The Most Famous Guy In School


It's Wednesday around 7.30 PM, Dongwan sat in front of his desk. He's preparing to study. He closed his eyes inhaling, opened his eyes exhaling; our eyes met and he looked at me in shock while let out a loud gasp and fell from his chair. I were giggling to see his reaction from outside his window, hanging upside down on a tree in the vampire costume I bought for last year's Halloween party.


This was not the first time I did this to him. I found his reaction were way too amusing when I play prank on him.

I once pinched his when our class has to sing on a school ceremonial, making him sang 1 note higher, earning the look from the whole school.

There was another time when I switch his apple juice with bitter tea. He burst out his drink to Andy's meal, earning a good slap from him. Well, I got one slap from Andy as well as he knew I were the one switching the juice. Andy is the youngest among us but he never hesitate to use violence to us if he thinks we deserve it. He can be really mean sometimes. ='(


But it didn't stop me. The other day I switch with Dongwan's shampoo with ketchup, he was screaming from inside the bathroom thinking that his head were bleeding.


He never really got angry about those pranks. After knowing that those were only pranks, he would just laugh those off. That made me even curious on what can trigger his anger, and that's also the reason why I never done any prank to school after that Diarrhea thing. I was too focus on thinking on what I should do next to Dongwan a.k.a. my toy. My new toy was more interesting than the whole school to play prank with and I don't think I'll ever get bored with him..

Ok, I had another idea. That day was swimming day, and I intended to hide his uniform while he was showering. We were in the same class so we would swim together. However, being a good kid like he always be, he would showered last after helping teacher and janitor to clean up the equipment.

Finally, it's his time to take shower. When he started his shower I took his uniform from his locker. He would pull off his swimming trunk while he's showering. When he closed his eyes to wash his face, I carefully took his swimming trunk and towel as well. Leaving him with nothing. I put them in the plastic bag and casually walked to my room. I check my right and left to make sure that nobody's around and I put his clothes neatly in front of the our room's door. Then I sneakily return to the shower room.


When I reach the corridor that connects the dorm and the shower room, I heard a commotion. I want to know what happen so I walked closer to the crowd only to see wet Dongwan walking casually from the shower room towards the dorm showing off his now quite toned body (thanks to his morning job). Students were swarming him, I saw some female teacher and janitor's face went red and hands were covering their mouth but not letting their eyes off Dongwan.


I expect him to be confused in the shower room crying for someone's help or trying to cover up his private part with garbage can lid while sneakily trying to reach our room, not this one. I am quite surprised.


But seeing the crowd, I think I just made him the most famous student in our school right now.


Then I saw Minwoo and Hyesung struggling to get through the crowd to reach Dongwan. Dongwan casually said hi to them. Minwoo was blushing so bad, but I can see his eyes were examining Dongwan's whole body without even blinking. Hyesung asking what happened while taking off his shirt and wrap it around Dongwan's waist revealing his own milky skin chest. It was my turn to blush, and taking a mental notes to do this kind of prank to Dongwan more often or hide Hyesung's clothes instead.. Hmm.. I was thinking hard when Dongwan being escorted by Minwoo and Hyesung back to his our room while Dongwan told them that someone's hiding his uniform.


He's definitely won't be mad at me for this one so I had to make another plan.


Weeks later, we were walking together after class back to our room. We were passing a cleaning equipment storage room. The door was opened. Aha.. Suddenly an idea passed my mind.  I shoved him inside and locked the room. He banged the door from the inside asking me to let him out. I ran towards my room grinning widely. I changed my clothes and proceeded to the basketball court. It's my basketball practice day.


I returned to my room after practice and noticed that neither Dongwan nor his bag was there. Maybe he's still at the studio practicing with the music club, but why bringing his whole bag with him. I decided to go to Hyesung and Minwoo's room while waiting for dinnertime, when I passed by Dongwan's band mate in the corridor.

"Hey Eric," he greeted me.

"Hi Sang Hyun*," I replied.

"Have you seen Dongwan? You are his roommate, right? He didn't came to the studio today, is he sick or something?"

"As far as I know he's not sick, we went back from the class together today. He looked fine."

"Hmm, that's strange, he never skip practicing before. OK, I’ll ask him what happened to him if I met him tomorrow. See you." he said.

"yeah, bye.."


I continued to Hyesung and Minwoo's room. I knocked the door and Minwoo greeted me.

"Have you seen Dongwan?" I asked.

"No, why?" he replied and ask Hyesung whether he had seen Dongwan today. Hyesung shook his head.

"That's weird," I thought.

At that time Andy and Junjin arrived at Hyesung and Minwoo's room asking for us to go together for dinner.

"Have you seen Dongwan today?" I asked them.

"Not after lunch." Junjin answered while Andy nodded to Junjin's answer.

"Is there something wrong?" Minwoo asked.

"No, its just his bag is not in the room and his band mate told me that he skip practice today...." I replied while thinking where could've Dongwan went..

 "No way!!" I suddenly remembered, "you guys just go ahead first, I need to check on something," I said.

"You want me to go with you?" Minwoo asked.

"No, just go with the guys."


And I rushed towards the storage room. Are you still there, Dongwan-ah? Don't scare me please.. I ran with that thought on my head.

I opened the storage room, turn on the lights and found him lying unconsciously in the corner. His face was pale. OMG.. I feel the blood suddenly draining from my face seeing him in this state.

I tried to calm down, and approached him. I tap his cheek lightly.

"Dongwan.. wake up. This is me, Eric.. Wake up.. please.."

He started to gain his consciousness "it's... it's" he said.

I quickly piggy backed him and told him to hang on.

I ran as fast as I could towards the hospital wing. He was still half-conscious.

While running, I can hear him mumbling, "Dad... it's dark here... I’m scared... I cannot breath.. " His mumbling stopped and I realized he's being unconscious again.


a/n: Sang Hyun is Dongwan's handsome friend who appear with him on Taxi

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nananene #1
Chapter 10: This is a really lovely and amazing fanfic! Reading this again after abt 5 years really hit me in the feels. I miss shinhwa ;;
Claudy1410 #2
Chapter 9: Like it. Thank you