
A Sloth's Birthday ( Happy Birthday Wonwoo! )

17/7 06:52

Wonwoo was beginning to feel a little uncomfortable, all he could remember was going back to the dorms then fell asleep right after taking a shower. It was his birthday and the members had forgotten about it, he remembered as well. Not that it had anything to do with why he wanted to continue sleeping but, why was he starting to feel chilly and unusual?

He rubbed his eyes and slowly sat up, only to find his bed covers gone. What the heck. Did he sleep too comfortable to the point where he had thrown his bed sheets away?

Wonwoo laughed as he thought of what had happened to him as a prank. He felt a little happier now on the inside as it meant that the members did after all remember that today was a special ay.

“Guys, you can stop now” After looking around for his bed sheet and then realizing none of the members were in the room, he shouted and waited for a few seconds.

“Guys! You can stop now! I know you’re out there!” The rapper laughed hesitantly, a little worried that the members might end up scaring the hell out of him. He stood up from his bed and quietly opened the door to find all the lights closed and a small pink note slowly falling to the ground.

{HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! If you’re wondering where we are, we’re at the stairs outside the dorm building!}

“Oh no” Normally, one should feel happy about retrieving a note like this but he had a bad feeling.

Changing from his pyjamas to comfortable attire, he put on his watch, checked the time, and began his journey to find the other members of Seventeen.


17/7 06:07 L1: stairs outside dorm

“You’re the only one?” Wonwoo looked around for the others a while after arriving at the staircase.

“Yea, you don’t like it?” Seungcheol frowned a little and dragged the other closer to him. “It’s your special day today and you can’t you rest yet!”

“I can tell” The younger grinned brightly and looked at the older happily. “This better be good though”

“Don’t worry, i’m sure we’ll surprise you” The leader patted him on the shoulder twice before passing him another pink note.

{You found me! The awesome leader keke} Wonwoo looked at the older as the other simply raised his head up proudly. {Head down to the carpark for another surprise~}

“Carpark, really?”

“Yea, you’ll find someone there” The older gave a fatherly smile before pushing the other forward. “See you later Wonwoo”

“Okay!” He shouted back as he headed down the stairs.


17/7 06:13 L2: carpark of the dorm building (Hansol)

Wonwoo walked down the stairs quickly, breathing heavily and stopped to check on the time when he arrived at the destination. 


Hearing a voice call out to him the boy immediately looked up to expect someone, but was only disappointed when it was Hansol; Not that he doesn’t like him.

“Hansol!” Wonwoo called out to the younger and put on a smile as he ran to where the other was, the younger waving at him with another small note in hand.

“You’re the only one here? Where are the others?”

“First of all, Happy Birthday!” Hansol hugged the older tightly and happily before passing the note to him. “You’ll have to follow these instructions and see!”

{Yo! Yo! It’s Vernon! Head to the convenience store if you want to find everyone else}

“Thanks!” The older rapper nodded once before giving the younger a small pat on the head. He headed off a while later hearing a “no problem!” to the next place.


17/7 06:21 L3: convenience store near dorm (Minghao)

When the note wrote convenience store, there were a few, but thinking of the biggest one first as it would fit the other nine members, he immediately went there. Although when he arrived though, instead of finding nine, he found one.

“Minghao-“ He patted the younger one who seemed to be finding something in the drink session confused and surprised him.

“Ah hyung!” The Chinese member hid something behind his back immediately and looked at the other with a nervous smile. “You’re here!”

“Yea, I am, what’s behind your back?”

“Oh you mean, wait, I mean, nothing!”

The older laughed and tried glancing at what was on his hands but the younger didn’t budge and would move the opposite way to keep him from knowing.

“What are you doing here anyway, by yourself as well”

“I need to prep- I mean, here’s your note!” Minghao placed the small sticky note on the other’s shoulder before running off somewhere else.

Leaving Wonwoo a little dumbfounded, the older grabbed the piece of paper from his shoulder and read.

{Happy Birthday Wonwoo-hyung, thanks for translating things for me so often! :D Head to our practice building to find the next member!}


17/7 06:29 L4: outside the practice building (Seokmin)

“Wonwoo hyung!” Seokmin’s loud and bright voice interrupted Wonwoo’s peaceful walk. He was beginning to get ideas for some new lyrics but that didn’t last.

