Crush (Sehun Ver.)

Two machines and an owl


"Sehun have I become less y?" Kai asks me

"I don't know"

"D.O turned me down!"

"I know."

"So help me!"



"Don't want to"

"Tch." Kai walks away.

I looked a his retreating back and notices D.O

"D.O hyung!" I called out

"Hmm?" He turns towards me with confusion in his eyes.

"I was wondering what class you have next?"

"Oh, I have homeroom with you,"

"Oh right." I mentally face palm myself.

"Can I-"

"Yes you can walk with me." He turns around, ready to walk to away.

"I have a question." He asks.


"Can you smile?" He turns around and looks at me.

"Why?" I ask.

"I... just never seen you smile."


"Smile for me!"


"Kyahhh! So cuuuute."

"Th-thanks." I looked down and smiled again.

When we got to homeroom we sat down. I sat by the window and waited for the teacher. The seat in between D.O and I is where Kai sits. Speaking of Kai where is he? I looked behind me and Kai was sulking in the corner with Xiumin and Chen talking to him. Oh. So that's where he is. Baekhyun and Chanyeol walks into the room, yelling and flirting. I looked over to D.O and he smiled. I turned away embarrassed. Kai then came over and sat down.

"You have a really red face Sehun."

"Oh really?"


Then he just continued to stare at me.

"Can you stop that?"

"Stop what?"



Is my face really red? I looked at my reflection from the glass window. Yup. I look like a tomato. All of a sudden Kai slammed his desk and screamed.

D.O asked if he was okay and I knew something was wrong, so when the teacher walked in, I asked her if I could take Kai to the infirmary.

"You idiot!"


"What happened to you in class?"

"Promise not to tell anyone?"

"What is it?"

"You have to promise me first!"

"Fine. Promise."

"I-I... arghhhhh!"

"What?!" I ask, frustrated.


"You-you-you what?"

"I-I think I'm in love." Kai finally admits.

" What!!!!!!!!!!!!? With who?" I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

"D-D.O." He answers reluctantly.

"D.O hyung?" I ask.

Kai nods in confirmation. Kai and I are both biual, and we are perfectly fine with it.

I sigh and stopped walking. "This is a serious problem."


"Because hyung! You're in love!"

"How is that a serious problem?"

"It's because if you start liking someone, you will then start to talk about them a lot, then you would confess, then if they say yes, you will start bringing him home, then I won't get any peace."

"Just ignore us." Kai states simply.

"Hyung, can I tell you something?" I ask. I just wanted to get this out of my system.


"I think I'm in love with D.O too."


A/N: Dun dun dun! 😈 Sehun and Kai finally fell for D.O!

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Heyyaz #1
Chapter 5: I love sesoo...
zieqaeira #2
Chapter 5: I prefer sesoo but i felt bad for kai.. can't you made it kaihunsoo? But still SESOO!!
Chapter 5: sesoo!! >w<
dovilla #4
The majority of the votes are kaisoo, but for the people that are actually reading my story, they wanted Sesoo
mirrorprincepikachu #5
Chapter 5: sesoo please be sesoo x_x
yukiosan #6
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Way to go, Mr. Shim! Haha. I could imagine Kyungsoo being so squishy~