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About you:

Username: XjennykimX

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Character Info:

Name: Choi Ha Jin

Nickname: N/A

Date of Birth: 12/12/1996

Age: 18 years

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Los Angeles, California, USA

Ethnicity: Korean

Height/Weight: 171 cm, 49kg


Ulzzang Name: Lee Eun Ji
Ulzzang Images:




Fashion style:
Good fashion sense when formal/needed! :D But usually very loose or comfortable clothing for a daily basis.
In cooler weather, she dresses somewhat mature. She loves draping shirts, hoodies, parkas, and trench coats, with sleeves that cover her fingers. She loves to wear fuzzy and long socks and open- gloves. She always has a scarf wrapped warmly around her neck or a beanie on her head. She usually just wears jeans.

In summer weather, she dresses like a teenager/child. She likes normal tees, zip-up jackets, running shorts, and sneakers (like white VANS or blue Converse). She will wear colorful bracelets and glasses. She loves wears thing with cartoons/characters on it.


Ha Jin is bright, charismatic, competitive, independent, tomboyish, and vivacious. She’s always busy somehow, busy trying to be the best. If she’s at an athletic competition, she’ll be attracting attention for her fierce athletic attitude and skills. If she’s at a musical competition, she’ll be the star for her give-it-all attitude. In short, she draws attraction. She finds it extremely easy to focus because she only does the things she likes and is good at. For example, you will always find her playing sports or practicing music, you will never see this girl with any book but a manga, sports magazine, or songbook. And those glasses will never be reading glasses. She is a natural-born leader, slightly rebellious when it comes to minor rules. She won’t drink underage or anything, but tell her not to break curfew, and she’ll break curfew. She’s reliable, loyal, and kind- but everything except family comes after her. Ask her to get you snacks, and she certainly will, but only after she’s gotten her own. She’s responsible for herself and a fun friend but sometimes people doubt how reliable and generous she is. She’s ambitious, not exactly selfish, but sometimes narrow-minded and self-centered. She respects major things, like people’s passions for different things, or religious or political views, but she can be very narrow-minded about people’s life situations. She doesn’t think that anyone has an advantage or disadvantage, but sometimes in life, people are born advantageously or not. For example, she thinks everyone can become a model if they want, but this isn’t always the truth in real life. She’s naïve about things like that. She doesn’t believe in excuses, which she good, but sometimes she doesn’t listen to reason. She would challenge anyone in any sport or musical field, even experienced sunbaenims, for her pride. When she wins, she really dominates, and when she crashes, she falls hard. An all or nothing kind of girl, which makes people love her and hate her seconds later. That’s why she is so charismatic, but also ultimately independent. She doesn’t lean on anyone, and rarely, rarely lets anyone lean on her. If you are her fan, she’s your biggest fan and supporter, but she won’t ever take excuses. She’s not judgmental, but she’s not very understanding either.

Good things about her include her sense of humor, her sense of making you belong, her great confidence (which she tries to give to her friends through pep talks and such), her ambition, and her aggressiveness (ability to confidently take bets and risks), and her belief in people’s ability to succeed (she believes you can always succeed, no matter who you are, as long as you’re not versing her ><).    

Another negative thing about her is that because she always expects to be the best, she has a hot temper and will get frustrated rather quickly. It makes it hard for people to work with her. Furthermore, she doesn’t take criticism well. Despite her best attempts, she will continue to be sullen around that person for a long time and start bad-mouthing that person in her head. She loves to learn, but she gets impatient and wants to excel faster than she should or could. For example, if her guitar teacher tells her to practice for a week and come back, she stills expects to master it in a few hours and gets mad when she doesn’t. She can get very irritable, huffy, and teenager-like when things don’t go her way. Sometimes, although her words don’t indicate this, her actions indicate arrogance. She damn well works her off, and loves what she is doing, but when someone threatens her spotlight, be it friend or not, she automatically feels sullen and somewhat annoyed. She expects to be the best, always. It makes it hard for people to get close to her, and she gets bad-mouthed by a lot of jealous girls and also by wiser sunbaenims who know that she would learn more from just calming down and taking the time to really digest things.  

