dawn & DUSK application

step 1 |

aff username – XjennykimX

profile link - http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51314

preferred name - Jenny

your choice of contact – PM on asianfanfics

if email, your email address – N/A


step 2 |

character name – Choi Hanul

nicknames – Sky (her brother calls her that because her name in Korean means Sky), Hannah (from Han- in Hanul) ( her English name)  

birthday + age - 12 December, 1992 | 19 years old.

blood type - AB

birthplace – Busan, South Korea

ethnicity – 75% South Korean, 25% French

step 3 |

appearance -

name of ulzzang – Lee Jung Sang

backup ulzzang -  

backup ulzzang name – Grace (?) (:/ Her name is never mentioned so it’s hard to use her, even though she’s really pretty)

style -


step 4 |

personality -
                        Big stage: One word: CHARISMATIC. Like a mixture of Hyuna from 4min. and Choi Minho from SHINee, she is fierce, and sharp. She rarely smiles, but is expressive through the           eyes. She is mysterious, cool, and y. Nothing about her is aegyo, everything is mature and somewhat dark. Her looks can kill.
                        Gigs/ Variety Shows: She smiles a little bit more and is a little more loose. But she’s always the one with the right answer, and not a lot of screen time. She isn’t that funny, but             she’s always the performer, always the girl who gets chosen to do dance competitions with boys or to sing aloud. No one dares to laugh at her, unless she is trying to be funny, which isn’t often.
                        With family: A total baby. She is the youngest of her family, and she totally likes it. She is a daddy’s girl. She will slap his and say things like, “oh, dad, your is soo firm.”           XD And with her brother, she is such a prankster and just a little kid all over again. She steals his shirts, tackles him randomnly, makes him buy her stuff, and of course, he does                        it all for her.
                        With group members: Her greatest fear is letting down her team members. She respects them and doesn’t ever think of herself as the best. Her group is what motivates her to            practice hard and consistently. She will never show her fears to them. She’s always gentle when at the dorm, always all warm smiles and light hugs, kind words. Just before        stage, in the makeup room, she’s the pep talker. But she doesn’t do speeches, she goes to each one of them individually and encourages them. She’s also very observant about her group members, always trying to negotiate fights and arguments. She is dependable, and the only reason she is so charismatic on stage is because of the overwhelming                          amount of practice she puts in, which she does to live up to her members’ expectations.
                        In public: Doesn’t like to be bothered. She likes to be a lone wolf, and get things done quickly and return home. She is rarely in public just to chill. She’s impatient and always              upset when she’s in a public place. She slips into saturi a lot in public. XD
                        To other idols: She is respectful, and receives praise with blushes, and criticism with a slightly defensive, slightly fearful attitude. To idols around her age or idols she particularly        likes, she tends to shy away from them and avoid contact. She’d rather they see her as charismatic than the young, unconfident teen she is.
                        To herself: She has a hard time being honest to herself. She has a hard time admitting her feelings to herself. She’s also unconfident, and doesn’t thinks he’s worthy of all the              attention her family, her group members, her fans, and her peers she gives her. She is always having to tell herself that she IS an idol. Therefore, she is often stressed out and            overthinks everything. She can’t loosen up and laugh as easily as she wants. Although she never seems like she is, she spaces out often in her own mind.

background -
                        Hanul was born December 12th in Busan, Korea, to a family of three. Her father was an office worker at a company, working honestly and diligently. Her mother was an artist, always slightly poor, but a believer in the fact that happiness doesn’t come from money and materialistic things. Her older brother, who is four years older than her, was a babbling toddler. (: They were slightly poor, and that’s how she grew up.
                        When Hanul was around seven, her father went through a period of depression and frustration as an office worker. “The tedious job where only liars get promoted”, he would say. Hanul started to avoid her father, afraid of him. Her father realized this and tried to win her heart back by luring her with his musical abilities at the guitar or piano and then letting her try to play. When Hanul turned nine, her father had become the CEO of the company, through grueling and dedicated work. Her mother had finally had her first gallery showcase at a museum. Her brother had graduated high school early, summa laude (valedictorian).
                         They moved to Seoul, since her father was a CEO now (they could afford it and her brother was going to attend Seoul University). At Seoul University, her brother was introduced to soccer. He decided to go pro and went he signed, he dropped out of University. His parents, initially shocked and angry (he was supposed to be CEO after his dad), became extremely proud whenever he was on T.V. They accepted his dreams and supported him after the initial shock. Similarly, at Seoul Middle Schoul, Hanul was introduced to Music. She started with just Choir, and then took Theory, Piano, Choir, Drama, Ballet, Hip Hop…. Eventually, a teacher who knew an agent, secretly told the agent to come watch Hanul. The agent scouted her, and although it was another shock for her parents, after persuading, she was allowed to become a trainee.

