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JIN Seyi

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BIRTHNAME : Jin Seira 


▸ Seyi — a nickname she prefers to go by. Only the closest to her know her real name. It was a nickname given to her by Taeyoon that she uses as her name. Taeyoon compared her to a puppy that followed him around and said that if she were a puppy he would name her Seyi. 

▸ fairie/ fairy — a nickname/codename given to her by the other members of the guard, claiming she looks like a fairy with her purple hair and violet eyes with her petite height. It also refers to how she enchants men. She has a bit of a reputation on the base. 

▸ midget — a nickname she loathes. Although some may call her this behind her back, only one person has the guts to call her this to her face. Park ing Chanyeol. 


DATE OF BIRTH : Jan 7th  // 20

BIRTHPLACE : Outskirts of Archeon 

BLOOD TYPE : New blood

POWER (IF THEY HAVE ONE)ability to see into the future and past

▸ Seyi can see in to the future two ways: sometimes she gets random visions once people make their choices or she can also meditate to find a specific answer. 

▸ Seyi can also see the pasts of those who she is really close to. However, she discovers this ability much later on and does not realize it is her lover's past she continues seeing. 

HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 161 cm & 43 kg 


▸ Seyi naturally has long straight lilac purple hair and deep purple amethyst eyes. She gives off an other-worldly, alluring, mystical vibe, and thus has often been told she resembles a fairy. Face claim wise, she looks like former f(x) Sulli. 

▸ Seyi has pale white skin, flushed pink cheeks, and full lips. She has an inexplicable aura that tends to draw people (especially males) in closer.  

▸ She also has a beauty mark right underneath her right eye. 

▸ Seyi has a lot of ear piercings. She has three on her left lobe, along with one inner conch and helix piercing on the left, two right lobe piercings, one outer conch right piercing and one right daith piercing. In short, she has nine piercings on her ears. 

▸ Fashion: 

▸ Seyi likes to wear halter tops, crop tops, off the shoulders with ripped jeans, skirts, maxi skirts and shorts. She also likes to wear cute summery sundresses and rompers. She loves pink, pastel colors and floral print. She's the ultimate girly-girl and loves to accessorize with earrings and other jewelry. 

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"Beauty, strength and power: everything a woman will ever need."

PERSONALITY TRAITS : Jin Seyi is a know-it-all who hates to be wrong with a burning passion. 


zodiac sign: capricorn 



power obsessed 














likes to play god 

two faced













+: helpful, loyal, cunning, smart, eloquent, wise, quirky, creative, tactful, sassy, witty, persuasive 


=: independent, philsophical, assertive, weird, 


--: opportunistic, know it all, manipulative, paranoid, distrustful, control freak, power obsessed, rebellious, stubborn, spoiled, bratty, selfish, materialistic, superficial, flirty, seductive, conceited, apathetic, vindictive 



PERSONALITY : Jin Seyi is a sassy know it all who hates nothing more than being wrong and unable to understand others. She's a manipulative who won't hesitate to steal your heart and use it for her own, and is a a paranoid control freak who has to have things her way. Although she's a grade A douche, she tends to go above and beyond for the very few she cares about. But most of the time, humanity just annoys her and she sees them as variables in the future she wants to see. 

