Passion Application

*Name: Lee Ha Jin

Nickname: Ha-yah (means “sun”)

*Age: 18

*Birthday: December 12, 1993

*Ethnicity: Korean

*Place of Birth: Daegu, South Korea

Blood Type: O

*Height (cm): 170 cm

*Weight (kg): 47 kg

*Languages: Fluent in Japanese & Korean, Semifluent in English

Twitter (real or fake): Fake. @JinofPassion

*Likes: Sunshine, Bracelets, Stuffed Animals, Guitar, Cute Stationary, Geek-Style Clothing [Fake Glasses, Plaid Skirts, Too-big sweaters, Button-up shirts], Hugs, Running, Glitter, Heights, Acoustic Versions of Songs, Poetry Compositions, Math Problems

*Dislikes: Candy, Too much Makeup, Citrus, Metal (ex. Piercings, Metallic Colors), Windy Days, Fame Offstage, Crowded Places, Parties, Alcohol, Competitive People, Obnoxious People, Snow, People Who Stereotype Nerds As Awkward and Unskilled (since she is one herself), Cloudy Days, Rainy Days (basically any day she can’t see the sun)

Stage Name: Jin

*Position: Main Dancer

*Description: The sunny girl who hates rain clouds and always trips over her feet trying to chase them away. The nerdy one who owns an intelligent mind, but also an emotional, clear, soft and light voice. The childish one who takes music as seriously as her life.


        Ha Jin is a very bright girl: she is both intelligent and constantly cheerful. She lives somewhat in her own world and rarely thinks of what anyone else thinks of her. Her saying is “Live with no regrets”, so once she makes a decision, she flings herself wholeheartedly into it. She is very sociable and makes friends very easily, but is also careful at walking the thin line between “sociable” and “attention seeker”. Sometimes she crosses that line, but she knows when she does. She knows how to open people up, but finds it hard to talk about herself without being too subjective (she brags or is too hard on herself), so she tends to build half-relationships with people (meaning they like her and enjoy her company, but find it hard to completely trust her). 

        Her main problem is communicating her issues with other people. She has a hard time slowing down and explaining to people her emotions and instead, tends to push people away. This is especially true when she is tired or angry. She isn’t good at taking criticism. Another bad trait is that she really doesn’t believe in second chances for anyone, and often fails to appreciate what other people do to gain her trust or make her happy.  

        On the other hand, a positive trait about her is that she thrives under pressure. The more pressure there is, the more confident she becomes in herself. This makes her very charismatic and reliable in the eyes of other people.

        She is usually a very cheerful individual who is good at helping others, but stubborn when it comes to admitting problems herself. She always knows how to cheer others up, but she rarely knows how to cheer herself up. Music is one outlet that works for her, but it doesn’t always work.

        She is a bit 3-D, spacing out often, but has a light heart, and although her process of growing up is sure to be clumsy and full of trips and falls, in the end, because of her members, she will be a gracious and open-minded girl.

*Friends (no more than 3): Minho from SHINee, WooHyun from Infinite, Eunjung from T-ARA

*Crush (someone you love): Myungsoo from Infinite (Hopefully my lover at the end? ^^;)

Rival: Seungri from Big Bang

*Ulzzang Link: (Lee Eun Ji)


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