family –
Choi Sun Jun |47 | CEO | A man who has really came from the gutter to the top. An intelligent man respectful to anyone, because he understands that hard work doesn’t necessarily mean success. Grateful of his life every moment.  | Father: She and her father have a touching, warm, funny, relationship. They play guitar together and go to karaoke together. XD Her father is extremely boastful of both her children, and tells other people on the street that she’s HANNAH!!, much to her embarrassment.
Choi Han Joo | 45 | Artist| A quiet woman who rose from poverty. Strict, but wise, and has a loving, loyal heart. Stayed with Hanul’s father the whole time he was depressed. | She and her mother have a quiet, profound, understanding relationship. They like to look at sunrises in silence. Her mother is the first person Hanul goes to for help.
Choi Suk Hyun | 23 | Professional Soccer Player | Confident and youthful. Loves life, and is living it the fast lane. Always active, always cheerful. A good “oppa” and “hyung” who does everything for the youngers ones and the kind of “dongsang” that could take down his hyungs, but respects them too much. Extremely overprotective of Hanul.  | She and her brother have a childish, carefree, teasing relationship. She steals his shirts all the time and never gives them back, saying they’re “soooooo comfy”. She often runs into his room at 6 am, grabs his shirt and runs out. He leaps out of his bed, runs after her, tackles her down, and tries to get it back. She has an iron grip on it and refuses. XD Her parents look on amusedly, too tired at 6 am to do anything. Welcome to the Choi Household.
Lee Cha Woon | 47 | Executive Producer (Buisnessman)  |Realistic, slightly lazy. Intelligent, but not wise. Often tempted to cheat. But initially kind. Loyal to his family. | He dotes on Hanul, but she’s always a little wary of him, and tries to avoid him.
Lee Eun Suk| 46 | Fashion Designer | Loyal to her family, not so much to her friends. Often gossips. But talented in what she does. | Again, she dotes on Hanul, but Hanul tries her best to avoid her, although of course, Hanul is respectful at all time.
(Lee Seung Hyun) Seungri from Big Bang| 20 | Idol  | Playful prankster, always boasting about how manly he is, but a big softie. Always picks on his dongsangs and makes them do chores (because he’s sick of being a maknae to Big Bang XD ) | Like a second, less protective oppa to Hanul. Hanul, Seungri, and Suk Hyun are all good childhood friends who still see each other over holidays and are quite comfortable with living together. Seungri always cheers Hanul on and dotes on her, but also makes her do his chores whenever he can. XD Suk Hyun scolds Seungri for this. Hanul and Seungri also have the same birthday! <3

