Ready to cause some chaos, Yoon Ahra?




Plotline: The Mermaid

Persona: The sassy genius & feminist politician-philosopher
Theme Song:
Run the world - Beyonce 
Like a Boy - Ciara 




Justice is the advantage of the strong -- this is her smart way of telling you if you think things in life are unfair, then gain the power and control of the situation to set the game rules -- she'll usually follow up this phrase by saying "If you don't like how justice is now, then become the strong and change it." 

If even you cant believe in yourself, how can you ever expect others to? Everything starts with the self. -- Ahra's done some things people of her time thought that women would never do. When she is challenged or feeling doubtful, she reminds herself she has to believe in herself first. 

The stars know that there's no such thing as directions in the sky; they know direction is something one has to find for oneself. -- her way of saying you gotta find your own way in life, and you'll never get there by following others' expectations. 

△ Just watch me prove you wrong-- She doesn't like being told what to do 

△ Intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings-- what she says when people see her as being "aggressive" for being an ambitious female. 

△ The key to everything is moderation -- too much of what is perceived to be a virtue can be a vice just as too little of a vice can be a virtue. A perfect balance of moderation of self, eros and passion is what will bring immortal rememberance  ---- one of her favorite quotes from her political science professors back in the day

Knowledge is the discovery of oneself 

△ Know no bounds, ignore the limitations imposed by society and you will see just how far you can soar high into that sky. 

Don't you even dare waste your breath on the people that talk behind your back, they're behind your back for a reason. 
△ Scars remind us where we've been; they don't dictate where we're going. 

△ Love is giving someone the ability to destroy you, but trusting them not to-- she uses this later to explain why she can't love Baekhyun-- Ahra knows it. She feels herself beginning to fall for him-- but she's scared to fall for him because it may just break her. 

△ We all wear masks and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing a part of ourselves. 

△ Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their true image. 

We are what we repeatedly do-- Excellence then is not an act, but a habit. ---- A quote from Ahra's favorite philosopher, Aristotle. 

Let's be real, though: you wish you were as smart as me. 
I can't help it that the world just blessed me with brains and beauty *shrugs* (These two phrases are what she says to Baekhyun to get him irritated. She loves empasizing the fact that she is way more intelligent than he is.)  
△ I know it may not seem like I do, but I care. I really do. 
△ Let yourself out. It's okay to tell me your fears, because that's the first step to overcoming them. 
△ The only limitation is your imagination
△ The world is a blank canvas and only you can decide how to color it. 
I'm sorry, I only hear intelligent people
△ Y'all need to talk about your feelings. Just because we live forever and we just let our wounds heal by time doesn't mean they dont leave scars. If you don't want scares, y'all need to talk to me. I could easily be a certified Doctor, you know? 
Do you know how many times I've even aced this class with quote on quote "flying colors?" 
Don't you dare think this pretty face can't think or speak for herself. Because she can do it better than you ever will. 
△ Has anyone ever noticed how messed up society is? 
Dude, don't make me spell things out for you okay? P-R-I-V-I-L-E-G-E. Okay? Just because you have it doesn't mean everyone else does
△ Life is like a house. With treasure at the top. Males are at the floor right beneath it. Females and less privileged people are on different floors of the house. And impenetratable glass walls separate them. You can see up but you can't see down. So people on the top just think everyone else is lazy, because y'know, everything was just handed to them. But no. You don't get a choice where you're placed in the house of life and breaking up those glass walls to get to that treasure is hard work. Even with brains and beauty. The house of life . [this is her favorite metaphor, usually she starts drawing a house on a piece of paper.] 
△Sleep is life. Let's be real. 
△So, enlighten me why girls pay like an extra $50 for a company to put a logo on their purses or shoes and why these scatterbrains actually buy it. 
One cannot silence what the heart truly believes. 
△ Societal hierarchy never told us what we weren't allowed to say. We just learned how to hold our tongues. And now somewhere on earth in this world, a girl is holding back because she is afraid that society will turn on her for speaking truth. 
The greatest lessons you learn in life are the ones you don't remember learning and the ones they dont remember teaching.
△ Since when did girls start apologizing for their appearance? "Sorry I look like a mess." A girl is worth more than what she appears to be. 
△ I swear to god, fight me. (what she says when Baekhyun says something ignorant once again) 
△ Oh my god, get that away from me. That is so gross. Fish are friends, NOT food.
△ Words, if you use them the right way, wield more power than you can ever imagine. 
I assure you I can be and am so much more than just another pretty face. So don't you even dare treat me like every other girl because I guarantee it's not going to work. 





