
When Things Happen All Of A Sudden

"So, she's the new Music Director? Like for real?! FOR REAL?! OMG I'm going to give a this time bruh. I swear. 

"Hey hyung, are you okay?" I came back to my senses after Ravi tapped me and asked.

Goodness gracious! I've been fanboying too much.


Minhye's POV

Today is my first day of being the company's Music Director. Although I'll be only working here for 10 months, I bet this job will be fun. As of now, I am outside the CEO's office, waiting for my right time to come inside. How did I get inside the building? Thanks to his Secretary. Her name is Myunghee. She's pretty descent, from what I've seen in her. She's wearing an office attire, making it superficial that she's an employee of this company. 

"I should have worn something formal," I thought to myself while trying to look at my attire.

I really felt embarassed of me not wearing a formal attire because Myunghee-sshi is wearing a formal one. The CEO is wearing a formal one too, I bet, but that doesn't matter, right? I came here to do my job, not to have a fashion show. Oh well.

"Minhye-sshi, come in," Myunghee called me out.

"Oh, okay," I replied.

This it it, I guess.

"Good luck, Park Minhye! Go slay this job!" I thought to myself and followed what Myunghee just told me.

As I entered the office, I saw the CEO along with six random people. I also thanked Myunghee for bringing me inside the room. She didn't leave; she was standing behind me.

"Maybe I'll be working with these guys. They're fine though," I thought to myself, giving a glance to the men.

"Annyeonghaseyo, joneun Park Minhye-imnida," showing respect and formality, I immediately introduced myself to them.

"Oh, it's so nice to meet you, Minhye-sshi. I am Hwang Sejun, the CEO of Jellyfish Entertainment," said the CEO.

"And these six men are the members of the group, VIXX," he added.

"Why don't you guys introduce yourselves?" he told the guys.

"Real V! V-I-X-X Vixx-imnida,"

So these guys are a group of singers.

They introduced themselves as I was familiarizing at their faces, but there's this guy that caught my attention; he was standing at the very right staring at me, and he seemed to look surprised to see me, as if he knew me at all. His physique is too damn fine though; he's tall, has broad shoulders which I really find it y. 

Looks like I've seen this guy before.

"Have I met this guy in the past? His face is a little familiar to me," I tried to recall some events in my mind.

"Gosh, why am I so bad at remembering people faces?" I thought again.

Until now, he's still looking at me, and I really don't know why. Should I ask him later if have we met before? I think that can be a good idea, but he seemed cold because of his aura. Oh well.

"Hey hyung, are you okay?" a guy with a tattoo on his arm tapped him and came back to senses.

I couldn't help but chuckled a little. He might be fanboying over me.

"Oh, I'm Sorry," I heard him talk.

Gosh, his voice is so far from what I expected; his voice is so soft like a marshmallow.

I saw him looking at me again, but he immediately looked at something else. That's weird.

"Taekwoon-ah, what's going on with you, huh?" a guy from the other end asked him. He's tan-skinned and has a long neck, but good-looking. 


Did he just say, "Taekwoon"?

That name is a bit familiar to me. I might not remember it clearly right now, but maybe in the future.

"I just suddenly remember something, I'm sorry," that Taekwoon guy said.

"Anyway...." the CEO spoke up. 

"Please have a seat, Minhye-sshi," he said, offered me a seat beside him, and told Myunghee that she could leave.

I immediately thanked him and waved goodbye at Myunghee before she left. The guys sat on a long couch facing me and the CEO.

"Sajangnim, Why did you ask me to come here? I know it's my first of job; I am supposed to be here, but why are we gathered? There are six men here with us. Am I supoosed to do a new project with them?" I started asking questions consecutively.

"Before I answer your question, let the boys introduce their names," the CEO answered. 

After that, the guys started introducing themselves. The first guy who introduced himself was the tan-skinned guy with long neck; his name is Hakyeon, but his stage name is N. He's the leader of the group. The guy beside him is Sanghyuk, but he's preferred to be called Hyuk, and he's the youngest of the group. Gosh, I feel old; he's only 20. Then there's Jaehwan beside Hyuk; he's a cutie, but I think he is a big flirt. His stage name is Ken. Hongbin is the guy who is beside Ken. Damn, he's like a Prince, but he's not my type; you guys can have him. He seemed fragile and feminine because of his prince-like demeanor. The guy with a tattoo on his arm is Ravi. In just by simply looking at him from head-to-toe, one can infer that he is the rapper of the group; well, he is. Then the last guy, of course, is Taekwoon; his stage name is Leo. I don't know if he's shy, cold, or just being 'him'. 

"About the reason why I gathered all of you in here," said the CEO.

