I Remember Everything

Red String Tied Around Little Fingers

Sorry for late update...




The phone rang on the nightstand, Yoongi pulled away from the kiss, and answered the call, “yes, eomma?”

“Yoongi-ah… I have a news for you!”

“what is it?”

“Jimin is in Seoul, he got accepted in one of the university there”

Yoongi widened his eyes, ‘Jimin! that guy looks like Jimin! that guy is Jimin!’ he thought, “do you know the name of the university?” he completely ignored the girl under him

“I’m sorry, I didn’t ask them. If you meet him by chance, you should look after him, okay? He is new there”

“I will. Do you have his number or address where he live?” the girl under him started to unbuckle his belt and his neck. Yoongi didn’t stop her

“I have his number! I’m going to text you”

“okay” and the call ended.

Yoongi rolled to the side, “you can go.” He said, “the , Yoongi? We haven’t even started!” the girl protested, “I don’t feel like doing it anymore.” Yoongi looked at her, “Get out.” It’s enough to make the girl did what he said.


-Jimin’s POV-

The next morning, Jimin got up from his bed and walked to the kitchen only to see a guy kissing someone who he assumed is Jin, he cleared his throat to make them stop

The unfamiliar guy resembles Jin somehow, “are you… probably a relative?”

Jin waved his hand, “No. no, he isn’t. He is Kidoh, my boyfriend.” He explained while the other guy smiled at him

“Ah! Right! That’s… explain the kiss. Yeah.. right.” Jimin laughed awkwardly, “why are you so stupid, Jimin?!” he muttered to himself before Jin and Kidoh excused themselves to the living room

His phone buzzed on his pocket, there was one new message from unknown number.

From: 018xxxx
Is this Park Jimin’s number?

Jimin furrowed his brows, ‘who is this creeper? Is this person a serial killer? What should he say? Should he deny his own name?’

To: 018xxxx
Yes, who’s this?

The next reply startled him

From: 018xxxx

To: 018xxxx

From: 018xxxx
Where do you live?

To: 018xxxx
At Taehyung’s brother’s flat

From: 018xxxx
Text me the address, we’re going to university together

‘what?! Is he crazy?! The hot guy walk together with a nerd like me is a big no-no’ Jimin thought, he didn’t reply the message, he poured some cereal and milk to the bowl. Then, his phone rang


“did you suddenly die? Why did you not reply the message?” it’s Yoongi.

“sorry, I just prepared my breakfast”

“the address. Tell me.” Jimin really wanted to hang up the phone, but he couldn’t.

“we don’t go to the same university” he answered

“yes, we do. Look, I’m sorry if I didn’t recognize you right away, I know your face, it’s really familiar but I couldn’t remember it, it was blurry. Now, I finally know, we are going there together”

“you don’t have to, hyung. I’ll go there with Taehyung’s brother”

“Just send me the address. I have to talk with you.”

“okay, I’ll text you” he hang up, and text the address immediately and continue to eat his breakfast. He was waiting for reply from Yoongi but there is nothing. Jimin went to his bedroom and changed his clothes.

“Jimin, hurry up. Change your pajamas.”

“I’m not going with you today, hyung. Someone is going to pick me up” the younger replied as he walked out from the room, he wore a loose jumper and jeans, Jin grinned at the answer, “really? Who? Your admirer?” Jimin rolled his eyes

“he is my friend, childhood friend.”

“name? what’s his name?”

“Yoongi” and Jin got quiet, “as in Min Yoongi?” another voice asked, it was Kidoh. Jimin nodded and Jin gasped, “No way! He is.. Gosh! No! You can’t go with him!”

Jimin tilted his head, “why?”

“he is the cruelest person in the university! Once you alone with him, he’ll take advantage on you!” Jin almost yelled, “it’s okay, hyung. I know him, we know each other, he won’t do that.” Jimin reassured the elder

He tied his sneakers and grabbed his bag, “bye, hyung!” and he left

-Yoongi’s POV-

Yoongi stopped his car as soon as he saw the familiar figure stood on the doorstep, he gave a sign to Jimin to come inside the car, they exchanged a quiet greeting and letting the silence filled the car.

“what’s your major?” Yoongi finally broke the ice

“um.. art.”

“oh I see”

“a-and yours?” Jimin mentally cursed himself for stuttering, little did he know, the older find it cute, “business management” he answered smiling, “don’t you always want to be a rapper?” Jimin asked

“but I’m the heir of my parents company.” Jimin didn’t want to ask further, ‘it must be hard to study what you aren’t interested in’ he thought

“you really serious when you said you want to be stronger, aren’t you?” the older asked again, “um.. yes” he looked down, feeling embarrassed.