Kwon Miyoung: The Fallen Angel

Mimi and Ahra have a weird relationship. They are close friends and together, they are like the fiery duo no one can ever contend successfully. They are both sarcastic and witty, and with Ahra's intelligence and facts no one seems to be able to win a debate against them. Ahra and Mimi also get along well because Ahra lived in the Bay area during her years in America. Ahra was an active Asian American student activist so she can empathize with how Mimi felt isolated in her community during the years she lived in SF. Ahra and Mimi are both the rebellious feisty types of people and understand each other very well. However, Ahra is a perceptive person. She realizes that there is something going on between Miyoung and Baekhyun. Although she has no idea that the two are related, she mistakes the relationship between the two. Ahra thinks that perhaps Baekhyun and Miyoung like each other somehow or that Baekhyun just likes pretty much any pretty girl, including Mimi, so eventually the relationship between Baekhyun and Miyoung strain Miyoung and Ahra's relationship once Ahra starts having feelings for Baekhyun. Ahra is also probably the one person that will help Miyoung beat up Kai with words, being the super hard core feminist that she is. Whenever Kai and Miyoung have fights, Ahra is always there to back one of her close (best?) friends up.

I can totally imagine the two of them as best friends, but I leave how the two will interact ultimately up to you! 

Relationship: Best friends

Common interests: Bay area culture, Asian American identity, feminist

Common traits: Independent, rebellious, feisty, 

Clashing traits: [relationship with baekhyun = yellow flag] 



Go Minhee: The Youngest Vampire

Ahra is weirdly protective of Minhee. She secretly admires Minhee for a strength. Although between the two of them, Ahra is the more mature and seemingly stronger one, Ahra admires Minhee for her resilience. Ahra is astonished by how a princess from her era could still be so happy and bubbly, especially during an era of misogyny. She admires Minhee's optimism and would probably do anything to perserve that smile on her face. The two also have a lot in common as princesses from approximately the same era, travelling around Earth alone and what not. However, Ahra is a pragmatist, and Minhee is an optimist. Although Ahra admires Minhee's optimism, sometimes Minhee's naiive nature clashes with Ahra's perceptive and realistic nature. As much as Ahra would like to tell the cold hard truth to Minhee sometimes, she stays quiet because she doesn't want to break the rose colored glasses the vampire sees with, and this causes Ahra herself to be frustrated with her self, which causes her to distance herself from Minhee until she gets over what she wanted to say. All in all, Ahra adores Minhee, but it can sometimes be an on and off friendship because of their contrasting natures. 

Relationship: Protective, good friends but Ahra does distance herself away sometimes

Common interests: Both were princesses from similar eras

Common traits: Perceptive, independent, straightforward, loyal 

Clashing traits: realist/cynical v optimism/ naiive



Song Raeyul: The Witch

It's not that Ahra doesn't like Raeyul-- but it's not like Ahra hates her either. The two of them have a kind of an awkward relationship. Raeyul is kind of the more quiet person, while Ahra is the feisty genius. Raeyul may view some of Ahra's statements as somewhat self pretentious and arrogant. Also, although Ahra is not a born liar, Ahra can be manipulative. And since Raeyul is an honest person, she doesn't always approve of Ahra's actions. But Ahra's also the kind of girl who doesn't give a crap if someone doesn't like her. Ahra lives to defy society. So basically the two girls are at gun point-- both of them don't really like each other, but don't like the other enough to cause huge drama. 

