Chapter 1: The Bet

Test Results

A/N: If you have no idea what AP testing is or the process and you have some time, please read the last chapter. If you don't read it, you might be confused.  :D Enjoy JeTi!




Tiffany's PoV:


A voice breaks my train of thought. "What's on you're mind?"
I'm back to reality. My and my best friend are eating at the food court in the mall. We were planning to do everything together during the summer before college, yet here we were at mall. There's so much clutter going on, I don't know how I was able to zone into my latest concerns:
AP test results.
The results were coming out tomorrow and I was feeling anxious.
AP Statistics. AP English. AP Music Theory. AP Government. AP Economics. 
What if...?
"You're thinking about our AP results, huh?" My best friend's voice cuts through my thoughts again.
I'm glad Jessica keeps interfering though. She keeps me from having any anxiety attacks.
She puts her drink down, smiles, and grabs my shoulders from across the table. "Tiff. You're gonna do fine. You're one of the smartest girls I know."
I stay silent. 
"Come on. No one easily gets into Cal Poly-SLO, especially for Civil Engineering!" Her argument seemed irrelevant, but I appreciated her encouragement.
We fell silent again. It seemed to me that she was thinking about the results as well.
"What if I fail Stats?" I begin. 
Jessica rolls her eyes. She knows the storms of my doubts are just starting. "I highly doubt you failed. You got an A on every test and turned in all the homework."
"You know I cheated." I gave her a sideways glance. "Maybe it's karma."
"It's not like you didn't know the curriculum beforehand." She scoffed. 
"I didn't finish one of the free response questions." I retorted. 
She widened her eyes. She hated my banters, but she would always put up a fight. "No one finished! It was a hard test! I bet their gonna curve it." 
I picked up my soft pretzel. I was chewing thoroughly to the point where my face was probably making weird expressions. I couldn't stop thinking about the results. "I know I failed Econ."
She scowled. "Ugh. I hate econ." She muttered curses about her teacher, making the both of us smile. 
I crossed my arms. "And I think I'm overconfident about passing Gov. I feel good about it, but I've never received a passing grade on a test." I laid my head on my fist and tapped my lips with my finger. 
"Stephanie Miyoung Hwang." Jessica spoke sternly.
I shot another glare. Only my dad or older siblings called me that, especially when I was in trouble. 
"You need to stop being paranoid. You're gonna pass all of the AP tests you took! Stop doubting yourself!" She gave me a disappointed look. "Don't be like me who cried for a whole week when I didn't pass AP English last year. I was thinking about it all summer. Stop." 
I shot her an apologetic glance. "Honey. You are going to pass it this year."  
She rolled her eyes. We started laughing about all the crazy excerpts we read. 
"I did not understand a thing. The poetry passage went over my head." She complained.
"Don't even! I wrote about a freaking book that I barely read!" I sounded exasperated. 
Our eyebrows were raised as we were mocking each other's paranoia.
The mood died down and we were back to basking in the somewhat calmness of the mall bustle. 
"Let's make a bet." I subconsciously say, still in a trance. 
Jessica raises her eyebrows and makes eye contact with me, breaking my concentration. "What kind of bet?" 
I smirk mischievously. "If you pass English, you have to take me on a date." 
"A d-date?" She stammers.
"A date." I simply repeat with a smile.
She gives me a baffled look. "Wh-wha-why?"
I shrug. "What's wrong with buying me dinner?"
She gives me a look of disbelief. "Buying you dinner and going on a date are completely different."
"A date is a date Jessica Jung." I eat another piece of my pretzel, not breaking eye contact with her.
"Fine." She declares. "What about if I win? If I don't pass English?" She then steals a piece of my pretzel. 
"Hmm..." I place myself in a thinking pose again. "I'll grant you any wish." I smile. "Only to my ability, okay?" I wink.
She gives me a questionable look, but I just shrug it off. 
"Alright. Deal." 
I smile. "Deal."
She gives another skeptical look, but we then clear our table and continue shopping. 
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chunmin24 #1
Chapter 5: Oh, did Sica knew about Fany's failing? AP test sounds hard, (I don't have it though) but I kinda understood the feeling.. The feeling of wanting to pass. Sighs
JheiSii137 #2
Chapter 4: i know nothing about AP classes but i know the feelings of failing a subject. i understand Tiff, even the feeling of being compare to your siblings. it's just UGH hate it.
Chapter 4: I remember APUSH and i hated that we had to pay to take the exams lol I also took AP English and AP Environmental science, this makes me feel old I haven't been in high school in over 4 years, class of 11 ;_; but enough about me, I feel Tiffany's pain, I didn't take as many AP classes as Jeti but the feeling you get when you do poorly/don't live up to expectations is so devestating. They are cute tho can't wait for the next chapter
Chapter 3: From 5 subjects, she get 2 score for her three subjects?? This is remind me about my past AP result too and O felt so dissapointed to myself that time because the feel of confident to finished and answerd all the hard subjects.
O_o so looks like it's Tiffany who didn't pass ㅠ.ㅠ
What to do?? Jessica is all happy now since she pass it. I wonder what will Jessica do when she know that Tiffany didn't pass.
Chapter 2: Date! Hahaha.. I am so going to wait for their date. XD
Chapter 2: date! XD I wil be waiting it!
Chapter 2: AP tests... That brings back bad memories. Haha, I actually got a 2 on mine.. Anyway, looking forward to your update!!^^
Chapter 2: Date...make haha
Nice one ^^