Mister Kim Mingyu.

Please Date Me!

Jeon Wonwoo was always clingy. He might've been reserved at first, but anybody who knows him personally, knows that he liked cuddles and skinship with a burning passion.

Mingyu was happy enough to give him the attention he wanted and there they lay in bed, Mingyu's blankets draping over them like a fortress. Mingyu was saying some stupid joke and Wonwoo was laughing until he couldn't breathe.

"You know what, Wonwoo?" Mingyu said after Wonwoo finally had the chance to inhale and breathe. Wonwoo was still smiling when he spoke.

"What is it?"

"Your nose crinkles when you smile widely like that." Mingyu said as he tilted his head, looking thoughtfully at Wonwoo's facial expression. Almost immediately, Wonwoo's face falls.

"Is it weird?" He asked softly. Mingyu smiled as he shook his head no.

"No, it's really cute." He said truthfully, booping Wonwoo's nose with his finger. The raven-haired male simply blinked before grabbing hold of Mingyu's hand. He has a soft smile playing on his lips and he looked at Mingyu with a look Mingyu couldn't really explain.

"What are you thinking?" Mingyu asked, curiously.

"Nothing really." Wonwoo replied as he pressed Mingyu's knuckles to his lips. He eventually closes his eyes and Mingyu almost thinks he's fallen asleep before he hears a phone ringing. Wonwoo groans and shoves off their blankets so he can reach for his cell phone. Mingyu sits up as he watches Wonwoo press 'answer'.

"Hello? Uh huh... Okay.. I got it. I'll be right there." Wonwoo says to whomever is on the other line. Mingyu can see his face drop and asks what's wrong.

"I have to go to work. You should too, you're going to be late." Wonwoo says while making his way off the bed. "I'll drive you."

Mingyu nods as he follows the older. Wonwoo doesn't forget to snicker at Mingyu when he disappears into Mingyu's wardrobe and exits, wearing Mingyu's clothes. Mingyu simply rolls his eyes with a smile.

Soon the two of them are inside Wonwoo's car, driving to their own workplaces. Mingyu is well acquainted with Wonwoo's goodbye kisses right on his jaw before he enters his work form and in return, Mingyu kisses Wonwoo right on his temple.

The two say their goodbyes and Mingyu returns to his typical routine of typing at his computer in his tiny little cubsicle. Jeonghan is there, of course, looking as if he was straight out of a shampoo commercial. Jihoon stands nearby, looking down at his watch with concentration, probably counting down the very seconds that would consider Mingyu late.

"I'm here!" Mingyu announces while quickly sitting down in his chair. Jihoon clicks at his watch, with his usual unreadable facial expression. Mingyu bites his lips, unsure of what Jihoon had in store for him today. Before Jihoon could even open his mouth to announce Mingyu's work, a certain somebody finds his way in front of Mingyu's cubsicle.

"Morning, Jihoon." Coffee Boy says with an almost unnoticable wink. Jihoon curtly nods his head, acknowledging his presence. Soonyoung smiles before greeting Jeonghan and Mingyu.

"How do you have so much energy in the morning?" Jeonghan asked, while reaching up to tie up his long locks. "I need at least three cups of coffee just to get out of bed."

"Precisely. Coffee with caffeine does wonders." Soonyoung replied with a smile. Jihoon seems to roll his eyes at the statement, and Mingyu doesn't forget to notice it.

"Or maybe you're just hyper in general. We all know your coffee is horrible." Jihoon retorts back with a grimace on his face. Soonyoung pouts with a sad expression.

"Aw, that's a little bit too mean, Jihoon."

"I'm only stating the truth." Jihoon replies back without batting a single lash. Soonyoung frowns and looks at Mingyu excitedly.

"I heard you were the best Coffee Boy when you first worked here. Care to teach me?" Soonyoung asked cheerfully. Mingyu raises a brow at the blonde, making sure he had heard it right.

"Who told you that?" Mingyu asked.

"Jihoon did." Soonyoung said with a grin. The moment his name was mentioned, Jihoon turned around quickly, mumbling that he had something to do. Jeonghan snickered from the side and ushered for Mingyu to go with Soonyoung.

"You should teach him, Mingyu. You worked in a coffee shop before, remember? Maybe everyone wouldn't be so cranky if there was actually good coffee."

"You guys are all bullies." Soonyoung whined with yet another pout. "It can't be that bad."

Mingyu didn't have anything to say to that.

After a little bit more coaxing, Mingyu eventually followed Soonyoung to the break room. He listened to Soonyoung complain about how his coffee wasn't really as bad as people made it seem but then again, Soonyoung wouldn't have to ask Mingyu for help if it wasn't 'bad'.

The break room is surprisingly empty this morning, but Mingyu doesn't forget to notice the multitudes of bright neon post-it notes all over the small room. He remembers those wretched notes when he was the former Coffee Boy for the notes were reminders when and who the coffee was for.

He cringed at the memories.

"Okay, let's see the damage here." Mingyu said as he neared the coffee machine on it's boring place by the office microwave. As he inspected the coffee machine (which he is all too familiar with) Soonyoung leaned on the counter with an unreadable expression. Mingyu didn't think it matched well with Soonyoung in general so he quietly asked what was wrong.