  • cunning, smart, manipulative, know it all 
    • Seyi is someone who has no qualms about which methods she uses as long as she gets what she wants. She's a master of deception and lies and knows how to strike people at their weakest moments. Although her power helps, she's also a know-it-all by nature and dislikes it when she is wrong or people disagree with her way of thinking/planning. 
    • She's also book smart and loves reading. However, she's careful to let these parts of her show. She'll sometimes act like a bratty airhead around people to get them to underestimate her. 
  • philosophical, helpful, eloquent, wise
    • Seyi likes talking about philosophy, big pictures, dreams and likes to help answer people's questions. She gives quite sound advice to those she likes and respects and speaks eloquently with grace. Although Seyi may seem like a valley girl at first glance, she has wisdom beyond her years along with a unique approach to life. To those very few that Seyi likes, she will go out of her way to help them.
  • paranoid, distrustful, control freak, apathetic
    • Seyi does not trust others. She can be pesimisstic at times and hates it when she can't understand others or see the future she wants to see. She's also paranoid af because she's seen the future change so many times based on little small decisions, so she can also be a bit of  a control freak. Things for her ultimately have to go her way because she doesnt trust others and she views others as unaccounted variables. Seyi can also be extremely apathetic to red families. This is because she was bullied a lot in red schools when she was younger and because of her father who believes all reds, if they work hard enough, can become successful like him. Seyi actually prefers the silver society because they treat her family and herself right without all the jealousy. 
  • power obsessed, likes to play god, 
    • Seyi hates getting the short end of a bargain and likes to constantly remind people how powerful/helpful/influential she is. She likes to dangle her power in front of you, claim to see your future (even if she hasn't) and likes to pretend her visions can alter lives and the future (which they can, but she tends to overexaggerate). She likes reminding people of her power so that they won't try and take advantage of her later on. Ever since Taeyoon told her that strength and power is everything, she became obsessed with power. 
  • rebellious, independent, assertive
    • Seyi hates taking orders from other people and prefers to work alone. Again, she's too paranoid to trust others and holds herself on a silver pedestal. She won't hesitate to express herself and advocate for her own opinion and if people won't listen to her, she'll go off and do her own thing. She hates it when people don't listen to what she has to say. 
  • mysterious, two faced, actress, opportunistic, vindictive
    • Seyi doesn't talk much about herself. She prefers to stay mysterious and aloof so that people won't know her enough to take advantage of her weaknesses. She's the type to listen to you, pretend to care so she can scope out your weaknesses and will secretly plot your demise if you've pissed her off. Seyi is totally capable of pretending to be your friend/ally until the perfect timing comes for her to betray you. 
  • spoiled, bratty, selfish, stubborn
    • Seyi is used to getting her way and manipulating events to her self benefit. The quickest way to piss her off is to interfere in her plans and trigger the control freak in her. She gets a bit bratty sometimes, especially after she joins the guard via Taeyoon's request, because she knows she's indispensible to both sides, and the power definitely goes to her head. Seyi holds her strategic importance and status above others and is the type to think of herself first.
  • materialistic, superficial
    • Seyi believes appearances are very important. They are the third asset and the most important weapon a woman has. Seyi has this point of view because she noticed how different people started treating her once she started starving herself when she was being bullied throughout school. She has come to accept that looks play an important role in social interactions, and tries her best to always appear impeccable and will judge those who won't.
  • flirty, seductive, conceited
    • Seyi sees seduction and attraction as another source of power. The reason why she's superficial and materialistic is because 1. she knows she's gorgeous and she deserves the best outfits 2. because she has to use this beauty to stay in power. She has seen throughout her years of visions that love makes people do stupid, stupid things. Seyi is flirtatious and keeps many, many boys under her leash. She decided to use the opposite as her slaves, weaklings who fall in love with her to do her bidding. How ironic that the person she fell in love with sees her as the same value. Karma's a . 
  • quirky, weird, creative
    • Seyi is a bit quirky. She sees things differently and is a very creative soul. Sometimes she says weird things (she'll compare two things that no one would ever dare think of) or will laugh at something childish for 15 mins by herself. She's also quirky in the sense that she understands people really fast and will guess what people want to say/ want to do without even using her powers. 
  • tactful, annoyed when she doesnt understand others 
    • At last but not least, Seyi is a tactful creature. She is always aware of how people feel or would feel in any given situation and understands peoples' natures and acclimations very fast. She has no problem understanding others although she may not be the most sympathetic, she understands others the fastest. It will also tick her off if she can't understand what another person is thinking (aka park chanyeol the er doesn't make sense)
  • sassy, witty, persuasive 
    • Seyi could sell the devil a useless knick-knack. She never loses an argument. She's logical and persuasive and her stubbornness will never you win. She's also sassy and witty. She likes to jokingly boss friends around and when she's not being a control freak, can be good company.



[THE VERY BEGINNING] Seyi was born in the outskirts of Archeon to perhaps one of the wealthiest red families in the kingdom. Her father was a top fashion designer who made anything from dresses to suits for the upper court and royal families while her mother came from a long line of royal seamstresses. Her family was never sympathetic to other reds. Her father especially, believed that with enough talent and ambition, that reds could overcome the slums they were born to. As someone who made his dreams work out, he believed those in the slums were too lazy. He even looked down on them and taught Seyi to always be the best at something. Seyi never worried about food or conscription. She grew up without worries, loved by her family.

Seyi as a child, was spoiled, plump and chubby; she was bullied the minute she started to attend school with the reds. Because there was no school for reds near Archeon, Seyi had to attend school in the nearest red town. Just from the way she dressed, walked and talked, her classmates could tell: she was different.   

