Chapter 3

I'm A Daddy?!

Jongin couldn't stop picking Changsung up and then placing him down again when he got feisty and then up again within a matter of minutes because he just couldn't get enough. "Mine." He murmured every time he picked Changsung up and peppered kisses all over his face, nuzzling to his adorable chubby cheeks and pinching lightly his adorable little hands and twirling around with his adorable baby because Changsung was adorable and Jongin was addicted to him. 

Whenever he would bathe Changsung, he would hold him and just sniff him for hours, enjoying the scent of baby. Frankly, the guys were almost kind of disturbed by that. 

"Yah, Jongin, we are trying to eat here. Can you please place the baby down-- and let him eat too actually. He's been trying to reach his plate for the last 2 minutes and if you won't stop soon, he'll start crying and screaming and it'll be on you." Sehun groaned. 

Jongin looked at his squirming baby who was trying to reach out to the plate that was a bit too far from him, making noises as he looked at his father. "Dada! I want nom!" He protested loudly and Jongin couldn't help but coo and snuggle him tighter. "I will give you nom, okay?" He grinned as he picked up a safe for babies fork and picked up a bit of mushed potato to hold it to the child's lips. Changsung munched happily while the guys rolled their eyes as Joonmyun picked up some food on his own fork and fed Jongin as if he was a baby himself. 

"You got to eat too, idiot. You don't preform well when you're hungry." Joonmyun groaned. 

"Yeah, you look pale and faint and then you make our fans worry. And you'll make Changsung worry, is that what you want?" Jongdae added. 

Chanyeol in the meantime took over Joonmyun's place and fed Jongin who was feeding his child. "Say, when are you going to let your parents know about him?" He asked curiously. It's been a while since they found out about Changsung and Jongin still kept insisting he's one of the member's little sibling or nephew. "I think it's only fair to let your parents know that they are grandparents again. I mean, you are their only son and I am sure that they want to know you're capable of forming a family-."

Jongin groaned and bit gently at Chanyeol's finger. "It's not the time. I will tell them when I tell them. Also, trust me. Even if they wanted their son to have a child so early in life, they surely didn't want it to happen like this." 

Changsung looked up curiously, nibbling around his fork before he mumbled. "Wike what? Gwandpapi and mami nu wike Sunggie?" He frowned a bit and Jongin was quick to shake his head at that. "No, no! Of course it's not that! They will love you so so much, baby boy. It's just that they are very... special. They might end up being surprised and because they are old, it's not healthy for them to be so surprised. But they will love you so much. Almost as much as I love you."

"Why not mowe, daddy?" Changsung blinked up innocently and Jongin just lifted his son up to smooch and nuzzle all over his cute, chubby cheeks. "Because no one could ever love my son more than me. No one. You're my everything." He sighed softly, again taking a sniff of the baby's hair. He never thought he could be so in love with someone in his life but this little gem sure did prove him wrong, and sooner than he expected. 

"You know, if you told your parents about him... I am sure your mom would have been happy to babysit him and then you wouldn't need to worry about where to put him when you're busy." Sehun looked bored as he ate his salad. 

"Put him... why the hell are you talking about my son as if he was some toy. You seriously sound like.." Jongin covered his son's ears. "Like you don't like him." He hissed before pulling his hands away. 

Sehun shrugged. "It can look like whatever you want it to look. It doesn't matter. I am just not a fan of waking up at the middle of the night, or taking care of anyone who is not me. We are all tired as it is. Our new addition is not making it any easier on us." He scoffed and looked away, eating his meal quietly. 

Jongin glared at the other, unconsciously tightening his hold on his baby. "Don't listen to bad uncle Sehun. He's just a little doodoo head who thinks he is all cool and mighty but he's actually a loser." Changsung honestly looked too distracted by his food to pay attention but Sehun stood up abruptly, took his plate and poured it down Jongin's back. "Go to hell. I'm done eating. If there wasn't a child on your lap, it would have been all over your face and hair. There's lemon here, I wish it would have been in your eyes. Loser." He hissed before leaving the scene and going to his dorm room. The rest of the group stared in horror, obviously shocked. Jongin was stiff and tried to take a deep breath as Changsung turned over to him, sniffling. "Daddy... chu shmell punny." He observed-- and Jongdae, Baekhyun and Chanyeol couldn't help but choke a bit on their laughter-- obviously the tension was too much for them to hold their serious game on. 

