🏐〈 Choi Dahee!〉


"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies.
The man who never reads lives only one." 



→ HeeHee ⋮ Joohyun
Just a pun on her name.

→ Libero ⋮ The team 
They just call her that instead of her real name.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫  10 //04//2001 //16
 ⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫  Seoul, South Korea
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Seoul, South Korea

 ⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫  korean
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ korean


→ korean ⋮ mother tongue
→ english ⋮ school level but pretty good at it
→ japanese ⋮ able to communicate

 ⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫  Kim Jiyeon (Bona)
 ⟪ BACK UP ⟫  Lim Dayoung
 ⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 50kg, 167cm

 ⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫  Dahee looks 1:1 like Bona. Hair color is like on the picture.


She likes pastel colors in combination with black, grey and white. Her favourite colours are light pinkish, lavender and rosé colours.

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"What i lack in stamia,
i make up for in brains"


 ⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫   fsd

ISFJ - Ravenclaw - Chaotic Good

⟪ pro ⟫
 reliable, loyal, intelligent, caring, observant
⟪ neutral ⟫ ambitious, humble, reserved, formal, honest
⟪ con ⟫ shy, insecure, clumsy, fearful, weak, 



Bildergebnis für wjsn bona family

  "I might not have many friends, but those I have I will love forever"

 Dahee swears that the person who once said "Quality over Quantity" is a   genius. She doesn't understand those people who have a million friends   but noone to really talk to. She'd prefers being friends with less humans,   but therefore REAL friends. Since she is a very shy and reserved person   it is also hard for her to make new friends. Plus her direct way and   honestly   sometimes is missinterpreted by people who don't know her   very well. 

Bildergebnis für wjsn secret

"Formal speech was made for a reason"

Dahee has never, ever called a person older than her in a disrespective  way. She believes that lowering speech with elders and sunbaes is a total  no go and is so shocked everytime she hears someone do it. Well, up until  the point she met Joohyun, cause that girl slaps the hell out of her  everytime she doesn't. She hates it though. And Joohyun enjoys it. She is  very humble in everything she does and really doesn't like compliments.  She would turn pink like her lip tint everytime someone does. 

Bildergebnis für bona wjsn eunseo 


 "I claim myself to be as gay as the 4th of July" 

 Even though she is shy and reserved, she never lies about her uality. She isn't   ashamed of who she is, and believes that if people pin her down to such things then   she doesn't need them. Being in a team full of girlst really doesn't help, since they   all are creeped out whenever she enteres the locker room. By now she'll just say   something along "Don't worry, noone of you is my style anyway" and just leave the   room until they are finished changing. They didn't know the real reason why she   joined the team (since it is obviouly not for volleyball) and often beg Dasom to   throw her out of the team, but after Dahee told them, they grew closer.





Ähnliches FotoBildergebnis für wjsn secretBildergebnis für wjsn secret

There isn't much to say about her life growing up. She had loving, but strict parents, wonderful friends and a loving brother. She had everything she wanted. They had enough money to life a basic life, she was smart enough to be in first place of her school, it was like the life you wanted. 

But then, right there at the moment ehen Dahee pulled herself up and confessed her biggest secret. That was the moment her life fell apart. Her parent, most likely her mother couldn't accept her the way she was. She was hateful against her suddenly, not talking to her only if she must. She tried to set her up with boys over blind dates, calling her to a coffee shop only to find out her mothers real intentions. 

But it all didn't matter to DAhee. Confessing was her biggest step and she didn't regret it. She was still who she was before, she was still her. Her only thought was, if people didn't accept the way she was, she didn't care about them. 

Things got worse when she started to see Eunseo. Her mother forbit dahee to bring her home or to ever even mention her name. The once so happy home was filled with cold awkwardness, flowing through the house like a virus. 

Her breakup was a family party for her mother. She suddenly seemed so much happier and even set up a few more blind dates. Since Dahee's grades were continuously the best ones her mother wasn't able to forbid her to see other one (well girls, not boys). Dahee was almost never at home, leaving early and coming in late. Her parents didn't say anything. Her father now accepted her, and her mother continued living under the motto "What she doesn't see, is not happening".