Yoongi stole some glances at Jimin, he looked at his body, thighs and legs. ‘it’s nice, thick thighs’ he smirked at the thought

When they arrived, Yoongi casually put his arm around Jimin’s shoulders, ‘his height is perfect for me’. Jimin looked down when he saw many people throwing glares at him, he felt like intimidated again. The thought of getting bullied danced around his head.

Yoongi noticed it too, he glared back at them. He walked Jimin to the class, “if someone do something bad to you, tell me” he winked and left. Jimin was speechless, everything was the same. He smiled, ‘Yoongi hyung doesn’t change a bit’ but the smile turns into a painful moan, when a guy from his class slammed him into the wall

“who do you think you are, nerd? Coming here with Yoongi? Are you his new ?” he smiled mockingly at Jimin, Jimin didn’t say anything. The boy pulled Jimin’s hair back, making the latter whimpered in pain, “maybe it’s because of your face?” he spoke closely to Jimin’s ear, “should I make your face looks displeasing?” and the boy launched a punch across Jimin’s face.


-Yoongi’s POV-

Yoongi phone buzzed when he was walking to the music room, he wanted to ask him to go home together. He opened the new message

From: Jimin

Please, don’t get close to me anymore.

Yoongi fastened his pace, he opened the music room, Jimin wasn’t there. “where is Park Jimin?” he asked to everyone in the room, “who is him?” one of the girl asked.

“don’t pretend you don’t know him, you met him yesterday! Tell me, where the is him!” Yoongi roared, some of the flinched, and a guy in the corner said, “I last saw him being dragged somewhere, maybe janitor’s room or backyard”

“Listen all of you! Do not touch Park Jimin.” he gave a warning to them, no one have guts to argue with him. He is the smartest student in his major, his parents are rich, he always being polite with teachers and elder people. He could expel them anytime he wants, the teachers will defend him no matter what.

He found the younger in the janitor room, it was locked, he had to kick the door open. The younger sat on the corner of the room, hugging his knees close to his chest. “Who did this?” he asked, his voice was soft. “I don’t know” was the only answer.

Yoongi sighed, “nevermind, I’ll ask the guard for a surveillance cam record”

“No!” Jimin gripped the elder’s shirt, “Don’t. Please. Just go away.” Yoongi noticed the purplish mark on his cheek, “No.”

The next day, no one bother him and neither talk to him, but it’s better than punches and kicks. Jimin end the day of his college peacefully. It continued until two weeks after the incident. Jimin didn’t realize that someone were planning something worse on him

Jimin was waiting for Jin to finish his practice for the upcoming event, it’s already 8 p.m. He excused himself to the toilet and said would be back in 5 minutes, but someone covered his mouth with a handkerchief and the others dragged him to the backyard

It was dark, he couldn’t see the faces clearly. one guy held his right arm and right leg, another one held the others, the tallest of them move closer to him, he sat on Jimin’s thighs, Jimin gasped in shock, “Hello there, sweetie” it was Kidoh.

“w-what do you want?”

“taint you.” He answered simply before pulling out the scissors out from his pocket and cut Jimin’s hoodie, revealing his tan skin and abs exposed to the cold air. Jimin whimpered a bit, “Damn. You have a tempting body.” He trailed his finger from Jimin’s chest to his lower abdomen and stopped right above his boxer’s line

Jimin struggled but he couldn’t escape. He wanted to cry, ‘is he going to kill me? will my life end here?’

-Jin’s POV-

Jin started to worry, Jimin hasn’t come back for like 30 minutes. He packed his things and walked out from the auditorium and searched for him everywhere he could, the toilet is empty, it made Jin got more restless, until he bumped into someone.

“Ah! Yoongi. I’m sorry” he quickly move to the other side, but the younger gripped his wrist, “what’s wrong, hyung? Why are you in hurry?” he asked, it wasn’t like Jin expected. He thought Yoongi would be harsh on everybody but no, he isn’t.

“Jimin. he hasn’t come back from the toilet for like 30 minutes, and when I checked the toilet, it’s empty!” he panicked. Yoongi stood there before saying, “I think I know where is him”

-Jimin’s POV-

“No! P-please don’t!” his body was hot, he didn’t know why. Every inch of him is burning, the moment Kidoh slide his hand inside his boxer, he felt like defeated completely. He didn’t realize that he moaned because of Kidoh’s hand, he didn’t understand. He didn’t like this, why his body told the different thing.

