XXb5 Application

AFF Username: XjennykimX

Character's Name: Kim Sung Hyun

Stage Name: Lee Shin

D.O.B: 12/12/1991

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 63 kg

Blood Type: AB

ual Orientation: Biual

Position: Main Dancer, Vocal, Musician

How you want to look: http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm182/XjennykimX/LeeJunKi5.jpg

Ulzzang Name: Lee Jun Ki

Personality: He is the type that seems to have two moods: cool and charismatic, or angry and overreacting.  He holds very tightly onto what he has, and tends to be overprotective and overanalyzes everything to be his fault. He focuses fully on those people important in his life and disregards others. He smiles wryly and likes to observe the irony of life. He doesn’t talk much, but he does think a lot. He really doesn’t concern himself with other peoples’ lives and doesn’t talk very much. He feels awkward and would never admit he likes the spotlight. He finds this freedom (to like the spotlight) as a model and performer. He blushes rather easily when it’s anything ual, like “you have a good body”. His uptightness is because of his nervousness to appear cool to everyone he cares about. If you don’t know him, he really is cool, independent, and charismatic. He’s like, a manly man, who takes care of his body. He’s the kind of guy that appears in dramas that are all cool until the girl gets to know them, and he’ll do anything for her and do the weirdest things, and get mad at himself. :3 He’s ultimately shy, and a big softie. He’s a caretaker, and can’t stand being taken care of. He isn’t scared of, but hates violence, due to his childhood. Also, he’ll scream like a girl as the touch of wet, squishy things (like squid or octopus), and grab the nearest person. (<- you can use that. Hehe.) But when determined and serious, he WILL get it done. No question. Most importantly, he always knows what he wants, and he is very honest. He just has trouble expressing his feelings. Makes friends with people equally as independent.


Family Background: He was born in Seoul, South Korea to a very abusive father and a mother who painted for money. His father was simply one of those people who found themselves behind an office desk everyday, and drank to forget how routine his life was. He took his problems out on Sung Hyun’s mother, who refused to give up painting even if it meant starving. Sung Hyun would often protect his mother from beatings. Ultimately, Sung Hyun took his mother and traveled to Incheon to live a new life there. He and his mother were barely able to pay to live there with the help of Sung Hyun’s close cousin, Kim Ji Eun. At Incheon, Jun Ki met an older boy who was into street dancing. Sung Hyun picked it up quickly, and started to sub-vocal and model for money. Ultimately, he was asked to audition. (: He is extremely close to his mother, who always supported him, and to his Hyung, who basically gave him a new life.


  • Father: Lee Jae Young, 43, Office Worker at SamSung
  • Mother: Lee Han Yah, 41, Full-time Painter
  • (Not Biological, the “Hyung” he met at Incheon): Choi Shin, 23, Part-time Model, Part-time Grocery Worker, Part-time Street Dancer
  • Cousin: Kim Ji Eun, 22, City Attorney


Training Background: He started off as a sub-vocal and model. He was recognized as a natural talent by _ Entertainment, and asked to audition. Due to financial problems, he left his mother to become a trainee. Once a trainee, he was always on time, always hard-working, but never appreciated because teachers would pick “favorites” and his withdrawn, silent personality would get in the way. However, when another boy trainee talked crap about his mother, they decided to settle it with a dance battle. A teacher watched without saying anything, and later asked Sung Hyun want his dream was. Sung Hyun said, “I want my mom to be okay. I don’t want her to have to stress about finance. I want to make my hyung proud when I dance on stage. I want to pay back my cousin who helped me. I want my dad to see my face on screen, to know I didn’t end up behind a desk like him. I want to be able to dance, and be the best, without having to say anything to prove it. I want to be able to sing, and be the best, without having to say anything to prove. I want to debut with boys just as passionate as me. That’s what I want.” The teacher studied him, and immediately went to the head and recommended Sung Hyun. Sung Hyun was a trainee for 3 years.