She usually leaves the house around 6 in the morning.
Eats breakfast at a coffe shop or café (studies or does homework)
Drives to School
eats with Xuanyi at a Restaurant or goes home with her to eat there
Goes to the library / meets up with Joohyun there
Studies til late , mostly eats dinner in between
goes home about at 9 o' clock
straight to bed

 ⟪ lIKES ⟫ 

→smell of rain

 ⟪ DISlIKES ⟫ 

→stupid people


→chowing on pens while thinking
→moving her lips while reading
→sleeping with socks on
→drinking half a liter water immediatly after waking up


→reading any kind of books
→learinng for school

 ⟪ TRIVIA ⟫ 

→believes in ghost
→collects pink plushies
→favourite number is 8
→for her intellect she is sometimes has a little stupid moment where she'll understand nothing at all 
→bruises easily


 ⟪ FAMILY ⟫ 

Bildergebnis für bona wjsn aesthetic
Sister, Choi Dahyun ⋮ 18 ⋮ Student ⋮ loud, bold, funny ⋮ 

She is everything to Dahee. They are total es around each others and really are a pair on their own. Dahyun is the total opposite of Dahee, since she is loud, and shyness is not in her vocabulary. Even if the both of them are equal honest. Dahee is more of the "If you don't have something nice to say, say nothing" attitude while Dahyun is more like "I'm gonna say it anyway" kinda girl.


Bildergebnis für kim mi kyungMother, Shim Kyungri ⋮ 43 ⋮ Secretary ⋮ strict, cold, 
Usually their realtionship was wonderful, but ever since Dahee outed  herself, her mother turned very cold. She doesn't accept the  "choice", Dahee made and tries to cure her ever since, by sending  her to arranged dates with boys. She sees homouality as a  sickness, and not as something that's just within her daughter.






Bildergebnis für Ji Jin HeeFather, Choi Hyunsik ⋮ 45 ⋮ Company worker ⋮ happy, loyal, funny ⋮

 They two share a special bond. Since Dahee is the youngest of the   children he sees her still as her baby that he needs to protect. It took a   while to get used to his daughters preferences, but unlike his wife, he   accepted it and still sees her as his daughter.









Bildergebnis für seo in gukBrother, Choi Dawook ⋮ 23 ⋮ Student ⋮ quirky, loving, funny ⋮

Her brother is the precious kid of the family. He got into SNU,  studying law and did everything his parents (and he of course)  wanted. He's a loving brother and protects Dahee from everything,  even from his mother if he needs to. His reaction to her outing was  "Wait, wait. Is that the reason, why you always wanted to go to the  bath house with my ex girlfriends?".




 ⟪ FRIENDS ⟫  

Bildergebnis für dasom sistarcoach, Kim Dasom ⋮ ? ⋮ teacher ⋮ nice, helpful, but strict ⋮
 She saw passion in Dahee and decided to help her. She believes in   ambition and knew that Dahee would not let her down. She also uses   her math and physics skills to calculate and make new strategies. 




Bildergebnis für bona wjsn hug ⟪ OTHERS ⟫  
best friend, Xuanyi ⋮ 16 ⋮ Student ⋮ personality ⋮ They are inseperateble. In school they would  always hang around. They are like sisters and tell each other everything. 









Bildergebnis für bona wjsn eunseo

Ex-Girlfriend,  Eunseo ⋮ 17 ⋮ student ⋮ personality ⋮
 They dated for about 1 1/2 years and just drifted apart. There was no   fight, they just both ended it on good terms. They are still friendly       towards each other. 






Bildergebnis für bae joohyun seulgi skinship enemy, Seulgi ⋮ 17 ⋮ thief ⋮ the worst ⋮
She doesn't really know her, but Dahee practically burns with jealousy everytime Joohyun is out with her. 













 ⟪ BACK-UP PLOTLINE  ⟫ Middle/Center


★★★★★; no running, no sport, no moving. she's not a sport's person, actually

★★★★★; she nails the aiming part, nut she has no strenght to get the ball far

★★★★; same as passing, she lacks muscles 

★★★★; even though she has troubles passing and spiking, she is almost perfect with blocking balls, but that's it.

⟪"Hi! Yes, yes, please do come in. you're here. wow! i'm glad you're here; if you don't mind me asking, why are you here?"⟫

I take a seat next to her and smile softly. My hands begin to sweat as I felt her staring me down, obviously waiting for an answer. I folded my hand into each other to stop them from trembling. "I.. ehh. I saw your flyer and I wanna join the team."

