Catfish : Episode #1 : Lee Yura

episode number 1
The Korean TV Show
— @yuraa_

Full Name: n/a
Current Residence: seoul, south korea

Faceclaim: chorong (apink)
Backup Faceclaim: irene (red velvet)

— she told him she's from seoul because she knows he's from daegu. daegu is nearer to busan than it is to seoul so she was worried if he knew about busan, he would insist on visiting her.
Full Name: lee yura
Birthdate: 04021996
Current Residence: busan, south korea
Ethnicity: korean

Faceclaim: hayoung (apink)
Backup Faceclaim: chaeyeon (ioi)

yura is tall, standing at a height of 166cm and a weight of 46kg. she used to weigh up to 90kg before losing all that excess weight. she is beautiful with big brown eyes, a pale skin and a smile that could light up any room. her hair was normally a dark brown bordering on black but she has since dyed her hair a light pink with hints of blonde and orange.
yura has an incredibly girly fashion style. she loves wearing dresses, skirts and maxi skirts. sometimes she wears shorts and jeans depending on the weather too. her closet also has fitting tops but nothing that shows her tummy. while she's fine with shorts, she prefers not to show too much skin. it's a complex from after losing a lot of weight.

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Personality Traits:
+; outgoing, friendly, playful, protective
-; insecure, stubborn, fearful, clumsy
lee yura is from a small family of four which consists of her parents, an older sister, lee yuna and herself. her parents own a small but famous kalguksu restaurant. yura grew up helping out there. she also grew up eating her fill there. by the age of 17, she weighed at about 86kg. yura was never bothered by her weight. or so she says. the guys from her high school would make fun of the piggy aka her. her elder sister grew up to be the prettiest girl in their school. the stress from all that only made her ate more and in turn, gain more weight. yura's mum would try to get her to lose weight but said that it's fine if she can't she's beautiful just the way she is and someone will see it eventually. but yura doesn't feel that way.

so, she created an instagram account @yuraa_ and posted beautiful photos and drawings she herself took and drew. it gained popularity for being an aesthetic account. but about a year later, her followers asked for her picture. they were curious about the face behind all the pretty. should she post her pictures and show them that she's actually a fat pig? through a moment of impulse, yura posted her elder sister's picture. people started liking and commenting on how pretty she is. she felt bad about it but seeing people say how 'beautiful' she is, she couldn't stop.

she met her love there. on instagram. he helped her gain confidence and to love herself. a year later at 19 years old, she decided to properly lose the weight. afterall, healthy = beautiful. doesn't matter how she'll look like after the weight loss. so yura began to cut down on her eating, started eating healthily and exercising. she goes for a run once a day every evening. she gradually lost weight and managed to cut down to a healthy weight. her family was surprised at her change and was proud of her. she is also currently attending pusan national university as a fine arts major.

only yura's elder sister yuna knows the truth about their relationship. it is afterall her pictures yura is using. she doesn't approve because she can tell yura really likes the guy and is worried she'll be hurt when he finds out. yuna found out by chance after seeing yura's account on insta. she was mad that her sister used her photos without her permission but was also okay with it. she knew how her sister felt about herself.

Online Love: choi seungcheol
How They Met:
seungcheol has always been a fan of yura's account since she first started. he saw it by chance when he was scrolling through instagram. the pictures were so beautiful and the person behind it has such a beautiful heart. he could tell. when she posted her picture, he was also shocked that she looked beautiful on the outside as well. he dm-ed her to tell her he was a fan, she replied her thanks and seungcheol tried to start a convo which she returned. turns out, they had a very fun convo and became friends. the more they talked, the more they liked each other. after a few months of chatting, he asked her to be his girlfriend. she said yes despite her worries.
seungcheol and yura have a very fun relationship. they usually talk over the phone if they're free or otherwise are always texting each other. they can talk about anything and everything. he makes her feel comfortable. despite the fake picture, everything else yura has told him is all the truth of her life. how she loves drawing and might take it as a course in uni and how she feels inferior to her sister. thanks to him, her confidence grew and her weight dropped. unsurprisingly, after losing all that weight, yura became very beautiful. her looks definitely did not lose to her sisters or to celebrities. but by this point, she has been dating seungcheol for a while and did not dare to tell him the truth. she really likes this guy and her feelings for him were and still are real. he's been the perfect boyfriend, sweet and understanding. at 2 years of the relationship, the guilt finally got to yura that she decided to end it but found no way to tell him so she just cut him off from her life.

MiniHamtaro | Momoko | 7

Comments: i hope you like this. and feel free to let me know if i need to clarify anything or if there's anything i need to change. i love this idea btw and i hope you'll be able to get more applicants. and the numbers we have to choose makes me nervous ><
Pick A Number: 1


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