'Candy | XjennykimX's Audition

Appearance: Lee Jung Sang





Full Name: Choi Hanul/ American Name: Hannah

Nickname:  N/A

Birthday: December 12th, Age 18  

Enthicity: 75% Korean, 25% French (She looks kinda white. 0.0)


Weight: 52 kg

Height: 165 cm 

Blood Type: AB

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea


                        Big stage: One word: CHARISMATIC. Like a mixture of Hyuna from 4min. and Choi Minho from SHINee, she is fierce, and sharp. She rarely smiles, but is expressive through the           eyes. She is mysterious, cool, and y. Nothing about her is aegyo, everything is mature and somewhat dark. Her looks can kill.
                        Gigs/ Variety Shows: She smiles a little bit more and is a little more loose. But she’s always the one with the right answer, and not a lot of screen time. She isn’t that funny, but             she’s always the performer, always the girl who gets chosen to do dance competitions with boys or to sing aloud. No one dares to laugh at her, unless she is trying to be funny, which isn’t often.
                        With family: A total baby. She is the youngest of her family, and she totally likes it. She is a daddy’s girl. She will slap his and say things like, “oh, dad, your is soo firm.”           XD And with her brother, she is such a prankster and just a little kid all over again. She steals his shirts, tackles him randomnly, makes him buy her stuff, and of course, he does                        it all for her.
                        With group members: Her greatest fear is letting down her team members. She respects them and doesn’t ever think of herself as the best. Her group is what motivates her to            practice hard and consistently. She will never show her fears to them. She’s always gentle when at the dorm, always all warm smiles and light hugs, kind words. Just before        stage, in the makeup room, she’s the pep talker. But she doesn’t do speeches, she goes to each one of them individually and encourages them. She’s also very observant about her group members, always trying to negotiate fights and arguments. She is dependable, and the only reason she is so charismatic on stage is because of the overwhelming                          amount of practice she puts in, which she does to live up to her members’ expectations.
                        In public: Doesn’t like to be bothered. She likes to be a lone wolf, and get things done quickly and return home. She is rarely in public just to chill. She’s impatient and always              upset when she’s in a public place. She slips into saturi a lot in public. XD
                        To other idols: She is respectful, and receives praise with blushes, and criticism with a slightly defensive, slightly fearful attitude. To idols around her age or idols she particularly        likes, she tends to shy away from them and avoid contact. She’d rather they see her as charismatic than the young, unconfident teen she is.
                        To herself: She has a hard time being honest to herself. She has a hard time admitting her feelings to herself. She’s also unconfident, and doesn’t thinks he’s worthy of all the              attention her family, her group members, her fans, and her peers she gives her. She is always having to tell herself that she IS an idol. Therefore, she is often stressed out and            overthinks everything. She can’t loosen up and laugh as easily as she wants. Although she never seems like she is, she spaces out often in her own mind.

Persona: Night Sky: Attractively sparkles (stars), but is essentially mysterious

Position: main dancer, sub vocal, lyricist

Stage name: Hanul
Personal Fanclub: Stars (Because Hanul= sky in korean)

Fanclub Color: Sky Blue, or White


Likes: Wearing boys’ shirts (comfy XD) (this trait is inspired by me :3), Glitter & Confetti (makes her feel :D), Cold Weather (Particulary Snow),  Stuffed Animals (Especially Bears X) )

Dislikes: Crowded Places (Slight Claustrophobic), Hot Weather & Sunlight, Attracting Attention/ Fame, Scripted/ False/ Overuse of Aegyo

Habits: Listens to music 24/7, Falls asleep every two seconds when the weather is hot, Has to hug something when she’s sleeping


Background: Hanul was born December 12th in Busan, Korea, to a family of three. Her father was an office worker at a company, working honestly and diligently. Her mother was an artist, always slightly poor, but a believer in the fact that happiness doesn’t come from money and materialistic things. Her older brother, who is four years older than her, was a babbling toddler. (: They were slightly poor, and that’s how she grew up.
                        When Hanul was around seven, her father went through a period of depression and frustration as an office worker. “The tedious job where only liars get promoted”, he would say. Hanul started to avoid her father, afraid of him. Her father realized this and tried to win her heart back by luring her with his musical abilities at the guitar or piano and then letting her try to play. When Hanul turned nine, her father had become the CEO of the company, through grueling and dedicated work. Her mother had finally had her first gallery showcase at a museum. Her brother had graduated high school early, summa laude (valedictorian).
                         They moved to Seoul, since her father was a CEO now (they could afford it and her brother was going to attend Seoul University). At Seoul University, her brother was introduced to soccer. He decided to go pro and went he signed, he dropped out of University. His parents, initially shocked and angry (he was supposed to be CEO after his dad), became extremely proud whenever he was on T.V. They accepted his dreams and supported him after the initial shock. Similarly, at Seoul Middle Schoul, Hanul was introduced to Music. She started with just Choir, and then took Theory, Piano, Choir, Drama, Ballet, Hip Hop…. Eventually, a teacher who knew an agent, secretly told the agent to come watch Hanul. The agent scouted her, and although it was another shock for her parents, after persuading, she was allowed to become a trainee.

Lee Chang Sung- father – 46

Lee Han Joo- mother- 45

Lee Sung Hyun- brother - 22


Love interest: (In order of preference) Lee Joon from MBLAQ, Jiyoung from B1A4, Hero from DBSK

What's he like:
Joon: He’s extremely sensitive to what other people think about him, maybe too much so. There is a mature side to him, but he doesn’t know how to express it. He can’t express any feeling that is even slightly related to unconfidence. He feels that he should always be the charismatic, perfect one and tries hard to live up to that façade. So although he would never admit it, he is constantly practicing, stressed, and zoned out. He relieves his stress through dating. When he’s dating, he knows he’s wanted. He only wants “dates”, he’s afraid that a deeper relationship will reveal the coward he is. So he only dates girls he thinks can take heartbreak and stays away from the girls he really likes because he doesn’t want to hurt them. Although clumsy and somewhat slow, Joon is ultimately a loyal, all-for-his-girl guy. He scoffs at anniversaries and such events, only to be the guy that does everything in his power possible to make that day special for his girl.
Jiyoung: Incredibly kind and soft, but fiercely passionate about music. Although kind and soft, he doesn’t let people run away from their problems, and doesn’t hesitate in chasing after something he wants. He doesn’t look for iness or charisma in girls, he just wants her to be honest and open, even though he finds her shyness adorable. He’s very good at knowing when to talk and when to listen, and is very good at observing his partner’s emotions. He believes in people and gives them a chance even when they haven’t proved anything. He is always popular, smiling, and cheerful.
Hero: Jaejoong is a classic gentleman, smooth and modest, always denying credit for his hard work. He does the sweet, old-style things such as opening doors, giving the girl his jacket, etc. His temperament is that he is extremely sweet and always eager to please. He likes to be the caretaker, and not to be taken care of.  Jaejoong is also very straightforward with his feelings; meaning h always knows what he wants, and goes after it right away. He is incredibly hard-working and organized, and therefore always confident of himself. He doesn’t ever show his weaker side, even to his closest friends. He is dependable and trustworthy, but sometimes takes more than he can handle, and doesn’t know when to ask for help.

Your SNSD member: (In order of preference) Yuri, Sooyoung, Jessica

password: leejinki


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