best friends -
Jinyoung from B1A4 | 19 | Idol | Incredibly kind and soft, but fiercely passionate about music | Hanul went to a B1A4 performance and shyly asked for his autograph, but he recognized her! XD [FAIL] | Jinyoung thinks Hanul is unbelievably cute (personality-wise) and never lets her shy away from him. He always laughs and tells her she doesn’t need to be strong or charismatic in front of him. Hanul is still embarassed over them meeting, but has gradual come to love to spend time with him. Jinyoung is usually the talker, and Hanul just loves to listen to him. She hasn’t really started opening up to him yet, but Jinyoung seems to know how she is feeling without her even saying anything. Jinyoung, although he doesn’t know it, is infinitely precious to Hanul. He is the person that believes in her most, even though she hasn’t proved anything.
Sandara from 2NE1 | 27 | Idol | A no-bull kind of girl who tells it to you straight up, almost a tomboy| When Hanul was a backup dancer for 2NE1 once, she saved Dara from falling off stage, and she thanked Hanul after the performance.| Dara is Hanul’s unni. Dara always watches out for Hanul and tells her what she will experience, straight up. So if Dara knew about Hanul’s boyfriend cheating on her, Dara would tell Hanul right away. Dara is Hanul’s emotional support. Dara is the tough unni, and that’s how Hanul views her. Dara loves Hanul’s innocence and admires her passion for music. They hang out often.
friends -
Yoseob from B2ST | 21 | Idol | Cute (as we all know), and very warm, just as childish as Hanul really is, and confident, Lives in his own world| Both Hanul and Yoseob were on a talk show (like Star Golden Bell) and started arguing over a stuffed panda bear back stage. When the director yelled at both of them, they both realized how childish they were being and laughed at each other.| The only one that Hanul feels completely comfortable being her childish self. They hang out often, and go to amusement parks, karaoke, etc. They share a love of panda bears. XD
Jonghyun from SHINee | 21 | Idol | Very conscious of how people view him, constantly nervous, but very funny | When Hanul did a photoshoot with Jonghyun, he was really nervous and kept laughing. That kidn of natural aegyo made Hanul smile. She held his hand to calm him down, but he only got more nervous. | Hanul always supports Jonghyun with a “fighting!” and knows the softer side of Jonghyun. Jonghyun has a slight crush on her. But in general, they’re friends who talk when they run into each other, but don’t really go out with each other.
Leeteuk from Super Junior| 28 | Idol | Mature, confident, Responsible, Hilarious, Focuses on what’s going on in the moment, So not very thoughtful of anything but what he needs to be thinking of| Sunbaenim! He acknowledged Hanul first and wished her luck. When he realized how much she practiced, he started to practice with her and help her with anything musical she needed. | Leeteuk admires Hanul more than she knows and likes to spend time with her, but Hanul really is grateful for all his help and thinks of him as a musical mentor. They have a polite relationship, where Leeteuk is constantly trying to convince Hanul to not be formal and stop calling call him Sunbae, but she does anyways. 
Taeyang from Big Bang | 23 | Idol | Smooth, with a subtle sense of humor, modest | Met through Seungri at Big Bang’s makeup stage when Hanul stopped by once. | Again, oppa-dongsang relationship. He teases her a lot, but is ultimately very kind and sweet to her. Hanul thinks of him as an oppa and admires his dance and vocal skills. She is always cheering him on.

step 5 |

likes –
1. Wearing boys’ shirts (comfy XD) (this trait is inspired by me :3)
2. Glitter & Confetti (makes her feel :D)
3. Big Fat Headphones (like: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm182/XjennykimX/bigfat.jpg)
4. Cold Weather (Particulary Snow)
5. Coffee (To go with the Cold Weather)
6. Stuffed Animals (Especially Bears X) )

7. Trees (Make her feel serene)

8. Smokey Eyes (Her favorite eye makeup)

9. All music except Scream-o & Hardcore Spanish Music

10. Lee Jun Ki (XD) (the actor) 

dislikes -
1. Scripted/ False/ Overuse of Aegyo

2. Attracting Attention/ Fame

3. Anything that requires mathematical thinking

4. Bright, Colorful Makeup (Thinks makeup should look natural or enhance someone’s natural features)

5. Hot Weather & Sunlight

6. Polka Dotted Clothing (Ew.)

7. Crowded Places (Slight Claustrophobic)

8. Alcohol & Clubbing (Feels out of place)

9. People who are mean to Little Kids (are the worst)

10. People who hold up the line because they feel like they have to use Exact Change (Coins Instead of Bills) (D:<)

hobbies –

1. Composing Music & Choreographing Dances

2. Playing guitar & piano

3. Going to other artists’ performances

4. Watching street battles/ gigs (People who aren’t famous… Inspire her)

5. Taking long walks in the park early in the morning before the mist has settled

6. Snowboarding & Volleyball

7. Copying other groups’ dances (I think all idols do this)
8. Sketching (Charcoal and pencil) Of Landscapes & People

habits –

1. Listens to music 24/7

2. Falls asleep every two seconds when the weather is hot

3. Mouth opens like a gaping fish when she is tired and unable to focus

4. Has to hug something when she’s sleeping

5. Slipping into saturi when nervous or upset (Saturi is like slang English, and is severe in Busan [where she’s from])

6. Stopping and dancing to any music she hears anywhere (Hard to shop with her since she dances in every store she walks in XD)