“Seokmin!” The older ran to him who was in front of the building and greeted. “You’re here by yourself as well?”

“Well… There are other member’s inside” The younger grinned before handing him the note. “I feel kind of sorry for you though, since you have to go back and forth” He shrugged.

“What do you mean back and forth?”

Realizing he had just given a hint, if the other could ever figure that out Seokmin was sure glad when he saw Chan walking out.

“Ah, it’s nothing, anyway, Happy Birthday! I’m sure you’ll like our birthday present in the end though hehe” Seokmin continued, grinning before signalling Chan for help while Wonwoo was reading the note.

{Wonwoo, Wonwoo! You’re finally 19! Do you feel old? Keke anyways, head inside if you want to see the others!}


17/7 06:33 L5: inside the practice room (Chan)

“Hyung! Hyung, you’re so slow! Hurry up!” The youngest member of Seventeen came out and greeted the other when he saw Seokmin’s hand gestures. He slung his hands over the elder’s arm and dragged him into the building.

“I’m getting old, you know, I haven’t gotten enough sleep as well, walk slowly!” Wonwoo complained as he got dragged by the younger. “Where’s the next destination”

“Oh, so you do know what to do huh? Here!” Chan said enthusiastically and gave him the note.

{Happy Birthday! You’re really cool! Go to the staircase to find the other hyung!}

“Thanks kid” Wonwoo grinned and ruffled his hair.

“Go, go, go!”


17/7 06:37 L6: at the stairs of the practice building (Soonyoung)

It took him seeing six members, including Soonyoung dancing in front of him now, in total for him to realize he had to go see twelve other ones, one by one, retrieve a note, before being able to continue sleeping in his bed.

“Hey Wonwoo” The dancer greeted the other with a bright smile and a small bow.

Soonyoung did a weird little dance move when Wonwoo arrived at the staircase where he is before giving the other a big hug. “Sorry for lying to you, you’re finally here! Thanks to you, I think I have my choreography half done” he teased.

“Is that a good thing or not?” Wonwoo asked sarcastically before placing a hand out in front of them. “Where’s your note?”

“Ah right right, here it is!” The performance leader stuck a yellow heart-shaped sticky note on his hand before smiling.

{To: Wonwoo, I love you <3 Happy Birthday <3 Go up to the Andromeda place to find Seungkwan! From: Hoshi}

“What’s with the hearts?”

“It’s only because you’re an amazing friend” The older chuckled.

“Thanks man”


17/7 06:42 L7: Andromeda location (Seungkwan)

“Seungkwan! Where are you, Seungkwan!” The minute Wonwoo entered the room and saw no one there, he felt a little suspicious.

“Boo!” Seungkwan popped up from the Andromeda table and grinned. “I nearly fell asleep under the table because of you… I need to get my beauty sleep as well you know” The younger sighed and gave him a purple-coloured note when the older walked over and stood next to him.

{Old! But you’re still cool… Enter the password behind me and go in Woozi-hyung’s room}

“I feel like I’m being called old too much”

“You are though”

“Am not!“

“Hurry up and enter the password!”


17/7 06:46 L8: Woozi’s studio (Jihoon)

It was weird, really weird but it was okay because he had to leave soon after to another destination anyway. Wonwoo laughed nervously as he entered the dark room of Jihoon’s and saw the other slowly turn around to greet him.

“You’re finally here, I was about to finish a new song while waiting for you, you know?” The younger teased and stood up to pass him the new note.

“Haha” The older continued to laugh nervously as he took the note from Jihoon. “Thanks”

Although before reading the note, Jihoon interrupted him instead.

“Head to the café we always go to near the building to find Junghan, okay?”

“Oh, thanks! That saves me more time” Wonwoo grinned and left the studio of Jihoon’s. Surprisingly, when he left, Seungkwan wasn’t there anymore, it had only been around four minutes and the other already left? He began to think that it really was some kind of prank to waste his precious sleep time.

While heading to the café as Jihoon said, he read the note the smaller gave him.

