♛ Royalty Application [ XjennykimX | male ]

★▬▬personal information. 

username: XjennykimX
profile link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/51314

★▬▬character information.  

name: Kim Jae Joon
nicknames: Jay, Joon
birthdate & age: December 23, 1993 & 18 years
place of birth: Busan, South Korea
hometown: Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity: South Korean
languages spoken: Fluent South Korean, Fluent English, Semifluent Japanese

                   His initial reaction to anyone or anything is careful indifference. He never reactions, initiates, and barely responds to anyone primarily. He isn’t disrespectful or arrogant, but you can tell he prefers to be aloof and is extremely cold. He practices more than anyone, and he’s extremely intense about music. He’s always perfect when it comes to music: never messes up in dance, tempo, pitch… Although his intentions are never bad, he always tends to break curfew, whether running, or practicing, or whatever. He does his own thing, and unless the consequence is terrible, he doesn’t care not to do it. He has a strong sense of independency and pride. The one exception to his non-chalant, I-don’t-care-about-you attitude is when he is challenged, he’ll take it head-on. No cheating, no anything, but he will be desperate to win.

                But everything else, he struggles with inside. Off the stage, he finds it hard to be confident. Onstage, intenseness and coldness are considered charismatic, but offstage, people aren’t as kind. His own feelings confuse him, because what he wants and what his past tells him are too different things. His mind works at about 1,000 thoughts a minute and he has a hard time sleeping. He finds peace in nature, and music, and the few friends he’s managed to find over the years.

                Once your friend though, he is extremely loyal, although shy about it. He’s a humorous and witty guy towards other guys. For a girl, he’s the kind of guy who will tell you celebrating anniversaries are stupid, but then go out and secretly do everything he can to make it a perfect day for her. He’s always a little shy, insecure, and childish inside. His honest side, and his inability to lie is cute, somewhat awkward, but ultimately is the only thing that makes him understandable and approachable.

                He’s responsible, mature, but not confident. But he’s a pretty chill guy. I would think of him as a sort of “mother” among the boys, always kicking them to wake them up in the morning. Among girls, well, he’d be the “talented but rude and sarcastic” one.

                Also, he’s extremely observant. He thinks so much and doesn’t speak a lot. But he tends to sense what mood someone is in, therefore he tends to be attracted to other people who feel like misfits. People who feel lonely, sad… etc. He’s a caretaker, ultimately. He can’t stand being taken care of.
background: He was born in Busan, South Korea in a small rural village. He lived a normal childhood, but witnessed his parents divorcing at age 5. His father moved to Seoul to become a business CEO, and took Jae Joon with him.  There, his father was extremely successful, and Jae Joon was set to be the next CEO. He took all the business, accounting, marketing, classes and language classes, and was a top ranked academic child, as well as a formidable athlete, as expected of him. However, in terms of his personal and social life, Jae Joon became cold and cautious when many of his “friends” and their “parents” tried to earn points from him because he was destined to be the next CEO. At some point, music became his outlet. It started with dance battles in the street, and escalated to instruments and vocals at his prestigious school, Seoul Academy, where his music teacher was compassionate on his situation and gave him free private lessons. He auditioned behind his father’s back when he was twelve years old, and was barely accepted. When he told his father, his father disowned him, stating he was just like his mother. As a trainee, Jae Joon was extremely focused, passionate, and determined to catch up. His motivation came from his passion for music, but also his drive to prove his father wrong.
likes: cold weather, motorcycling, break dance, ramen, saturi accents, cleanliness and organization, headphones, homemade things, watching stars or sunsets
dislike: physical touch, fame offstage, variety shows, aegyo, jewelry, yelling at a child {can’t stand it}, sunlight, laziness, attention-seekers
habit: insomnia, working out everyday, listens to music 24/7, always wears sunglasses to try to disguise himself in public, has to respond to dares and challenges
hobbies: track, basketball, surfing, choreographing, dance practice, going to other artists’ performances, playing arcade racing and shooting games XD
1. He gets along really well with animals and babies. :]
2. His best dance is break-dance and tutting.
3. Unlike most boys, he’s uncomfortable with undressing in front of other boys or having other boys undressing in front of him.
4. He doesn’t sleep unless he is 100% comfortable, which rarely happens. Sometimes he drinks alcohol or takes sleeping pills to knock himself out.
5. His room hasn’t been messy since he was eight.

6. He hasn’t been sick since he was ten.

7. His ideal type is someone is genuine and knows what to say at the same time. Someone who is gentle, but ambitious.

8. He wants to be a super idol to prove his father wrong and to have his mother come find him.

9. He absolutely refuses to dress up or act like a girl for any purpose, including variety shows.

10. He likes when someone talks in a saturi accent: it feels like home to him.

11. His favorite weather is snow and rain.

12. In the corner of his room, he has a fly swatter, vacuum cleaner, and wet wipes.

13. He secretly finds stuffed animal panda bears adorable. <3

14. He’s afraid of heights: not that he’d ever admit it.

15. He won the National Street Dance competition at age 17 [year before his debut].

16. He hasn’t celebrated his birthday since he was twelve.  

17. He was ranked 3/1500 at his high school.

★▬▬character appearance.

height & weight: 178 cm, 70 kg


ulzzang name: Park Tae Jun









★▬▬trainee background.

stage name: Shin  
training years: 5.5 years
position: ( in order of preference): (main vocalist, lead dancer), (main dancer, lead rapper)
fanclub: Kingkas/ Queenkas
fanclub color: Gold & Black
featured in:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ5Q2qUUT0c&feature=related [If you pick him to be rapper, I imagine his voice like that…]

★▬▬love life.

partner: yoona from snsd, seohyun from snsd (ultimately his partner)
her personality:
yoona from snsd:
>pretty girl he feels he needs to take care of
>a little dependable (clingy)  

>always honest and extremely loyal and trustworthy
>has the tragic past that she struggles with deep inside [her family abandoned her]
>attractive and charming
seohyun from snsd:
> straightforward and responsible
> ambitious and determined, independent
> always stays strong on the outside, never showing her true feelings, especially jealous
> tries not to get business mixed up with personal feelings
> stern
> never uses aegyo
Kim Sung Hyun: 44: CEO of Buisness: Alive: Strict, Grew up from the gutters and fought tooth-and-bone to get to where he is now, doesn’t respect the arts as a job, disowned Jae Joon. They have a complicated relationship where they care for each other when it means life-or-death, but also want bad things to happen to each other, since they hurt each other.
Kim Ji Eun: 41: Painter: Alive: A weak-willed, but extremely kind woman, who loved Jae Joon very much. They don’t have much of a bond, only memories. She has the Busan accent.
yoseob from b2st: 21: the friend to always chill with, the sunbae who can make Jae joon laugh at just about anything, both are witty and sarcastic, and love to verse each other at arcade games. They are childish, immature, and totally out of control when with each other. Yoseob is the one Jae Joon calls when he is in a good mood or is up for some fun.

junhyung from b2st: 21: the friend to always freestyle with, or do anything music-related, or drink with. Junghyung is the person Jae Joon who Jae Joon goes to for advice. Man-to-man time.

bom from 2ne1: 22: the noona who always scolds Jae Joon. Bom is like the mother jae joon never had. They like to call each other and break curfew together often. They keep each other in check, but have a funny noona-dongsaeng relationship where bom hits him quite a bit for stupid things or for overthinking.
love triangle: (x) yes | (x) no
rivals: myungsoo from infinite

★▬▬anything else?

request: thank you for your time!
other: password: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W44PYtzjrZE


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