7. Her hobby of taking a walk early in the morning is also kind-of a hobby

fears –

1. Letting down her group members (Practices everyday, even when it’s not required)

2. Never being in a relationship (Never getting your first kiss, etc. L)

3. Losing her musical ability (Again: practices everyday, even when it’s not required)

4. Losing a loved one (Everyone fears this, and if not, I pity them)
trivia –

1. She won the Singles Street Break-Dancing Battle at age 11.

2. Doesn’t need much sleep at all to function (2 hours will do)

3. Wears false glasses and big jackets to disguise herself in public

step 6 |

which group are you in – DUSK! <3 (If you really want to, you can change me to Dawn, just let me know.)

stage name – Hannah (English)

persona –
Silver Crown- Fierce, like a Queen. The Queen of Dance and Vocals. Sleek and sharp dance and movements like silver.
Blinding Light- Charismatic and fiery, Something so bright it blinds your eyes.

position – (In order of preference) main dancer | co-choreographer | sub-vocalist, leader | lead vocalist | sub dancer

fanclub name – Stars (Related to Hanul= Sky)

fanclub color – Royal Blue & Silver

how you got selected – When Hanul began to attend Seoul Middle School, she was told she needed two years of Art was required to graduate. So Hanul took Choir her first year. The Choir teacher was one of the few teachers Hanul bonded with, and that teacher really inspired Hanul to learn more about music. The next year, Hanul took 6/8 classes on music. Hanul wasn’t ever the star student, but the Choir teacher noticed that Hanul always had perfect attendance and near perfect grades, which was rare for any student in Seoul High. Then, rumors circulated about how Hanul was the Winner of the Street Dance Battle, and how her gigs at the café were the best. The choir teacher observed Hanul herself for a day and witnessed her passion and talent for music. The teacher called Hanul over and asked how serious Hanul was about music. Hanul said she wasn’t sure. She wanted to do it as a career, but she didn’t think she’d ever get the opportunity, and even if she did, she wasn’t sure if she’d ever become a good performer. The choir teacher’s close friend was an agent for the kpop industry and as a favor, went to observe Hanul. The agent, without ever saying he was an agent, followed Hanul around for a day. Recognizing her talent, the agent went straight to Hanul’s house a week later, and asked her parents (to their shock and Hanuls’ shock) for their permission for Hanul to become an idol.      

trainee background- As a trainee, Hanul was constantly pushed to the side by more competitive trainees. She had no idea what she getting herself into. The only reason she stayed as a trainee was because she found her lessons so interesting. She learned how to compose, to dance, to sing, to model, to be confident in her abilities. Deep inside, confidence in music formed. The instructors started to notice her her second year, when others were beginning to struggle. Hanul, quietly, was always there, always correct.

trainee years – 5.5 years

any rivals -
1. Yoona | 22 | SNSD | Yoona is fierce, hard-working, but plays to the screen. Her onstage personality is much more focused on herself, while offstage she’s a kinder person. | A lot of people compare Yoona with Hanul, and slowly, a rivalry formed. As they were always pitted together, and both of them are silently fierce and competitive, they began to try to outdo each other. Hanul hates how Yoona shoves off her members once the cameras start rolling. Yoona hates how Hanul isn’t as confident offstage as onstage, and calls her a fake.  | Mostly, they just glare at each other and avoid each other. But they aren’t very favorable towards each other when on camera. Yoona will spread rumors about Hanul on variety shows, and portray her as a . Hanul just flat-out says she doesn’t like Yoona, but Hanul won’t spread any rumors. In person, they just always having staring contests and will bump into each others’ shoulders on purpose, things like that.
2. Victoria | 21 | f(x)| Yoona is fierce, hard-working, but plays to the screen. Her onstage personality is much more focused on herself, while offstage she’s a kinder person. | Victoria stole Nichkhun from Hanul. | Victoria always taunts her, and although Hanul just scoffs at her, they are always trying to outperform each other.

