chapter 2

as long as stars are above you

"Thank you for bringing me the book you're the best really!" Soonyoung hugged the elder and excitedly looked at it again. He'd been so excited to read it.

"No problem you're welcome" Jeonghan chuckled as he watched the younger’s excitement.


"Did you go to the shop I told you about?" It took a few seconds before Jeonghan answered a quickly "Ah yes yeah I did" ever since Jeonghan had met that boy earlier he's been deep burried in his own thoughts.


"So how was it? Is it good?" Soonyoung noticed the elder smiling and nudged him with his elbow "Did something happen or?" Soonyoung asked. "Huh?" Jeonghan catched himself thinking again and looked at soonyoung. "Why?"


"You seem to think about something and you can't stop smiling about it." Soonyoung teased slighly and watched at his manga again.


he’s still smiling? It's true Jeonghan couldn't stop smiling since he met that boy. He did smile a lot usally but now it was maybe too much?


"Well…. yeah.."


"Waaaaiit..." Soonyoung looked at the latter mysteriously "Did you meet someone?????!!!!" Soonyoung gasped as he watched at the older.


Suddenly the elder unwillingly grew a shade of pink on his cheeks which could go for blushing.


‘’you did???! ohmygod!!’’


"No!!!" Jeonghan tried to defend himself and started playing with his hair.


"I just found a great couple of mangas that's all. Aren’t you busy? Shouldn’t you- Why d-" Jeonghan started rambling, getting slighly embarresed of the topic, wanting to change subject.


"But why are you blushing then hyung?" Soonyoung teased the elder.


"Aiish it's because it was so sudden. The question was a bi-"


"anyway whatever have fun tomorrow ok" Jeonghan didn't want soonyoung to know the reason he blushed so he just tried to do his goodbye, he was too tired to talk anymore as well to add up with it. They hugged and said goodbye.


On his way home, Jeonghan still thought about the cute boy from the manga shop, maybe he should go there another day? Maybe he will get to see him again! Or.. That’s maybe kinda creepy of him. Stop thinking like that Jeonghan.


He decided not to take the bus home since he it it was so close from where he lived, and also he could need some fresh air and time to think as he was on his way home.




Jisoo on the other way took the bus from the shop to get home, feeling a bit sleepy and somewhat happy. Like Jeonghan’s case, he couldn’t stop thinking about the little ‘’meeting’’ they both had experienced. The boy he didn’t know they name for was so sweet, Jisoo thought. The first thing he noticed was the latter’s eyes, brown and full with life. He also noticed his beautiful, BEAUTIFUL long hair. It made his features improving his stage of being an angel. Yes an angel. He also had such a sweet voice. Jisoo was feeling super embarrassed when causing the boy’s books falling. He wish he could have stayed and at least introduce himself, but he felt too shy at the moment even though it wasn’t noticeable.


While being tired but still deep in his thoughts, Jisoo was listening to music while looking out the bus’ window, watching people walking along the streets. When the bus stopped at a red traffic light, he suddenly saw a familiar figure walking by the street. Was it-? The person was walking closer and closer to the bus and there he was, the manga boy! Jisoo took out his right earphone from his ear and and smiled when he indeed saw it was the boy. Something inside him wished the boy saw jisoo? Maybe he’s getting on the bus! But then again, the bus just stopped by a red light so it wasn’t a stop people could jump in on.


He smiled for himself when he saw how even the latter’s walk was somewhat sweet? But then he also started to think, why was the latter walking outside around this time. Today and yesterday had had two very cold nights and he didn’t want the the latter to freeze so he felt worried. Wait why is he even worried? He tried to shrug off the thoughts as he thought he would be just fine. What did Jisoo know, maybe he was living close or something. But still.


When Jisoo came home he closed the door after him, took off his black vans shoes, pulled off his jacket, he greeted his friends and chatted for a couple minutes before heading straight to his room to throw himself over the bed. He was tired and he was tired of thinking so he pulled up his phone and listened to some music to after a while drifting himself to sleep.




When Jeonghan opened the door to his shared apartment he was greeted with a lovely smell of some kind of honey beef.

‘’Ahh Jeonghan hyung is that you?’’ Mingyu yelled from the kitchen.

‘’Mhm it’s me!’’ Jeonghan answered back and pulled off his shoes to then walk towards the kitchen.


‘’Mingyu ah, are you cooking, for me?’’ Jeonghan was SO hungry he was starving. He hadn’t been able to eaten earlier but right now we would eat anything.

‘’Yes I am! Does it smell delicious?’’ Mingyu laughed and stirred his fried beef. Jeonghan walked closer and it looked amazing!

‘’It does! Isn’t it a bit late to cook this kind of food by this time though, haven’t you guys eaten yet?’’


Jeonghan lived in a apartment together with Mingyu and Junhui, while soonyoung shared an apartment with their other friends Wonwoo, Seokmin and Minghao. (Sometimes, as Soonyoung was yesterday, they would sleep over a day or two by their parents if they had the chance, which barely happened so it was a very precious opportunity) Reason why they lived like this was mainly because it was very close to school, also that it was fun to live with friends.


‘’No I didn’t, Junhui did though with Minghao earlier. He’s doing homework now. He said he was extra tired today poor hyung.’’


‘’So why didn’t you eat?’’ Jeonghan was still not satisfied he wanted to make sure his dongsaeng would eat properly.


‘’I was talking with Wonwoo and such.’’

‘’But you said you were gonna be busy today?’’

‘’Yeah, with Wonwoo?’’ Mingyu chuckled, hiding his face to not show Jeonghan the pink colour showing on his cheeks.


A smiled creeped up on Jeonghan’s face, knowing Mingyu felt flustered for saying so. Jeonghan admired teasing Mingyu about Wonwoo, just because he knew the younger loved to spend time and talk with Wonwoo, a lot.

‘’But you could have comed with me for at least a few minutes’’ Jeonghan pouted and followed behind Mingyu who was currently placing their beef and rice onto two plates.



‘’Nevermind im hungry! You must be hungry right? Let’s eat!’’





author's note: hiiiiiiii long time no see! im sorry for the extreme slow update >< when i wrote the first chapter i said i would update it the day after and here we are one month later ooPS. I actually wrote the first bit like 3 weeks ago, I wrote the rest now. I started school this week, but hopefully i will get to have time to update pretty often anyway ^_____^

I hope you're all well, thank you for reading and let me know what you think

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3036jonestom #1
Chapter 2: please update!! love the story!!
BBC4Bomb #2
Chapter 2: Aaaaahhh Jisoo saw Jeonghan!!!!! And that Meanie and Junhao though~
Chapter 2: Aww, meanie! I'm looking forward to Jihan’s next encounter.
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 2: Aww this was cute! And yay meanie and is that Junhao too? :3
BBC4Bomb #5
This was just too adorable!!!!! And that gif, my feels are everywhere asdfghjkl lol can't wait for the next chapters !!!!!
SeventeenCarrot #6
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh, this was so cute! I can imagine angelic music playing when they both looked into each other's eyes. Soonyoung was a cutie too.
coconutheads #7
Chapter 1: I really love this idea b/c well Jihan and that it has mangas.. What a great chapter and thanks for replying to me! :)
SeventeenCarrot #8
manga jisoo is lyfe
coconutheads #9
oooh, this idea is awesome. Another Jihan fanfic i'm looking forward to!! Hopefully, chapter 1 will come out soon.