At first it was a lot of name calling, pushing and shoving. "Rich snob, pig, brat" were some of the tamer names. She was always alone and over the years it progressed to having her clothes, money and items stolen, being slapped and beat up because they thought she was arrogant. Seyi began hating herself and her appearance and developed anorexia and bulimia. And even though she lost all the weight and transformed into a different person, (lost 50 lbs), they mentally and physically abused her every day, and it got so bad to the point where Seyi considered suicide. 

[MEETING A SAVIOR] Seyi looked down as she stood up on top of the isolated bridge on the way to the castle. This was when Seyi was in middle school and she just couldn't stand it. Her parents had gotten too busy for her and school was unbearable. Just the other day, guys had harassed her in the back of the classroom. No one stopped them. Seyi braced herself for the jump when someone pulled her back in the nick of time. 

He was a silver. His cheeks flushed grey as his piercing grey eyes met hers. He had dark black hair and was wearing a whole bunch of metal bracelets. He was probably a magnetron. "What the hell were you doing?" He growled. 

Seyi broke down in tears and poured her heart out to this stranger. 

The stranger obviously didn't know how to deal with a bawling teenager. He wordlessly crafted a small metal ring around her finger. 

"I don't know how to make you feel better, but I can tell you how to overcome your foes. Strength and Power." He said. "They seek to bring you down because you have something they don't. Make use of that power. Do not let them think you are weak and do not show them mercy." He said with a small smile before leaving. 

Seyi thanked him for saving her life and if there ever was one day she could repay the favor, she promised she would. 

The very next day, Seyi recruited one of the strongest kids in school, her former bully, to be her bodyguard with the promise of an apprenticeship with her parents. And once he was under her control, she did not show him any mercy. She made him her slave and humiliated him in front of the school. She finally felt what power was supposed to be and she was loving it. 

[DISCOVERING POWERS] When Seyi was being bullied badly in middle school, she would sometimes get flashes before walking home of bullies planning to beat her up and take her money. She would always take a different way home that day or stay at school longer. Seyi just thought she was paranoid and anxious and never had really considered it visions of the future. 

In high school, Seyi was wildly popular, or at the very least, with the boys. And Seyi absolutely loved all the attention. This was when she began to obsess with her appearance and became superficial. She was amazed by how people (especially boys) treated her differently after she lost weight. She planned to take advantage of this new found power.

There was this one girl that had bullied Seyi since the beginning of time, and the two of them hated each other. So when she started dating this cute guy, Seyi purposefully stole him from right under her nose. The girl was furious and came to Seyi raging during break time. Seyi had seen her coming for some reason and saw the whole thing 15 minutes before it happened in her mind. Seyi could also see what move she was about to make each time she tried to hit or pull Seyi's hair. With those visions, Seyi managed to dodge every single hit the girl tried to make until her bodyguard came along. 

That was when Seyi knew she could see the future. 

[SEYI'S VISIONS] Seyi just thought that she had a sixth sense and started helping her parents out with business decisions. To her parents' alarm, Seyi predicted the future alarmingly right. With each prediction her power grew and she could more easily see the things that she wanted to see. She convinced her parents to help her open up a little store. Claiming to be a psychic, with her parents' business connections, Seyi consulted silvers about various matters: tarot cards, astrology, romantical compatibility, etc. She started her own store at the age of eighteen and has continued her store for the past two years. She even had silver sponsors that legitmized her business so that she wouldn't have to worry about "conscription." 

One day, a man that looks very familiar walks in with a woman. 

"Come on, Taeyoon-sshi! It can't hurt. I heard this girl is very accurate with her predictions!" 

It was Seyi's savior:  Kang Taeyoon and his fiance, Lee Mina. 

They asked for a romantical compatibility test and left. Taeyoon came back on the next day, asking her how she was doing just to catch up. They became accquainted with each other and that was the start of a dangerous relationship. One she would never be able to fully escape from. (more in the relationship section!) 



▸LIKES:  makeup, clothes, accessories, earrings, shopping, 

▸DISLIKES: eating, exercise, 

▸HABITS: periodically checks appearance in shiny surface or mirror, plays with her hair when bored, 

▸HOBBIES: art, drawing, painting, sketching, 

▸ Had anorexia and bulimia, although she eats properly now and is somewhat satisfied with her body, she sees eating as a chore. She is the ultimate health freak and will only eat low carbs and will shy away from desserts and anything fattening. 