However, Ahra does realize that Raeyul is struggling with life later on in the story. She approaches Raeyul later on and offers advice and they kind of have a long philosophical talk. (Mostly Ahra giving advice with Raeyul adding a few comments here and there but y'know, its still a talk) Ahra's advice mostly consists of don't try to fit yourself to society-- its an impossible mold to fit anyways. And Raeyul realizes perhaps the reason why the two never got along was because she was secretly jealous that Ahra seemed to be living her life so freely and independently from societal influences. Raeyul was subconsciously envious that Ahra could stand up for herself in the face of society. 

And since Ahra has always been afraid that people wouldn't accept her because of her actions (the way she stands up to stereotypes, generalizations, mysogyny, and stands for social justice), when Raeyul confesses that she secretly admired Ahra for her bravery, they become a lot closer. 

Relationship: Awkward

Common interests: n/a

Common traits: n/a

Clashing traits: independent v submissive, may view Ahra as pretentious




Jung Nahla: The Water Mage

Remember how I said Ahra has a Ph.D in Psychology? Well yeah Nahla just shows telltale signs of PTSD and anxiety to Ahra. Ahra is no fool. She knows she can come off as intimidating or unapproachable sometimes because of her dignified/feisty manner, but Ahra can tell Nahla has probably had a painful past. The two are not close but respect each other. Ahra is almost the opposite of Nahla: she's assertive, straightfoward and headstrong. However this doesn't mean Ahra doesn't care. She worries that Nahla doesn't express herself enough sometimes and that she' just bottling up her worries. (Scene suggestion:) Nahla happens to have an anxiety attack after being emotionally triggered by an environmental stimulus or something like that, and Ahra reaches out to her, she helps Nahla overcome her past. Although the two are probably never going to be best friends because of their opposite nature, they respect each other and are friends/accquaintances. 

Ahra and Nahla sometimes go swimming together and Ahra is also a good italian cook (pasta)/ patisserie. (Nahla likes Italian food). So they do have similar interests, so they won't get too awkward if you leave them in a room with each other. 

Relationship: Decent

Common interests: Swimming

Common traits: not really

Clashing traits: assertive v non assertive, calm v fierce 



Gong Fei: The Shapeshifter

Ahra isn't really the super playful type. But She likes the fact that Gong Fei uses her powers to become a vigilante, and she also doesn't mind becoming the of the joke every once in awhile. Whatsmore is that Gong Fei understands Ahra's need to speak up for herself and to be the sassy feminist genius that she is, and Ahra greatly appreciates her for that. Ahra and Gong Fei both view modern society as selfish and shallow, and this is where they can both understand and empathize with each other. Ahra can talk on for hours about how women today are judged for what they wear and what they look like and how unfair it is, and Gong Fei can't help but agree. The two of them have similar views on the superficiality of the world and although their personalities aren't too similar, they get along fairly well. They are also both fellow hoarders of historical objects and trinkets or whatnot, so they have a habit of showing each other what they've collected over the years. 

Relationship: Good

Common interests: Hoarding trinkets, somewhat cynical view of modern day society 

Common traits: just and noble 

Clashing traits: n/a



Lee Jihyun: The Eldest Vampire

Hahaha. Ahra kind of really dislikes Jihyun. Ahra is a genius and although she has lived nowhere near as long as Jihyun, she's open minded. (Unlike Jihyun who can be condescending cough cough) Although it bugs Ahra when she's wrong, she's willing to admit it. Basically Ahra thinks she's smarter than Jihyun and hates it when Jihyun looks down on her just because Jihyun is older than she is. If Jihyun ever gets anything wrong, Ahra is probably one of the people that likes to rub it in the most. Ahra can also preach to Jihyun about the law of diminishing returns. Being passionate and trying to get things right is a good thing, but there's a point when it's no longer worth it and you should give up and move on with something else. The super perfectionist in Jihyun bugs the go with the flow lazy person in Ahra and vice versa. Ahra is probably the one girl that strives to pick a flaw in all of Jihyun's arguments and logic, and since Jihyun hates being interrupted, the two just simply don't get along. Although the two of them have had similar backgrounds: abusive fiances/husbands, Jihyun is a little bit of a pessimist. She's seen the world long enough to know that the world won't change for women and that's probably what drives Ahra crazy. It's also weird because these two girls are both strikingly honest, but that's also a bad thing because when these two get in a fight, its #merciless. The two don't hold back and just hurl heaps of straightforwardness and honesty towards each other and to be honest, it's kind of scary. The two try to avoid each other, since they know they don't get along, but you know, they live together. They have a mutual agreement not to talk bad about each other in the house for the welfare of everyone else, but you don't need to be perceptive as Ahra to know that they don't like each other. Period. 