".... is because of VIXX's comeback," he added, and looked at me.

"Your sister, Kim Jisoo, had already started preparing for the group's comeback: the theme of the song, the outfits, the venue for the music video shoot - just everything, but-," still talking, but suddenly paused.

"If everything is already prepared by eonni, then why the am I still called to be her substitute? The ," I thought.

"We didn't have the songs for the upcoming album yet," he finished.

"Oh, that's why eonni wanted me to do this job, huh? Wow eonni, so smart," I thought once again.

"So, what you're saying is that you want me to finish what my sister had started for these guys, right?" I asked.

"Exactly," the CEO answered.

I think that's not a big problem for me, as long as everything will go according to the plan and the participation of these six guys in front of me will be present. If they'll not give a , I'm going to blow this company and these men up.

"Okay," I immediately agreed.

"I'll give you a week to find some lyricists and composers to make songs for thi-,"

"No Sajangnim, I don't need to do that," before finishing his sentence, since I know what he wants me to do, I immediately cut him off.

I saw the guys raising one of each's eyebrows. I shocked them too much, didn't I?

"What do you mean, "I don't need to do that?" Duh, we can not write songs that can be a trend," the leader, N, spoke up.

"I do write and compose songs, but I don't think it will be that great though," added Ravi.

"Calm down, I didn't tell any of you to write songs or whatever, arasseo?"

They both shut up.

"Anyway, the reason why I don't need to do that is because everything is ready; I have all the instrumentals ready, the demo, the lyrics, and if we need changes or improvement on the songs that I already prepared, we can just fix it," I added.

"That's impossible," N said, giving me an icy glare.

This guy is getting me on my nerves, like damn! Can he not trust me? or his other members?

"Can you shut your mouth, N-hyung? I think that's a bit too disrespectful for a singer to oppose what Park-Wonjangnim says," out of nowhere, Leo-slash-Taekwoon suddenly spoke up.

Did he just defend me? Awh, that's cute. This guy makes me more interested to him.

N just gave a loud sigh out of frustration and gave deadly looks at the other. 

"So," said the CEO.

"You already have the songs prepared, right? I need them tomorrow morning," he added.

"Okay, Sajangnim," I agreed.


Author's POV

After a little discussion of Minhye, Hwang-Sajangnim, and the members of VIXX, they immediately went back to their respective duties - Minhye went to her new office which is just located right beside the CEO's office; the members of VIXX went back to Practice Room to film an episode for VIXX TV 2, and the beloved CEO of the company started doing his own business.

While the other members of VIXX are filming for VIXX TV 2, Leo, who is already finished filming himself, sat on the corner of the room, his back leaning on the mirror wall. Still thinking the fact that his "forever crush" is the replacement to the pregnant Music Director, he couldn't help but put a smile on his face like a child who got his favorite candy. Little did he know, Ken, who just recently finished filming, was looking at him daydreaming about Minhye. 

"I've never seen Taekwoon-hyung be happy like this," Ken thought.

 His curiosity rose, so he went to Leo and sat beside him.

"Hey hyung, you seem happy today, huh?" approached he.

"Is it too obvious?" responded Leo.

"Yeah, very obvious," 

"Hey Jaehwan," Leo suddenly said.

"Mmm?" answered Ken.

"Remember the girl that I was telling you back when we were still trainees?" 

"Oh, the beautiful lady you liked in High School? Yeah, I still do. Why? Have you found her? Where did you fo-"

"Shut up, Lee Jaehwan," as Ken started blurting words and questions dues to his excitement, Leo cut him off so he could calm down at least.

"Yes, I finally found her," Leo added.

"How?" the other asked.

"You know that new Music Director we just met today?"

"Oh, Minhye-sshi. Yeah. What about her?"

"Jaehwan, it's her," Leo confessed.

Ken just smirked while nodding at him.

"Is that why you were starstrucked when you saw her?" he asked, while wiggling his eyebrows.

Leo covered his face due to embarassment.

Ken was just laughing at his reaction.

"I never thought that hyung has this kind of side. Well, that's cute," he thought while looking at his lovely hyung.

"Do you think she remembered you? Because that was back in High School, y'know," he asked.

"I don't know. She might remember me or she might not," Leo answered, as he uncovered his flushed face.

"Why don't you go talk to her then?"

"I know you guys are busy, but can I talk to Leo for a minute?" 

Out of nowhere, Minhye went inside the Practice Room.

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Kpop118 #1
Chapter 3: Update soon!
Chapter 3: Oh my..~~ Run for your life Cha Hakyeon~~ ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ~!!!
Chapter 3: Ohhhh snaaaap lol. Cha Hakyeon ! Leo is about to beat yo
Mayu0514 #4
Please update!!