FULL NAME here, please include their pronouns here as well!
OTHER NAMES include names in different languages (if any) and nicknames they might have.
BIRTHDATE month/day, age
APPEARANCE make sure to include their measurements as well! if you want to be more detailed, you can look into physical traits that are passed on to specific offprings of the gods.
STYLE doesn't really matter since they'll be wearing the god-awful orange camp shirt most of the time, but tell me how they would style it AND/OR their style outside of camp. 
PERSONALITY can be told however you want to, give me mbti's, hogwarts houses, or just a bullet point list of their personalities. as long as i can undertand your character!
BACKGROUND since the story relies on the character's stories, this is one of the most important part of the apps! include how their mortal parents met their immortal parents and how they got to camp halfblood.
TRIVIA anything else about your character that you couldn't fit in to the rest of the app. give me their little quirks, i love reading them!
CHILD OF... your godly parent! please refer to the cheatsheet when picking one out :) also state here if they're a regular camper that only comes during summer or a fulltime camper.
GENERAL IMPRESSION your character's general impression of their godly parent and basically the other gods! remember that the gods aren't exactly present in any of their children's lives, but that doesn't always mean the kids hate them. some kids have deep respect for them. be creative, but in a way that makes sense with the rest of your character!
SKILLS like stated in the cheatsheet, children of gods usually have some abilities that get passed down to them from their parents. some abilities are rare (i.e, leo valdez's pyrokinesis, making him the first demigod child of hephaestus to gain the ability in hundreds of years), while some have very basic abilities relating to which patrons their parents are of (i.e, apollo's children being skilled archers and healers, athena's children being good at strategic warfare). refer to this page for more details.
also! if your character is a combat-based demigod, some demigods are equipped with weapons made from one (or in some rare cases, a mix of) the magical metals. the more common ones amongst demigods are celestial bronze, which has the power to wound or kill magical creatures (aka monsters). it can also be collapsable into something that won't scare off mortals (percy's sword collapses into a pen, thalia's spear collapses into a mace bottle). refer to this page when thinking of one for your character, but also keep in mind of some of the certain limitations! for intsance, stygian iron, as of now, is only wielded by being from or associated with the underworld like hades and his children. celestial bronze is probably going to be the most common. a weapon is not required, for there's usually a special reason why they have one. if you choose to have one, please include why they have one, and how they got it. 
RELATIONSHIPS format this however you'd like! the only ones i really want you to include are your mortal parents (dead or alive) and/or other family members. keep in mind that these kids rarely have complete biological siblings as gods don't tend to go back to the same humans they were with. 
NAME here, please include their pronouns as well!
CHILD OF... if they're a demigod, state which god they're a child of. if not, you can just delete this part
BIRTHDATE month/day, age (remember!! no inappropriate s please!) if using any of the head counselors, feel free to make up a birthday for them, but their ages (all are 19) stays the same
PERSONALITY the same as your character's personality, can be done in however way you want to.
STORY the how they met, how they act around each other, how they feel about each other. basically everything revolving their relationship. 
TRIVIA anything about the two (or your l/i) that you want to add! cute nicknames, couple traditions, anything!
if you chose to not have one, you can either choose to leave this empty, or delete the section in the code (if you need any help, just let me know!)
COMMENTS any last pressing details you need to add!


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hi hi hello here's my app https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1301221 hope she satisfies u! looking forward to the review
here she is! hope you like her :D
guguvixx #3
it's been a long time since i've managed to finish an app but i hope you like him!
i didn't think i'd have mine out so fast but i enjoyed creating my girl. hope you like her!