Jongin glared at the three before gently handing Changsung to Joonmyun. "Yes baby. Daddy will be right back, okay?" Joonmyun held the child carefully while Jongin got up and shook his shirt a bit, letting the food drop to the floor around him. "Hyung, I'll clean it later. I first need to have a little chat with someone and shower, okay?"

When Jongin finished his quick shower, he went to check on Sehun. He decided it was best to go bathe first, it'll calm him down before he goes to talk to his band mate and thus help him stay calculated and not act on impulse. His first thought was to choke the other with a pillow, but the shower's warm water helped him relieve himself off his rage and helped him see that clearly there was something wrong with him-- and it might had something to do with the fact he called him names in front of a little baby. And also might have something to do with the fact that among all members, it seemed that Sehun was the one who liked the new addition to their little family the least. He wanted to find out why. After all, everyone seemed to enjoy the baby, even if he still sometimes stank their dorms and cried for silly reasons and was a bit of a handful. He was mostly a good kid, and since the moment he started talking-- he was far easier to handle because it had gotten much easier to know why or what made him cry.

He entered the room without knocking and found Sehun laying on his bed, playing with his phone. The latter quickly turned his back to Jongin upon noticing him and groaned. "Leave me alone. I am not going to say sorry for what I did, so you can forget about it. If you hate me now, good. I am sick and tired of you and your baby anyway. All over my face. It's getting on my nerves."

Jongin had to take a deep breath again so he wouldn't snap at his band mate for talking like that about his son, but once he collected himself, he sat down on the bed by Jongin and asked quietly. "What's wrong? Why are you so upset?"

"It's nothing. You won't get it, and right now it doesn't even look like you care. You're all over that kid of yours. We barely exist for you anymore and even if we do, it's mostly on stage. We used to be friends and now we can't even talk to you because you're always censoring us around the kid. Can't talk about girls, can't talk about hard work so he won't worry about you. Can't talk about food because he immediately gets hungry. You like a step away from giving us a list of what we can actually talk to you about. And honestly? I am so sick of it by now." Sehun's words surprised Jongin, but he had to admit that there was something in his friend's words. He had been going all crazy father mode since he had warmed up to the surprise that was left at their dorms. 

"Don't get me wrong, Jongin. You know I like children.. to an extent. But I like having my friends around and being free and open with them and being able to talk about whatever the hell I want without having to worry about every single word that comes out of my mouth. We are not in an oppressed society, Jongin. Don't make me feel like I am."

Jongin did get it. He had to admit that even he knew that he was going too far. But he couldn't help himself. This was his first child, and so early in life too. And not only did he want the best for him, he also wanted to make up for the fact that the mother pretty much abandoned her son. He can't imagine what's it like to grow up without a mother. His mom is his whole world, and Changsung could never experience it. He wants to be perfect just to make sure that his baby growing up without a dad would impact him poorly. He for example couldn't imagine what it would have been like if he had to live solely with his life father. The one that never seemed to be able to be pleased with his son. His mother was his treasure, the one that pushed him to fulfill his dreams. He was hoping that he would never become like his cruel father, but he guessed he took the affection he got from his mother and kind of made it extreme with his need to have his baby constantly cooed over and being fully given attention to.

"I am sorry, Sehun. But you have to understand. The baby isn't always with us, and he already lacks motherly love. I need to make the most out of the time I am with him. He means the world to me. He is mine. I created a little human and I plan to take full responsibility and be the best father I can. So I might make some mistakes at first and be a bit extra... but I won't grow if I won't try. I won't know better if I won't make mistakes. Instead of creating a scene, you could just tell me something is wrong. Sehun, you are not a baby. You are not supposed to create scenes and throw tantrums like that. What kind of an example are you to the child?" He scolded the other.

