Day 39

Gone Missing

Day 39


> Taehyung <


It's official: It's our marked D-day. We've all been waiting for this day to come, and it finally came. SIU worked and prepared enough for this, and I myself have never been so nervous yet anticipated at the same time.

"We have to hijack the camera's at Sunggyu's home to monitor until we hold a house arrest. Jungkook already loaded the GPS tracker where the location is in each of our phones, so we can all go together." Namjoon explained.


"Here's the plan: Yoongi will disguise as a delivery person, making sure that the maid allows him to go in. While he distracts Sunggyu Jungkook and I should already have change the cameras as well as put the voice recorders in Sunggyu's office. Once we're done that we'll split into two teams, Namjoon hyung, Jungkook, and I will go to the factory while you, Yoongi hyung, Jin hyung, and Hoseok hyung stay here while you track down Mio just in case she goes anywhere too." Jimin said.


"She'll inform us that she'll wait for us back at the house so we could get her before we all go together to their hideout.” Jin chimed in. “Until then we have to stay at the office until we get the call.”


So that's exactly what we did. Namjoon drove us to the house and just a distance away Yoongi exited from behind the van with his little delivery man outfit, full on navy blue track suit and a cap to cover his dyed blonde hair. We watched as he rang the front doorbell, waiting for about 2 minutes. Soon it opened for it to be the maid. He bowed respectfully and after a short briefing of talking he went inside. That was Jimin's and Jungkook's cue to go around the house and quickly hijack the camera's. Jungkook came on the intercom and told us that he's now on the balcony, just entering Sunggyu's office and placing the voice recorders in.


After we see them dash right back, where Jungkook quickly put installed the recorders so each of us can hear in the feed. It was a little static, but once he turned the knob we heard a clear voice that we all recognized: Sunggyu.


Did you order this package Mio?”


Yeah, it's my new moisturizer. Sorry... you were probably surprised that I never told you something was coming today.” we then heard a laugh from the latter.


It's alright. By the way, we should head over to the headquarters now. The others are probably waiting.”


Ah, right. Just wait in the car, I'll be right there.” we heard something rattling in the background – like a pill bottle? - and soon the other line went quiet. Mio must have already left to go to with him, because just peering outside we saw a gray B&W past by us.


That was when Namjoon commenced his second part of the mission, we would need to separate for now. They would go to the factory to shut it down while I would go to the SIU and wait for the chance to arrest Sunggyu once and for all. With a farewell and good lucks, we all had it deep in our heads:


This was just the beginning. We'll all be in hell real soon.




> Mio <

Sunggyu held a meeting for all the members in regards for the morning, thus explains why he was a little bit in a rush to go the headquarters. Even before delivering the real reason for the meeting all of us somehow knew what it was without him even telling us face to face first.


In short, Sunggyu did what he said and gave the F21 to the doctor for his mother. Turns out that the medicine was a test from Canada and isn't available here in Korea, so it was kept a secret that it would be used only for the guardian's patient.


And because of that all he needed to do was get the liver transplant for her, which meant he has to undertake surgery for being the registered donor. Which only meant that he had to shut down the drug dealing business... and close Borderline for good. He told me the news first before the others, so it wasn't so much of a shock for me than for them – rather it was the dread that came afterwards that I felt towards Sunggyu.


Are you serious? Are you actually going to shut down Borderline?” Sungjong gasped. “what about all the money we've made?”


How about the other small businesses we've also done in the city? Are you going to shut those down too?” Sungyeol asked. Woohyun spat on the ground, standing up from leaning off the wall for a moment.


The police will do so anyway. I already saw them hustled up and capturing most of the gangs in the street. I'm sure they will find our factory too.” he sighed.


I don't want to stand here doing nothing then, we should fight what we have left. I'm not going to turn myself over the goddamn cops that easily.” Howon cracked his knuckles.


No, this is what you're going to do.” Sunggyu spoke up. “you all will go to the factory and try to give time while I stay here. Mio,” he turned to look at me. “you stay back at my place for now. No matter what stay in your room. Lock all the doors. Don't go out. Understand?” his eyes burned with a glint, one that poured all the way throughout in truth. With another moment of just staring I nodded, and already he instructed Dongwoo and Sungyeol to me back. He also told them to look out for me and watch me just in case, for the rest of them would do the fighting.