Relationship: Bad, need to avoid each other 

Common experiences: exploring the world, abusive male figures

Common traits: knowledgable, straightforwardness

Clashing traits: perfectionist v go w. flow, condescending v openmindednes, 




Won Chun-hei: The Werewolf

They're both pretty perceptive, independent and straightfoward people. They get along pretty well, and can talk about a lot of different things, however their relationship isn't neccesarily deep. The two like and respect each other, however, besides small talk, because of Chun-Hei's secretive nature, its a little harder for the two of them to be super close friends and form a deep bond. Ahra and Chun Hei are the cooks of the house and they also enjoy swims together. Also since Chun Hei loves history, Ahra and Chun hei like to have historical debates/ talks every once inawhile. 

Relationship: Good, but lacking depth

Common interests: Cooking, swimming, history

Common traits: Perceptive, independent, straightforward, loyal 

Clashing traits: n/a




Kwon Bohye: The Middle Vampire
Bohye and Ahra respect each other, and they'll make small talk if you put them together, but they don't have very much in common. Ahra is happy to help Bohye with any of her school work though, if Bohye ever needed help. And the two can talk about how much has changed within the past decades, but besides that, they have minimal interaction. 


Relationship: Decent, but lacking depth

Common interests: school (they both care about studying and doing well)

Common traits: hard working, go with the flow 

Clashing traits: confident v shy, graceful v ditzy, 





Park Suyeon: The Time Traveler

Suyeon and Ahra are very good friends. They are good complements to each other. Ahra has an affinity for the humanities while Suyeon finds herself drawn to the sciences. They are like the genius duos. Although Ahra is aware that Suyeon is a little spoiled, Ahra kind of spoils her more with love and attention. Out of all the younger girls in the group, Ahra likes Suyeon the best. Ahra likes to bake macaroons for Suyeon when the said girl is feeling down. Ahra finds it fascinating how modern day society now has progressed, then she is absolutely mindblown of how Suyeon describes the future to be. Although Ahra doesn't really like the sciences, she is pretty good at it as well, and loves to watch Suyeon invent things. Ahra especially notices how Suyeon struggles with adjusting to a time that's not hers, and is always there to provide support and advice for her. Ahra basically acts more sisterly and sunbae ish to Suyeon. Suyeon is probably the only girl that could keep up with Ahra's occasional really bad science/geek/nerd puns. 


Relationship: Sisterly (close friends)

Common interests: sciences, intellectual stuff

Common traits: sociable, brave, intelligent, blunt 

Clashing traits: [occasionally low key gets jealous that Suyeon gets along with Baekhyun so much more easily than she does]




Lee Chaerin: The Genie

Like Minhee, Ahra finds Chaerin's optimism adorable. Chaerin and Ahra are both curious girls and Ahra has no problem explaining things to Chaerin or go on an adventure with her. Although Chaerin is naiive, Ahra tries to watch out for Chaerin, being the more perceptive one. Sometimes Ahra will tease Chaerin about her oblivious nature, and the two will playfully joke and banter around. Although the two have opposing traits, the two girls get along well and are actually pretty close friends. Ahra is like a beacon for her: she helps explain the human world to Chaerin and watches out for Chaerin at the same time. And although Ahra has almost an infallible pokerface, Chaerin can always tell when Ahra is upset from one of Baekhyun's remarks again. The two of them have a unique bond. Chaerin also finds Ahra's philosophical banters interesting and the two of them actually have quite interesting conversations. They are both fellow adventurers, and like to explore what the world has to offer. 