  • Coffee
  • Taking long runs in parks in mornings
  • Big Fat Headphones Like: http://www.c2coffer.com/data/pic/20110811/source_img/_S_1313064144103.jpg
  • Dances Like Super Junior, Kikwang from B2st, Jay Park Break Dance (Not just popping, tutting, something with movement of feet or core)
  • Loose Jackets, but Kind of Tight Shirts
  • Fly Swatters and Vacuum Cleaners and Tooth Brushes (Clean Freak…)
  • Korean BBQ and French Toast 0.0
  • Natural Aegyo, hates aegyo when on purpose
  • People With Their Own Opinions, Admires Confidence and Thought


  • Annoyed by Attention Seeker
  • Can’t Tolerate Violence of Any Kind
  • Scared of Wet, Squishy Things (Like Octopus)
  • Having to Dance in Really Fancy Clothing (Okay when Modeling, Not when dancing, prefers Simple)
  • People who use exact change (coins) and hold up the line)
  • Paparazzi
  • People who speak too softly, too shyly, and stutter, and can’t just say what they want
  • Alcohol (Although he’s good at drinking)
  • Glitter


  • Composing Music
  • Choreographing Dance
  • Photography and Modeling
  • Designing Fashion
  • Playing guitar, drums, singing in the shower…
  • Getting up early to exercise, sleeping late to compose/choreograph music on his own time


  • When he gets mad, he’ll slap his hand against something in time with his words. (Like “Why. Can’t. You. Under. Stand.!?)
  • Slips into Saturi when annoyed (His mother is from Busan)
  • When in a thoughtful mood, he usually rests his chin in his hand.
  • Clean Freak. XD
  • Has to wear reading glasses (habit? XD)
  • Always confused when he wakes up

Ideal Type: (In order of preference)
~ Lee Joon from MBLAQ

- Yuri from SNSD
- Gyuri from KARA
- Nana from AfterSchool

Reason why he's/she's your ideal type:
~ Lee Joon from MBLAQ: Starts with Hyung/Dongsang (Joon would be the Donsang), shockingly (on both sides) grows into something else.  Something inexplicably and unexplainably attractive about Joon to Sung Hyun. Childish, but still bad . Needs to be taken care of, but is also willing to be a caretaker. Immature, but aware of himself (he knows when he does something wrong). Overreacts naturally, and its very cute. Someone Sung Hyun would secretly laugh at, but also have ual feelings for.
-Yuri from SNSD: Would be neutral to at first, but gradually grow on you. She is natural, and mature, and still enjoys life. She develops very personal and close relationships with everyone she knows, because she’s very bright and honest. She isn’t afraid to have her own opinions and think for herself. She’s never conceited, but very obviously talented, which is something Sung Hyun wanted for himself. She’s generous and although quiet, isn’t shy.She is someone Sung Hyun can learn from, and have fun with.
- Gyuri from KARA: Would hate her at first. But underneath the strength and conceit, she has a mature and understanding, and not-all-that-confident personality that’s very natural and sad. She is someone Sung Hyun can help, and take care of.
- Nana from AfterSchool: Isn’t the type to catch your eye right away. But she has natural aegyo, shines on stage talent-wise, and isn’t obnoxious about anything. She’s cute, mature, and honest at the same time. She is someone Sung Hyun can grow with.  

Dongwoon from B2ST: He’s the boy, who out of jealously, talked crap about Sun Hyun’s mom. Obviously, he transferred to Cube and debuted with B2ST. He is your nemesis.
Kiseop: He’s an attention seeker that annoys Sung Hyun. Yet people always admire his body and looks. Sung Hyun and Kiseop both look alike, so they are always competing to be the best. Sung Hyun refuses to use Kiseop’s camera- tactics.  

Request a Scene: A scene where Sung Hyun sees his mom and hyung again and helplessly cries.
* Also, although he’s bi, he never had any ual feelings for his “hyung”. He still prefers girls, but he can be bi (like Joon XD).

Also, you can pair me up with another character, if you'd like. (:


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