step 7 |

partner – (In order of preference) Lee Joon of MBLAQ, Jaejoong of DBSK, Kikwang of B2ST

partner's personality -
Lee Joon of MBLAQ:
-Offstage: Offstage, Joon’s confidence fades. The hard work that gives him confidence on stage doesn’t make him invincible. He’s extremely sensitive to what other people think about him, maybe too much so. There is a mature side to him, but he doesn’t know how to express it. He can’t express any feeling that is even slightly related to unconfidence. He feels that he should always be the charismatic, perfect one and tries hard to live up to that façade. So although he would never admit it, he is constantly practicing, stressed, and zoned out. He relieves his stress through dating. When he’s dating, he knows he’s wanted. He only wants “dates”, he’s afraid that a deeper relationship will reveal the coward he is. So he only dates girls he thinks can take heartbreak and stays away from the girls he really likes because he doesn’t want to hurt them. Although clumsy and somewhat slow, Joon is ultimately a loyal, all-for-his-girl guy. He scoffs at anniversaries and such events, only to be the guy that does everything in his power possible to make that day special for his girl.
- Onstage: Onstage, Joon is extremely confident and straightforward. He pulls off girl waves better than the best girl groups. :3 He is smooth, fierce, and puts his all in the music. On stage, he is dependable and knows how to give fans what they want. Onstage, he is not afraid of showing skin or looking y. He is always the charismatic star of the group. Hot and manly when he wants to be hot and manly, and adorable and cute when he wants to be adorable and cute. When it comes to things like variety shows, he is always the camera X3, flashing his body ever which way.   
Jaejoong of DBSK:
-Offstage: Jaejoong is a classic gentleman, smooth and modest, always denying credit for his hard work. He does the sweet, old-style things such as opening doors, giving the girl his jacket, etc. His temperament is that he is extremely sweet and always eager to please. He likes to be the caretaker, and not to be taken care of.  Jaejoong is also very straightforward with his feelings; meaning h always knows what he wants, and goes after it right away. He is incredibly hard-working and organized, and therefore always confident of himself. He doesn’t ever show his weaker side, even to his closest friends. He is dependable and trustworthy, but sometimes takes more than he can handle, and doesn’t know when to ask for help.  
- Onstage: Onstage, Jaejoong is what he needs to be. He is the best actor; he can play the perfect gentleman that he is off-screen, or become a hot, y animal. He is also the charismatic star of his group, the visual and crowd-pleaser. Although he is the visual, Jaejoong actually puts more value, thought, and practice into his vocals, because that’s what he wants to be known for. He is always appreciative of his life and modest even on screen. He never uses aegyo. He’s the guy that although he won’t always be perfect, he tries his damn hardest to be the perfect gentleman, and when he fails, he doesn’t make excuses.

Kikwang of B2ST:
-Offstage: Offstage Kikwang has the same personality as onstage Kikwang and maybe that’s his most dominant and attractive trait: his honesty to himself. He won’t change for anyone, and he doesn’t need to. He’s not shy, but he’s very modest about his achievements. He isn’t afraid to show his body, but he doesn’t show his body for absolutely no reason but to show his body. He isn’t overprotective about his girl, but he will always be honest and talk to her if he feels something is wrong. He is open about his problems and doesn’t hide anything. That’s why he can always be so confident, mature, and reliable. He’s not the most passionate guy, but he will always, always be there for his girl.
- Onstage: Onstage, Kikwang is always the member the fans watch even when he isn’t the main star. His particular dance style (“American dance”) makes him easy to spot, and he isn’t afraid of letting loose on stage. He is always totally immersed in the music and sings and dances 110%.  Although he shows his body a lot on stage, he is always very conscious of how fans will take it. He is modest and very respectful on screen for interviews, etc. Kikwang doesn’t try to act a certain way, he just IS. His aegyo is cute, and his manly side is y, but he doesn’t try to be one of them all the time. He isn’t a camerawhore, in other words.  

