Part 9

How To Break Up A Marriage
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Junghan checked his watch, he still have 10 more minutes before the boat that would take him outside Gujora Island would arrived. He clutched his bag tighter as he stood in front of Jisoo's room. He wanted to knocked and to talked to Jisoo. Junghan really wanted to confessed to him everything and maybe he would gain a little bit of a courage to asked Jisoo to let him go. But could he actually do that? Before his pretty little lies started, Junghan was so sure of himself. He was so sure that all he wanted was to cancel his engagement with Jisoo. But now he was starting to have a doubt on himself. Was it because this was the first time he became so closed to Jisoo? Was it because he was able to have a proper conversation with him? Was it because of their shared kiss? Or was it because he was starting to fall in love with the same Hong Jisoo that he liked before?

But he was not the same anymore.

The old Yoon Junghan was already gone and with Hong Jisoo around, he felt like the old Junghan was trying to comeback to take hold of his life once again. Junghan didn't like that. He tried so hard to fight his fate and he wouldnt let anyone to tied his hands again. Not even Jisoo. Definitely not him.

And Junghan was so sure that Jisoo would definitely not listen to him. In their so called relationship, Jisoo was the one on control and he was not the type to listened on whatever Junghan had to say. It was always like that.

And Junghan knew he could never changed the way Jisoo thinks. He couldn't imagine what would happened to him if he get married to the all mighty high Hong Jisoo. Just thinking of it, Junghan felt suffocated. He didn't want to be with someone who can't loved him for the way he was. They would just ended up hurting each other and knowing Jisoo divorced would never be an option. So Junghan would definitely suffer for the rest of his life.

Unless, one miracle would happen that would made Jisoo to have a changed of heart. But that was nearly impossible to happened.









It has been almost a week since Junghan left Gujora island and then he went directly to his condominium unit in Seoul. Within that week all he did was to sulked all by himself. He couldn't eat heck he couldn't even sleep as his decision to left the island still bothered him so much. But the question is why? Anyone could tell that what he had done was the right thing to do. Staying away from Jisoo was the right thing to do. But why? Why it felt so wrong? Junghan sighed harshly, nevertheless he knew it was already done and he couldn't just go back and re-do it again.  Not that he had a plan to re-do it again anyway. Shuffling into his seat, Junghan ruffled his hair out of frustration as he get his smartphone to make a call to his friend. Only his friend knows what to do in this kind of situation.


"Junhui!! What am I supposed to do now?" Junghan asked Junhui as he made an overseas call. He was that desperate to get the answers for his endless questions.

'I told you Junghan hyung before that going against Jisoo is not a good idea'

Junghan frowned immediately, "Wow. You really don't need to remind me of that okay?"

Junghan had the urged to smack the head of his friend when he heard Junhui laughed in the other line. Geez. Why did he even bother to talked to this person?


'I heard that. You really should stop your habit of saying your thoughts out loud, you know?'


"Really? So you also heard how much I wanted to kill you right now?"


He heard the other laughed again, 'Well you wouldn't since I think I have a perfect idea for you'


Junghan held his phone tighter as Jun stirred his interest, "You did?"




The call has ended for a while now but Junghab couldn't help but to smirk as he thought about Jun's so called wonderful plan. He was right in his choice to call Jun afterall. That friend of his really know what to do in this kind of situation. This was perfect. A perfect plan to get away from JIsoo totally. With his new regain energy and motivation, Junghan immediately get up from his bed and get his laptop.





Break Junghan and Jisoo Marriage Operation


Step 1. Get closer to Hong Jisoo's side


- Not in a romantic way. It is more on getting to know Jisoo's whereabouts so I could spy on him and to accumulate more evidences that shows Hong Jisoo's dark side


Step 2. Differentiate myself from other girls/guys


-Remember that I am not the shy and timid Yoon Junghan anymore but the easy going and confident Jung Han


Step 3. Get to know Hong Jisoo's friends and acquaintances


-I could get a lot of useful information from them which I could used against Hong Jisoo


Step 4. Gain Hong Jisoo's trust and approval


-I should get Jisoo's 101% trust and approval so Jisoo could never suspect me at all



In this Break Junghan and Jisoo Marriage Operation, there are also rules to follow and must abide



Rule No.1 Never get closer to Jisoo in an intimate way


-This includes hugging, touching, holding hands and kissing. No skinship between me and Jisoo at all




- This is the most important rule. Because if I did. It only means one thing, MISSION FAILED.



