Day 2 - "Graffiti"

Jackbam Fanfic - "Let's pretend we're dating"

Jackson woke up tangled up with Bambam. There was only 1 bed and it would be suspicious if they pulled in another mattress.  Jackson totally didn't want to share a bed.... totally... Anyways, heart beating, heat spinning. he shot out of bed. Wait.... Heart beating? No. Just no. This is not happening. Head spinning, yes. He just woke up, that happens, but heart beating, no. He had the sudden urge to kiss Bambam, softly and delicately as if he was a flower in a field of weeds. Meh, he'll get over it. Jackson got walked to the door in the dark as to not wake the latter up and left the room, door squeaking slightly. He let out a loud yawn followed by a sigh of relief for making it to the hall without waking the other boy. His relief was cut short. "Talk time" His mother said in a sing song voice as she dragged him to her room. The door was closed behind him and his mother sat on a chair studying him. "Uhh.... hi?" The awkwardness was killing him from the inside out.

 "So Bambam" she started. Oh god. " He's cute" 

"Moooooooooom!" Jackson protested where the conversation was headed

."What? I'm your mother, I get to know about what is happening in your life"

 "Fiiiine" He gave in. "What do you want to know?"  

"I don't know..... Why did you ask him out? What do you like most about him?"

"I dont know i like him"


"ugggghhh....Ok, obviously he's cute, like reeeally cute." He smiled just thinking of Bambam's famous aegyo. "I like his mischievous side too, it doesn't come out much but it's there. I like how he always pours his milk before the cereal, how he insists on peeling his apples but never the kiwis. 'the skin is good for you' he would always say." Jackson chuckled at the thought. "I like how he triple knots his shoes but they still seem to always get untied." Jackson was in his own world by now. "I love how he is always happy, no matter what's going on. His happiness is contagious you know. It's impossible to be around him without being happy." He lets out a shaky breath. "I just love him." He surprised himself with that. Maybe its true. Maybe his little joke is a bit more that a joke to him. 

"Well that's great. I just wanted to make sure you weren't just dating him because you couldn't get anyone else."

"Thanks, mom,  you must have so much faith in my skills"

"Skills?" His mom questioned with a giggle. 

"I have skills! Just ask Bambam"

"Ok, I will." She turned toward the door. "Bambam, honey, what do you think?" Bambam was at the door. Jackson froze.

"No skills, none whatsoever" He replied. His smile was obviously forced.

"Ok, i'm done, bye" Jackson darted out of the room, dragging bambam back to their room. He shut the door behind them and looked bambam in the eyes. 

"Sorry" What was he sorry for? Loving him? Apparently. 

"Your sorry?" Bambam sounded hurt.

" Ya.. well, no... uggh idk. Yes?" Jackson thought of a way to unfreak the situation. "My acting got better huh?"

"Oh.... yea it did. Had me there for a second... hehe..."

Jackson moved to leave but when he opend the door a wild Mark fell in.

"I was just... Uhh.. making sure the door works... it does..." He left. Jackson followed him out along with Bambam.

"You guys aren't actually dating?" Mark Asked in a hushed voice.

"Of course we are!" Bambam defended himself and Jackson.

"No, you're not. Quit lying."

"Ok fine." Jackson admitted. "Just don't tell the others, ok? We're gonna break it to them at the end of the vacation."

"Let me get this straight." Mark began.

"NO!" Jackson cut him off. "You're just gonna reword it in a way that makes it seem like a horrible idea so we will feel bad about it!"

"Well that was my plan, but you have to admit you're causing more trouble than it's worth."

Just at that moment Jackson's mom came in to make the group breakfast. Jackson let out a sigh of relieve but he apparently he sighed to soon (get it cause spoke to soon but not speaking, cleaver huh jk) as Mark had the you-got-away-this-time-but-the-next-time-I-catch-you-alone-we-will-continue face. It's amazing how much just one look can say.

The group wolfed down their breakfast and had a conversation (By conversation I meant one sentence from JB) about what to spend that day doing. Apparently JB has wanted to an American Graffiti covered area and add GOT7 to one of the walls.

Jackson wasn't exactly a poster kid so he knows where the closest place, he also has a bag full of spray paint in his room. They grab the bag, bit goodbyes to mamma Wang, and headed out.

Normally, Jackson would love to go out a vandalize walls. Normally, he wouldn't feel bad about it. But, after Bambam kept complaining about how illegal it is and how much he doesn't approve, Jackson just wants to go back home. After only an hour Jackson gave in and joined Bambam on a bench far enough away as to not be affiliated with the others.

"Sorry." Jackson did actually feel bad for dragging him into this even though he didn't.

"It's fine, I just can't stand vandalism. People spent so much time building these walls, then people just come in and decide to ruin them, then they have to get cleaning crews in and then people just come back and ruin all of their work. It's so annoying and it uses their own tax money for the cleaners. I'm not surprised at all that most places just give up and not clean it off anymore."

"Cute" Jackson thought out loud. Bambam looked thoroughly offended at that. Well, . 

"I just ranted about something that I am serious about and all you can say is 'Cute'? I can't stand you. I'm going to the other bench, don't follow me."

Bambam avoided him for the rest of the day. When they went out for food he sat as far away as possible. When the other members teased them for having a 'lover's quarrel' he shut them up with a death glare. His death glare is quite deadly. When they were heading home he said nothing. This was getting out of hand. Jackson didn't have a chance to talk to him alone until they were going to bed, and it was killing him from the inside out. Finally it was about time to get some rest. 

"I'm sorry, I made you think that I cared about nothing but the fact that you are cute. You deserve better than that and I promise to actually listen to what you are saying from now on. " Jackson was practicing that line all day. 

"Ok, fine. I forgive you, but you have to stick with your word,"

"Done. Now come cuddle with me." He didn't give Bambam a chance to react before he grabbed him and fell into the bed, taking the other down with him. Bambam struggled to get away in a fit of laughter until he finally gave up.

"Uggg.. Fine. Goodnight."

"Night." Jackson pulled his human teddy bear even closer in and fell asleep. 



A/N: I really have no idea as to what I'm going to write about, only a general overview, so if you have any ideas or ways to make the story work I'm all ears. :) I'll also post more with more inspiration

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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 4: I'm trying not to fangirl rn because it's pretty late now and the fam is asleep... GAH
badaddiction #2
Chapter 4: lovey dovey jackbam so adorable!!!
Alliexk #3
Chapter 3: Omggg this sounds so interesting please update soon!
BlackDiamonds #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward to the next chapter it seems really good so far I have a feeling it is going to be like Mark was in love with like Jackson or BamBam the whole time and is like jealous or something along those lines. Sounds great, I am so excited!
im_tumy #5
Chapter 2: I'm really looking forward for the next update. I like this fic already!!! :))))
Areoles #7
Chapter 2: This is real good.