"people are in the end, just selfish characters who will do whatever they want"


▸ Father — Jin Sewoon (45) / Designer / Red / Arrogant, stuck-up, caring, sassy, witty / 10

Seyi's father is the king of back-handed compliments. He gave Seyi anything she asked for when she was little and spoiled her rotten. However, he tends to look down on other reds and thinks very highly of himself, two traits Seyi seemed to have picked up from him. He's usually busy serving the silver upper court and royalty, however, he has a lot of aegyo saved for his only daughter. The two are close and inseparable. 

▸ Mother — Lee Kilim (35) / Seamstress / Red / Silent, terse, perfectionist, stubborn / 4

Seyi does not see her mother often since her parents divorced and because her mother lives in the castle as a royal seamstress. 

"Karma is a "


▸ I honestly don't understand why they don't focus that energy in to bettering themselves. The reds who are stuck in the slums are the ones that are too lazy to change the course of their lives. Look at my father; look at me. We've both contributed to society in useful ways. They should stop blaming others and face reality. 

When I was younger and had to attend school with them, all the red kids did was call me names, steal my posessions and bully me. I can't wait until all of them get what they deserve. Karma is a ." 

"to get the future you want, you have to be willing to create it"


▸ Not willingly. Ew. No. Maybe I would just to be a spy for the other side. That would be interesting. *pauses as she ponders the possibility and sighs* I don't see the reason behind the rebellion at all. There's no need for them to be neanderthals and be violent. I don't see why they can't just reason things out or work harder. 


▸ Who said I was fighting for anything? People entertain me. Their stupidity knows no bounds, and as messed up as this sounds, I like manipulating them and seeing the outcomes. I'm in it for the ride and I'm in it to end up on top. 


▸ Love is an illusion. Love is a lie. You wouldn't believe how many peoples' lives I've seen ruined because of "love." Love is a delusion of the heart. The heart is forever changing. You just can't place your future and bets in something fleeting like that. 


▸ Tbh I'd prefer a happy ending, but the way this character is set up, I can't see her dying? lmao but you can totes kill off Kang Taeyoon if you want. 

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Kang Taeyoon 

▸ 25 years old 

▸ aka Major General JR for the Royal Silver Army, Nu'est division  

▸ Charcoal black hair, cold blue grey eyes, 180 cm


▸ 23 years old 

▸ You know how he is better than I do lol 


▸ Kang Taeyoon before his personality splits to JR was an absolute sweetheart to Seyi. He listened to her, cared for her and the two were good friends. However, after Miyoon is betrayed and his personality splits into two, Seyi sees his demise. She does everything he asks because she wants to stay close to him to see if she can find a way to save him. She refuses to admit to herself that she loves him and somehow persuades herself that she is doing this to return the favor: he saved her life once, and she believes it is her turn.  


▸ [THE BEGINNING] The two of them first encountered each other in their early teens. Seira (Seyi) was being bullied by peers and tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge near Taeyoon's manor. Taeyoon had no idea she was red. He just saw a petite girl with purple hair about to jump off the bridge. Instinctively, he used the metal on his wrists to grab her and haul her back up. 

Seira looked up to realize a silver had saved her. His cheeks flushed with a grey hue as he looked into her eyes. Taeyoon was too enchanted by her appearance to realize she was a red. The scum he didn't understand. However, he understood her. He asked her what was wrong and at once he understood her. All Seira really wanted to do was have people accept her as she was. She wanted to love and be loved for who she was. Much like him. 

At once, he felt an instant connection to her. He felt a strong urge to protect her and guide her. He answered her as how a silver would. "Strength and Power. "They seek to bring you down because you have something they don't. Make use of that power. Do not let them think you are weak and do not show them mercy." At the time, Taeyoon was confused. He thought that if he tried enough, if he had enough strength and power, people would eventually come to love him...

▸ [THE REUNION] Years passed. Seira became 18, and Taeyoon became 22 and a lieutenant in the Silver army. One day, his fiance pestered him to go see this fortune teller with her to see their future together. As soon as he walked in, he recognized her. Something in his heart lit up at the sight of her and in that moment all he saw was her. The same need to protect her, to guide her down the right path struck him again. 