Sehun was both upset and not, and it confused him. "You are not to scold me as if you are my father, since you are not. Who are you to talk to me like that?"

"Look how you're behaving! You are acting as if you're four! Throwing food, crying, screaming and making noise around yourself for attention. We are adults. As adults we should be able to talk things out. If you feel I am too much, if you have suggestions, you are more than welcome to share everything with me. I am here to listen and be educated. But if you behave like a little brat.. What should I do? What should I expect of you? How should I take advice from a man who is behaving in a less mature way than my own baby? I am not trying to fight you, Sehun. I am trying to make you understand that the way you behave is wrong. Would you behave that way in public? Around your fans? I assume not. Then why do you think it's okay to behave that way here around us? Around a toddler? Do you want to teach him to behave that way from such a young age and then have the child act that way towards you?" Jongin frowned. 

Sehun really didn't know how to react. From one side, the logical side of him told him that Jongin was in fact right and he was acting like a child, but from another his more aggressive and defensive side felt as if he was being attacked and thus made him feel as if he should go on offense as well. Sehun tried really hard to calm himself down, taking a deep breath to calm down before he actually spoke. "I'm just sick of it, Jongin. And I don't think I can get un-sick of it. You might think I'm a brat who used to be the baby in the dorms and have all hyungs going gaga over me and my aegyo act and all, but it's not just that. Yeah, I won't lie. A small part of it is that, but the larger part is that I am not ready to be one of that baby's role models. One of his fathers. That's what you're making us all be. A part of his family. His guardians and parents. I can't do that. I am not ready to do that. I don't want to be one of his dads. I don't want to be a dad at all! You might feel you are ready to, but I am not. I just can't parent him and your way of controlling us, is basically to baby proof us and make us qualify to parent him. Did you ask any of us if we are all ready to do so? You just dropped that all on us..." He trailed off, swallowing thickly as he looked away. "I just don't want to be anyone's father." He mumbled and Jongin couldn't help but feel that despite the brattish behavior the other kept displaying, he was right. Jongin had a burden on his shoulders, and as much as he started to enjoy that little baby and stopped seeing him as a burden, that didn't mean everyone else felt the same way. It didn't mean that if he liked being a dad to his baby, it means the others will automatically want to take part of it as well. They were all young, and most didn't think about having kids before they turn 30. Here he was, making them all co-parent his son when they were barely in their twenties. He wasn't being such a good friend. Jongin sighed and rubbed his face and smiled a little. "You're absolutely right. I am sorry, Sehun. I will be a better friend in the future. Seems like I worried so much about being a good father than I forgot about how to be a good friend. I will talk to the guys as well and see who else might be burdened by this. If a lot feel like it's too much to ask, then I'll see what I can do from there. Maybe talk to my mom or move out to a small place nearby." He rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. "I didn't plan to tell my parents about him yet. You know how my father is... but if I'll have to, then I will."

Jongin then got up and quickly walked out of the room, failing to see his friend's face as he left. Sehun had a lot to think about. He felt guilt, anger and was quite disgusted with himself. How can he help his best friend... how could he help when he doesn't know what to do next. 


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Chapter 5: Oh gid!! This is soo damn sweet. I cried in this chapter. It's so damn beautiful. N that note at last, it touched my heart!! :')
CuTAEpie #2
Chapter 5: I call sehun for the note <3
ichathoriqlover #3
Chapter 2: oh wow, everything turn out amazingly well isn't it? all the members love chansung and jongin has accepted him whole heartedly. will sehun be more connected with chansung?
_nxbila #4
Chapter 2: poor jongin :(((
diana05 #5
Chapter 1: i was waiting for this chapter soo much :)
it's a lovely story. i hope he finds the girl soon
ichathoriqlover #6
Chapter 1: thia is cute. wonder what will happen next
Why does it say complete but there's no chapter?