Crush (Kai ver.)

Two machines and an owl


" D.O hyung! Do you want to join my group?"

" Uh, sorry,"

" Please! Lay hyung, and Sehun will be there!"

" Sorry,"

" Please!"

" Sorry,"

" Please," (ily)

" Sorry,"

" Please!"

" Sorry,"

(This went on and on until Kai finally gave up.) ( Now we know why he was taking so long.)

D.O turned me down! Me! Kai! Kim Jongin! The iest thing on earth! How could he resist me? How?! Sehun-ah help me!

" Sehun have I become less y?"

" I don't know"

" D.O turned me down!"

" I know,"

" So help me!"

" No,"

" Why?"

" Don't want to"

This kid is so cold and mean. How dare he ignore a friend. Oh well, I will go to Lay to whine. Lay hyung!

" Layyie!"

" Hmm?"

" Guess what?"

" Hmm?"

" D.O turned me down!"

" Uh, okay,"

" Okay, bye!"

" Bye,"

Tch, these people never understand. Whatever. I will go and sulk. D.O! I will make you beg to join my team! MwaHaHaHa! D.O hyunggggggg!

After the bell ringed, I walked into my home room and sat in the corner and sulked. Chen-Chen and Baozi walked towards me.

" Are you okay Kai?" Baozi asked.

" No,"

" What happened?" Chen-Chen asked

" D.O hyung said no when I asked him to be in my group!"

" Oh," Chenzi said at the same time.

" It's okay, Kyungsoo turned everyone down except for Baekkie, Lulu, and I." Chen-Chen said

" Hey! You can't call me Baekkie! Only Chanyeol can call me that!" Baekhyun yelled

" Aww, my Baekkie does like his nickname!" Chanyeol said

Baekhyun blushed then hit Chanyeol on the arm.

" W-wait, D.O hyung is in a group?"

" Yeah, with Baekhyun, Luhan, and I,"

" You're not with Xiumin?"

" No,"

" I'm not going to participate," Baozi told me.

" Oh,"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol were flirting by the windows. I just stared at them confused.

" Oh, Baekhyun and Chanyeol? They're dating, you don't mind do you?"

" No, actually I am bi,"

" Oh! That's good!" Chen-Chen said.

" Chen-Chen and I are together," Baozi said.

" So, Baekyeol and Xiuchen?" I asked?

They just laughed at my nicknames.

" Is anyone else together?"

" Well, Tao and Kris obviously like each other, but they are both wimps, so they won't confess. And for Sulay? Suho has a crush on Lay, but he just won't admit it, and Lay's too innocent to notice." Chen-Chen said

" Suho likes Lay?"

" Yup,"

" Wow,"

" Surprising right? We were surprised too," Baozi said.

" The only ones that are single are Kyungsoo and Luhan," Chen-Chen said.

" Why?"

" They don't like each other, like, like-like, each other, and they certainly don't have crushes."

" Oh,"

I stood up and brushed off the dust, while Xiuchen did the same thing. I sat in my seat and waited for the teacher to walk in. I turned to Sehun on my left and stared at him.

" You have a really red face Sehun,"

" Oh really?"

" Yeah,"

I stared some more.

" Can you stop that?"

" Stop what?"

" Staring,"

" Alright,"

I turned to my right and stared at D.O hyung. I looked at his features. His big eyes that line up with his nose perfectly that leads down to his big plump lips that will fit perfectly on mines. Wait? What? Get hold of yourself Kai! What did I just say? Arhhhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh! Something is wrong with me. Arghhhhhhhhhhhh! Wahhhh! Why did I think that? What's wrong with me?

" Are you okay?"

" Hmm? yeah."

Adfskj! Someone slap me to sense!

" Ahhhhhh!"

" What's wrong Kai?"

I looked down at D.O and realized what I just did.

" Uh, the teacher sure is late isn't she?"

" Eh? Oh, yeah, are you ok?"

" Yeah, just frustrated of waiting."

" Oh, okay then,"

Kai! Get a hold of yourself! Stop this! I turned to look at D.O again. Ahhhhhnhh! Kai! Kai! Kai! Stop this! Ahhhhh!
Oh my god! Get a hold of yourself! Adfskj! The teacher just walked in! Stop it!

" Uh, miss, Kai hasn't been feeling well, can I take him to the infirmary?"

" Yes,"

Sehun grabbed me by the arm and took me. He may seem cold, but he is actually a very warm person. He always helps me get out of messes like the time when this gang tried to beat me up and Sehunnie came to my rescue and helped me beat the crap out of them.

" You idiot!"

" What?"

" What happened to you in class?"

" Promise not to tell anyone?"

" What is it?"

" You have to promise me first!"

" Fine. Promise,"

" I-I arghhhhh!"

" What?!"

" I-I-I-I,"

" You-you-you what?"

" I-I think I'm in love,"

" What!!!!!!!!!!!!? With who?"

" D-D.O,"

" D.O hyung?"


" *sigh* this is a serious problem,"

" Why?"

" Because hyung! You're in love!"

" How is that a serious problem?"

" It's because if you start liking someone, you will then start to talk about them a lot, then you would confess, then if they say yes, you will start bringing him or her home, then I won't get any peace,"

"Oh, okay,"

" Hyung, can I tell you something?"

" Sure,"

" I think I'm in love with D.O too,"

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Heyyaz #1
Chapter 5: I love sesoo...
zieqaeira #2
Chapter 5: I prefer sesoo but i felt bad for kai.. can't you made it kaihunsoo? But still SESOO!!
Chapter 5: sesoo!! >w<
dovilla #4
The majority of the votes are kaisoo, but for the people that are actually reading my story, they wanted Sesoo
mirrorprincepikachu #5
Chapter 5: sesoo please be sesoo x_x
yukiosan #6
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Way to go, Mr. Shim! Haha. I could imagine Kyungsoo being so squishy~