Day 17

Gone Missing

Day 17

> Mio <



Any last words?”


"Yeah, actually. I do have something to say." what I was about to do would either work, or would just collapse on me. I had to rely on my own instincts now.


Go ahead and kill me - for I'm also pissed for various other reasons as well. It's irritating and I don't want to deal with them anymore. So hurry the hell up and kill me already. At least it would give you some stress relief from your situation, right?" I was pretty much asking for my death wish, if you look at it from another view. But I had something else in my mind.


They came at me with such large clubs and with such fierce attacks, but I wasn't at all fazed by it. I prepared myself for this moment.

I dodged and hit, knocking them down one by one. I managed to grab a club from one I beat unconscious and swung it to another person's head, as they fell down to the ground instantly. Another to the stomach, blood spewing out of their lips and surrounding their crippled body.

All I can say is, thank god for Yongguk's self defense classes. Or else I would have been screwed at this very moment right now. Overall in total I managed to knock out all of his people, leaving just the leader left. He looked at me, with wide eyes. For once he actually looked terrified.


Still think I'm timid?” I say. His expression changed, as he got up slowly and taking out something from his pocket was a switch blade.


I guess I under estimated you then.” he smirked. Already swinging a full attack I barely missed and swung my club at him, though I missed a full mark. He managed to push me back with enough force to send my weapon flying and out of my grasp, leaving me with just using hands on combat in defense.


No matter how much I tried dodging the blade I couldn't avoid it. With a precise turn he managed to slash at my left arm, as I yelled and buckled down to my knees. Looking at it I see that it cut right through my jacket, and already oozing with blood.

I groaned, getting up. With little energy left I just threw myself at him and gave a kick to his lower abdomen, continuously punching and beating him up until his mouth became slack, his face covered in bruises and cuts much worse than my own condition.


By the time he was on the ground half unconscious I grabbed the blade beside him and held it by his throat, hearing his hoarse breath.

What are you waiting for? Hurry up and end it.” he snarled. My grip tightened, and I clenched my jaw.


I'm not going to kill you. Unless you cooperate with me.” I say.


What?” he rasped.


I'm an undercover field agent in part of a front organization, called the SIU. Think of it as saying that I'm like an undercover cop. I've gone undercover in tracking down Kim Sunggyu.”


So, you have been tagging along with him this whole time? How come?” he asked.


Right now, I can't tell you everything.” I sighed. “I'll reveal more about this later. But right now I need you to help me. You play a big part in this investigation, and right now you're the only main lead to get where I need to go.” instead of answering he just whipped his head and spat near my feet, chuckling bitterly.


What does it have to do with me? What if I don't want to help you?” with those words I angrily pressed the blade even closer to the soft flesh of his neck, making him close his mouth and whimper slightly. He tried wriggling out of my grasp but then I kneed him down on his lower torso, making him wince in pain.


I can kill you, or call the cops and arrest you for street violence and involved with drug trafficking. Whatever you prefer from those two; but you're finished either way anyway.” I smirked. He looked at me intensely, as if wondering what to do with each passing minute.


Leaning closer I gave him one look in the eye. “ we have a deal?”




Coming out of the storage I dragged the leader across the field where they stood, pushing my way to Sunggyu.

He looked at me with a surprised look, but then it died down and his eyebrows burrowed together in a knit line to show his seriousness. “You caught him.” he said in a firm tone.


Yeah, I did. After beating up his little gang dead he immediately surrendered.” I say.


Did he?” when we both looked over he sternly looked at Sunggyu's eyes, but when he caught mine he quickly avoided them and looked back down nervously, chewing his lip. Without anything else to say Sungyeol helped him up and brought him to one of the cars back to their headquarters. As the rest followed Sunggyu turned to one of them.


Dongwoo, take Mio and drive her back. I'll stick with the perpetrator.” he instructed.


Yes, hyung.” he bowed before motioning me to head towards his direction. “Let's go.” I managed to walk in a somewhat stable manner, for I still felt so incredibly exhausted after the fight. In the corner of my eye I see Woohyun giving me a look, and when I caught his eye his glare deepened. I didn't want to deal with his utter bull crap right now, let alone did I have anything witty to comment about this whole situation; so plainly I just pushed past him and kept walking.




