. My father's business wasn't as popular anymore, but it was doing okay. We were very happy, nothing seemed to go wrong there. The next time we moved, I was sixteen and Jooyeon was eleven. I probably should mention I did go to school during this time, I even had private tutors, so I didn't tut out stupid after moving so frequently away from schools I was used to. It didn't bother me though. I was happy enough, and I knew they had good intentions for the family, so I always kept a positive mental attitude going.
Between the years when I was 16 and 19, I don't really remember much other than we moved at least several more times. After my nineteenth, our final move had brought us to Yongsan. At this point, I had another boyfriend, Lee Saejoon. I had moved on and opened up to a whole new person, but he wasn't my Prince Charming either. Just another fox in sheep clothing. He used me and treated me like I was just some kind of trophy to show off to his friends. Disrespectful, and hurtful, he was gone in a week, but I kept seeing him around. I wanted to leave. I asked my mother about it, and she and my father agreed for me to go to University in a place of my choice, so I chose Seodaemun. Not too far away, but far enough to avoid him. It was a perfect choice. Within a few weeks, my father was driving my there and helped me set up my apartment. I asked him for nothing fancy, I wanted an ordinary lifestyle, which he complied with, even if he laughed at me. A week later, I had a place at the local University and a decent wage job as the local librarian, which was the place where I met my best friends, Kazumi and Kazuo. The two best people to ever enter into my life.
And now, I spend my days studying, reading and hanging out with the twins. It's a pretty good life.

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{ }  special ones?

Father || Kang Jimyeon || 51 || Businessman || Warm-hearted, generous, cheery, workaholic || 9 || We love each other so much, and I'm forever going to be grateful for all he did for me to get me where I am now. I don't see them often with me living away but they come up and visit now and then, and I had Jooyeon teach them to use Skype. We're very close.
Mother || Kang Minjoo || 49 || Housewife || Kind, interesting, humorous, playful || 9 || My mother and I have always been close. Just like with dad, I'm grateful to her. She brings me food on their visits to make sure I'm healthy and whatnot, and I love her for that. She was the parent I was able to spend more time with as a child,
Sibling || Kang Jooyeon || 15 || Student || Childish, smart, caring, wistful || 8 || We have a close relationship and we keep in touch through Skype and Facebook, since she knows how to use them. She loves to see Mao when she comes up here and we always spend the day together doing girly things. I take care of her like a big sister should.
Kazumi Takano || 20 || University student || Eccentric, lovable, hyperactive, sarcastic || 10 || She is my number one girl friend! We are inseparable during University hours, since we take the same class. She's a extremely fun girl to hang out with, being as eccentric as she is, but she's forever getting us reprimanded in class for talking. With her and her brother, we spent the our time going around the area, going to coffee shops and restaurants. We have the best times together, and we're like sisters.
Kazuo Takano || 20 || Library worker || Smart, wise, charming, fun-loving || 10 || Since he doesn't attend the university, I see Kazuo at work most days. We have a funny relationship, we're always teasing each other and giving each other tests at the library on literature knowledge. He always brings me in a smoothie when he arrives for his work, knowing I'm pretty much dead as a door nail that early. We respect one another sincerely and care for each other a heck of a lot. I feel like he's the brother I never had.
Rival: [optional]
Name || Age || Occupation || Personality traits [4] || Closeness [1-10] || Interaction || why is she your rival?
Love rival: [optional, can be from anywhere but EXO]
Relationship || Name || Age || Occupation || Personality traits [4]|| Closeness [1-10] || Interaction || do you know about his feeling? explain more

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{ } "I like you the best."?

Name: Baekhyun
Why choose him?: I love a boy with a sweet singing voice. I like to be cared for affectionately,and so I think the combination of him having that kind of voice and being an affectionate boy is absolutely perfect. Also, his maturity would balance out my childish nature, or I'd hope it would!
Interaction: I would accept all kinds of affection, but I'm rather stubborn so I'd often being demanding to pay for things if we went out somewhere. I'd ask him to take me to romantic places and surprise him with food, because I love cooking.
Backup: D.O

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{ } Q&A!
Q1. Why do you want to rent a boyfriend?
I would really lke to rent a boyfriend because I've never ever found myself in a good relationship. With this opportunity, I can find a boyfriend who would treat me better and let me have a taste of what it's like being in a real relationship.
Q2. Your ideal first meeting?
I would like to be sitting by the river, since I often do that anyway, and have him sit beside me and start talking to me in a friendly way. He would stay with me for a while and we would become friends first. Afterwards, he would walk me home. He would ask for my number, because he wants to see me again, and things would escalate from there. 
Q3. How do you like the boyfriend to treat you?
I would like my boyfriend to treat me with respect. I've never had that before, so it would be so lovely. I want to be able to trust him with everything and I want him to treat me like I'm worth something to him. I would like to be treated to kisses and cuddles and sweet things, and for him to make the time we spend together magical. 
Q4. Are you comfortable with skinship?
Yes, I love skinship!

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{ } Hello, Goodbye!
First, let me say how much I freaking love the fact you let us write our apps in first person! That's so wonderful! Personally, first person is a lot easier for me when it comes to these kinds of things :3 
Anyway, I do hope you like her, and hwaiting with the story! ^_^ /
Hmm, definitely some dramatic scenes, most of these kinds of things deserve some drama ;) 
Scene requests:
- A scene in which Jiwon and Baekhyun have a picnic down by the river, and it's all romantic at first, but it gets funny because Jiwon has packed it all and Baekhyun is picky, but eventually it gets romantic again. Kisseu scene maybe? :3
- Jiwon tells Baek about the boys from her past, finally knowing him well enough. 
- The pair have an argument over something silly and make up after hours of ignoring each other. Shows Baekhyun's less mature side ^^ 
- Baekhyun takes Jiwon on a trip to Jeju Island (long shot, it I would be wonderful~ x3 ) and takes her to all the gorgeous sights. Tells her she is more beautiful than anything there. <3
Anything else you want to tell me about the character?:
Okay, I want to explain my character's persona. Basically, she's 'The Dreamcatcher' because;
- She's chasing her dreams (with utmost confidence)
- She's a daydreamer (childlike I would say :3 )

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layout credit to _milkshake @ f a l l e n angel.

                            plot © aegiqueen & chocochipsdeer. 2013



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