Movie time


I am sure most of the 88 liners have watched historical dramas once. Maybe not too interesting and all, but still. The first one I've ever watched was Princess Pearl. A really great serie that I've liked ever since. But after that, I never actually watched any of them sort of genres. The thing is, I am not too fond of watching kings/princes and princesses stuff with whatever powers they have and the thing with flying and overly dramatized stuff and ofcourse exaggerating stuff. 

Anyways, one of the daughters of my employer let me watch one recently. Not a really old kind of time, but not too fancy at the same time. The story is about several clans fighting over power (like usual) and looking for swords. The more swords one possesses, the powerful the clan. So whenever they get wind of where possibly the sword is, they go over there and fight. There is this particular powerful sword which every clan wanted to have in their hands, but through several unexpected happenings some members of the clans get entwined together, they fall in love, rescue each other, suffer together, give up something just to protect the other and stuff like that. I am currently not that far with watching, but I am trying to understand the whole story. The thing is, they have quite a level of speaking in the serie and I can't quite follow all of them, because of lack of knowledge on the said language. 

I guess I just have to hope and learn more of the language and of course other languages as well to understand more pf movies, series etc. i've been watching Korean dramas too, but haven't watched all of them yet. Some of them just didn't appeal to me and I am one to get bored too easily. Anyways, I will try to find some epic series/dramas, just to entertain myself. I tend to be lazy too sometimes, hahah



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