Contact Info

AFF username: XjennykimX

AFF profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51314


Character’s Info

Full Name: Choi Hanul

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Date of Birth: 12/12/1991

Place of Birth: Daegu, Korea

Hometown: Daegu, Korea

Height: 162 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Blood type: O

Ethnicity:  100% South Korean

Language(s): Fluent Korean, Fluent English, Semi-Fluent Japanese


 She doesn’t ever mind being alone, but she loves to be with people, and she loves to share things with people, but she doesn’t know how to communicate very well. She always finds herself unable to show people her heart and then regretting it. It’s because she’s shy and she’s quiet, and she dislikes this about herself. She’s very observant and finds herself noticing things that most people don’t; for example, she’ll notice the sunset is prettier than usual, or she’ll be the only one who notices a kid is cheating on a test, and she won’t know how to tell these things to other people.

 In other words, she is talented and hard-working, competitive and mature, but she fears responsibility and is always overthinking and struggling with guilt. She can’t make her mind up very well, but when she does, she goes for it. She is a listener and trying to, but afraid of being a leader as no one as ever trusted her with something importance. She admires those that are confident, but she cannot stand sneaky selfish people. She is respectful and kind, but too shy to make a difference, and knows it.

She also has a humorous side. When she’s with someone she knows REALLY well, she’s use saturi and yell a lot. :3

            She appreciates the value of generosity and thoughtfulness of people and makes friends with nice people, but she ends up falling for bad boys with lots of charisma and confidence. She has a bright sense of humor, but she rarely tells jokes. Lots of potential, but very hesitant. She shys away from people she likes most. She really just wants a friend who makes her look them in the eye and tell the truth, and she wants a partner who will see past her fears, and just shove her up against a wall and kiss her. <3 <3









Ulzzang Name: Grace Last Name: N/A (you can find her mostly at spicyholic)

Back-up Ulzzang: Song Hye Kyo http://i296.photobucket.com/albums/mm182/XjennykimX/SongHyeKyo.jpg

Fashion Style:

She dresses depending on the season, but it always has to have a classic feel. So lot’s of cardigans, button-ups, wool sweaters, boots in colder weather, and in warm weather, light draping t-shirts and high-waisted shorts and sneakers. She doesn’t wear lace or sandals, never a lot of make-up or jewelry, and she feels really awkward in dresses of any sort. She loves scarves, loose, somewhat flowy clothing and she loves tops that have sleeves that go to her finger-tips because they make her feel fuzzy. ^^ When she’s modeling or going formal, it’s all about being sharp, modern, and black with classic colors.

Training/Dorm style:






Casual Style:








Formal Style:








  • Long walks in the park
  • Coffee
  •  Big fat headphones
  • antiques (old journals, old lamps)
  •  Flowers (esp. roses)
  •  Stuffed animals
  •  Fluffly blankets
  •  Ramen
  • panda bears
  •  romantic stories
  • Orchestral music


  • Attention seekers
  •  polka dots,
  • tight and revealing clothing
  •  scream-o music
  •  people who use exact change (coins) and therefore hold up the line
  • appeal mixed with dance (like waves)


  • choreographing dance
  •  composing music
  • Photography
  • modeling
  •  playing piano
  •  drawing people
  •  designing fashion


  • Slipping into saturi dialect when nervous
  •  avoiding eye contact
  •  crossing her arms when she feels guilty
  •   in her bottom lip when thinking
  •  crossing feet when standing


  • Street Battle Winner (break-dancer, krumping, tutting) at age 13
  •  Favorite animals are platypus, blue-footed y, and red panda
  • She likes the symbol of cute wings. Like: http://www.kaboodle.com/hi/img/2/0/0/65/0/AAAAAn9qrUgAAAAAAGUKPw.jpg
  • Her favorite season is winter: walks on sunny winter days, sipping coffee and wearing fuzzy, long clothing on cloudy days, playing piano on rainy days
  • She’s a healthy eater; except for coffee and ramen.

Extra Talents:

  • Choreographing dance
  • Composing Music
  • Playing Piano
  • Designing/ Modeling Fashion


Background Info

Past/Family Background:

            Hanul was a normal school girl who escaped to the streets to get away from home, where her mom and dad always argued. She came upon street dancing, and quietly took to it. Her father left to Seoul abruptly, and her mother stayed in Daegu. Hanul lived with her mother and sister and brother, until she went viral. When she was scouted, her father brought her over to him to try to guide her away from the arts. She refused, and was sent to Seoul Boarding Academy. Her father said that she could only become an idol when she finished high school. Hanul, extremely bright and motivated, finished at age 14. The consequence was that she was often picked on and always surrounded by prettier, more mature, and much more intelligent girls and boys. But she quietly finished. She returned to Daegu and auditioned. (see Family for more detail, I didn’t want to waste your time and repeat myself. ) (:  

Trainee Background:

After school, Hanul would dance in the streets (like street battles) all the time. Her reputation rose and people would come to see her dance in the streets. Videos of her were posted online, and went viral. Eventually, the Cube Ent. Took interest and went to see her. He asked her to audition, and she passed with flying colors, especially her vocal section. She was forced to stay at home with her dad until she finished high school though, which she did at age 14.

As a trainee, she didn’t make very many friends, except with her teachers. The teachers liked her because she was quiet, not obnoxious, not ty, and hard-working.