⟪ "oh, okay. have you thought about which position you would like to play?" ⟫

Again she looked at me with those piercing eyes. Her lips were carved up in a big smile and you could really see how enthusiastic she was about this. 'You cannot do this. Look at her. If you tell her why you're really here you're gonna break her heart. OH GOTT, WHY IS IT SO HOT IN HERE?' I tried to copy her smile but from her reaction it must've looked like a creeper smile. "No, not really." She looked at me confused, staring blankly for a few seconds, apparently thinking about something until she finally shook her head and continued.

⟪  "Ah! i didn't even ask if you've played the sport before. Did you play before?" ⟫

I started to sweat in places I honestly had no idea you could sweat, not sure if it says more about my inablity to manage stress situations or the non-presence of human biology knowledge. "I haven't". She again waited for me to go on, but was dissapointed, her tone getting more curious every second.

⟪ "Okay... so then do you enjoy  the sport?" ⟫

I sighed. It's no use anymore. "Okay, it's not fair if I'm not honest with you about all this. I'm really not sporty. I don't know about the sport, nor did I play or enjoyed it in the past. I'm weak and have absolutly no stamina. I'm really and actually not the girl you are looking for." I finally saw a light brighten in her eyes. The moment she understood. 

⟪ "What's the reason then for coming here? By the look of your behaviour right now I can tell you desperatly want to join the team." ⟫

I nodded slightly. "I want to go to a good college. But since my parent can't afford a private high school and this school is only average in academics I have no chance to compete with those ivy high schoolers for the open spots. They have the chance to basically throw their money at private teachers and expensive books and I really cannot afford that. I study hard. I just came back from a college prep meeting. The teacher there told me if I don't come up with something more interesting, something different and fresh I will not get into the college of my choice.I have straight A's, but without this team I'm doomed. So please. I beg you. Put me on the bench, make me clean the floor, everything. I can help you with the strategy aswell. You know, alot of ball sports are all about maths and physics. I nail that. So please!" 

She smiled and cupped my hands with hers. They finally stopped trembling. I looked up to her, only now realising that I had looked at my lap all this time and I saw her smiling slightly. 

⟪ "Thank you for being honest with me. It takes a lot of courage to aim for your dreams and do everything in your power to pursuit them. even if you have to do things that are new, fearing and painful." She spinned on her chair and looked at her computer. "Practices will start as soon as possible as we have a lot of work to do~ I'll see you soon." ⟫

I felt the smile on my lips appearing again. Gosh have I missed it. I bowed 90 degrees to her. "THANK YOU SO MUCH. I WILL DO MY VERY BEST TO NOT DISSAPOINT YOU OR MAKE YOU REGRET YOUR DECISION!" I could feel some tears of happiness falling from my eyes onto the floor. 

bae joohyun

 ⟪ AGE ⟫ 17
 ⟪ BACK UP ⟫  noone   ⟪BACK UP ⟫  noone

loveint 180x225


INFJ - Slytherin - Neutral Good

ambitous, intellectual, BEAUTIFUL, friendly

Joohyun is all in all a very friendly person. She is, just like Dahee, an introverted being, but once you get to know her, she is really a dear person. She believes in fighting for what she wants and has alot of Dahee's mindsets. They can communicate very good, about nearly everything without it getting boring. They like the same food and books and share their love for ivy league schools.

She is very secretive towards Dahee concerning her School. She never told her about volleyball, fearing, that she will see Joohyun the same as every other will do. 
It was nice, just for once, to be recognized as the real her, the intelligent Joohyun, who likes banana milk, star gazing, chicken feet, tv shows, autumn nights and not as the athlete who strucks like a terminator. She's the middle /Center of their team and is not only loved for her talent but also for her looks. 

The only person knowing about  her little (gay) secret is Seulgi, her team mate. When she met Dahee, Joohyung told Seulgi everyting about her, always fangirling whenever the two were alone.


→her getting so many bruises from practice that they make fun of her being in a fight
→Dahee and Joohyun finding out they are in opposite teams
→her making gay comments or doings towards the team to gross them out/scare them 
→Joohyun - Dahee first kiss? maybe? pretty please?

 ⟪ PASSWORD ⟫  "That's too gay, even for me." 