His vision got blurrier, but he could catch a shadow of a guy kicked Kidoh’s head really hard until his hand was pulled harshly out from his boxer. If he was sober enough, maybe he would scream in horror. The other two were beaten by someone else.

“You head!” Jimin know the voice, it’s Yoongi’s. Yoongi gripped Kidoh’s neck, planting his nails around his throat, he grabbed the abandoned scissors beside Jimin’s body, before dragged him and pushed him to the nearest tree, he pinned him there. “the you think you doing?!” he shouted. Finished beating the two guys, Jin rushed to Jimin, he covered his exposed body with his jacket.

“why would you stick for him? He isn’t worth your attention.” Kidoh’s voice was restrained, because of Yoongi’s grip

“I said no one can touch him!” he slammed the scissors to the tree with his free hand, and it stuck there. “if you do it again, I’ll take this scissors out and cut your skin slowly. It may sting a bit.” Yoongi’s psychopathic words made the latter shudder

“hyung, take him to the parking lot. I’m going to bring both of you home” Yoongi’s eyes still piercing Kidoh’s, but the tone was a lot different, it was really sweet and soft. It made Kidoh’s wanted to flee at the sudden drastic change


The ride was filled by whimpers Jimin made. Yoongi helped Jin took Jimin to his bedroom. “hyung, my body is burning. I think I got fever” he said as he pulled his blanket tighter. “wait, I’ll give you some medicine and cook some soup”

“I’ll stay here.” Yoongi spoke, “at least until you finished making the soup” he continued. Jin left them alone in the bedroom, “Jimin, you have to change your clothes” it earned him a moan. He knows he shouldn’t get aroused at time like this, but he couldn’t help it. The voice he made was sensual. He moved closer and pulled the blanket away from Jimin

He wanted to help the younger changed his clothes but as soon as his hand touched Jimin’s torso, the younger let out another moan, “please, i-it hurts.”, Yoongi finally understand. When Jin came back with a medicine, Yoongi spoke, “He isn’t sick. The guys gave him aphrodisiac”

“what should we do?”

“I’m going to help him release it”

“Excuse me?! are you going to him?!”

“no, I’m going to help him, really. You could watch if you want to, you know, to make sure I won’t him” Yoongi replied casually.

It ended up being Yoongi closed the bedroom door and he sat on the edge of the bed, “Jimin, you have to release it. yourself.” The younger moved his hand to his crotch, but his hand movement wasn’t how someone themselves. Yoongi can conclude that he either was too high to do the work or never touch himself, “help” Jimin panted a bit.

Yoongi positioned himself behind him, “pull your boxer down and grip your ” Jimin did as he say, “move your hands up and down” he tried, but his grip was so tight that it started to hurt himself. Yoongi slapped his hand away and replaced it with his, Jimin let a loud moan when he felt a weird feeling around his private part, his hands gripped tightly on Yoongi’s pants, as he started to him, many sinful sounds escaped from Jimin’s mouth, the elder started to doubt if he could restrained himself from the younger at this state.

As soon as he release it, Jimin passed out. Yoongi wiped the mess and went to the bathroom, washing his hands. He put a pair of clean boxers on Jimin and now, he only had one problem in his pants. ‘I could take care of this later’ he thought. He left the room and saw Jin was talking to someone on the phone, more like yelling.

“—You my friend and you think I will listen to your lies?!”

“it’s not like that—”

“not like what?! You clearly harassed him!”

“Jin, I love you”

“yeah sure! Thanks for telling me this when I saw you almost him.” He hang up the call. Yoongi purposely stomped a bit harder, to make Jin know someone is there, the elder turned his head, “how is he? Better? You didn’t do anything to him right?”

“well, I hi—”

“Other than that! you know, like put… ‘ahem’… in?” Jin faked a cough

“no.. not yet” Yoongi smirked, Jin glared at him, “whatever you planning, I won’t let you” the younger chuckled, “I’m going home, now”

The next day, Jimin didn’t attend the class, Jin and Yoongi reported the incident to the principal, Kidoh and two other guys got suspension. After that, Jimin still being made fun of, if he is alone. Whenever Jin or Yoongi asked what’s wrong, he would say nothing. When they asked if someone bully him or not, he’ll say no one do that and he is happy right now. The mocks and nicknames were still given to Jimin, but at least he could handle this.

Next year, Jin was graduated, Yoongi was on his last year, and finally, Jimin met a guy called Namjoon. They met at a school event which they have to do a collaboration, there were rappers, singers and dancers. Yoongi continue messing up with girls and guys, but he actually only set his eyes on Jimin.

