어디야, NAME ?

eens's pointers !!

. delete this before turning in!
. < ! > macarons pictures are scrollable!! pls fill them in.
. if you can code, then by all means, make the app look n i c e ~! but if not that's ok let's suffer tgt
. it may or may not look a bit odd while editing (the background looks like it isn't sized properly) but don't let it bother you — it looks much better when viewing!
. #f4f4f4 is the background, #e3e3ed is the upper tab and #b5b5bc is the title text (character name, personality, background, etc.), i used some v boring colours solely to fit the fic's mood. ya feel? anywho, do change the colours to fit your chara, if you can!
. feel free to use another app as long as the info's still there!
. remember to read the cheatsheet lmao,,,
. whispers. remember the p w. ;)

• • •


birthname here
birthdate dd/mm + age
birthplace here
hometown here
ethnicity here

faceclaim here
backup here
appearance + fashion sense here



△ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui.

△ Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nunc leo, tristique non facilisis vel, semper ac dui.


character name

personality format this however you want! traits (with elaboration), mbti, hogwarts houses, all that good . just make sure i'll have a clear idea of who they are and how to portray them. 

background logical backstory pls,,, remember that baeju is a very small place and no one would move into it from ing kansas to start a new life. sob stories are fine. soft backstories are good too! just give me something to work with.

trivia entertain me but give me some useful trivia for the story too ! reminder that this is kinda a road trip,

"character quote"

relationships again, format to your own accord — just make sure to include name, fc (if applicable), age and relation. only list those that are applicable and will appear in the story. meaning, no second cousin jeanie from tokyo. collabs and love interests go here too!



relation the [insert here]

replace the pic above with a daniel icon that fits ur app's aesthetic and the other two beside it can be whatever you want !! uwu delete this note after too.


BACKGROUND remember, saeho is 25 (in korean age) and has only taught in baeju for about a year!! but he only left for uni when he was 18 so you could have known him before then. pls do elaborate!

INTERActions how your chara is around saeho! elaborate on this too pls. also include how they feel about saeho being missing.

[delete this later - let's say HYUNSOO SENT OUT A SURVEY ANONYMOUSLY, inquiring students about their opinion on saeho's disappearance. he'll literally pick his companions from this survey, so answer wisely. because this is a survey, answer in first person, unless you want to describe your chara typing their answers in third person.]

WHAT DO YOU THINK HAPPENED To mr kim? did he elope? alien abduction? tell me your theory.

not that this will affect what really happened but, let's see how creative/practical your chara's logic is!

did you even know kim saeho? was he your teacher, or did you just see him around? what are your feelings towards him and his contribution to bhs?

this is just a brief summary of the whole saeho section above. however, your character could be a liar. or they could be skeptical about sharing info with this online stranger on google forms. answer as they would.

where do you think he went? somewhere near, somewhere far?

honestly idk where he'll be either,,, oof. give me some suggestions. who knows if they may be useful. this is also another test to see how your chara thinks !

be frank with me — do you think we'll ever get him back?

this is a major factor in determining how the story will end. every answer counts. answer with both yours and your character's thoughts in mind. woo me.

"character quote regarding saeho"

last words comments, suggestions, questions ! wanna yell at me for using ongniel too much? come at me bro

scene request i'll try to incorporate as much as i can! hit me with some uwu and unu moments.




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that took awhile ;u; but here you go!
I did it! I don't think I've ever done an app so fast before. I'm a little out of practice from my old apply account, so please be gentle.

habrxmania #3
wow this is so rushed but i hope you like her~
i finished this so fast im Shaking ,, pls lmk if i need to fix anything ,,

Ahhhh he's all done! I hope I got things right. Please let me know if I need to change anything!