After getting his reading done with his fiance, Taeyoon made an excuse to get rid of her and came to see Seira again. She was even more beautiful the last time he saw her. The two gladly reunited and caught up with the past years of their lives. Even though there was an and a difference in station, the two talked as if they had been friends over the past ages. 

After the two had reunited at Seira's shop, the two of them fell into something unescapable. At first, they were just friend and confidants. Taeyoon came to Seyi for military help and decisions since she was really good at predicting the future, and both of them confided in the others' secret. He deeply cared for Seira. And later on, he nicknamed her as Seyi, which is the name Seira uses instead of her birth name, saying that Seira reminded him of a puppy following him around. 

▸ [TAEYOON'S PET] Kang Taeyoon has never tolerated reds. He always saw them as animals: ungrateful, weak and powerless. However, Seyi was different. Perhaps it was because she was raised from a wealthy red family, but she seemed so human-- so silver. From the way she dressed and talked. Even when they first met, he only saved her because he thought she was silver. After the two had been reunited, he felt a strange magnetic pull to her, even though he already had a fiance. 

Although he loved getting to know her, he hated liking her. She made him feel things that he had never felt before. And that made him afraid. After he had met her a few times, the deep dark voice in his mind (JR) kept telling him to use her. To betray her. She would be such a valuable spy if placed into the guard. 

However, this wasn't yet when JR had taken form and was before Chanyeol's betrayal. At first, he really did truly care for her. 

Shortly after he started getting close to Seyi, the whole Chanyeol-  Miyoon fiasco happened. All he saw was red: the color he wanted the guard to bleed and burn. JR then took over his relationship with Seyi. JR made sure that she was in deep. He made her his pet. He had deepened Taeyoon's relationship with Seyi with one goal in mind: to use her as a spy. 

When the time came, he would have tamed her just like a pet, eager to please its master, ready to do his bidding. 

And Seyi was too blind to see the true him. She saw him as her savior and crush, which is exactly what JR wanted. 

Taeyoon requested she go undercover as a spy for him in the Scarlet Guard. She agreed. He also asked her to up Park Chanyeol for his little sister. Even though she liked Taeyoon, she agreed. It was too late to save her own soul; she had already become his pet. She was conditioned to live on his approval.

He should have felt accomplished and proud that his pet had finally done what he trained it for.

But then why did Taeyoon feel so empty? 

Why did he keep missing her? 



At first, Chanyeol disgusts her. All Seyi sees is a shell of a person that was made to be a weapon. He ironically fuels her hatred of reds. But she ends up liking him when she realizes how predictable he is. Chanyeol is super predictable due to the fact that he is emotionless, therefore, Seyi kind of begins to like him, seeing him as a constant variable in the future.

Seyi doesn't abhor Chanyeol, but rather doesn't understand him. She sees Chanyeol's demise as something he deserves. Why would he be stupid enough to fool the highest silver family after the royals? However, after she gets close to him, Seyi starts to see glimpses of Miyoon before she was broken by Chanyeol. At first she just thought they were dreams. She later realizes she is seeing her from both Chanyeol and Taeyoon's perspectives. 



ENDING I will leave it up to you whether or not want Chanyeol to fall for Seyi. I don't care which one she ends up with (preferrably Taeyoon) but it would be cool if Chanyeol somehow fell for Seyi and she s him up real good.  Karma's a , right? 

Naratothesky : nara


LAST WORDS : Nah fam.

PASSWORD? : Love on the Brain by Rihanna 


▸ Taeyoon and Seyi's emotionally abusive relationship 
▸ Taeyoon getting jealous that Seyi is actually getting Chanyeol to slowly fall for her. 

▸ Flashbacks (Seyi POV) of when Taeyoon was nice to her (before the emergence of JR).

▸ Mina suspecting Taeyoon liking Seyi and getting jealous, furiously upset (#lovetriangle #illuminati) 

▸ Seyi realizing that she finally loves Taeyoon (or Chanyeol?) and wondering how the she actually ed up all of her life morals so far. She realizes it was love making her do all these crazy things and wonders how she hadn't realized she was being played so hard. 

▸ Seyi finding out about how he has split personality disorder (basically) and her confessing that she likes Taeyoon (his real self) better than JR. To Taeyoon that means a lot, because every one around him has loved JR more. Seyi claims that she'll save him just as he saved her: by proving to him that Taeyoon is not weak and is worth existing and loving. But can she do it before JR swallows Taeyoon whole? 


turn in : story : cheatsheet


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