As for Namjoon, Yoongi didn’t really know him, but whenever Jimin is with him, he would glare at him. Jimin told Namjoon that probably he did that because of the incident last year, but Namjoon doesn’t really care about Yoongi, though.

The next day after Yoongi’s graduation day, he finally encourage himself and texted Jimin. the younger was watching television while munching on his popcorn

From: Yoongi
You free tonight?

To: Yoongi
Yes, why?

From: Yoongi
I want to ask you out for dinner

Jimin grinned.

To: Yoongi
Like a date?

From: Yoongi
It’s a date. I’m going to pick you up at 6. Dress casually.

To: Yoongi

Jimin finally settled up with blue shirt and skinny jeans. Yoongi wore a simple black v-neck t-shirt and black trousers which is really contrast with his pale skin. After they finished the dinner Yoongi wiped his mouth with napkin and asked, “so, Jimin.. I like you since we meet again for the second time in university” Jimin could feel his face getting hot, he knows what he want to say next

“why don’t you be my boyfriend?”

“what?” Jimin gaped, “why it gives me a really unromantic feeling?”

“quickly, answer me”

“I was expecting for a romantic confession for you, actually” Jimin pouted, “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’” Yoongi decided, “I didn’t say that!” Jimin replied, “so you refuse me?” Jimin shook his head, “I didn’t say that either” Yoongi waited for Jimin’s next words

“but you never said you are also gay”

“let’s say, I don’t care about gender” Jimin loved him too, but seeing him keep messing up with every person he met, made him a little bit uncomfortable, how could he be in a relationship with someone who never serious?

“I’m sorry, I can’t.”

“what? why?” Yoongi was shock, it’s the first time someone reject him. “I can’t. who knows that probably you set up a trap or something to me? I know that you’ve been helping me all the times, but you are still so distant. We are like north and south pole. You are the tough guy everyone likes and me, no one notice me. you are surrounded by girls and I’m a freaking… .” The last word was almost inaudible.

Yoongi was dumbfounded, Jimin fidgeting on his chair, “I-I think I should head home” Yoongi held his wrist, “are you probably… jealous?”

Jimin blushed, “No! it just… nah, nevermind. Just continue screwing people.”

“If you hate that I people that much, just say it. I’ll stop doing it. It’s simple.”

“why are you so persistent?!”

Yoongi smirked, “because I’m going to grant your childhood wish and make you my husband.”

OH MY GOSH! Let me bury myself into a big hole please

I hope this doesn't disappoint you.. (_ _")v

Sorry for grammatical error and typos, english is not my first language

Comments are lovely~ <3 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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workluvaffair #1
Chapter 3: I have this page bookmarked "spaghetti is on fire" that expression is just winning on so many levels =))
Chapter 3: I read "I'm (totally not) okay" a rather long time ago, wanted to read this, but just have a chance to do it~
It somehow makesense how Yoongi ended up hurting Jimin after some time of the marriage, I mean Yoongi just a total jerk who falls in love to a certain innocent kind-hearted Jimin, so yeah~
Anyway I love this so much, the way Yoongi protect Jimin despite being a cruel person on the other side, I just really love it. And I love the-unromantic Yoongi's way to show his affection towards Jimin. Just ughhh~ T___T
Ok I (totally) love this!

Oh and “The spaghetti is on fire, hyung!”, really made me laughing my out xD
Great job author-nim~ thank you for this ^^
matisarmy #3
Chapter 3: "The spaghetti is on fire hyung!" Hahahahahhahahah
ahahahabah taehyung has THE best lines EVER <3 loved this fic ^^
nickyana #4
Chapter 3: Ok Yoongi was Born to be , literally hahaa
lucky him for meet someone as kind as Jimin.
and the best line ever:
"So does spaghetti... until it gets hot." - Taehyung
"blablabla... since we are on a party, and I got a free bouquet, would you be my boyfriend" - Namjoon
OK, I super enjoy it... will wait for ZeloKook continuation.
Lots of love~
Chapter 3: ohh and i love your stories! especially the "I'm (totally not) okay" that wa one of my fav & this story is amazing too! good job authornim ^^
Chapter 3: LMAO TAETAE AND HIS PUN XD awwwwwwwwwww this is amazing!
Chapter 3: "The spaghetti is on fire"

Man..... that cracked me up. I cannot stop laughing. Ahh it ended! Thank you!
jjongddae #8
Chapter 1: i already loved the first chapter~