Bangtan boys

Waaah~ it has been a while since I have posted something here in my blog. Nothing in particular to say, but today I have :)

I have been into BTS (Bangtan boys recently and am so happy for them they had their 3rd win. Congratulations to them boys. I hope fans will continue to support them and give them lots of love. Hope they will continue to make good music for us fans to listen to and grow bigger.

Anyways, since I have gotten myself in this hellhole (LOLZ), I decided to look up a community or communities dedicated to BTS. I found one specially for artworks and graphic stuff, then there is this communty specially for fanfics ^___^. And finally after a long and hectic search, I found a community specially for them where news and stuff are posted. I was a bit disappointed when I found out the community was not that active or lively like the other ones I am used to. I really wish and hope the community can become more popular now with BTS getting more fame.

So I asked the mod of the community about it and she/he said I could advertise. I am not going to make it overly dramatic, but rather simple.

Anyone who is interested, please visit this community and hopefully we can spazz and share our thoughts there? You do have to have a livejournal though to have access. Click here to join :)


Thank you very much!  Do help share this to other friends too :)


ps. I have not forgotten about my bbs EXO. I am sure we can share love for EXO with BTS too :)


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