FULL NAME iroha (e-ro-ha) yamazaki (she/her) 
IROH like the avatar character, iroh is just a simpler, shorter version of her name. she doesn't have a preference on which she would to be like to be used, so it's all up to whoever's calling her to decide.
DEAD GIRL WALKING a jab by none other than finnick wolf himself at her seemingly lifeless energy. her demigod powers tend to tire her out pretty quickly, so you'll see her moping around camp looking for anywhere she could lay her head on.
THE GHOST OF CAMP HALFBLOOD another nickname she gained over her time at the camp. from her always tired and mopey energy.
BIRTHPLACE [redacted]
HOMETOWN brooklyn, new york
ETHNICITY japanese
FACECLAIM nana komatsu
APPEARANCE pale and almost deathly, like most other hades children. iroha has deep eyebags from constantly pushing her abilities, and true to her title as "the ghost of camp halfblood," is almost always trudging around lifelessly. when she has enough energy, campers do consider her attractive, from her slightly taller than average figure of 5'6, and her slim figure from constantly training in camp. her hair is a very dark black and is up to her chest.
she has a noticable scar running across her left collarbone down to her chest ribs from a monster attack when she was a child.  
STYLE iroha is almost always cold, even in summer, so she wears a black pilot jacket over her camp shirt at all times. her usual outfit consists of said pilot jacket, dark cargo pants, combat boots, and a holster for when her weapon isn't collapsed. her outfits outside of the camp are usually the same and she strays far from colorful pieces of clothing. 
- despite the meaning of her name (colorful), iroha can be a bit dark and sinister. when sparring against her, lukas simmons had once said that her eyes somehow has a familiar glint of a madman, just like her father's. 
- had a very rough upbringing, a byproduct of being one of hades' child, so she's jaded and rough to most people. she doesn't easily make friends and still chooses to isolate herself when given the chance to make some. most campers are wary of her mostly because she's a child of hades.
- a lone wolf, even when going on quests. most of the time she just goes alone, but when chiron deems a quest too much to handle, he makes her take two other campers that he chooses.
- despite all this, she's very docile. this is the main reason why she doesn't want to be the head counselor of the hades cabin, even when chiron persists. this is also the main reason why she gets teased a lot by alex and finn, in a lighthearted manner. 
- even though she doesn't have the best track record for friendliness, she still tries to help out when she can. if a younger camper gathers enough balls to ask for help, she'll accept it (though she'll grumble about it, but that's just her being her). 
BACKGROUND tw!! talks of some form of ptsd and death of a parent her mother was a gentle woman, owned a cute little flower shop in brooklyn, and even helped out her neighboring elderlies when she can. perhaps this warmth is what attracted hades, who was always used to the coldness of his underworld castle. during one spring in persephone's absence, hades spent some time with iroha's mother, and eventually conceived iroha. in one of her temperamental moments, demeter was angered at hades' act of unloyalty to persephone once again, and scared of facing the wrath of his sister and mother-in-law, hades chose to hide away iroha's pregnant mother in the underworld. something he couldn't do for maria di angelo and her kids. there, iroha was born, besides the dead and cerberus, who hades had placed to guard the mother and child.
after over a year has passed and persephone is back on earth with her mother, hades frees the two, after demeter's temper had quelled. hades expresses his sorrow and regret to iroha's mother, now only a shell of the woman she once was, before letting them live back on earth. iroha's mother was enraged, and made it clear with hades that she did not want him to take part in any of her life, and not to claim her even if - when - she does turn thirteen. before parting with his daughter, hades gifts iroha a necklace, telling her mother that it'll come in handy in the future. 
although iroha recalls none of these memories, her mother has suffered tremendously from a year of living in the underworld in torment, constantly hearing the screams of the dead and fearing what could be lurking in the shadows. she not only has to fear for her life, but iroha's as well. as a child of one of the three elder gods, iroha was susceptible to monsters coming for her life. her mother always found ways to thwart them, like constantly moving to different houses and such. despite these issues, iroha's mother had a great amount of love for her, since iroha was her only family. she tried her best to raise iroha normally, and away from the gods whom she have come to despise. for years, the two were happy on their own. but one attack on iroha's tenth birthday turned their lives around.
