Chapter Two

Undead delights


“Hyung!” I yelled, running over to him. “ Yeah? What is it?” He replied looking clueless. “ I have just found a girl just outside of palace, she only just merely escaped a attack from her village. The one west of here” I said to him panting a little. “ Ah, yes that attack. I’ve gotten some of our troupes to check it out, but so far no one has come back. I’m getting a little worried, so could you go with me tomorrow morning? It’s too dark now, and we don’t want any more company following us.” He slowly said, grimacing . I knew Joon loved this kingdom as much as our father did. I guess it was bringing him down that already there was a attack at a village on the night of his crowning. “ Okay, but the girl who survived  the attack is in my room right now. She was in the most worst state ever; luckily I healed her so she didn’t die. But , she isn’t human; the village must have been hiding her, not telling her that she was a vampire.” Joon thought for a while of what to do, rubbing his temple. “ You can look after her for now, but we need her for information okay, so take good care of her, I’ll visit her tomorrow.. after we go to the village” Joon nodded and walked off. Great another job I have to do. All well at least it’s better than looking after a new vampire. Ugh those can be a handful.

I started to walk back to my quarters when I heard a rustle in the bush behind me.  Thinking it was the wind, I continued to walk. But suddenly something landed on me. Shaking my head I looked up  and noticed it was  key. “ Gotcha~” he playfully sang. “ Key it’s not the time to be playing games right now…” I groaned, pushing him off. “ But Joongie you said we were gonna play with me” Key mumbled in a aegyo voice. “ God, stop acting like a five year old, you’re 16! Jeez” Key was sort of in a state, where he’s confused onto what age he is. He’s always like this. One day he would act his age, the next he’d act like a 80 year old. Then the next he’d act like a 5 year old. You start to get used to it after a while. “ Oh right, sorry. So what’s got you and Joon so worked up about?” Key curiously asked, batting his eyelids. “ Oh nothing for you to worry about. Just another village attack.” I let out a long sigh, explaining things like this is hard with Key, he just doesn’t take it seriously. “ Riiight… Okay then bye” Key assumed, skipping off. I have a strong feeling he’ll be tagging along with us tomorrow morning, being the usual Key. I seriously don’t know how he became my best friend. Maybe because I treat him like a little brother, because of me being 20.

I reached my room and found Bom asleep on the bed. She was making a soft snoring sound, pouting her lips as she breathed out. As soon as I took a step into the room she woke up. “ Ah, sorry to wake you up… My brother and I will be heading out tomorrow to your village, so there’s no need for you to worry, but be ready to be interrogated by my brother, he tends to overdo those sort of things, so pretty much don’t hold back on your answers.” I smiled, but she just nodded. “ But what am I going to do now?” Bom asked in a quiet voice. “ That’s actually up to me to decide, but I’m not sure” I answered looking at her meaningfully. She didn’t answer but just laid back down onto the bed, staring at the wood fire. I grabbed a seat and sat next to the bed, watching her fall asleep.  Poor thing, I thought to myself; she must have been through a lot. I could see that she looked very tired and stressed. As soon as I knew it, I was asleep too.


It was 6:30 am when I woke up. I was still sitting on the seat next to my bed, with Bom sleeping on it.  “ You don’t look so frightening  when you’re asleep” Bom softly whispered, poking my face. “ oh, I didn’t know you were awake already, especially at this time.” I laughed, and she smiled. This was the first time I saw her smile. Her long brown tresses  were in disarray, which made me laugh. “ What’s so funny?” she asked curiously. ‘ Oh, nothing. It’s just that your hair really does look like you just woke up” I chuckled. “ Oh…” the mumbled, clutching her head. She started combing it with her fingers. After a few her hair was back to its straight self. “ Ah! Right I nearly forgot, wait here okay?” “Okay, well it’s not as if I could go anywhere” Bom murmured.  I left the room, pacing towards the maid quarters. I grabbed a long dark blue gown and some under clothes. I hope Bom likes Blue. I ran back to my room, trying not to make bang with the door; I handed the clothes to Bom. “ Thank you! I’ve been dying to change out of these clothes for ages.” She smiled then got up. “ I need to go now, sorry if you don’t like the dress…” I trailed off. “ No, no! it’s beautiful. Okay then have a safe trip, there can be some thieves on the way to our village” Bom grinned. I nodded in reply and headed out of the room. Thieves? Bah, not a problem. I joined the gathering of Joon’s troupes in the assembly hall.  “ If anything looks suspicious either call me or Jaejoong over okay?” “ Yes, your majesty!” all 20 troupes yelled in unison. “ Good! Saddle up your horses, and let’s get going! “ Joon directed. Joon then motioned me to follow them. Ugh, it’s annoying how he treats me like a baby. Just because he was king doesn’t mean he could treat me like his younger brother, I’m supposed to be the one who treats him like a baby.


ah, i hope you like this chapter >:D i was literlly on the burge of falling asleep on my laptop typing TT_TT but i managed to write a new chapter :D

sorry if the interesting parts arent in it, but the chapter wou;d have been too long 

i'll up soonish okay? ( 2 to three days, maybe more T^T)

thanks for the comments ;)

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
I like this! Update soon :)
kawaii18 #2
yay..update soon
yeppuda #3
update soon!
marysimonsiwon #4
TYPOOOS hahaha i love saying that
yeppuda #5
update soon!!
marysimonsiwon #6
^___^ kamsamnida~~ updating soonish, trying to write two at the same time so i wont get writers block >:D
gaa..thx 4 the update!!!..finally waited 4 this!!!..keke..update soon..aww..ur story gr8..i'll cheer 4 u kk..fighting fighting yah yah yah.. :p thx ♥.<br />
marysimonsiwon #8
ahh sorry for the way it got set out T_T i tried fixing it but it didnt work, bear with it okay?
marysimonsiwon #9
@xchuchix i think ill continue on here, i got a bit of writers block with this story expect an update soon!