Trainee Years: 4.5 years


~Born in Daegu in small village to a family of four. Your parents are divorced.
~ Father : Choi Sukhyun: Lives in Seoul, a strict buisnessman, rose from the dregs of society to CEO of company, firmly believes in education. Strictly forced Hanul to finish high school at age 14 if she wanted to become an idol. Loves and cares for his daughter, but doesn’t ever show it because he doesn’t approve of what Hanul is doing.
~Mother: Choi Jieun: An artist (painter), lives in Daegu with Hanul’s grandmother, the daughter of a CEO (her father helped Sukhyun rise), shunned by her family for being an artist, therefore she supports and is proud of Hanul and visits her often, tired and worn-out but always kind, wears a sad smile.
~ Older Sister: Choi Suyeon (19) Attention-seeking and Selfish of her younger siblings because they are more attractive than her, clingy, but academically intelligent. Lives at college dorms.
~Younger Brother: Choi  Dongwoo (15) Honest and bright, somewhat smart, Looks much more mature than his age, Girls fall for him all the time, he enjoys their attention, but never takes their attention seriously and never leads them on. Lives with their mother and grandmother.


Stage Info

Stage Name: Lee Jin

Persona: Boy Dancer (Doesn’t do the y thing, just dances), Shy Talent (Talented, but blushes easily and doesn’t willing perform) On and Off (Doesn’t like to perform, but gets very competitive when she wants to) [I’m terrible at this, haha, help meeee]  

Position: Put a x in the [] you want

[] Main Vocalist + Sub Dancer (can be maknae)

[x] Main Dancer  + Sub Vocalist (can be maknae)

[] Main Rapper + Sub Dancer (can be maknae)

[] Lead Vocalist + Sub Rapper (Leader)

[] Lead Rapper + Sub Dancer (can be maknae)

[] And i will need 4 jack of all trades.


What are you to the group:

The quiet one, only the center of attention of talents, not personality. Mature, a caretaker. A target for jokes, as she gets easily embarrassed and doesn’t fight back.

Own Fanclub Name: Wings

Own Fanclub Color: Baby blue and gold.

Other Jobs: Model, Composer, Choreographer, Fashion Designer


Relationship Info


Lee Joon (MBLAQ) from JTUNE entertainment, 20

Kikwang (B2ST) Cube entertainment, 22

Kevin (U-Kiss) NH media, 19

Their Personalities:
Joon: A playboy who never dates the girls he really respect and care for. Acts carefree and confident, has a great passion for music, but is actually kinda a softie. (: Is very curious, like a child. Pushes away people he really likes.
Kikwang: Cute and y at the same time, fantastic dancer, always the center of attention, and very bright and happy. Always acts like an older brother, but never acts like a partner to a girl. 
Kevin: Very generous and loves cute things, like Hanul. Doesn’t often show his thoughtful side. Is very kind and always bubbly, loves to meet people and go places (never tires out XD). Often notices and helps the quiet people always on the sidelines.

How did you guys met?

Joon: Hanul was a backup dancer and makeup artist for MBLAQ at one point. He recognized her when she was doing his makeup. Also recognized her on stage and admires her dancing. He attended a fashion show in which she modeled after that. Hanul saw him filming a music video once, and shyly waved, and he waved back. :3  

Kikwang: Not very close, but he was impressed at your dancing during a street battle, and recognized her when he saw her as a trainee idol. Has asked her to partner dance with him, so he is Hanul’s dance training partner.

Kevin: Approached Hanul when he saw how shy she was, and became Hanul’s vocal training partner at his request.

Best friend(s): Yoseob from B2ST, Yuri from SNSD, and Jonghyun from SHINee.  

How did you become best friends?:
Yoseob: Met on variety show, Hanul and he fought over a stuffed panda until the director yelled at them to stop, and they laughed at their immaturity, they also love each other’s voices and support each other .
Jonghyun: Had to collaborate with him for a photoshoot, he was nervous and kept laughing, making Hanul laugh and Hanul kindly held his hand to make him feel less nervous

Yuri: Was a model for fashion show; Hanul and she recognized each other and started talking. They realized they had the same taste in guys and bonded.

Friend(s): T.O.P., G.D. (Both Big Bang), Jo Kwon from 2pm

How did you become friends?:

T.O.P.: Was Hanul’s rapping teacher at one point. They bicker constantly, but love each other as oppa and songsang.

G.D: Was Hanul’s composing teacher at one point. He’s very kind to her and is always there to help her with anything music-related.

Jo Kwon: Was a model for Hanul’s fashion show, made her laugh constantly at his ridiculous poses. Hanul approached him afterwards and asked him to do all her shows.


Eunhyuk from SJ: They are respectful to each other and honestly root for each other, but they always end up competing for dance, and both of them get very competitive.  

Extra Info

Singing: Similar to Yoseob’s Vocal. If you listen to Going Crazy by Ji Eun, she sounds like the girl part there. Or like Park Bom.

Dancing: Like Jay Park, Super Junior Eunhyuk or Leeteuk, and also like Kikwang from B2ST.

Rapping: Sounds like 2Ne1’s Dara. Not really girly at all.   


Anything Else about your character you want me to include or anything you want to happen in the story??
A scene where Joon is worried about her, and it ends up being nothing, and Joon gets mad at himself. I love those scenes in dramas, they’re so cute. X3

Password: Lee Joon!


Thanks. <3


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