At the headquarters we locked him up in a room for questioning. Sunggyu planned on talking to him first, but I intervened.

Let me. I'll get him to talk.”I say.


How do we know we can trust you?” L implied.


No – it's alright L.” he said to him. “I trust her. She's done well thus far, let's let her have it.” with a dissatisfied huff he crossed his arms and walked away, leaving just us two in front of the door. “You've got 5 minutes, but no more than that. I'll do the rest of the talking.” with a mutual agreement I entered the room and slowly made my way towards the table.


He sat still, eyes focused at his hands in front of him. Sitting down I took out a small memo pad and pen, scribbling down a number before sliding it across. His eyes switched to it, and hesitantly took it in his hands. He slowly looked up at me, the light from the small window shadowing half of his face. The area where most of his bruises were.


Call them, they're the unit I told I was from. I'll give you ten minutes to think about your decision. When your time's up and you still haven't made up your mind, well...good luck with Sunggyu then.”With that I pushed back the chair and got up to leave, not hearing a word coming out of his mouth the first time.


I told Sunggyu and the rest of them to give him ten minutes, for he doesn't want to open his mouth right now.

Okay, we'll give him that.” his eyes scanned down, and soon his mouth went agape. He trailed his attention back to me. Looking at where he stared at I quickly covered my injury on my arm, clearing my throat. “Mio...” he began.


I'm fine.” I answered blunt, still remembering to what he's done, raising my anger inside me. I couldn't deny that with the way he was staring was with deep concern and worry. Avoiding his gaze I simply brushed past his shoulder and locked myself in the washroom.


I grabbed some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol, and screamed as the pain seared up in my veins. Each time the cotton came in contact with the skin I had to keep biting my lip to endure it and for me to muffle my screams that reached higher to the point where my voice was just hitched in my throat.


After cleaning up the last bit of blood I unclenched my teeth, releasing a sigh. But it wasn't over. I had to stitch up the open wound myself, which gave a lesser pain than the first time around. It wasn't too bad, in my opinion. I thought it could be much more worse.


I then took off the outfit they have given me and drenched myself in the shower, avoiding any water from hitting my stitches, and coming out I see my other clothes hanging at the edge of the closed toilet seat. Dressing up I sat in the corner of the wall, my hair still wet. I didn't bother drying it.


I somehow survived my first day going undercover. I recounted those times back at the storage about whether or not I was about to die – I was seriously thinking about it too. When I threw that first punch at those gangsters, walking in that floor of blood, that switchblade that could have been stuck in my own throat instead.


Will I be always be on the edge of fear from now on? Is this how I have to live my life from now on? In a world full of dark secrets that will remain to be secrets?


I now realized why Taehyung didn't want me to go. I wasn't prepared by any of this.


Hugging my knees closer to my chest I rested my head down on them and out of no where I began to sob.













Surprise update! Sorry, I just really wanted to get this chapter over and done with therefore instead of putting up this tomorrow I put it up today (you're welcome)
But don't worry, the same schedule will happen still as I will update again regularly on Friday, a total of 4 updates this week I would say? ><

If you do like this story please subscribe and comment, feedback is highly appreciated!

Alright, I'm heading off soon. Thank you so much, and I'll see you again! Have a great day everyone~


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JjangKelvin #1
kimjayson #2
Chapter 41: this story made me cry really hard... in the beggining I really want mio be happy with taehyung but when I read this chapter I want she to end up with sunggyu....
Mymibell #3
This looks good!
niharasenior #4
i just found this and i can already tell it'll be an amazing read because just the summary kept me on the edge of my seat <3
Chapter 43: Ahhhh I love it!!!
Chapter 42: Omg author-nim!!! I cried
Chapter 41: Ahhhhhh sooooooo many feels!!!!!!
khairunnisarazak #8
Chapter 40: I m sorry about my inglish...
I m not that good with grammar and inglish.
khairunnisarazak #9
Chapter 40: Wait,did sunggyu has done the surgery yet?do the borderline members let him do that?arent they worried?
khairunnisarazak #10
Chapter 40: I know.i am shameless reader