"What's on your mind, Soonyoung? You're usually hyper and all smiles at the coffee machine." Mingyu added. The taller felt the blonde sigh next to him.

"Is my coffee that bad?" He asks. Mingyu thinks for a moment.

"It's not horrible. Jeonghan and Jihoon were just playing around."

"You think so?" Soonyoung said back, hope filling his voice. Mingyu nods, reassuringly.

"Of course."

"Jihoon is always so mean to me." Soonyoung pouts sadly. Mingyu takes a moment to remember what he had seen between his manager and the Coffee Boy before carefully asking a question.

"Is..Is there something between you guys?"

Soonyoung's figure seems to freeze and his eyes widens slowly. Mingyu feels a odd feeling fall into the pit of his stomach, suddenly realizing that he was hinting that he knew that there was something between the two of them. Soonyoung must have felt it too because he lets out a soft and embarrassed chuckle.

"Is it obvious?"

"No." Mingyu says honestly.

"Good. That's the way Jihoon wants it to be." The blonde sighs. Mingyu pours water into the coffee machine as Soonyoung continues. "He likes to keep work and everything else separate."

"Jihoon takes his work seriously." Mingyu says. Soonyoung nods, agreeing silently. "How..How long have you been together?"

"For awhile now." Soonyoung smiles happily before turning to look sadly at the coffee machine. "He doesn't think I'm serious about him when I am. He thinks this is all for fun, when I really do like him. He's very insecure, did you know that?"

Mingyu shakes his head as he turns and leans against the counter. The coffee machine is forgotten now as he looks down to his shoes. Though he had known Jihoon for a good long while, he knew almost nothing about his manager, so it was hard to digest knowing Jihoon was even more complicated than he seemed. Soonyoung lets out a tired laugh as he looks up.

"Of course you don't. He doesn't like talking about personal things. He doesn't even like talking in general." Soonyoung lets out another tired laugh. "He talks about you though. It's funny."

Mingyu raises a brow. "What does he say?"

"He hates your guts."

Mingyu can't stop himself from laughing because that was just like Jihoon. His manager would say that, even to his face. Soonyoung smiles as Mingyu's laughter dies down.

"He hates you in an endearing way. He admires that you're hardworking, but he hates that you're slow and sometimes really dumb."

"Okay, okay, I'll give him that." Mingyu chuckles as he looks up at the ceiling. He never knew his manager thought of him like that, so it was nice that Jihoon liked him, even if it was a little bit. Silence falls between them for awhile before Soonyoung lets out yet another sigh.

"Jihoon is going to kill you when he finds out that I told you."

Mingyu makes a choked noise before turning to the blonde quickly.

"He will." Soonyoung said with a shrug. Mingyu made a face.

"I already knew though. I saw you guys before."

"What!? When?" Soonyoung gasped, turning his head so quickly that Mingyu wondered whether or not he had whiplash. Soonyoung's eyes suddenly widened as he waited for Mingyu to answer. Jihoon would surely kill him too, when he finds out he had slipped up about their relationship.

"Awhile back. I only heard a few things and then I left. I promise I didn't mean to." Mingyu says with a awkward rub of his neck. Soonyoung sighs as he runs a hand through his hair and down the length of his face.

"Jihoon will kill me."

"Doubt it." Mingyu says back. Soonyoung exchanges looks with the taller before bursting out laughing.

"I don't mind dying at his hands though." Soonyoung says, with a loving expression on his face. Mingyu makes yet another disgusted face.

"That's gross." Mingyu says. The taller thinks about the time Jihoon had seen Jisoo and Jeonghan be loving like that. He frowns slightly. "I remember that Jihoon said he hates sappy stuff like that."

"Jihoon is quite something. When he says he hates something, he actually likes it. That's why he's so confusing to me."

"What are you two talking about."

The two jumped at Jihoon's voice and quickly turned to the door with pale faces. Jihoon stood there with a raised brow as he walked closer. Mingyu and Soonyoung exchanged glances before looking back at the smaller male that was coming their way.

"Did you make any coffee yet?" Jihoon asked, peeking at the coffee machine.

"We got sidetracked," Soonyoung said shyly. Jihoon gave him a knowing look and a roll of his eyes.

"Of course. Why am I not surprised."

"Mingyu just showed me how to make an espresso. Want to see?"

Mingyu made a face from behind Jihoon, because obviously he did not teach Soonyoung a single thing because they were so busy talking. He wasn't sure what Soonyoung was talking about.

"Alright, then let me see. I like my coffee dark and bitter."

"Like yourself." Mingyu added playfully. Soonyoung chuckled while Jihoon turned around to glare.

"It's also hot, like yourself." Soonyoung grinned when Jihoon turned back around, now with flushed cheeks.

"Stop playing around! Just make the coffee!"


