
Horoscopes Don't Tell Our Love

Bold - Flashback / Past 



Jisoo’s Pov


    The bell rang signaling the end of school which I was grateful for. “Jihoon, Junhui want to study at my house?” I went up to Jihoon and Junhui who were packing their stuff. “Uh sorry I’m busy with the English assignment.” Jihoon started, “Yeah me too. Sorry.” I sighed, “I forgot.” groaning I ruffled my already disheveled hair. "You should know we don't exactly want to do this too okay." Jihoon said giving me a you-should-know face. "Yeah, yeah got it." 



    "Wait so you mean you guys already went to talk and decided with them?!" I knew they wouldn't have just went up to Seungcheol or Minghao to ask. "Nope. After 1st period ended, Seungcheol just came up to me in the hall and said "See you after school at the gates." so I guess I better be going now." He explained with a frown. "Oh... kay. What about you Junhui?" He gave me a usual blank face. "I went up to him at lunch." I facepalmed.


    The three of us were at the gates when we saw the whole Teen group gathered together. What're they doing all together like that? What am I talking about, they're always together. (Even in the bathrooms? Lol xD) 
    "Hey Jisoo," The long haired boy made his way over to us. "Uhm I was wondering when you wanted to start the project." He rubbed his neck.  "I'm free today, if you want." I just nodded. Not that I was shy or anything. Sometimes things didn't have to be told in words. "Great! So you wanna head over to the library?" Jeonghan smiled that usual smile of his that I would always see him giving other students. And again I nodded.  
    I looked over to my left where Jihoon and Junhui were, too only find the two Teen members talking to them about the same subject. I guess it should be fine if I just left right now without telling them. The walk to the library was alright if I have to say, though Jeonghan did talk alot more now that we were by ourselves. I replied, but mostly listened to what he said, even if I did dislike him, without any arguing. 
    When we were in the library only a few people were there, some of which I knew and didn't. "Where should we sit?" Jeonghan looked over to me, but I just walked to my normal spot in the corner, near the computers. "Ah, a man of few words I see." He walked over with an amused face and sat besides me, putting his bright blue Jansport backpack onto the table. I'm surprised he hadn't noticed earlier. 
    "Where should we start, Jisoo?" 
     "We should start doing more research on the two, from their backgrounds and how time was back then in the late 19th century." I replied to him without looking at him, getting some papers to write on, in the black (Jansport too xD) backpack. He replied with a quiet,"Yes, sir!" Did he really just say that?! I really wanted to laugh, but I didn't. I got on the computer, Jeonghan following after on the one besides mine.
     It was finally quiet. Except questions from Jeonghan from time to time.
    "Hey, is this right?" Jeonghan asked, pointing to the computer screen about the "19th Century Forbidden Love". "Yeah, that's fine," I started. "Just find information about that and we'll choose the best ones." He gave a quick smile with a short "thanks" and proceeded with what he was doing before. I did the same. 
     It was quiet, too quiet.
     I looked over to my side to find Jeonghan with his head in the folded arms that were on the keyboard, random letters being typed in the search bar by the force put on them (I don't really know if this makes sense >.<). What time was it? The time on the computer screen showed 8:48. It was this late aready?! I shook him softly, "Hey, Jeonghan," He stirred, but did not wake. "Hey, wake up." I shook him a bit harder this time, and he stirred again, eyes opening.
     "Wh-what time is it?" he asked, yawning in between. "it's 8:50 now. I was about to get packed and going." he did as I said after finally getting himself together. I noticed he was looking around to only find that it was only us with the Mrs. Oh, the library teacher who had fallen asleep waiting for the last of the student to leave. "Oh it's just us." He said while packing the papers. I answered with a quick "Yeah" though I don't know if he heard me. 
     We were out of the school in no time, "It was nice today Jisoo. I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow after school again?" He asked. "Yeah, of course." I nodded, saying this. "Well I guess I'll be going now, bye!" He grinned before heading the opposite way. I guess he's okay. Not as bad as his other friends. 
     "Hey, you're home late today." I opened the door, taking off the coat I was wearing, hanging it on the rack near the door, taking my shoes in the process. "Yeah, mom. Just started a project." I said to my mom who was in the livingroom with my dad. "Oh that's good to hear." I walked passing them as I was heading to the stairs to the rooms. "I'll be going to my room." 
     "Make sure to eat dinner before going to bed, theres's some left overs in the fridge so just heat it up." My mom  yelled making sure I heard. "Yeah, got it." I closed the door and put my backpack next to the desk and fell on the bed in the middle of the room. 
-Jisoo's dream-
    "Where is he?!" A yound prince yelled, opening the doors to the king and queen's thrones. "Son, you should know that you do not belong with him. He is differrent from you, too different." The king stood. "And no person will allow a man with another. You will love Princess Hwanhi and that is that." King Hong spoke to his son in a clear voice, booming the room they stood in. 
     "I will find him father, I will. And I know that when I do find him, you will never see me again. I gurantee you that." His eyes filled with determination, pain, and love. "I will find him." Tears streaked his usually peaceful face. He walked out the room. Silence and nothing else heard. 
I am so so so so so so so so very very very very sorry for this really long delay. I've been very busy and the fact that school will be starting soon will make updates slower too. 
I hope you liked this chapter, and sorry for any mistakes, still learning >.<
And also sorry for the confusion if your confused, I'm very confused myself with how the story will process and also trying to fill in any gaps and the horoscopes. I'll have to change up a few things, so the information about the horoscopes and stuff may be wrong or fixed for this story.
Here is a little more information, so there are two groups. One is Seven and the other is Teen. Lol really original group names xD Seven is known for their quiet, but handsomeness ? and Teen is the popular, out going group.
        Seven                                  Teen
Jisoo Capricorn 4               Jeonghan Libra 4
Jihoon Scorpio 4                Seungcheol Leo 4
Chan Aquarius 3            Hansol Aquarius 3 
Seokmin Aquarius 3      Soonyoung Gemini 4
Junhui Gemini 4               Minghao Scorpio 3 
Mingyu Aries 3                 Wonwoo Cancer 4
Seungkwan Capricorn 3 (Forever alone Seungkwannie T_T)
Hope this makes a little more sense!
And Thank you very much!!!
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Iamrosamira #1
Chapter 2: Author-nim plz plz update I want to know what will happen to Jihan ! I am Jihan trash
SeventeenCarrot #2
Chapter 2: Woahh what was that dream about?
This was a really nice chapter, and the information at the bottom was very informational lol thanks (poor Seungkwan)
I see that other ships will be here too
Thank you for the update! It's getting interesting and I'm excited for the next chapter
Chapter 1: Wah~ It’s exciting! It’s my first time to encounter a story with such subject. Haha. I’ll be anticipating.
SeventeenCarrot #4
Chapter 1: I like the first chapter so far ^_^ looking forward to this story! And don't worry if they're out of character bc no one fully knows how their real personalities are like.
Cho_Eun_Hye #5
Chapter 1: I'll be looking for the updates :)) hope you have a nice camping then!
lita0591 #6
Sound interesting..can't wait for the story^^
ooo this sounds interesting! fighting! :)