2. cafune (neo)

Vocabulary (VIXX pairing one shots)

prompt: fluff neo + jealous taekwoon for MrsJinki 



taekwoon doesn’t thinks that he’s a protective person, he doesn’t get easily jealous and tries his best to give space to other people, especially people he cares for. but sometimes others think that he’s an easy person and goes a little too far for his liking. the problem? hakyeon is dense as .

it was an unsaid rule since they were young that a part of hakyeon belonged to taekwoon. they always hang out together and no one had seen hakyeon without taekwoon or vice versa. it’s always hakyeon and taekwoon; taekwoon and hakyeon. 

like that one time in 8th grade, they were having their weekly hangout thing over at jaehwan’s, his brother hongbin seems to fancy hakyeon a whole lot. 

taekwoon tried not to let it get to him. really, he didn’t have the rights to ask anyone to stay away from hakyeon, but the older always had a top place in taekwoon’s heart and his safety was always his priority so someone they aren’t close to trying to hit on hakyeon is a big no no. plus, taekwoon knew hakyeon since grade 4 and hakyeon always stuck with him through thick and thin even though there are times when the older complains about him being really boring. he likes to think that he knows the older inside and out.

strangely, though, with the both of them being openly gay, none of them had even thought about dating the other until in grade 10. this kid named sanghyuk came up to them and told them they looked cute together. hakyeon laughed it off, telling the kid they were just best friends while carefully eyeing taekwoon.


the word stuck in taekwoon’s head a little longer than it should, a big part of his nights were spent on replaying flash backs of the times he spent with hakyeon in his mind. as cliche as it sounds, he feels the twist in his inside, like someone is squeezing it with all their might and he can’t breathe. he feels butterflies in his stomach, and the tip of his cheeks burn. what is this. he slaps himself awake at three in the morning, shaking his head as if trying to get the image of kissing his best friend off his mind.

the next day he walks to school with hakyeon as usual, there is a difference though, and its so noticeable that people started eyeing them weirdly. hakyeon looks positively hurt and dumbfounded when taekwoon, being the one who initiates the brushing of the back of their hands whenever they walk and sometimes, on good days, linking their pinkies together, is now the one that walks at least a few feet away from him. 

they made up a few days after with taekwoon making up a stupid excuse which hakyeon had no choice than to accept, though he didn’t really believe him to start with. 

the first time they kissed was not an accident. they were playing spin the bottle and were the chosen victims. taekwoon thought of it lightly; he was a little drunk, they were friends to begin with, best friends even, so it really shouldn’t matter. but it did. the problem was he liked it a little too much, more than a normal friend would. he liked the way hakyeon’s lips pressed against his, and he was sure hakyeon felt the same, but none of them talked about it for four months. if taekwoon had deep dark circles under his eyes for the next few weeks, the others were smart enough to not ask. 

the second time was four months after the first, when they were playing truth or dare (he swears, sometimes he thinks jaehwan is doing it on purpose) and hakyeon chose taekwoon to be with him for ‘7 minutes in heaven’ where they were locked in the small space called a closet. it was dark and they couldn’t even make out each other’s face and it just happened.

hakyeon made sure they talked about it this time. 

two years passed and they're still having these stupid friday after school things they did. they're drinking over at jaehwan’s again tonight. taekwoon is a little grumpy as he pulls hakyeon down to sit on wonshik’s favourite spot on the black leather couch. hakyeon doesn’t protest, only raising an eyebrow at taekwoon’s unusual behaviour. the younger was snuggling against hakyeon’s side with his eyes closed, hugging his arm as if it was his bolster and resting his head on hakyeon’s shoulder. 

hakyeon smiles at the boy, reaching out his free hand to move strands of hair in front of his perfect face, only to have them falling back into place. “drunk already?” he asks affectionally, ruffling the hair at the back of his head. 

“mm,” taekwoon groans and snuggles deeper into the crook of hakyeon’s neck, lips barely touching the skin there. “tipsy, maybe.” he whispers, hot breath tingling the beautiful tan skin, sending shivers down hakyeon’s spine. it takes hakyeon a full minute to calm down and find his voice.

gosh, taekwoon.” hakyeon breathes out, a little breathless. “you’re really hot, you know that?” 

the guy on his shoulder chuckles, before sighing a little. “i have issues, hakyeon.” he says.

“you don’t say.” the now-black-haired guy laughs, having his fun teasing an almost drunk taekwoon. because through out the years with taekwoon he’d realise that a drunk taekwoon is a straightforward taekwoon, and it makes him a really hot taekwoon. although he is 24/7 hot in hakyeon’s eyes, a drunk taekwoon is definitely worth drooling over.

no,” taekwoon scoffs, “like real reasonable issues that I’m actually uncomfortable with.” 

“tell me about it,” hakyeon encourages, voice soften just a little.

