Day 1 - "Coming out"

Jackbam Fanfic - "Let's pretend we're dating"

Got7 woke up when a flight attendent came in to tell them the flight is over, well, most of them. 5 members looked over to see Jackson and Bambam cuddling in their sleep. What they didn't know was that they were awake. The second Jackson woke up he pulled Bambam close to him to make the whole "dating" thing more realistic. 

JB shook them until they 'woke up'. "Just because we know you guys are dating doesn't mean that you're allowed to doink pee-pees while we're in the room" he said with mock anger.

Jackson sat up straight. "OMG! I told you, we've never even doinked! And if we were going to doink it would be in private all romantic and ."  

"Whatever" JB replied. " I still cant believe that you were dating for 4 months and we didn't know"

"We wanted to keep it a secret but in America we can actually do couple stuff"

"What if someone recognizes you?" Mark asked 

"There are a million people who are trying to prove that me and Jackson are dating and no one believes them so what's the difference?" Bambam finaly spoke up.

"True" Mark and JB said in unison.

They piled off the plane and were not greeted by any fans because the trip was unanounced and for all the fans know they are resting for 2 weeks at the dorm. They get to Jacksons parents house after a 40 minute car ride and unpack. Once they get there they need to decide the rooming situation. The house had 3 avaidable rooms: a guest room, Jackson's old room, and Jackson's brother's old room. 

" Me and Bambam will take my room!" Jackson blurted out as soon as they walked into the house.

Mrs. Wang rushed in after she heard the voice "Jackson, baby, I missed you so much! You've grown up so much! Oh my gosh your looking strong too! How was the flight?" 

"We slept for most of it so it wasn't that bad" 

"Why is your friend there wearing a wig" She asked.

Jackson looked back to see that JB was indeed still wearing the blond wig. "JB" Jackson said in korean, "I love what you did with your hair today, it looks y"

JB looked at him with a blank face for a second they spazzed and took off the wig. 

"Have you ate yet" Mrs. Wang asked

"No, not yet" Mark replied. The fluent English caught her attention and she turned to Mark.

"You must be Mark, it's nice to finally meet the other english speaker in the group"

"Actually Bambam speaks english too, just not 100%" He replied "And it's nice to finally meet you too"

"You speak english?" She asked Bambam

"Yes, but it's not perfect" He replied with a slight accent.

"Well it's nice to meet you. I'll make some food while you guys go unpack"

Jr., Youngjae, and Yugyeom took the guest room, Mark and JB Jackson's brother's room, and Bambam and Jackson took Jackson's room.

As soon as they closed the door Jackson and Bambam decided to get their 'facts' straight. They were lucky before because no one asked about the details of their relationship but they would come, especially when they tell Jacksons mom about it. 

"Ok," Jackson started, "How did we meet?"

" You're kidding right?" Bambam asked flatly

"Right, ok what date did we start dating"

" Well I was 17 and it's been about 4 months so how about like April 10th or something."

"Ok that works, and how about I asked you out when we went to the store together" 

Jackson almost always takes Bambam with him when he goes to the store so it seems pretty convincing.

"Ok, and for favorite moments and stuff just make something up and we'll just kinda go with it."

"This is fun" Jackson laughed

" I can't wait to see their faces when we tell them that they were tricked." Bambam added.

"DINNER IS READY" They heard Mrs. Wang from the kitchen. Mr. Wang is on a business trip and wont be back until half way through their vacation.

"We should tell her during dinner." Bambam said.

"I'm so nervous" Jackson exlaimed before he grabbed Bambam's hand and ran for the food. 

They were having small talk over the table with Jackson, Mark, and Bambam acting as translators before Jackson mustered the courage to come out to his mom. 

"Mom, so I have something really important to tell you that I havent told anyone exept the other members" he stole a glance at Bambam. Their acting is getting a lot better and they seem really convincing. "So you know how I'm.... Bi" Jackson flinched, he hasn't told Got7 yet. The other 5 members probably figured that out because he said he was dating a man, but the said man didn't know a thing. Luckily he surpressed his reaction. 

"Yes I know, what it is honey?" She asked

" I'm dating someone"

"Really?" She seemed genuenly happy for them. " Do I know him?"

"Umm...yea.. about that.. its him" He gestured to Bambam.

The surprise was obvious on her face but she still seemed happy to find out her son was in love. 

"Thats wonderfull!" She said " Just for the two weeks I would appreciate it if you would keep it down... you know... in the bedroom" 


"I'm just kidding son, I'm happy for you two"

"Thank you Mrs. Wang" Bambam said in English

"So tell me the story. How did you start dating?"

Jackson and Bambam sent each other knowing glances.

"Well it was on April 10th" Jackson started. " And I asked him out on the way to the store."


The conversation continued and they made up all the moments of their perfect relationship. There was a time when Jackson and Bambam were almost caught kissing and another time when they said that they had a schedual but went out to dinner instead. All the while Mark stayed silent when the other members were starting to get used to the new couple.



A/N - So this is the first day of vacation! Also, tell me if I should get the other members more involved. I have an idea of what Mark's role is going to be but the others are just kinda gonna be there if I don't think of anything. This update is on 7/13/15 and I plan to update every day until it's finished. I havent planned any of the other days yet so I'm open to ideas in the comments. 




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Canxiubemybaby #1
Chapter 4: I'm trying not to fangirl rn because it's pretty late now and the fam is asleep... GAH
badaddiction #2
Chapter 4: lovey dovey jackbam so adorable!!!
Alliexk #3
Chapter 3: Omggg this sounds so interesting please update soon!
BlackDiamonds #4
Chapter 3: Looking forward to the next chapter it seems really good so far I have a feeling it is going to be like Mark was in love with like Jackson or BamBam the whole time and is like jealous or something along those lines. Sounds great, I am so excited!
im_tumy #5
Chapter 2: I'm really looking forward for the next update. I like this fic already!!! :))))
Areoles #7
Chapter 2: This is real good.