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kang wol

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▸ weirdo/loner — those kids near his age would call him that because of his soft quiet voice, the fact that he isn't close with anyone outside of his family, and the fact that they believe he is a silver with no power.
▸  Z — When he sends out threats, he uses the name Z like a pen name kind of thing.

DATE OF BIRTH: December 15 // 18
BIRTHPLACE: Archeon, the Kang Mansion
BLOOD TYPE: silver
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 180 cm, 60 kg

▸ ever since he was born, Wol had pure white hair that makes him look like an old man in the form of a baby. Along with his hair, his skin is also as pale as the snow. He had light green eyes, a small nose, and a small full lip. There is no imperfection or mark on his body. When he grew up, he allowed his hair to grow long and the color never went darker. 
▸ he is quite tall, however, he eats really little, Therefore, he just looks like a long stick from far away. He has long arms and boney and long fingers. He has a  very defined collar bone and Adam's apple.
▸ as for his fashion style, he really does not like the look of over dressing like most silvers and prefers something simple like an all black suit (above picture) and on casual time, he would just wear a white loose knitted sweater with some black pant. he doesn't wear any pieces of jewelry except for some silver studs on both lobes and a metal block necklace that he will use when he need to use his power.

"why would they want to know me when she is here?"

+ Loyal, Caring, Intelligent, observant, individualistic, focused
= Deceptive, unpredictable, quiet, self-conscious, subjective,
- Aloof, asocial, blunt, calculating, weak


"I can do anything for her, even if it means staining my own hand with her enemies' blood."

Growing in a very distant and cold family causes Wol to become close with only a few people or should I say just one: His sister, the future Queen. For Wol, it doesn't matter how much she has changed or how broken she is, his loyalty to her stays true. However, because he cares about her, he will also do his best to bring her out of that darkness that has damaged her despite her stubbornness to stay in it. He doesn't care how he will save him whether it's sacrificing himself or others, he will do it just for her. Other than his sister, he only cared about his pet cat.

"Leaving me alone is the best thing you can do for me."

Growing in the same family as the future queen brought all of the spotlights out of his life and instead of boasting and showing off his power, he rather read historic accounts and books to gain his knowledge of anything and everything. Another way Wol gain knowledge is by observing everything and everyone around him. He would use the information as a future reference or use their weakness to make them do whatever he wants. He also observes his sister and would know what she is feeling just by one look, other people, he could care less about.

"I have a goal and if you get in my way, then off with your head."

Wol is always by himself even when his sister is with her because she is often running all over the place (when they were younger) thus, e grew to be independent and rely on himself more. He doesn't want to bother his sister therefore, he handles everything by himself even other nobles who laughed at him. In addition, Wol makes a lot of goal for himself (most important one is freeing his sister) and he is super focused on them and no one is able to change his mind once he decided on it. 

"They don't know me because they judged me like a book cover."

Whenever someone new meets Wol, they think that he is just a weak, powerless noble who is easy to bully and does not have the courage to stand up for himself. However, that's only how he look on the outside. Being physically weak and non-masculine looking, Wol definitely had his share of being judged by others. Yet, he is alright with that because it means he can burn them even more in the future once he figures out their weakness. Furthermore, since his power in silence, their power doesn't affect him at all. Due to their image of him, many do not know what Wol is thinking about and what he will do next. Therefore, whenever Wol attack them or calls them out, they are always surprised and the next second he would look like a weak boy again. One other thing that makes people distant themselves from Wol is the fact that he is so quiet. He is never excited and talks really quietly and slowly. He also finds it annoying to speak so some days, he just doesn't speak to others at all.

"I'm just her dull little brother, nothing special really."

Growing up in the same family, Wol was constantly being compared to his talented sister and that really cut deep into him. He grew up believing that he will never out stands his sister, as a matter of fact, he even believes that the two were on a complete different level to start with. He is aware of everything he does and says because he knows it will always come with a different judgment. Basically, he knows his sister is more powerful than he is, however, he still cares for her despite being physically weaker. Since he was always really by himself, he only focused in what he wants and his own opinion. He really cares less about others and just values his own thoughts.

"What part of leaving me alone don't you understand?"

Like it was mentioned above, other people leaves Wol alone (most of the time) if they don't want to be with i. However, Wol is also the one distancing himself from others and act really cold towards those he just met, doesn't know or dislike making him very unapproachable. Wol also hates social events or just talking to people in general, therefore, he would avoid those events as often as he can such as ignoring them, running away, or even hiding somewhere far form his house. However, when you really get to him nerve, he is very blunt and will tell you off and makes sure you can not have a comeback anymore. 

"I may be weak but you better make sure you have no secrets, oh wait, I already have one."

from all the observing and the knowledge he has, there is no secret that Wol can't find and once he finds it, he will remember it and use it against you one day, maybe. He only cares about himself and his sister so everyone outside of that is basically his tool to reach his goals. Furthermore, he never reveals it was him that spread or know the secrets because he doesn't want to put his sister and her future in danger that's why he sends out letters to those he is using under the name "Z". He adores his ability to control other non-physically because he is weak and can not fight for himself. Thus, he sees this more as a good thing instead of bad while others may think not.

