

SHAY / urangutang / ∞
( ♚ — Han; ) a shortening of his name.
AGE — 25
BIRTHDAY — January 3
♚ — Korean; ) native
♚ — Japanese; ) conversational / GBZ often had Japanese promotions, and Hansub was the one with the best Japenese skill. Hansub likes promoting in Japan a lot, he's never had those terrible ink dreams in Japan. 


APPEARANCE — Hansub has that idol look to him. He's of a medium height, but skin and bones. A body starved for beauty, for the abs that the fans demand him to have. His skin is quite dark, something people just cannot stop pointing out, as if he might forget his own complexion if it wasn't pointed out to him every day. Many different hair dyes and chemical bleaches have attacked his hair over the years, though currently he's thankfully allowed to leave it black. He looks more like himself in black, he thinks. Black like ink. It's thoughts like this that make him feel cold to the bone.

STYLE — Ever the idol, Hansub dresses in expensive brands and products, most of them sponsored. Still, he tends to prefer the relatively simple over the flashy. Simple eool coats and jeans and soft sweaters in neutral tones are enough for him, even if the pricetags that hang on them could feed a family for a month.
PAST — Hansub is the adopted son to a social worker, a single dad. He has no idea of his lineage, of his family lineage, since he has no idea who his birth family is. All they know is that Hansub was left at the church as a newborn infant, unwanted. His dad was part of the church and decided to adopt him, and for the most part that has panned out well for the both of them. Hansub always appreciated his father a lot, and though he of course wondered and fantasized about who his birth family might be, he never lost sight of how lucky he was to have what he did. 

He started dancing when he was young, and it didn't take long for him to set his sights on the entertainment path, mostly for the promise of fame and money. He wanted to help support his dad, and he'd be lying if he said the promise for spotlight wasn't a deal sweetener either. He trained from when he was 12 until he finally debuted when he was 17, under some small company called Empirical Entertainment with three other hopeful faces. The group was called Gameboiz, though it was swiftly shortened to GBZ when it became apparent how bad a name that was.

The nightmare started shortly after their debut: intense things of dripping ink and ripping flesh and monsters. He was the monster. The first time his group members woke him up. They all slept cramped in the same room at the time, in an apartment hardly big enough for one person, and he'd been thrashing about violently. He woken up in cold sweat, rambling about the things he'd seen. They laughed about it over breakfast, though Hansub remained visibly shaken the entire day. The next time it happened was two months later, enough time had passed for Hansub to stop thinking about that weird dream It had just been a dream. And then it happened again. And again. And again. Short nights interrupted by violent dreams that kept cropping up every few months or so. 
That's how it went for about a year. The nightmares weren't frequent enough to disrupt his life, but frequent enough to be disconcerting, and they always went the same way. He'd wake up drenched in sweat feeling like a monster. The second year of GBZ introduced their breakthough, before this they had garnered little attention, but one catchy hit song and impressive dance routine later and people were starting to take notice: their schedule was starting to fill with shows and performances. Hansub was at a fansign when he drew a cute little doodle for a fan. It moved. He was startled, and crumpled the paper in his shock. The fan was shocked too, and he quickly apologized and let her take a photo with him to make up for it. That night, when the others had gone to sleep, Hansub unfolded the piece of paper in the light of the bathroom and saw the doodle move. He decided to ignore it. He never doodled again.

The nightmares were increasing in frequency, going from once every few weeks Sometimes he thought he saw ink dripping down from the corner of his eye. He ignored it. It wasn't happened. Hansub was pretty sure he was going crazy, and he had no interest in acknowledging it. If he kept his head down and focused on his career then maybe it would go away. If it didn't go away, then he'd just ignore it until it would not matter anymore. Years went by and GBZ became a staple in the entertainment landscape, one of the signature boygroups of their era. Less and less hours of sleep were afforded to them, and Hansub was losing more and more of them to the nightmares. They had a new dorm now, and he had his own room, but that didn't make it better. He didn't scare the others in his group anymore, at least. They had release. He had none.

Years went by and the ink did not rest. It encroached on him, begged and screamed and pleaded for attention. One moment he's sitting in the waiting room of a music show, waiting the tortorous hours before it would be their turn. Then he'd blink and whole room was covered in cold, sticky ink. It would drip around him, and he'd feel it when he reached out. It was real. Then he would quickly retract his hand and pretend it wasn't there. Nobody else seemed to see it. He was going crazy but he'd be damned if he acknowledged that fact. Going crazy was weakness, a weakness of character. It was the end of his life. One time it happened on stage and he slipped in the ink and twisted his ankle. Another time it happened during an interview and he choked, couldn't say anything, and had to excuse himself. It had dripped everywhere, all over the interviewer, but she had not noticed a thing. He'd vomited in a trashcan backstage.

He became more and more distant from others as the ink became more insistant. Sometimes he could swear he felt it in his veins, and scratched at the foreign susbtance that had to be there. A few months ago he wrote something during a fansign and saw the words move. He'd scratched it out until his pen broke the paper and stumbled backstage, leaving the fan perplexed. The company had said he was unwell. The members of his group were avoiding him. He only signs his name now, and his signature is crossed out several times to discourage it from moving. Sometimes he manages to ignore the ink altogether, when it drips off his arms and onto the floor in thick drops. It's not there if he doesn't see it. 

