
Two Worlds
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The club was blaring music loudly, and the DJ was slowly building up the excitement so he could switch to a more upbeat song. Joohyun was watching the people dance, except this time, she was on the dance floor too. She looked in front of her to find Seulgi smiling widely and dancing as well. She felt awkward standing there, not even moving a muscle while everyone else around her was having fun and dancing. Her shoulders slumped and Seulgi frowned as the girl seemed uncomfortable and scared. The music was getting louder and people were dancing closer. Joohyun tried to get out of the circle of people but she was far too small to push anyone out of her way.


She struggled to get out and was only pushed back to her previous spot. Seulgi grabbed her hand and brought her closer, before pushing her way out of the crowd. The older girl was dragged to the bar and Seulgi patted her arm reassuringly. “Give me a second,” the girl whispered in Joohyun’s ear before running off.


Joohyun stood by the bar and looked at Seunghyun who simply smiled back, “anything to drink?”


She shook her head.




She nodded.


Seunghyun handed her a plastic cup and Joohyun downed it quickly and set the cup back down, her hand shaking. A few minutes passed by and Joohyun was left to her thoughts. She didn’t really understand why she had to let her fear show earlier and she was almost angry at herself. A hand landed on her shoulder and Joohyun glanced up to find Seulgi looking back at her innocently.


“Come on,” Seulgi’s hand trailed down Joohyun’s arm till it reached her hand and she held it firmly before pulling the girl away, towards the exit.


Just as they were about to step out the door, Joohyun’s friend from earlier approached them and hugged Joohyun. “You’re leaving already?” She asked, stepping back.


Her eyes lowered and she grinned when she saw the two holding hands, or rather, Seulgi holding Joohyun’s limp hand. Joohyun noticed where her eyes were and she quickly let go, wiping her hand on her pants. Seulgi just chuckled and pointed toward Joohyun with her head.


“I think she needs some quiet,” Seulgi stepped forward and pulled Joohyun with her. She stopped at the door and turned to face the girl, giving her a wink. “Come by next week and I’ll make sure you have a good time! Oh, and go to the bartender, tell him to give you a drink on me.”


The girl glowed with happiness and nodded enthusiastically, “thank you!” She waved the two away and Seulgi pulled Joohyun out of the club and into the quieter street.


As soon as they were on the sidewalk, Joohyun made it a point to take a few steps to the side so she was out of Seulgi’s reach. The latter didn’t mind too much. Giving Joohyun some space, Seulgi went to reach for her pack of cigarettes but quickly changed her mind.


She remembered how much the older girl hated it.


So they walked along the sidewalk quietly, only stopping whenever they had to cross a road. Seulgi stopped walking when she noticed a coffee shop a few metres away and she turned to Joohyun and pointed to it. “Would you like to get a drink?”


Joohyun shrugged. Seulgi rolled her eyes and took the girl’s hand, crossing the street and bringing her into the coffee shop. It was nearly empty as Seulgi looked around. She noticed a few students who had their laptops out and were studying together and a couple who were huddled up in a secluded corner. Other than that, Joohyun and Seulgi were the only others inside. The two stepped towards the counter where there were two employees and Seulgi turned to Joohyun.


“What do you want?” She asked, nodding towards the menu above them. Joohyun scanned it and shrugged.


“I’ll order on my own.”


Seulgi frowned, “don’t worry, I’ll treat you tonight because I told you I’d give you a good time last-”


“Okay okay I want...just a regular coffee okay?” Joohyun grumbled, walking away towards a table. Seulgi’s expression was blank for a moment before she chuckled and turned to the cashier.


“You heard her, and an iced americano please.”


The employee nodded and let Seulgi pay as she hurried to prepare the two drinks. The other employee, who was a young boy, just watched her boredly while he leaned against the counter with his arms crossed. She glared at him, “aren’t you going to help?”


He huffed and pushed himself off the counter, grabbing a cup to help her prepare another one of the drinks. “Why did you bother to work the night shift if you aren’t going to do anything?” The girl complained, as he handed her the empty cup before returning to his previous position.


He shrugged and closed his eyes. Seulgi watched the two and tried her best not to laugh. She glanced at Joohyun to find her staring out the window, leani

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1063 streak #1
Chapter 15: Waiting with respect authornim! Hope you come back! 🤧
Chapter 15: Waiting for next update
Chapter 15: aww man I just read it for the first time and it's so gooood I fell in love with it you are really talented
Chapter 15: Come back
forgotme #5
Chapter 15: hahahahaha...
Chapter 15: Omygad hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha please update when u can :)
illegal0518 #7
Chapter 15: Oeuririeoeuririmxbxbcbcnckd hahahaha finally they will know about seulrene
Chapter 15: Ha ha ... that ending was pretty cool. Even if it was a slight cliffhanger; it was the nice kind. As in, you know nothing bad can come off of it. Or at least I hope not.

I didn't realize this whole story has taken 3 years ... no wonder I have no idea what's going on. LOLOL You probably shouldn't have reminded us and we wouldn't have been the wiser. He he he

Thanks for the update!
Chapter 15: Wow! I’m so inlove with this fic right now! Thank you for the awesome work Author! I’m so excited to read the next updates!!