1. Wearing boys’ shirts

2. Competition (Taking Dares or Taking Bets [Ex. Playing volleyball one-on-one for money])

3. Adrenaline (Motorcycles, Roller coasters, etc.)  

4. Stuffed Animals (What girl doesn’t?)

5. Soft Non-carbonated Drinks (Like Aloe, Calpico, Sobe)  

6. Internet Shopping XD

7. City Life

8. Attention/ Fame (Likes people asking her for autographs)

9. Rocker Look (Loves Leather Jackets, Ripped Jeans, Smokey Eyes)

10. Crystals/ Glitter (Attractive to her) (Wears something with crystals or glitters for every stage/formal outfit)  

11. Sleep <3

12. Hip Hop

13. Idol Life (Glitz and Glamour of it all)


1. People who do things slowly (Walking, driving, etc.)

2. Clingy People (Tends to not like children either)

3. Aegyo (It’s not cute to her -.-)

4. Bright, Colorful Makeup (Gross!)

5. Academics (Except Music/Dance Theory)

6. The y Concept (Thinks it degrades girls)

7. Bugs (Scare the crap out of her)

8. Messiness/ Body Odor (Cannot stand disorganization)

9. Whiny People

10. Cheesy Romantic Movies/ Stories/ Mangas

11. Acting (Feels cheesy)


1. Becomes focused whenever she feels her throne being threatened

2. Sleeping outside when the dorm is too hot

3. Listening to Music 24/7

4. Has to hug something with her arms when sleeping (Pillow, Stuffed Animal, Person…)

5. Slips into Saturi dialect when surprised or amazed


1. Creating Acoustic Covers of Pop/Rock Songs

2. Sports (Snowboarding, Volleyball, Basketball, etc.)

3. Street Performing (Go out to the streets to perform)

4. DJ-ing

5. Playing arcade games (Like Racing Games and Dance Revolution, hahaha)

6. Modeling


1. She hasn’t been sick since she was ten.

2. She refuses to be made fun of, even on variety shows and interviews.

3. She’s secretly afraid of bugs, she’d never admit it.

4. She’s a rebel in some respects, but she isn’t attracted to partying, , and drinking/smoking.

5. She won a National Lyrics & Composition Contest at age 15.

6. Her favorite weather is misty weather.

7. Loves powerful raps and dances, but soft vocals.

Family members: *(Put their name, age, job and at least a sentence on their personality. Max 3 idol family members.)

Choi Min Seok (since Minho has an older brother…)/ 22/ College Student/ Very kind and gentle, not really competitive. A caretaker of the family who treats his siblings all the time. Studious and responsible.

Choi Minho/ 20/ SHINee member/ Competitive (always bickering), but also very dependable. Overly protective of his sister, completely against her dating. Very similar to his sister, but a bit wiser and more mature.

Family Background: As a child, her parents loved her, but barely looked after her since their hands were full with their jobs and her two older brothers, since their ages were so that when her brothers’ were graduating or auditioning, Ha Jin was growing up. By the time both brothers were successful in their endeavors, Ha Jin had already been scouted. She’d grown a little arrogant since she’d never really been taught by her parents. Her parents are always sorry towards her and treat her like a princess now, but they feel a little awkward and disconnected  with each other. Ha Jin is closer to her brothers, who supported her every step of the way and was there for her first tooth, first crush, first everything... Min Seok feels somewhat like her dad.  


Stage Name: Jin

Fanclub Name: Royals (Since her persona is Queen)

Fanclub colour: Glitter Black

Persona: Tomboy Queen

Positons: (In order of preference)

1. Lead Rapper

2. Lead Dancer

3. Main Dancer

Extra Jobs:
1. Model

2. Composer/Lyricist

3. Guitarist/Pianist (Back-up band player)

Trainee Years: 3 years

Trainee History: Originally scouted by SM Ent. because her brother referred her and she auditioned well enough, placing 5th out of 3000 at age 15. She was a trainee for a year before she was transferred to YG. She was transferred because she was more the Big Bang/2NE1 style and not so much SNSD/SHINee style. President YG admired her hard work and passion, and liked her sense of humor, but didn’t really like her arrogant nature. He always spoke well of her, but tended to avoid her and decided to put Minzy instead of her into 2NE1 because he wanted her to become more humble. Instead, he had you model and compose often. Sometimes you were a backup dancer or backup singer for many different YG groups.

