
Smile Again

I felt as if my heart stopped beating the minute I heard that voice.

And as my gaze went from the girl sitting in front of me to the woman standing not too far behind I realized that I must have been the biggest idiot on the planet.

It didn’t help either when I met the eyes of her, the silhouette of my first love right there in front of my eyes.

Jessica Jung… The one whom I thought I loved.

Of course Jessica had to be her sister.

How didn’t I notice? How didn’t I put one and one together to notice exactly why Krystal’s eyes seemed so familiar?  Why the small antics she did reminded me of someone else? They even shared the last surname for God’s sake!

As I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Jessica, I didn’t know how to react or what to say. I never expected to meet her again after that day. She said she was going to Europe, for God’s sake, how could I expect to meet her again? I didn’t even dream of seeing her again, to be very honest.

However I couldn’t deny that I of course thought of our memories, the lingering moments and the broken promises that came out from her sweet lips.

She still looked the same; her hair was still long and in a brunette shade, her style was as minimalistic yet attention grabbing at the same time and most of all her eyes still had that spark that made me fall for her in the first place.

The only thing that must have really changed must have been the fact that times were different, and I couldn’t get up to embrace her or kiss her senseless.

My tongue had a bitter taste, but even then I couldn’t deny that she had only grown more beautiful since the last time I saw her. My eyes then really focused on hers, and time stopped for a while, along with my heartbeat and I cursed because she still had that effect on me.

She was surprised; it was obvious to see, as she probably didn’t expect to see me. Even then she probably didn’t think that I knew her sister, or the fact that I didn’t even know she had a sister.

What did I really know about Jessica? That was a good question. Despite our relationship she rarely told me about her family or other important things I should have known when we were together, despite how absurd our relationship was.

I could only sit there, almost paralyzed by the sudden wave of the painful and bittersweet flashbacks of memories I could never forget. They went on a constant reply in my head, almost as if to taunt me, almost as if to make fun of me and make me suffer. I couldn't even utter a word; I didn’t even know what to say anymore.

First I wanted to cry.

Then, I wanted to confront to her about her leaving, I wanted to slap her and tell her she was a for leaving me just like that. For breaking my heart into tiny pieces that took such a long time for me to complete and stich up again.

But lastly I wanted nothing more than to hold her so close that she couldn’t have escaped even if she tried to. I wanted to shout, to tell her that I missed her and to never leave again.

My body didn’t move and I did nothing, because nothing seemed right in that moment.

“Do you know my sister?” Krystal asked then as her eyes darted from me and to her again. I couldn’t believe it at all, the fact that I couldn’t notice or see the resemblance between them.

They weren’t strikingly alike, but you could still see that they carried the same features although Jessica had more of that mature, elegant beauty whereas Krystal seemed more young, innocent and refreshed.

“We knew each other once, very well in fact,” I replied before Jessica could retort some lie that would probably escape her lips. I knew she didn’t want people to know about our relationship because she is freaking five years older than me. I was only sixteen and technically it could have been illegal for us, but I didn’t care because of the thrill of finally having someone.

Jessica could only look at me, almost begging me not to say anything to Krystal because it would only make things complicated. I knew and I hated how I could read her so well, how things ended up like this as I could only stand up and get ready to leave.

“I’m sorry, I have something important to do,” I only said before grabbing my bag and practically running to my motorcycle, firing it up and got away so fast for either one of them to react. I couldn’t stand looking at her any longer without feeling the tears build up inside.

I had never felt more stupid my entire life as I drove to the safe haven of my studio by my uncle’s shop, not caring if it was open and people were working as I just stomped up the stairs.

“Hey Ara!” I heard a familiar voice and I wondered why was he here now of all times? I couldn’t even bother to reply as I simply went up and slammed the door to the room of my own art studio, feeling the need to punch something, anything.

I could hear the heavy creak of the door open again, footsteps echoing as the only thing I could do was turn around, red in front of my eyes, before simply punching whoever it was.

“What the ?” Kai practically yelled, holding his nose that profusely started to bleed and I didn’t even know why I did it. I only saw those emotions flash through my eyes; pain, anger, and hurt, broken feelings.

I couldn’t even react because I was so blinded that it took me another hit for me to realize exactly what I was doing and I was taking this out on the totally wrong person. He didn’t have anything to do with it, as I could only fall on my knees, letting it all just sink in.

Why did I react like that? Of course it hurt because I hadn’t seen her in so long, and I thought I never would. Honestly she was almost dead to me, but why in the world did I take it so badly?

“I’m sorry,” I said as a lone tear escaped, albeit I tried hard to hold the rest of them in because I could not break down again. I couldn’t let the presence of her again do that to me, because I knew it was just some insignificant romance that shouldn’t dictate how I saw people, but I couldn’t ignore it.

“I want to yell at you,” Kai said before sitting down in front of me, his hand covering up his nose and mouth to only make his voice sound muffled. It would have been funny, had this not happened right now. “But seeing how you look now, a better thing would be to ask you what the hell happened?”

I didn’t know if I was supposed to tell him that I met Jessica, because he actually didn’t know about her. She was probably the only secret I kept from him because I couldn’t let anyone know; she didn’t want that because it could hurt her in many ways, especially now that I understood how important she was.

“I don’t know if I can tell you,” was the only thing I could say, but he didn’t seem to like that answer as another tear fell down from my eyes. I couldn’t believe how this day turned from the best to probably the worst.

“Just let me cry for a bit, and then I’ll help you with your nose,” I continued before more tears fell down and I didn’t bother to stop them anymore. I could only hold on to my stupid best friend, who was whispering that things would be okay as he wrapped his arms around me, despite his bloody nose and the fact that he had no idea on what was happening.

I loved that he was oddly always there when I needed him.

And I hated the fact that I wasn’t sure if I was still in love with Jessica, or if Krystal was slowly stealing my heart away.

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Girlgroupsonly4ever #1
Chapter 33: Awwww
Girlgroupsonly4ever #2
Chapter 14: oh my goddd
Girlgroupsonly4ever #3
Chapter 11: Oh sht. Omg my prediction was correct jsjsjsjd wow
hdsall01 #4
Chapter 33: Thank you for sharing this story with us
Chapter 33: Releído... Fue genial
Chapter 33: Oh my gosh, sequel
Im gonna re read this story again XD it was soo good that I miss it, I became attatched to it XDDD
Chapter 33: Omg the story was very beautiful ! Everything was beautiful especially the friendship of Ara and Kai gosh i love it, im really happy about their dream. Thank you author to write this amazing story !
Chapter 33: this is... jjang!!!