Everything is fine. It has to be fine.

PRESENT — His life is unravelling and he feels less and less sane. He's afraid to sleep, almost every night heralds a nightmare. He fell asleep at the hair salon once and woke up screaming. He takes pills now, they help. Contract renewals are coming up, the group's 7th year anniversary is nearing, and he sees how people look at him in hallways. Like he's losing his mind. He finds that amusing, he's lost his mind years ago. It took them long enough to catch on. He lives alone now, while the other members live at another luxurious dorm together. He doesn't mind, it's for the best. There are scratches on his arm where he feels the ink run through his veins. He wears long sleeves in the summer now.
He's supposed to be thinking about the contract renewal, thinking about what he wants to do with his life, but all he can think of is the ink. He needs help but he's too stubborn and too afraid to seek help. After all, mental illness is shameful, he can't have that. He can't be going insane.So he does his day to day activities. Dance practice here, a performance there, a variety show somewhere inbetween. Fly out abroad for a moment's reprieve of the nightmares only to touch back on Korean soil and be plagued once more. Hello darkness my old friend. His heart beats faster every time he's told they have a fansign. He avoids fans on the street who wave at him with a pen ready. Soldier on he must, keep his head in the sand, keep doing what he's doing. He's not seeing ink. He's scratched out his autograph so much that one more line might break the paper. He's fine. 
♚ Distant, chronically exhausted both physically and mentally, self-absorbed, fearful, temperamental, savage, bitter, witty

Hansub is not a pretty sight despite his idol-proof attractive features. There's dark circle sunder his eyes hidden by layers of makeup, but even the makeup can't hide how bone tired he is. Hansub is holding onto his everything by a thread. He has compartmentalized his life for years, locked the ink away and put on the idol mask. Smile in front of the camera, make witty talk with the host, push everything else far away into the mind. Now the idol mask has cracks. He's skittish, a small bang sees him jump back. He used to be brave but he's worn too thin for that now. Now he's just scared and tired and bitter over his own lot.

He used to be a full person, a good idol. He used to be bright and filled with energy, someone who loved his own life. He loved the spotlight, he loved connecting to fans, he loved singing and dancing and wearing terrible outfits and singing terrible songs, they were all parts of his life that he adored. He used to be someone who was witty and fun, a little sassy brought out more for this or that variety show. Perfect at that schadefreude Korean variety loves so much, with enough sense to poke fun of himself just as much. He was always full of life, someone driven by his emotions and his energy. Not much of that is left now, it was wrung out of him bit by bit, slowly but surely. All that's left is a sass that was twisted into unpleasant savagery and a temper that changes like the wind. One momeny he's normaly, himself, the next he's a mess. There is so much anger in him. Why is he like this? He doesn't understand and he hates it, hates himself for it. 

Hansub is self-centered out of necessity. There's not enough energy left in him to feel involved in the lives of others, it's one of the things that really put a wedge between him and his group mates. He wants to care about them and their lives, but he's too unhinged to care about anything that's not himself and his own problems. Too focused on concealing, keeping the ink at bay, keep from losing his mind more than he already thinks he has. He hasn't been able to make much of a meaningful relationship in years as all the ones around him unravel. How does he muster up the energy to care about the secret girl troubles of a group member when he hasn't slept in days and feels the ink bubbling under his skin? He's distant, unable to connect, nodding vaguely as he pretends to listen and snaps back to reality with a "what?" as the person waves their hand in front of his face.  

He's scared all the time now, scared of so many things. Scared that people will find out he's losing his name, scared of any utensil that contains ink, scared that the ink will come out again when he least epects it. It has already happened on stage once, what if it happens again? What if it happens when he's driving? What if it happens while he's at a show? He's no longer scared that he's losing his mind though, he knows he is. That's no longer a mystery. 

— He's quite decent at drawing, he used to like doodling as a stress relief all around his Japanese homework. He hasn't doodled in years now.
— He loves flying, he sleeps like a baby when he flies. As soon as the wheels leave the ground there is peace.
— He used to be one of the most popular members of the group, endeared for his sharp wit on variety. He's still popular enough, he still gets invited to shows, but people are more and more reluctant to have him on as they sense that something isn't right with Lee Hansub.
— He's wealthy enough from their succesful stint as an idol. He doesn't know much about his finances, much of that goes through the company and his manager, but he's got his own luxury apartment (company-sponsored) and all the sponsored clothes he could ask for, and a nice enough car. He's doing well for himself.
— He uses sleeping pills to sleep when he's in Korea, but he has to be careful with them. During comebacks or shedules he gets precious litle time to sleep and one pill knocks you out for hours. Sometimes when he only gets 3 hours of sleep time he's on his own.
— While his dad is a devout Christian, Hansub doesn't believe himself. He has no more time and energy to spend on such things. Praying didn't help ebfore, he has no reason to think it will help now.