Mingyu returned back to work (after once again feeling like the third wheel with Jihoon and Soonyoung). The two dissolved into their own world of hushed whispers and quiet arguing and Mingyu thought that was his cue to leave. Mingyu thought they were cute, but he didn't particularly like standing there awkwardly while Soonyoung was saying flirty and lame pick up lines and Jihoon blushing like mad and looking like he wanted to squish the life out of Soonyoung.

Jeonghan was no where in sight when Mingyu sat in his desk, and he wondered if he was visiting the electrical team or meeting with Jisoo. Mingyu wouldn't be surprised if it had been the latter.

Mingyu got to typing his reports and half way though his boring report, he felt someone breathing just above his shoulder. Mingyu glanced to the side, and he just couldn't make out the figure at all. He froze and almost jumped when the person spoke.

"Mister, what are you doing? This looks boring."

Mingyu quickly turned to a boy, looking no older than sixteen, who was staring at his computer with interest. He looked like Soonyoung and Jihoon if Mingyu had to be honest.

"This is so boring, just to look at." The young boy added, moving back, suddenly disinterested. Mingyu was speechless as the boy began touching things on Mingyu's desk before placing them back carefully and precisely, as if he didn't want to break them.

"Work is boring." He said as he glanced at Mingyu. "Why does my dad think I can manage this?"

Mingyu was going to open his mouth, perhaps to ask why this kid was suddenly talking to him or to ask him why he was here in the first place until Jeonghan came running up to Mingyu's cubsicle, out of breath.

"There you are!" He panted, looking up at the young male beside Mingyu.

"Ah, you found me."

"Jeonghan, who is this?" Mingyu asked, pointing at the boy with wide eyes.

"My name is Dino. You could have asked me! I'm standing right here!"

Mingyu furrows his eyebrows.


"Short for Dinosaur! Isn't a great name?"

Mingyu refrains from laughing at such a strange name. The kid sees the smile on Mingyu's face and lets out a whine and a wiggle.

"It truly is a cool name!"

"Yah, Kim Mingyu, don't pick on him. Jisoo is supposed to be training him soon." Jeonghan said. Mingyu looked to the boy next to him.

"Train him?"

"Kim Mingyu?" Dino exclaimed, looking wide eyed at Mingyu. Dino stared at Mingyu as if he knew him for awhile before turning to Jeonghan.

"I-I want him to be my mentor! Tell Mister Jisoo I want Mister Mingyu to teach me."

"What?" Mingyu gasps, dumbfounded. "Teach him what? Jeonghan? What is he talking about?"

"Teach me how to work! Teach me all these boring things you typed on the computer." Dino said, bouncing on the balls of his feet excitedly. Jeonghan exchanged glances with Mingyu and gave him a little shrug.

"I don't know what he means Mingyu. You're the bottom of the food chain, so it's best to start him off with something easy."

Mingyu was going to argue with Jeonghan, maybe protest about being the 'bottom of the food chain' or maybe argue that he had no idea what this Dino kid was talking about. Mingyu eventually stood, feeling confused. He towered over the kid and Dino awed at his height.

"You're so tall, Mister Mingyu! I bet you can see everything."

Mingyu sighed and ran a hand through his hair and down the length of his face. He didn't know who this kid was or why he suddenly wanted Mingyu to teach him, but there was something about this Dino kid that he just couldn't refuse.

"D-Dino..? Right?"

Dino beamed until his eyes looked as if they were closed. He truly looked like Jihoon and Soonyoung the more Mingyu thought about it. Mingyu shook away the thought and simply blinked at the young boy who was smiling brightly at him.

"It will be nice working with you Mister Kim Mingyu!"


I don't really know what I was trying to accomplish in this chapter.... Sorry guys.

Hello guys, long time no see... Ahhh I was supposed to update on christmas, as a gift to you guys but I didn't finish in time. Please forgive me.

I hope you enjoyed this update! If you didn't read my last note, please do so. I hope you all had a good christmas, and a happy new year. You all deserve so much happiness, and I hope everything goes well in 2016.

Ahhh! Thank you guys for so many subs! There's so many of you that I lost count haha. Thank you all for the comments and upvotes as well. They mean so much to me.

As always, thank you for waiting so patiently for me. Please don't forget to leave a comment!

xxx See you soon~


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Chapter 17: Oh updated pls :-)
Chapter 17: How can people hate this fic? It's so cute ^^ hope you don't let negative comments get to you and you get your inspiration back! Please update soon x
Chapter 17: Dont listen to them!! Just follow ur heart <3 i'll support u
Chapter 17: How could ppl tell you something that made u want to delete this story? This story is AMAZING! I really like this, really can't wait for another chapter. I hope u will get your inspiration back :)

Your subscribers are waiting for you~
Myungkittie #6
Really nice story, update please ^^~
Chapter 17: Please update T.T
Chapter 17: I keep coming back and re-reading this fic. Idk how many times I've actually read it, it's just sooooooo good. I do hope that you'll be able to come back and update sometime. I just really love this fic, and will continue to wait for your return! (And probably come back and re-read it again and again) <3
dannaching11 #9
Chapter 17: please please update authornim..
schneina #10
Chapter 17: Yaaah don't let other peoples opinions worry you ! Some people really like this story!! *cough* me *cough*