Wol was born on during a snow storm and when he was born, he could blend in with the snow with his white hair and snow-like skin. They named him Wol because when he came into the world, the moon (Wol) was shining through the now calmed storm. At first, his parents couldn't tell how powerful his power will be like his sister's. After Wol became physically independent, they started training him to bring out his magnetron power. However, overtime, it was proven that his power is not even 50% of his sisters and the only thing he can do is build a soundproof metal box around himself when he doesn't want to be disturbed. Even they gave up teaching him or pushing him to train more, they often nag at him or saying how he was the disappointment in the family because he was not powerful enough to use as their pawn.

Despite being treated badly since young, Wol also discovered his love for books and the knowledge they have. Therefore, since he was little, he would sneak away from his nanny and read for hours in the family library. After he can control and his power manifested, he was able to build a metal box around himself when he does not want anyone to disturb him from his book. However, the box will be open for his sister and cat only. He usually ignores his parents and everyone else. He grew up with the books and never really had any friends. However, he did be friend a black cat when he found her abandoned outside in the woods. The only other only he would consider a friend would be his own sister Miyoon. Although there is a lot of comparing between the two, he was always very fond of her. Whenever they are together, he felt like his life has meanings beyond books and following her around makes him feel like he is living. 

He started living under the name "Z" was when he was 8 and the first person he sent a letter to was his own father sabotaging him by saying that "if you dare to go to a ball with your family again, then I will reveal to the red everything about you including your password to your saving." He went through all of this trouble was only because his father wants to force him to interact with other kids from the noble family in hope of using him as a way of getting their family's information secretly. Afterward, he continued to become "Z" when achieving his goal. He picked the name "Z" because he felt like he was the last in line just like Z is in the alphabet.

When Chanyeol came into his life as well as his sister's, he started to become distant from her because they two were in love. However, due to him observant side, he knew something was off about him. For example, whenever he was saying "I love you" to Miyoon, hiss smile looked forced and fake. When it was revealed that Chanyeol betrayed his sister, he wanted to murder him for her. After his sister changed, Wol feels more distant from her than ever, even on an emotional level. However, due to this, he has set it as a goal to bring his sister back even if it cause him his life.


▸ Likes books, cats, and his sister
▸ hates people, social event, and Chanyeol
▸ Feels effie about Baekhyun and his sibling (if he has any)
▸ Always have a resting face, never show any facial expression
▸ when he can't sleep, he goes to the roof of the mansion and stare at the moon and stars

"not a lot but they have my heart"


▸ future queen / sister — Kang Miyoon (22) / Queen-to-be and slaying people with metal / silver / see profile / Was 10 and now a 1
Before she changed, Wol loves following his sister around and finds it fun just to be next to her. Although they were close, he still feel sort of inferior whenever the adults compared the two and hates it when they put so much expectation on her. However, after she changed, she became different and hard to talk to. The two grew apart yet, Wol still wants to bring his sister back to a happy time. He is very protective of her and willing to do anything for him.

▸ future king / brother-in-law — Byun Baekhyun (23) / Future King / silver / see profile / not determined yet
Wol had very little with this brother-in-law of his and still cannot fully trust him. However, he does respect his decision of leaving his mother because Wol does not approve her ways either. Likes him better than Chanyeol though.

▸ enemy — Park Chanyeol (23) / Scarlet Guard / red / see profile / -100
Wol is suspicious and dislike Chanyeol since he came to the mansion and hated him even more after he betrayed his sister. He wish to kill him and that's one of the goal he has to fulfill.

"what can a war even do?"


▸ "What can a rebellion actually achieve? More dead bodies and more hatred. No more and no less. If they really want to change something then start secretly because being in the shadow is better than exposing yourself in the light. Besides, I don't get why would anyone stand for something that use violence to achieve its goal."



▸ "If it benefits me, then yes. If not, then I don't care. However, I do feel like their way of rebellion is very wrong and needs improvement."


▸ "My sister and then myself. Everyone else in irrelevant."


▸ "Why would you love me when there's someone better out there? Besides, being with me gives both of us too much stress and commitment."


▸ I don't mind if you kill him off lol while I was thinking about his personality, I was wondering if he could die a death for his sister or something like that.

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : last name, first name


▸ start here


▸ start here




subaksshi : sandy

LAST WORDS: I got really excited when I read the entire plot and cheatsheet XD I hope you like Wol and I hope I understand everything else perfectly fine. I also didn't include a love interest because I just feel like his plot doesn't need one since he's so focused on his sister.

PASSWORD?: Sekai no Owari - Anti-Hero


▸ A scene where Wol has a flashback to when he was happy with his sister and then comes back to reality and see the changed her.
▸ "Z" sending off letter to silvers and/or red to threaten them


turn in : story : cheatsheet

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