Man, I want to fight the cops! Why do I always get dragged out of it?” Sungyeol whined in the front seat.


Because you're not tough enough. Can't even open a single pickle jar...” Dongwoo muttered under his breath whilst driving.


Shut up! That was just one time! A-and, they always put those lids on too tight!” Sungyeol began to argue. I soon drained out of their conversation and looked outside the window, already with so much thoughts in my own head. So many I don't even know where to start.



> Mio <


It was a week after he gave the medicine to the doctor and days before he was going to announce in closing the company to the rest of the members. It was night time and Sunggyu had as much thoughts as I did, making us both still awake.


I made a cup of hot tea with lemon for the both of us, and soon we sat down at the bar again. "How's your mom doing?"


"She's doing well. After she got the medication she's in stable condition, so she can hold up long enough until the next treatment." he sipped his tea and we sat there in silence, the ticking of the grandfather clock filling the atmosphere. Then he decided to speak up. "you know, I have to tell them one point or another. That I have to close Borderline and go be the donor for the liver transplant." his voice became more tinged with sadness that it sounded almost hollow.


I gripped my cup tighter, drinking my tea and gulping it down slowly. "I know." I replied.


"I've been considering it, actually. About what I'm going to do once I close Borderline." he sighed. "after the company's over, I'll turn myself over to the police."


That made me look at him surprise. "Y-you're going to turn yourself over to the police?" I repeated.


"I have no reason to run away from them now. If the surgery goes well then...the least I can do for my mother is to make her happy again.


"I know the consequences for what I've done, I know they were all terrible. I wouldn't care care less if I get arrested. as long as the people I care about are protected that's all that matters to me. Even if someone I trust stabbed me in the back at the end I wouldn't mind. At least it's someone whom I'm familiar with, rather than a complete stranger. If they know me well enough they realized it was all for my own good. Like the quote by Confucius: 'It is more shameful to distrust our friends than to be deceived by them.' Do you get what I'm trying to say?"


For some reason, I did. And with the current situation, I couldn't have been more affected by it in my own thoughts too. "Your mom raised you well. If she was here I know she'll be absolutely proud of you."


He couldn't help but give a chuckle. "Mio, can I ask you one more thing?"


I nodded, and soon he placed down his cup and leaned forward to me, until we were just a distance apart. "Before I go to the police, will you promise to come with me to the hospital and stay for the surgery?"


"I-um," I wasn't prepared for him to say that. Sunggyu then took hold of my hands, squeezing them. His expression, even under the small show lights above the counter top; I could see that he really was asking.


"Please, that's all I ask for you. Can you at least promise me that?" he asked again. I opened my mouth but closed it, unsure how to answer him.


Finally, after a moment to think about it, I gave him the reassurance by holding his hands back. A smile was put on my face. "Okay, Sunggyu. I promise to be there. I promise to be with you when it happens."


He smiled, the light in his eyes flickered with happiness. “Thank you, Mio.”













Hi again! Yes, it has been a while but I managed to get some time to put up a chapter! As you may or may have not known already, this story unfortunately would be ending quite soon. I know it may seem so sudden after almost a week of not updating but I thought I should let you guys know.

Therefore, I'll (hopefully) put up a chapter this weekend. I feel really bad and it's just with school work piling up in my schedule it has became so hectic ;-;
I thank each and every one of you for being so patient with me, I must be such a bad author OTL

Anyhoo, if you do like this story thus far please subscribe and comment, feedback is highly appreciated ^^

Thanks again, and I'll see you soon! Have a great day everyone~



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JjangKelvin #1
kimjayson #2
Chapter 41: this story made me cry really hard... in the beggining I really want mio be happy with taehyung but when I read this chapter I want she to end up with sunggyu....
Mymibell #3
This looks good!
niharasenior #4
i just found this and i can already tell it'll be an amazing read because just the summary kept me on the edge of my seat <3
Chapter 43: Ahhhh I love it!!!
Chapter 42: Omg author-nim!!! I cried
Chapter 41: Ahhhhhh sooooooo many feels!!!!!!
khairunnisarazak #8
Chapter 40: I m sorry about my inglish...
I m not that good with grammar and inglish.
khairunnisarazak #9
Chapter 40: Wait,did sunggyu has done the surgery yet?do the borderline members let him do that?arent they worried?
khairunnisarazak #10
Chapter 40: I know.i am shameless reader