{We don’t talk a lot although part of the reason why is because I don’t even talk to others… but I really like you, your voice suits my music well, Happy Birthday! Head to the café to find Junghan}

Ah, so that was the reason why the other didn’t want him to read it yet. How cute.

The older smiled as he walked down the practice building. Not noticing that Soonyoung, Chan and Seokmin wasn’t at the building either.


17/7 06:53 L9: café near the practice building (Junghan)

“Four more members to go” Wonwoo sighed and said to himself before arriving at the café. “Oh, I thought it would be Jisoo, but it’s you!” he pointed at the long-haired member when he saw the other sitting peacefully while eating some cake.

“Yah, you don’t like seeing me? That’s mean.” Junghan stopped eating his cake and crossed his arm.


“Sit down here, I’m waiting for something actually, but I’m bored without any company here so”

“Ah, thank god, that means I can sit here and rest for a while right?” For running around all day and going back and forth to find the members, Wonwoo was definitely happy to find out that he can finally sit down and rest. Maybe call a coffee or something and just talk to Junghan.

Of course, what he dreams of, never happen.

“Uh, Yoon Junghan? Is there a Yoon Junghan here! The cake is-“

“Ah Okay okay!” Junghan placed both hands on the rappers ears to cover him and shouted back at the waiter.

“Wonwoo! It’s time for you to go somewhere else, to meet Jisoo!” The older one patted him on the hand before sticking a note on him. “be safe!” he proceeded to pushing him out the café door and leaving him there.

The younger had to process everything for a while in the mind before realizing there were still three members left.

{hehe- you like to play games but don’t like to read right? Sorry! You’ll have to meet Jisoo at the bookstore near the dorm now! <3}

“Now we head back to the dorms… Alright”


17/7 07:03 L10: bookstore near dorm (Jisoo)

“Hey~” Jisoo appeared behind him and tapped him on the shoulder while Wonwoo was searching in the manga section of the bookstore. He always knew Jisoo liked watching anime, so going to the manga section immediately would save him more time than to search every category. He was definitely surprised though when the older found him first and not the other way around.

“Ah Hyung! You scared me” Wonwoo hit the other when he turned around gently and sighed.

“You’re tired aren’t you?” Jisoo smiled gently and handed him a cup of water.

“You’re so nice” The younger sniffed once before sipping the water.

“You should feel special though, it was all Mingyu’s idea! We were just going to surprise when the clock turned 12 this morning but then he had another planned” Jisoo laughed. He was really the nicest person in the group, Wonwoo swore.

“Man… Am I supposed to know that? I feel so loved”

“It’s okay” The older shrugged before handing him a note. “See you later alright?”

Wonwoo nodded and watched him for god knows the reason how; suddenly disappear into another aisle of the bookstore. He then lowered his head down and read the note.

{I feel so sorry for you, but I feel happy for you as well. Happy 19th Birthday Wonwoo, find me if you have any problems okay? Go back to the dorms and you’ll find someone there! Love, Joshua}

“He’s too nice” Wonwoo felt a little emotional after the note and walked out of the store to hopefully, the final location.


17/7 07:13 L11: outside the lift to the dorms (Junhui)

“YOU’RE SO SLOW” Was the first thing the older Chinese member said before pulling him into a hug then head locking him.

“Ah Ahh, stop it!” Wonwoo struggled at the other’s grasp and breathed heavily after the other let go.

“Man, what took you so long?” Junhui pouted, hitting the other on the arm before pressing the button for the lift.

“Well, it’s not my fault you guys made me go back and forth… and now we’re back at the dorms” The younger sighed and entered the lift once it opened. “No, note?”

“Nah. I can’t be bothered to write one so… go up! To the dorms! You still have one more member to talk to don’t you?” The older member grinned.

“You’re not coming up with me?”

Junhui pressed the floor number then pressed the close button on the lift; he waved a goodbye from the outside. “Nah, see you soon though”


17/7 07:17 L12: back to the dorm (Mingyu)

To be honest, when Wonwoo first got the note when he exits the dorm, he really hoped that the first person he sees is Mingyu. Of course, not because he might possibly have a small crush on him but it was because in all the years that they’ve been together, Mingyu had always been the first one to jump out at him and wish him a happy birthday. He was disappointed when he saw Seungcheol instead of the person he had wanted to see but kept going on and followed the notes.