how you met -
Lee Joon from MBLAQ: Hanul was hired as a back-up dancer for MBLAQ once. While she was waiting around, the stylist desperately asked her to help with the makeup as there wasn’t enough time or hands to go around. Hanul was assigned the eye makeup of Lee Joon. She decided to do the only thing she was good at: smokey eyes. When she saw Joon, she saw his sleeping face, and totally fell head over heels for him. (Cheesy, I know). Anyways, while she was doing his makeup, Joon woke up to her doing his makeup. He thought she looked cute and was secretly looking at her under his eyelashes. But once she got to eyeliner, she accidently poked him in the eye because it was open and she didn’t know! He yelled and grabbed his eyeball, much to her fright. That’s how they met. XD
Jaejoong from DBSK: When Hanul and Jaejoong were dance partners for a DBSK concert, Hanul accidently stepped on Jaejoong’s foot. Apologizing, Hanul took Jaejoong out to the only place she could afford- an ice cream shop. Laughing, Jaejoong took her to an expensive restaurant and paid himself. He found he liked teasing her and seeing her blush.
Kikwang from B2ST: Kikwang’s stylist asked Kikwang to grab her eyeliner from the place where she had last left it- the ladies’ bathroom. X) Kikwang calmly walked in and grabbed it and turned to go. But Hanul walked in right there, and when she saw him, she started screaming. Startled by Hanul’s screaming when he thought no one was there, Kikwang started shouting in response. When both of them calmed down, Kikwang apologized, introducted himself, and explained why he was in there. Hanul just stared at him, dumbstruck and frightened. So Kikwang took her with him to the makeup room to calm her down and tried to start casual conversation with her. XD
relationship with partner - [good meeting, bad start? Up to you. Do for each partner.]
Lee Joon: Initially, they were only physically attracted to each other and just passed by each other as acquaintances. But, as girls are, Hanul was always aware of when Joon was around her, and completely avoided him whenever possible. The second time Hanul saw Joon was at a club with four different girls. As mentioned before, Joon is a super playboy, and only messes with girls who he thinks can take the heartbreak. Therefore, although he had a genuine interest in Hanul, he doesn’t ever make any moves on her, although he wants to. Hanul just watches him out of the corner of her eye, and has a gigantic crush on him, although she keeps it to herself. She doesn’t know how to react to guys, can’t initiate a conversation, etc. :3 Hanul also doesn’t view herself as pretty or charismatic enough, as Joon always has some beautiful, y girl on his arm. Joon always silently watches her back. Both of them have the same problem that they work hard to get over and would never admit to each other: lack of confidence in self. Joon and Hanul would have a passionate, emotional, and awkward relationship that ultimately is love. They could never be “just friends”.  As for “good meeting”? I don’t think poking your crush in the eye is exactly a “good meeting”.
Jaejoong: It was a good first meeting, but Hanul would never dream that Jaejoong would like her. She thinks he’s too “godly” and “great” to be anything more than an “oppa” with her. But Jaejoong is someone that can accept her shyness, and try to win her heart over. Just because he’s always smiling and gentle, doesn’t mean he isn’t perceptive. He thinks her clumsiness is refreshing, and she is always pleased, although shy, about his straightforward and gentlemanlike manner. These two would always be friend and support each other, no matter who rejects who.

Kikwang: So, how they meet wasn’t exactly a “good start”. XD But it established a relationship where they always have something to laugh about (their embarrassing meeting), and where Kikwang, for the first time, finds himself worrying, and caring over, a girl. I think Kikwang would be surprised about his own feelings about Hanul, and same goes for Hanul. They would probably start as just friends to best friends to a more serious relationship, to both of their surprise. It would be slow, but ultimately, Kikwang would take the initiative and confess.

ex-relationship - Nichkhun | 22 | 2pm| Intensely loyal to a select few, Overprotective, Always wavering in his decisions | 2pm sunbae! So, he mentored Hanul for a bit. | Awkward, and unsure. He always hints at wanting to get back with her, but then ends up going back to Victoria. Hanul is always hopeful, believes in him, and gets her heart broken over and over again. She has finally decided to let go of him at the beginning of the story. | Victoria from f(x) broke them up during “We Got Married”.


step 8 |

any special requests? – Yes. Okay, if you do a kiss scene… well, I would want the guy to make the first move, and it to be in the rain. XP I know, what can I say? I’m lame.
And Love Triangle, please! Please use my love interests/ exes, any two. (:

anything we missed out? – Don’t think so… (:

you should know what to put here – Password…4. Well, I would suggest “Fireflies”, cause they come out at dusk, right? :P :P :P :P Um… or “Shadows”, cause dusk creates shadows. :P

just asking, if you weren't picked, do you still want to be in the story? If so, please state the top 2 that you want to be – N/A (: Sorry. ><

 Thanks for all your time and consideration.
If you want to make changes, please let me know!

Thanksssssssss! <3


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