“i don’t even know where to start.” he huffs, before running his fingers through his already messed up hair. “jesus, I’m getting pissed.” 

hakyeon chuckled as he turns his head a little and plants a peck on taekwoon’s temple. “calm down, baby.” he says, voice soothing and baby just makes it better, flipping taekwoon’s stomach upside down, if not more, turning down the fire a little. “tell me what’s wrong.” 

“that guy, what’s his name again?” he looks at the floor, eyebrows furrowed like he’s in deep thought for a second before snapping his fingers. “that minhyuk guy.” 

“you mean the dance instructor minhyuk?” hakyeon asked, voice laced with curiosity and amusement. taekwoon nodded, hiding his face further into hakyeon’s warmth as he groaned at the mention of the other guy’s name. “whats with him?” 

“i really don’t usually get jealous.” 

hakyeon smiles, “you don’t.” he assures. 

“i really don’t.” taekwoon repeats, like he’s convincing himself instead. “but its not my fault that he holds my boyfriend back after every lesson and purposely gives my boyfriend the hardest dance moves so that he can see my boyfriend dancing ily with sweat dripping from every inch of my boyfriend’s body.” he says in a go before the fire dies down and is replaced with a pout and pink dusts his cheeks. “ing unfair.” he groans.

hakyeon is beaming at his boyfriend because when else do you get to see taekwoon getting all jealous and complaining about some dance instructor trying to hog his boyfriend. taekwoon is so freaking precious and hakyeon can’t stand it. his stomach bubbles up with something he can't name- it was pride, affection, and maybe a combination of them both and the thinks that taekwoon is too cute, and hot, and everything at the same time. it all becomes too much and hakyeon moves to grab the sides of taekwoon’s face before smashing their lips together. 

taekwoon was obviously startled by the sudden attack, but it takes him almost no time to respond to the kiss, sneaking his arms around hakyeon’s waist. hakyeon breaks the kiss for a mere second, only to whisper against taekwoon’s lips. “you’re so precious.” 

taekwoon absentmindedly groaned as a reply before pulling the other back for another kiss. he takes hakyeon’s bottom lip in between his teeth and drags it slowly, before tracing the line created with his tongue.

hakyeon lets out a small mewl as their tongue fought for dominance, exploring each other’s caverns. the room suddenly becomes to hot and taekwoon holds on to hakyeon’s waist band of his jeans a little too tightly when a pillow hits them square in the face, breaking their moment. 

“go get a room, damn it!” wonshik yells across the room before laughter erupts. 

“.” taekwoon mumbles under his breath, rolling his eyes at his friends before plopping his head on hakyeon’s lap. 

the older laughs before leaning down to peck taekwoon on the tip of his nose. “you know its impossible right? when i have such a lovely boyfriend already.” hakyeon reassures. 

taekwoon nods slowly, burring his face into the fabric of hakyeon’s shirt, his nose tickling the older’s abdomen. “although i do think that he fancies me a little more than the others.” 

taekwoon turns his head in hakyeon’s lap, shooting glares up at him. hakyeon chuckles, “I’m joking, taekwoon.” he kisses him on the lips again, as if proving the truth, retreating before the younger gets to respond. “i only look at you, you know that right?” 

taekwoon nods, suddenly feeling stupid for even getting mad in the beginning. “i really don’t normally get jealous.” he says again.

hakyeon laughs, “i know, taekwoon.” he combs his fingers through taekwoon’s soft hair, playing a little with the locks at the end affectionately. “i know.” 





--(v.) running your fingers through your lover’s hair.





send in them requests !!! wontaek is probably next so look forward to it !! ilygsm thank you so much //hearteu hearteu//  :*

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Chapter 3: That's so cute><❤❤❤
Chapter 3: Woah!!! This was just too cute!!! It was funny how Wonsik just stated bluntly that indeed he's hitting on Taekwoon!! And him putting Taek's hand over his chest just so romantic! But the line was cheesy!! Hahaha..Still, I love this! I love WonTaek!
Chapter 3: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh your short stories!!!! So cute! Cutie alert, cutie alert!
I really really like it a lot! I'm a er for hyukbin so if i could request for more, hehe ~~ but i love every pairing so any will do anyway kekeke
Looking forward to the next update!!!
YnVox98 #4
Chapter 3: aw~~~~~` i want kenhyuk next, is that okay??? :v
krocket #5
Chapter 3: WonTaek is really cute!!~~
krocket #6
Chapter 3: WonTaek is really cute!!~~
vixxleoravilover #7
Chapter 3: Oh thank you authornim!! When i saw that this was completed I thought you abandoned me :(. I would definitely be one of those fan girls glaring at anyone who hits on my taekkie but if he were to be with anyone it should be with shikkie cuz they are too beautiful hehe. Excellent work authornim!!!!
vixxleoravilover #8
Chapter 2: What happened to wontaek *insert ugly sob fave here* wahhh my wontaek :(