His mood went up a lot after seeing the other member’s greet him, but it still isn’t the same as Mingyu wasn’t the first one to say Happy Birthday. The rapper was even happier when Jisoo told him that this was all the younger’s plan. He expected a lot and was disappointed once again when he saw Junhui instead of him. He liked Junhui a lot, but had really wanted to see someone else. Perhaps that was why the Chinese member rushed him into the lift as he did after all, notice the disappointment on his face.

Maybe he was expecting too much from the younger, he really didn’t mind the other member’s forgetting that it was his birthday, or them saying it later in the day, as that was what usually happened. But really, the person who had always said those two words to him first every year, suddenly didn’t this year?

Wonwoo sighed as he watched the lift go from Ground floor to their dorm. He didn’t expect much this time as he didn’t want to be disappointed by anything.

“Mingyu?” His deep voice quietly spoke out the name as it echoed in the dark dorm room.

The dorm was still the same, all dark from when he first began his little “journey” but this time, he can see party props all placed out and an empty plain table in the middle. But there was still no one.

“Hey hyung” The voice that he had been wanting to hear, came from behind as he felt an arm wrap itself around his waist. “You’ve been waiting for me right?”

It was obviously a teasing tone as Wonwoo could only cover his face embarrassingly.

“Wonwoo-ah, you’re so slow, I’ve been waiting for you in this dorm the whole time! It’s been more than an hour!” Mingyu let go of the older member and turned him around to face him. He pouted after removing the hands that were covering the other’s face so he could look at him in the eyes.

“Well- that’s only because you made this stupid plan where I have to go from the dorm to the practice building, and back” Wonwoo laughed. Mingyu’s pouting face so cute right then and there that the older had to hold back all his urge to just kiss the other on the cheeks. (yea cheeks, cus they’re totally not gay, right?)

“Yah! You should feel special because I prepared all this for you!” The younger whined and hit the older gently a few times.

“Is this my birthday present then?” Wonwoo asked, looking around the still empty and dark room with all the party materials up.

“Nah” Mingyu turned the other’s face around to face him again. Slowly, he leaned forward and gave the blushing face a kiss on the cheeks. “That was, hehe”

Wonwoo was dumbfounded. He realized that he should really just stop expecting too much and he realized that all this was just stupid Mingyu’s idea to just kiss him on the cheek. He made him go back and forth, just to get him sweaty and to give him a kiss. Man, he really is stupid.

“Mingyu I-” The older member started off, somehow, dust had gotten into his eyes and he had started tearing up.

Seeing the older act like that made the younger’s eyes widen and blink in surprise. Mingyu began to wipe tears off the other’s face and simply smiled cutely.

“Oh my god guys, what would people think if they were to see this” Junhui’s voice interrupted once again as he unlocked the dorm room and sneaked in.


The lights were immediately and a cake was brought in, held by Jihoon.

“SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEON WONWOO! WE LOVE YOU” All the members shout out loudly as they popped the party poppers. They ran to Wonwoo and gave him hugs individually then placed a party hat on him. Afterwards, planting a kiss each on the cheeks of Wonwoo-sfjkhzlkj

Seungcheol the music and played it out loud while some of the members ate food and danced. Some also went to Wen Junhui and complained about how stupid he was, giving him gentle to hard hits. That leaves Kim Mingyu and Jeon Wonwoo in the middle of the dorm where they both stood facing each other.

“Kim Mingyu, you’re so stupid!” Wonwoo started off, tears now falling down his cheeks.

“Hehe, only for you hyung, only for you” Mingyu paused then gave a small chuckle. “Happy Birthday”

It was just the beginning of the day really.

And the party officially starts. 




gif credits to Wonwooi on tumblr 

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Bubbaboo #1
Chapter 2: (TToTT) ...jun..wae!?!?! Lol. Go play with cutie minghao or something! X'D
Vice-President #3
Chapter 2: ... if you don't feel special after that.. nothing will.. happy birthday, meanie is life..
someonescl #4