Relationship: Close friends

Common interests: exploring, hoarding trinkets, philosophy

Common traits: curious, adventurous, stubborn

Clashing traits: realistic v optimism, perceptive v. oblivious




Kyung Hyesu: The Fire Mage

Hyesu and Ahra get along insanely well. They're both just people with integrity, so they share a lot of the same views. They're both loyal and sarcastic people. Their senses of humor match right along with each other. You might just think they're being super mean to each other, but in reality, that's just how they joke around with each other. They might have a banter of sarcasm back and forth, but you'll realize that's just how close they are. They're both fiery personalities that get along well with each other. With Ahra's feminism and Hyesu's sarcasm, the two girls might just blow you away speechless. And although Ahra usually doesn't like kids, she adores Hyeon for some reason and will give him all the sweets he ever wants. Also, although Ahra is the sassy genius, she's also just a softie that cares for all of her friends and will always be the counselor (literally, she has the credentials to be one) for them. She also realizes that Hyesu is hurting from the death of Taesun and tries to be there for her. 


Relationship: best friends

Common interests: baking 

Common traits: sarcastic, confident, fiery, 

Clashing traits: n/a



So, how do you feel towards the other eleven girls? I like them. Well at the least, a good portion of them. However, I can perceive that a lot of them are undergoing a lot of emotional pain/ anxiety from their complicated pasts, so I try to be readily available and protect them from anything that may present itself as a stressor or a stimulus. I'm glad that they've found me snooping around my kingdom a few years back, and its truly refreshing to know that there are people that accept me as I am even when I stand to oppose societal conventions. It's nice to know that people accept me even when I'm challenging the system. 

Who are you closest to?
Probably Miyoung or Hyesu. 
In order: 
Best friends: Hyesu, Miyoung --> (Idea: Hyesu could be closer to Ahra and Jihyun closer to Miyoung and then when they have fights its awk bc Hyesu and Miyoung feel like they have to take sides) 
Close friends: Suyeon, Chaerin 
Good Friends: Minhee, Chun Hei, Gong Fei, 
Decent Acquaintances: Bohye, Nahla 
Awkward: Raeyul 
Bad: Jihuyn

What about the wolf pack, how do you get along with them? Too much testosterone. They only annoy me about half the time. Haha. But besides that they're alright for guys. I guess. Chanyeol is an absolute sweetheart. I feel bad Byundumb somehow tricked him into being friends. Jongdae, too. Some of Byunbaek's friends are way too good for him. And some of the guys need to keep their in their pants but I guess for guys they're not that bad. 
Okay, I guess I might be a little bit more attached to them later, but Baekhyun still annoys the out of me. He's such an arrogant . Typical grade A douche. Why does he have friends again? 
Oh yes. Wolf pack. I actually like Lay, too. He's such a gentleman. 
*Baekhyun hollers I am too in the background*
No Byuncé, you are not a gentleman. A gentleman never interrupts a lady. You just lost your case. *scoffs*

Do you like being mermaid? Or would you rather be human? I don't mind being a mermaid. In fact, I don't think an inifinity would be enough to quench my thirst for knowledge, so in some ways, I'm glad I'm a mermaid. Knowledge is probably the most precious gift that has been bestowed upon me through my immortality. However, being a mermaid also meant that I was objectified and not given a voice back in my homeland. It's kind of sad to know that I might just be the last mermaid alive, although I don't neccessarily like being a mermaid, I like the benefits that come with it. I like the advantages too much to consider being human.  

What's your most treasured memory? Honestly? Throwing a lamp at my ex-fiance. Freedom never felt so good. Haha. Just kidding. I think my most treasured memory had to be my older sister sneaking me into the old royal library for the first time. She arranged for one of her butlers to teach me how to read from there on and I can only thank her for empowering me and helping me become the person who I am today. 




△ Ahra and Baekhyun having a pick up line contest because Ahra says Baekhyun's pick up lines are way too greasy and cheesy. 

△ Baekhyun accidentally (or was it really accidental?) touching Ahra's somehow, and Ahra tries to slap him but he grabs her closer to him instead. And in retaliation, she pretty much knees him in the crotch. 