on an outing her mother had planned for her birthday, iroha was attacked by a group of three basilisks (snake-like monsters). defenseless and merely a child, the basilisks were able to easily overcome both iroha and her mother. iroha's mother, out of desperation, prayed in hades' name to keep them safe - no - even if it's just iroha, keep her safe. it's then the true nature of the necklace hades gifted to iroha took its true form, a stygian iron katana made by hades himself. iroha was able to slay two, while the other fled to safety. and it's in that attack that iroha loses her mother. 
after a few weeks of living on her own, she meets a satyr that guides her to camp halfblood, the place she currently calls home. in order to ease the pain of her mother's passing, iroha throws herself into training, vowing to never let anyone important to her die a painful death like she did.   
- the name iroha means colorful, a name her mother picked out for her after having been born in the underworld, where everything is lifeless and colorless. the name is her mother's hopes for her child of living a colorful and happy life. 
- due to the attack made by the basilisks, iroha grew up slightly afraid of snakes, something she has in common with the children of apollo. 
- even though she's a fulltime camper, she rarely spends time at camp. she's either going on quests, or much to chiron's dismay, leaving camp to do gods-knows-what. other than that, she went to a highschool near camp, the only other times chiron actually permitted her to leave camp.
- was the only camper in hades cabin for a long time, but refused the title of head counselor because of the weight the title holds, but also because she doesn't want to participate in senior counsels. 
CHILD OF hades - fulltime camper
GENERAL IMPRESSION from having lost her mother at such a young age, iroha grew up with a resentment towards the gods. though she never outwardly shows it since the gods don't take disrespect lightly, iroha had always wanted to rebel against their beliefs. she thinks they're selfish for having so many children, yet never caring what happens to them (though this way of thinking stems from her own experiences, this doesn't mean the gods don't care. just look at hades). this is a fatal flaw of children of hades, their tendency to hold grudges for too long. 
SKILLS like most other children of the three elder gods, iroha is powerful in her own rights. she has the basic demigod abilities like heightened senses in battle, and eight years of nonstop training under her belt. though she's not as skilled in combat like the head counselors are, iroha is reliable enough that she could go off on as many quests as she does alone.
her demigod powers inherited from hades include; necromancy - or control over the dead. iroha doesn't like to use this much because of how weak it makes her in the end. umbrakinesis - control over shadows and darkness. geokinesis - control over earth like opening fissures and levitating rocks. most her powers are locked, due to traumatic memories, so a famous nickname she gained from the ever so detestable lukas simmons is "a watered down version of nico di angelo."
her main weapon is the stygian iron katana gifted to her by hades, which collapses into the black flower necklace it originally was. she wears it as a necklace when outside of camp or trying to conceal her identity, but likes to wear it out on a holster in camp. 
HANA YAMAZAKI, MOTHER (40) iroha's deceased mother. she was very close to her growing up, so her death affected iroha's life greatly. hana was a kind woman before meeting hades, and iroha brought it out of her even after all the hardships she had to go through. iroha stills visits her grave frequently, but never tries to converse with her spirit, fearing that her mother might not answer.
NAME finnick wolf (he/him)
CHILD OF hermes
BIRTHDATE 4/20, 19
- the big brother of the camp. he's everyone's friend and no one's enemy, except for lukas who hates everyone. 
- your typical friendly guy, always has a smile plastered on his face, hiding his traumas underneath.
- the complete opposite of iroha.
- they both arrived at camp around the same time, and iroha can vouch that finn wasn't always as bright as he is now.
- the only reason why there's a "friendship" between them is because finn considers iroha his best friend, from having been at camp with her the longest.
- they're just friends, with no signs of flirting or anything of the sort at the moment. we'll see who falls first.
- based on my favorite edgy kid and sunshine kid trope. also the iconic opposites attract trope. 
COMMENTS very very short but i just wanted to put this one out there for reference haha. pls put iroha in your apps hahaha.


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