Signed by: Yoon Junghan a.k.a Jung Han 



Perfect. Junghan couldn't help to congratulates himself for coming up with a good plan. He eyed again the paper in his hands, this contract would be the answer to his problem. His biggest problem: Hong Jisoo.

"Way to go Sweetheart. This time I am going to make sure to break the bond that connects our lives."

















Jisoo was a mess. When Jung Han left the island, it was like he also taken away Jisoo's spirit. And he definitely hated the way it feels. That made him to went back to Seoul immediately right after he learned about Jung Han's departure. He just couldn't stay any longer in that island as it only brought some sweet and bitter memories he shared with Jung Han. It has been a week since then and he slowly moving in in his life. Back to his life without a certain man named Jung Han.

Jisoo was reading some paperworks when he heard a ding of the elevator. He immediately stepped out of the elavator but continued to read the paper.

"Good morning President Hong!" A cheerful voice greeted him.

"Good morning," he replied without even raising his head as he moved from the next page.

"Sir, by the way these are the applications for your new secretary."

Jisoo get the application without tearing his eyes on what he has been reading and he continue walking towards his office. This was a good proposal, he thought as he was greatly impressed on the proposal of Kim Enterprises. The president of the said company really knows how to get the attention of his potential business partners. The proposal was really interesting and—

"What the hell?!" Jisoo exclaimed as he stepped on something hard on the floor and when he looked down, a piece of a black shoes met his eyes. He hissed as he crunched down to get the shoe on the floor, "Who freakin own this damn shoe?!"

Silence. Nobody dare to talked back to him. He even thought that everyone tried to stop their breathing and that was when he heard a very unusual sound. Jisoo started to look around to searched where that sound came from. Then, there he saw a very familair face among the line of the applicants. A face that he never thought he could see again. A face that haunted him even in his dreams this passed week.



"Jung Han?" Jisoo silently exclaimed as he looked at the petite man sleeping figure as the latter was still snoring soundly. He then learned that Jung Han was the owner of the black shoe as his gaze fell down and found out that Jung Han was not wearing one of his shoe. Jisoo then moved a little bit closer to Jung Han, just to make sure that it was really Jung Han and his eyes were not only playing on him. When he got closer, the petite man only continued to sleep. The president couldn't help but to smile and wondered why he found it so amusing to watched Jung Han like that. What do you want from me this time? Jung Han why did you show up again to me?

"Sir, we are just going to wake him up and—"

"Sshhh." Jisoo hushed and raised his hand to prevent his employee from disturbing Jung Han, "Let him sleep like that.."


Instead of answering he looked down at the application form and there he could see Jung Han's resume. So the said man applied to become his next personal secretary. What are you really up too, Jung Han? Aside from making a mess out of my life again? Why did you run before and showed up again to me?


Jisoo stepped backward when Jung Han moved a little, he thought for a while that Jung Han would woke up from his sleep. But he only continued to sleep as his head sway a little as if trying to get the perfect sleeping position.

The president shook his head a little as he thought Jung Han would definitely have a stiff neck if he continued to sleep like that. He tried to fixed Jung Han place as he moved closer again and then he realized that everyone was now giving him a questioning look. Jisoo cleared his throat and moved away from Jung Han. He really should get rid of this man before he could make his life upside down once again then Jisoo heard him grunt. He looked once again at Jung Han and this time he fixed his head disregarding whatever people might say about him. Afterwards, Jisoo faced one of his employ

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Chapter 15: Heyyyyyyyyyy r u up fr the offer still?!
Chapter 15: Aaaaa.. This is the best!! I really can't imagine if someone else write on your behalf.. Except if they are beta reader.. Hahaha

But.. Thanks for this story :)
Chapter 15: No~~~~~~ it was great till it continued ~~
Thank you
Chapter 15: Good luck with your future! I hope someone is able to take over for you <3
Chapter 15: good luck in the future <3
Chapter 14: Wah!!!! JeongCheol!!!!