
Jackbam Fanfic - "Let's pretend we're dating"

Got7 finished promotions of their new song and it got to #2 in Korea, just behind BTS's Dope, so they decided to celebrate by a 14 day vacation in America. With 2 native English speakers and 1 non native 83% English speaker they could go without hiring a translator. Jackson's family also owns a home in America so they had a place to stay and Jackson's parents were there so the manager didn't need to come. 

On the way to the airport Jackson rested his arm or Bambams shoulders and the crowd screamed.

"Do you know Jackbam?" Jackson questioned the crowd, "We're Jackbam" 

Bambam didn't shrug him of and instead went with it. The other members just laughed at their idiocy as they got into their plane. For their privacy the manager got them a small private room with the seats in a small semicircle. The flight was 13 hours long and the only logical way to waste the time was play truth or dare until the passed out. Mark started the game.

"Hey JB, Truth or dare?" 


Mark didn't need time to think because he planned for this. He pulled a blonde wig out of his bag."I dare you to wear this wig for the rest of the plane flight."

"Pffft! Too easy!" JB put on the wig with no hesitation.

It was JB's turn next, he turned Jr. "Jr., Truth or Dare"

"Truth" He replied.

"BOOOOORRRRIIINNNGGG" Replied the rest of Got7. 

"Fine! Dare" Jr. gave in.

"I dare you to kiss my foot!"

Jr. accepted his fate and kissed the top of JB's foot. 

"Truth or dare!" Jr. asked Jackson.

"Dare" Jackson replied.

"If you had to date a dude, who would you date?"

"Hey I said dare!"

"I dare you to answer that question"

"OMG fine! I would date ....hmmm..... Bambam" Jackson answered. "Bambam, truth or dare!"



"Kiss me"


"Well I truth you to take the dare"

" That doesn't even make sense!"

"FINE! If you had to date a guy who would it be?" Jackson asked while wiggling his eyebrows.

"Hmmmmm... idk" He said, but Jackson gave him the 'if you don't pick me I will slap your face' so bambam said "Jackson."

"Yaaaaaay!" Jackson exclaimed as if it was a surprise, and pulled Bambam into a tight hug.

"If your gonna make out just do it in the bathroom" Mark said sarcastically from the other end of the room.

"Fine" Jackson said as he pulled Bambam into the bathroom.

They went into the small bathroom and locked the door before laughing hysterically. Bambam heard the other members talking and shushed Jackson so they could hear better.

"I have a question" they heard Youngjae say. "Is there any possibility that they are dating and just not telling us"

"Definitely not!" They heard Mark's unamused voice. " It's not like they would date and give no obvious signs of dating and not tell any of us."

Just then Jackson got an awesomely horrible idea. He was really surprised when Bambam said he would play along. He grabbed Jacksons hand and let him to the rest of the group.

"Guys we have a secret to tell you and I fell really bad because we have kept it from you for such a long time." Jackson fought the urge to laugh and tried to look at Bambam lovingly but his face was so funny he couldn't help but smile. "Me and Bambam have been together for 4 months now and I want to be open about it just for 2 weeks, just while we're in America because it's accepted here and people won't recognize us."

It was silent. The other members actually bought it.

"Sooo.." Yugyeom broke the silence. "Your like together together?"

"Yea..." Bambam replied.

"Like dating together?" JB asked

"Yea..." Bambam replied again.

"Like doinking pee-pees backstage together?"

"GOD NO!" Jackson yelled, and soon after realized he broke character. " I mean he was 17 when we started dating and it didn't feel right to take advantage of him so we haven't done that...yet.."

"Ooohhh" the rest of Got7 said in unison.

"Yea..." Bambam replied yet again. 

They awkwardly sat back down and Got7 decided to just try to sleep until the flight is over.


Oh yeah, the awesomely horrible plan Jackson thought of was to pretend 'Jackbam' is real, then break it too them on the last day of vacation.




A/N - This is the Pilot. This fic is going to have one update for every day of their vacation(14 days) so its going to have 15 parts when i'm done. I will update as soon as I have time, but if your bored I also have a Jongtae fic and a 2min fic that are finished. Follow me for updates! pleeaaasssseee! k im done.

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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 4: I'm trying not to fangirl rn because it's pretty late now and the fam is asleep... GAH
badaddiction #2
Chapter 4: lovey dovey jackbam so adorable!!!
Alliexk #3
Chapter 3: Omggg this sounds so interesting please update soon!
BlackDiamonds #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward to the next chapter it seems really good so far I have a feeling it is going to be like Mark was in love with like Jackson or BamBam the whole time and is like jealous or something along those lines. Sounds great, I am so excited!
im_tumy #5
Chapter 2: I'm really looking forward for the next update. I like this fic already!!! :))))
Areoles #7
Chapter 2: This is real good.