Application for Bombshells Away - Soojin

Hello!~ Here is my application for Bombshells Away ^^ Enjoy~



Creator 001

 Username: iwanttoeet

The Character 002


 Bombshell's name: Yoo Soojin

Nickname: Susu

Rank: Beta Decoy. I am the master of shadows and disguise.


 Where did you live before coming to Base 27/Mars:

I came from Neptune's tenth moon, Sao. The horrible, cold environment taught me to fend for myself in that desolate wasteland.



Korean-Chinese Neptunian.


DOB (Date of birth)

September 26, 1993 (Age 18 in Earth years).


Brief overview of life: The people I hate are the ones who treated me as an outcast on Sao. I want revenge against those people who alienated me, making me feel as if I was sub-human. The hate, the discrimination, the physical, mental, emotional, and social torture... I want it all thrown back at them. I want them to feel what I felt and bear the same scars that I carry.

One or more treasured or tragic memories that may contribute to who you are.

On Sao, people feared my powers. They were unheard of, and people fear the unknown. Even my family was afraid of me. Not wanting to see other people's reactions to me, I often ran and hid in secluded areas where I could be by myself and think. Sometimes I even pretended to be somebody else. I disguised myself, and for some reason I was never caught. That is probably why I am so comfortable playing the part of somebody else and hiding in the shadows. 

Do you have any idea why you became a Cadet? I know it's fuzzy, but why would you want to become a heroine who protects people of all planets from outer-glactic terrors?

Whenever I see someone in need of help, it stirs strange, sympathetic feelings in my heart. I know these feelings will bring nothing but trouble, but I can't simply suppress them. So I take action.


Bring the boys out! 003

Jung Daehyun [B.A.P]:

I was paying a visit to South Korea when a bright blonde head of hair caught my attention. It was a boy, whose name I later learned was Jung Daehyun. I followed him for a while until I saw him enter a small corner bookstore, where he apparently worked. Curiousity peaked, I went in and "accidentally" bumped into him. He helped me up and apologized, and offered to take me out as an apology. I accepted, and I remember it was the most fun I'd had in a long, long time. Too soon, I had to leave, but I visited frequently. We saw each other more and more, and we soon became very close. I was extremely attached to him. He was a pleasant distraction from my duties in space. No, he was more than just a distraction. He was like a drug to me.

One rainy evening, I was waiting for him on a street corner because we were meeting again. As soon as I saw him, I waved at him. He saw me and started to run across the street. Too late, I noticed the bus coming his way. I shouted at him to turn back, but it was too late. He was hit. Blood was everywhere. I knew that if I had jumped in front of him, if I had saved him, he would have survived, regardless of my exposure as an alien being. I would have lived, but he was a mere human. One hit, and they're gone.

Heartbroken, I fled the scene. Everything after that is hazy, so I don't remember well. I do remember that I returned to space in a daze, mouring the loss of my beloved. From then on I taught myself not to love, because if I did, people would get hurt.

(Sorry, I couldn't help but write a sob story D:)


Is he an enemy now? Why is an enemy?

No. He is dead.


Choose one Make one! 004

Identity Card: As a master of disguise, this is a must.


 Freeze!(soy un dorito! kidding having a little fun) 005

I am terrified of heights. Heights and I have never gone well together. I am also horrified and disgusted by creatures with more than the normal amount of facial features, such as more than two eyes or more than one mouth. Or, heaven forbid, more than one chin. Ugh.


With Rebirth comes power 006

I can manipulate blood. It sounds quite creepy. Whether it is a huge puddle or a mere droplet, I can change its form into anything to suit my needs, be it a weapon or a tool. It can be my blood, or another person's, or even an animal's blood. I can also use its composition, break it down into its basic elements. For example, if there is enough blood, I can extract the iron to make a weapon. I can also kill another by draining them of blood. It's similar to a vampire, except I don't drink it. I simply place a hand on an artery or vein and pull, in effect draining them.


I like…Ugh I hate that 007


Peaceful, quiet environments

Reading and books


The combination of blue and orange

Various fruits


4+ dislikes

Earth vehicles and automobiles


Spicy foods

Sour candy

People who talk too much

People who speak before they think

1+ trivia

I love technology, especially headphones and music players. I could easily become the Beta Techie if I wanted to, but I choose to stay in disguise, where I am most comfortable.


New to Old  008

Model name/link: Song Ah Ri













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Magnifico, sob stories make everything interesting. Though I was like Daehyun NOOO! You've definitely captured me, i love this!