"better be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."



Dahee ran towards the Library and almost tripped over her own feet. "Damn it", she yelled as she managed to get a grip on the book, which nearly slipped out of her hand. She let out a sigh and looked down at her shoes, scared she might've ruined them. 
"Cursing even before noon, I'm impressed I say.", Dahee turned around to see Joohyun standing next to her, smiling into her direction. "You really cannot survive on your own, can you?", she shook her head and took Dahee's books out of the younger girls hands. "Common, we're late. If we don't hurry, there will be no more seats available." The younger one smiled and linked arm with Joohyun, them both walking towards the building. "How about we grab something to eat afterwards. I still didn't eat anything yet and I'd like you to accompany me.", Joohyun exclaimes and Dahee felt a tingling sensation in her belly. It wasn't like they hadn't done this before, but normally they end up like that naturally and not one of them ASKING to eat together. She wasn't sure if it meant anything to Joohyun, like it meant for Dahee, but in the end she didn't care. She smiled at the other girl and nodded. "Food tastes better while being shared, am I right?" They reached the building and the older one held the door open. The second Dahee stepped through the door she swore she heard Joohyun say something under her breath, but couldn't quite catch it. Joohyun smiled and followed the other inside. "Then it's a date.", still echoing in her head. 


They first met each other in a public library. Dahee looked up to see a beautiful girl standing in front of her pointing to the chair in front of her and asking if she was allowed to sit. Obviously, she said yes. She would've been stupid not to. This whole day at the library, she was distracted and couldn't stop herself from looking up way too many times. 
"Is that 'the lucifer Effect' you're reading there? Wow. I cannot believe I'm meeting someone who also reads it.", she looked super happy, staring at the front site of Dahee's book and smiling like a child on Christmas day. 
Dahee looked at her and suddenly felt a rush of euphoria running through her veins. She's not only pretty, but a er for Psychology? She really needs to know who that woman is. 

"I really like YOU ... Psychology, so this book is a must. I also plan on studying it after I graduate. So.. you're into this, too?", I asked. She nodded and searched something in her bag, revealing her very own copy of the book.
"I'm aswell rooting for a Psychology degree. SNU is my first choice." She watched as Dahee's eyes lit up. 
"Omg, me too. What a strange coincidence.", Dahee was blown away. What is this? Why is this happening. This is too much for her head. Not only did she meet a beautiful, intelligent girl, but she also shares the same goals as her. 
Joohyun pulled out her mobile phone and looked at Dahee eagerly. 

"I don't believe in coincidences, only destiny. Here, type in your number. I think we just formed a new study group.", she held up her phone towards the younger girl, who couldn't believe her luck. She typed in her name and number and returned it to the other one. "Choi Dahee. That's a really beautiful name I must say. My name is Bae Joohyun." She smiled and Dahee couldn't be any more sure. She was definatly a bae. 

 ⟪ OTHER ⟫ 

They'd often meet to study, but also for food and became really good friends. Well, Dahee was head over heels for her, but she was never so sure about Jooyhun. Well, she was actually not even sure if Joohyun was into girls. She'd somtimes make some comments, but said it was always a joke. The older one had many guys following her but she also had girls admires (Who can blame them), but Joohyun never gave into those "fans". Dahee often asked her, if they are from her school and such things, but Joohyun never talked about her school. She talked alot about her personality, about her wishes and stuff, but Dahee doesn't even know which school she goes to. 

Joohyun was really into skinship, that's what confused Dahee the most. Is she just like this usual? Are her constant hugs, holding hands and stuff just normal for her or does it mean more? But then, she saw it do to someone else one time, even patting her . She intruduced her as Kang Seulgi and Dahee felt immediatly down as she realised what relationship they had. They looked totally in sync and had many inside jokes that Dahee didn'T understand. She was just happy as this Seulgi girl finally vanished.

I would want then in the future to have sort of a pride and predjudice relationship. They trying to maintain their friendship even though they come from opposite teams. I would want them to have a hard time with it, and finally as all hope has withered, they have a big fight and in the middle of a rage yell they confess their feelings for each other. 

With their new regenerated power of LOOOOVE, they try to overcome the prejudices of the  teams and try to connect them all. Different teams of not, they are all people and share something. Their passion for Volleyball.



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