Chapter 2: The Results

Test Results

A/N: Thank y'all for your lovely support! I hope you guys are understanding what's going on. To those of you telling me to just say it's an 'end-of-the-year' test to make things simple, final exams, exit exams, and AP tests are so different that it would be hard to just translate over. I'll be talking about AP scores and credits and final exams and exit exams have no equivalents to it. With all the informational conversations I've had, so far, there is nothing similar to AP exams in other countries. I just wanted to write about it[:


Lastly, this is actually based off true events. Some of the dialogue is even the same. The ending was going to depend on how my actual friend's score came out to be, so I plan on having an alternate ending~ Oh yeah, btw, there's a bit of language here, so I apologize! PG-13+ please~

Okay, I'll stop blabbing. Here's the next chapter!



Tiffany's PoV:





I groan in bed. The constant sound of Sica hollering makes me roll over and crawl into fetal position. I want to go back to sleep, but considering she's in my room, I don't really have a chance. "Go to sleep Jessica Jung."

I can just see her rolling her eyes. "Glad to know you can recognize my voice at 6AM."


Today is July 10.

AP scores.



I tore my head away from my pillow and look at Jessica. I squinted my eyes because the room was too bright. "What?" I groan.


I smiled. It probably wasn't the most exciting reaction, but it was the most I could do in my tired state. I literally slept for 3 hours. It's summer vacation. I should be sleeping 30 hours. "Congrats Jess. I know you've been working hard." Whilst yawning, I brushed my hair out of my face. I stretched my arms to the end of my bed to grab my laptop. I began keying in my password.

"That's right, es!" She did a dorkish victory dance. I grinned at her idiocy.

"You owe me." I say to fill in the silence. Inside, I still felt anxious. I was hoping I passed English, too. I wasn't in the best condition the day of the test, but I gave my best.

"Whatever you want! I will even go to the bank and borrow money for the most expensive restaurant in town!" She plops herself next to me in bed. I chuckle again at her excitement.

CollegeBoard finally opens up. I log in. The loading page is killing me.

The page finally pops up.


2015 Tests
AP Microeconomics - 2
AP Government - 2
AP English - 3
AP Music Theory - 2
AP Statistics- 4


My heart dropped.


Did I really not...pass all these tests?


Jessica seemed to notice my silence. "Hey. You okay?"

I look up and into her eyes. It'd be selfish of me to ruin her day with my problems. I shut my laptop almost immediately. "I passed, too!" was all I said. I acted excited, even though deep down I was disappointed.

Although I pulled a pretty suspicious move, Jessica could not help but jump up and down on the bed. "I'm so blessed we freaking passed AP English! My education wasn't put to waste!" I smiled with her. She was hollering and jumping all over my room.

"My education wasn't put to waste!" her voice echoes.

Was mine?

I zone back to reality. As much as I'd love to hang out with my best friend for the rest of the day, I knew I was going to crack. "Hey Jess. Sorry, I’d love to celebrate with you, but my head is just throbbing right now. I think I'm gonna get more rest." I stop her.

The mood in the room completely died. "You okay?" She gives me a look of concern.

"Yeah." I fake a smile. "It's just I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'll be better in a few hours."

She looks at me with guilt. She was the one who kept me up late. "I honestly didn't sleep. I was up the minute the scores were delivered."

I try to change the topic. "I'll text you later." I go to the door and open it for her. She exits guiltily and I follow. I open the door to my house to send her off.

"Text me where you want to go tonight! We can even go to Lotte World! Like you said! A date is a date." She leaves with a mischievous smile. I simply smile back and wave goodbye to her as she pulled out of my driveway.

Sadly, I did not sleep. I could not sleep...

How… did I up so much?

After hours of reflextion, I sat up in bed. I laid my chin on my crossed my arms that sat on my knees.

Sigh, I’m not surprised. I should not be surprised. Like I said, I was being overconfident about passing Government. I’d nearly be a miracle if I passed Government… Actually, it’s nearly a miracle I got a 2. I guess it's a good thing. I sorta expected to not pass Econ. I nearly gave up in that class by the end of the year. Music theory… Maybe I didn’t do dictation right or misinterpreted the listening selection.Passing English was expected, so that's another plus. I would’ve liked a 4, but the passages were hard this year. With Stats, I’ll be honest, I expected to get a 5, but I’m just glad I passed.


Am I really?

Is just passing okay?


Suddenly, it felt as if everything stopped. Everything was quiet.

It was as if gravity was pulling me down. My body began to shake.

I was losing all my strength, my willpower. My confidence was long gone. 


Who am I kidding?


Although it was a stretch I hoped and prayed to pass Economics. My teacher told our class it was a course you’d never want to take in college, now I have to.

Is it karma for nearly giving up?

I even hoped to pass Government. I studied day and night for that class.

Was it my overconfidence?

Don’t even get me started with Music Theory! I live and breathe music! I tutor people in music theory. When I was in that class, everyone wanted to be partners or in a group with me because I usually excelled in that class. I remember walking out of that test so confident.

What will my teacher think of me now? How are my peers going to react? 'Oh. I got a three! What?! You got a 2! But you're smarter than me!'

Rub it in. Maybe that's what I deserve for being cocky. 

I thought I’d get a 4. And Stats, a 4 is a wonderful score, but I just really hoped for that 5. Besides all the tests that I got 100%, my older brother and sister got a 5. Stats was just such an easy class. It was my last test and I was nearly dead, but I gave it my all.

Leo is just going to rub in how much I couldn't be like him. Michelle is going to be ecstatic over the fact that she was a rebel in high school, yet received a better score than me. 

That's what I get for trying to hard.


I was not satisfied.

I should be, but I wasn’t.

I wasn't okay. 



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chunmin24 #1
Chapter 5: Oh, did Sica knew about Fany's failing? AP test sounds hard, (I don't have it though) but I kinda understood the feeling.. The feeling of wanting to pass. Sighs
JheiSii137 #2
Chapter 4: i know nothing about AP classes but i know the feelings of failing a subject. i understand Tiff, even the feeling of being compare to your siblings. it's just UGH hate it.
Chapter 4: I remember APUSH and i hated that we had to pay to take the exams lol I also took AP English and AP Environmental science, this makes me feel old I haven't been in high school in over 4 years, class of 11 ;_; but enough about me, I feel Tiffany's pain, I didn't take as many AP classes as Jeti but the feeling you get when you do poorly/don't live up to expectations is so devestating. They are cute tho can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: From 5 subjects, she get 2 score for her three subjects?? This is remind me about my past AP result too and O felt so dissapointed to myself that time because the feel of confident to finished and answerd all the hard subjects.
O_o so looks like it's Tiffany who didn't pass ㅠ.ㅠ
What to do?? Jessica is all happy now since she pass it. I wonder what will Jessica do when she know that Tiffany didn't pass.
Chapter 2: Date! Hahaha.. I am so going to wait for their date. XD
Chapter 2: date! XD I wil be waiting it!
Chapter 2: AP tests... That brings back bad memories. Haha, I actually got a 2 on mine.. Anyway, looking forward to your update!!^^
Chapter 2: Date...make haha
Nice one ^^