△ Ahra and Baekhyun having a pillow fight.
△ Baekhyun trying to write a song, but he can't quite figure out this one part. Ahra walks in on him and they finish the song together as they sing in harmony <3

△ When Ahra and Baekhyun have a drinking contest and Ahra gets way too drunk to the point where she somehow confesses to Baekhyun ( who is sober ish ) that although he annoys the out of her, she might actually just like him and that she doesn't know what she's wrong with her because Ahra believes that loving someone is giving them the ability to hurt them but trusting them not to. She accidentally blabs on about how she likes him, but is afraid to fall for him. Baekhyun understands her a lot more and kisses her on the forehead and takes care of her for the night without her knowing. 

△ Baekhyun pestering her while Ahra is baking, and Ahra accidentally spills flour on him and they pretty much have a food fight in the kitchen. 

△ When Ahra and Baekhyun are having a fight and while Ahra is ranting, Baekhyun shuts her up by kissing her senseless. 
△When Ahra and Baekhyun have a swimming/ running competition, but Baekhyun just can't take his eyes off her (body). She slaps the back of his head. 
△ When Ahra and Baekhyun have a chess competition, Baekhyun pretty much gives up and decides to start the pick up line competition again and shamelessly just hits on her instead. (Baek has a short attention span lol)
△ Ahra spraining her ankle (b/c let's be real Baekhyun beats her in terms of atheltics) while playing Tennis with Baekhyun and Baekhyun piggyback rides her home. 
△ When the two go sky diving and Baekhyun pretty much screams off his head like the little girl he really is. And Ahra teases him about it forever. 
△ When the two of them go to watch a scary movie/ go to a haunted house but Baekhyun comes out more scared than Ahra is. 
△Baekhyun making Ahra cry (bc he's an impulsive, sarcastic sometimes reckless little ) and him playing the piano and singing for her to make it up with flowers, chocolate and books that she's been meaning to buy because let's be real, Ahra's not the type of girl to be happy with a diamond ring or flowers. 
△ Ahra accidentally almost summoning a category 1 typhoon or smth like that while fighting with Baekhyun 
△ Ahra manipulating to Baekhyun's luck to crappy for a few days because he pissed her off while Baekhyun pretty much begs for mercy. 
△ Ahra pranking Baekhyun via turning invisible-- (tripping him, sneaking up on him etc.)
△ Ahra looking starstruck when Baekhyun walks in with fake glasses (bc damn Ahra didn't actually expect him to pull off intelligent vibe), Baekhyun noticing and being cocky, jokes and asks if she's ready to jump him yet. Ahra gives him bad luck for the next three days. 
△ Baekhyun getting jealous when theyre friends bc Ahra has a crush on the social studies/ ethnic studies teacher. Baekhyun gets offended and literally keeps bugging Ahra about what's so good about Mr. Song? He claims he's so much better in so many more ways.
△ Ahra gets ually harrassed after going out in a revealing outfit to go clubbing (after Baekhyun specifically told her not to) After this incident, Baekhyun gets over protective and starts teaching her self defense bc Ahra has no offensive power and is kind of frail 
△ Ahra getting jealous after Baekhyun receives like +++ chocolates on Valentines day. 
△ The two go horseback riding but Baek's horse really hates Baek. And Ahra agrees with the horse.HA




COMMENTS: I don't think I stressed this as much in my app, but I also imagined Ahra as sort of a group counselor. Since she's studied Psychology before and bc she's perceptive, she realizes that the girls have had some traumatic experiences, and because of her loyalty, she tries her best to serve as the psychiatrist for the group. 
Also, I edited my powers on the App for Ahra because I realized they were identical to Jihyun's. 
All in all, thank you for the opportunity for Ahra to appear as a couple with Baekhyun! I look forward to it greatly! 

QUESTIONS: Actually, what happens if I say that for example, Ahra is best friends with Chaerin but the user that wrote Chaerin's app writes that she and Ahra are frenemies? 

CONCERNS: hello from the other sideeeeeee jk I don't have any concerns. 




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Dang now I need to model my relationships after you or I'll feel cheap. XD And you mentioning Taesun killed me--
Interesting >,<