Rap: (1:35-1:53)

Dance:  (Jay Park and Yunho part [except the revealing parts aha]

Personal Life:

Friends: (Tend to be vocalists as Ha Jin isn’t so competitive when it comes to vocals)

1. BoA: Best Friend. The mature and reliable unnie who always knows the right thing to say. Sometimes she encourages and sometimes she sharply scolds Ha Jin. Ha Jin trusts her completely and admits her loss only to BoA as the greatest singer and dancer.

2. Junhyung from B2ST: Best Friend. Both have similar senses of humor and Ha Jin likes his chill attitude to everything. It lets her relax.

3. Tablo from Epik High: Friend. Her composition/lyrics mentor, Tablo clicks with Ha Jin in that they both throw their lives into music. They admire and respect each other, but they don’t really hang out all that often.

4. Yoseob from B2ST: Friend. Yoseob and Ha Jin appreciate each other musical talents and their attitude on music is the same: all or nothing. They are each others’ biggest cheerleaders.  

5. Amber from f(x): Best Friend. Both are tomboys that are always messing around and love dance. They enjoy each others’ companies a lot.

6. Jonghyun from SHInee: Friend. Sometimes childish, but never using aegyo, Ha Jin finds him a cute oppa. Plus, his humble yet hardworking attitude towards his amazing voice makes Ha Jin admire him.

7. Suzy from Miss A: Best Friend. Ha Jin is attracted to her quiet confidence and they often Internet shop together… and look at boys.

8. Wooyoung from 2pm: Friend. Wooyoung is hilarious and shares the Busan accent, instantly confirming them as friends.

9. Thunder from MBLAQ: Best Friend. He also pokes fun at her and makes her annoyed, but is also the person who can spot Ha Jin’s insecurities when no one else can.  


1. Myungsoo- First crush, later lover?  (2.5 years difference)

Personality of Partners:
Myungsoo: Seems like a cold ice prince, but is really slightly a dork. Doesn’t use aegyo, but still warm and cute. His ability to laugh at himself and move on with his life, plus his overwhelming charisma is attractive to Ha Jin. Myungsoo is just respectful to her, and Ha Jin is actually just star-struck. When Ha Jin tries to impress him by acting arrogant, he just brushes her off. But when Myungsoo notices Ha Jin challenging an arrogant sunbaenim and lose and he sees her sad face, and later when he sees her practicing in the dead of night, he starts to respect her and become attracted to her.  [Cheesy, I know.] When you are sad, he always comes over to you and tries to cheer you up by stealing you from practice and taking you to buy stuffed animals or by just watching you practice and cheering you on. Whether he’s happy or sad, he tries to just hide it and look cold, but it shows. When he’s sad, he blanks out a lot. When he’s angry, he becomes very cold and distant. When he’s happy, he slowly smiles until he catches himself and puts his mask back on. He laughs a lot when he’s happy, and looks down a lot when he’s sad. He usually goes running when he is sad or angry. He gets jealous easily. :]

>He is running and he finds her sleeping outside. XD

>He steals her to go buy stuffed animals.

>He sees her fail, and then practice extremely hard when everyone is sleeping.

>She composes a soft, lyrical song and sings it for him to make him feel better. <3


1. Minzy of 2NE1- Well, Minzy took Ha Jin’s spot in 2NE1.

2. Eunhyuk of Super Junior- Eunhyuk is slightly arrogant himself and hates how Ha Jin is so confident she will beat him in dance and music. Eunhyuk should be the sunbaenim that Ha Jin loses to at first.

3. Minho of SHINee- Siblings, often compared, both competitive, both rappers, both composers, personally know each other… I sense competition.

Anything else?/Anything you want to happen?:

I hope she grows up in this story. Knows that global fame is not as important as the people right next to you that trust you for who you are.


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