Cleaning Out The Closet

Cleaning Out The Closet


Cleaning Out The Closet


Minho was humming along to the faint sound of their neighbour's radio, doing the dishes, meanwhile, Taemin, his boyfriend of five years, was busy sorting out their messy bedroom. To be precise, their closet. It had been vomiting clothes for quite long and had turned into a blackhole.

"Remember those shorts you bought me all those years ago?" Taemin called out.

"Ah, yes." Minho said. He remembered them quite vividly. They had burnt a massive hole in his pocket, and he had literally lived on coffee and instant noodles for a whole month after he had bought them. But Taemin looked handsome in them (and in everything else, even in nothing) and remembering the smile he wore after unpacking them always made him forget of every hardship those shorts had brought upon him.


"Would they still fit? What do you think?"

Minho thought a while, the soft tune of the flitting song helping him remember how Taemin looked in them last- Denim knee length shorts loose on his lanky legs paired up with a soft hued shirt tucked in untidily as he walked barefoot on cold sand, basking in the retreating sunlight.

It had been one of those moments in which Minho had been undeniably, unconditionally, speechlessly, infinitely in love with Taemin.

He smiled, those shorts were a lot more worth than every single penny he might have earned. Those shorts were priceless.

"What do you think?" Taemin's voice came, resounding less, clearer and softer, having a tinge of mischief, making Minho turn from his dishes.

The moment Minho's gaze settled on Taemin leaning at the kitchen door, his eyes widened and the plate in his hand almost slipped.

"They fit." Taemin shrugged with a smirk, watching Minho's eyes drift low.

"They do..." Minho replied in a low voice, his eyes shamelessly relishing the faded denim that clad Taemin's well toned legs snugly, the shorts ending quite a bit above his knees, paired with absolutely nothing.

"Should I wear them out?"

Minho blinked at his question, "No way."

"Why?" Taemin popped an eyebrow in interest.

Minho turned away, "I don’t want anyone else seeing you like that."

"Like what?"

Minho remained silent, finishing up the dishes.

Taemin sneaked up behind Minho, "I look hot, Choi?"

Minho lost his gloves and immediately turned, switching positions and trapping Taemin between him and the kitchen basin, "Damn hot."

Taemin smirked at the expected compliment, leaning in and pecking Minho's lips, "You know there's a hell lot of my old clothes you'd wanna see me in." He pushed Minho away a little and began walking out back towards their room, "Wanna help me in cleaning out the closet?"

Minho's eyes sparked up, a playful smile forming on his face as he watched Taemin strut back in those shorts. "With pleasure."






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Chapter 1: Hehehe... Mine is clean now 😂
Chapter 1: Taemin is a smart cookie 😉😅
2036 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hahaha my closet is slightly better under the supervision of my mom. Lol
But it was terrible when I was staying abroad, you know no one to really scold you for it. The only difference is, if I find any old clothes from cleaning it, it'd definitely not fit me anymore. Oops! XD
Chapter 1: Wait!!! Why have I never read this one O.O !!!!!
Chapter 1: Too naughty but I really like this drabble ♡
Chapter 1: And the what happened when they are cleaning the closet
I guess I just can imagining things lol
Chapter 1: Omg!!♥
This was so cute ;A;
Oh Taemin you're such a tease!xD
And you are a tease too!>_<
iloveyoub #8
Chapter 1: get them booty choi
MintxD #9
Chapter 1: Awww Minho lol. They are so cutee. Nice one, I like it <3
Chapter 1: lol this was funny xD