Father / Lee Yongmin / 54 / Kind, sympathetic, protective, conservative, close-minded, hardworking
Yongmin is the person Hansub cares most about in the world and the only one he still feels connected to. Yongmin raised him on his own and he's always been Hansub's single pillar, the one who helped him through his days. Still, Hansub knows him well, and he knows how concerned Yongmin would be to know of his (perceived) mental health, but also that Yongmin wouldn't understand. That he'd harbour the same mental health stigma that Hansub falls back to time and time again. He avoids his father now most of the time, he doesn't want to lie to him, of all people. Lying to everyone else is fine, lying to his father hurts.

Nam Seokho / 26 / loyal, awkward, responsible, protective, grounded, conservative, good-natured, inflexible weenie
 Seokho is the leader of GBZ and the oldest one. He was always very grounded and steadfast, a responsible rock for any of them to lean on. Not a natural leader by any means, Seokho always tries to do right even if he's a bit of a weenie, and he's grown a lot during his time as a leader. Hansub has always looked up to him a lot, and it's Seokho who helped him most when he first started to get his nightmares. He's the one who always took control of a situation and tried to check up on him, and he tried the hardest to keep connected even when Hansub started pulling away. Seokho isn't good with anything that's different, that's out of his comfort zone. 

♚ Kwon Hongsol / 23 / attentive, empathetic, soft-spoken, sweet, optimistic, conflict-averse, nervou
 Hongsol is a sweetheart, but he's very emotionally weak. He's always been someone who is weakwilled and highly affected by any conflict or instability, and surprisingly despite his attentiveness and best intentions he was the first one that Hansub lost. Hongsol couldn't cope with Hansub souring and nervousness and temperament, with the fraying edges of once was a friend, and they only speak now when they have to.
♚ Park Myunghwan / 22 / fair, openminded, sarcastic, inconsiderate, negative, honest
Myunghwan is a bit of a character, someone who is often negative and sarcastic and nt the littlest bit insolent. He's always been very honest with his words and has a very low tolerance for bull, telling things just the way he sees them (behind the scenes of course). He had no time for Hansub and his excuses, his disappearances from group outings or fansigns or post-promotion celebrations and has told Hansub as much. Always scalding with his words, Myunghwan is a fair sort. He demands honesty but rewards it with fair treatment and an open mind, if that respect of honesty was given to him. Hansub might just find that the one he least expected would be the most useful and helpful listening ear, if he should ever trust anyway with his troubles.

Manager / Lee Kwangsik / 33 / impatient to an extend, strict, responsible
Manager Lee has been with them since the beginning, and in many ways he feels both like a big brother and an authority figure. Someone who's always done everything for Hansub and the group. Schedule their days, wake them up, arrange their meals, drive them aroud. It took some getting used to when Hansub first started living alone a year ago and had to learn all of those things for himself. Now he's mostly a reminder of Hansub's career and responsibilities, and the one who sends him those disappointed looks when things go bad, the one who tells him off when he has a public episode, but also the one who fixes it. 

STRENGTHThankfully, Hansub isn't a very strong Shin. His drawings move, but have never come out of the page. They've only ever cut him once or twice, though that's also because he avoids drawing like the plague. Physical manifesttions of ink do happen far more often than he likes, likely because he avoids drawing at all and the ink needs some sort of outlet. They scare him, but after years he's been able to ignore that they're there and pretend that they're not real.

Only recently his written words have also stated to take on a life of his own, something he noticed first at a fansign, after which he almost fell out of his seat and scratched out the word before anyone could see. He's so scared now to touch anything at all with ink in it. More and more he feels like he's unravelling as the ink builds up inside of him and he becomes increasingly unstable.

His dreams always involve him leading malicious things, leading an army into unspeakable things. Every single dream he is the one who's the nightmare. He has been getting less and less hours of sleep and the exhaustion is catching up with him.

STABILITYVery, very unstable. Hansub has always denied that the ink is there, avoided it, hoped that it would go away on its own if he simply did not give ear to it. Powers rarely accept such avoidance and move on, and over the years the ink has become increasingly unstable as it leaks into every part of his life. The first time he saw the ink all around him he felt like he was going crazy, now he hardly pays attention to it. He sometimes feels like the ink is inside of him, trying to claw its way out, like a foreign invasion. It's feelings like this that leave him scratching obsessively at his own skin, panicked and terrified, as he swears he can feel it bubbling, waiting, just below the surface. Biding its time for a moment of weakness.

He still thinks he's crazy. None of this can be real and he is going insane. He has to be.

FAMOUS LAST WORDS — Okay so I left a lot of Hansub's everything up to your discretion, feel free to started as far or as close away from the contract renewals as you like, and to give GBZ whatever flair you want them to have, and to involve them as much or as little as you like. His group members are based on characters I've made before, if you want to know more about them you can find them in the great big backlog of apps I have made over the years xD I hope he's not too much in any case, I gave you someone fairly simple in Hyubin, and I wanted to contrast that to someone who's falling apart.

SCENE SUGGESTIONS — I have complete faith that you have got this.
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He's a freaking idol?! OMG