Chapter 11

Pregnant with a star's child?!
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Sooryun’s family rushed down to the hospital when they realized she was in critical condition but by the time they arrived, Sooryun was no longer at her hospital bed

“Excuse me nurse what happened to my sister?” Kyungri asked panic in her voice and the nurse helped check the records. 

“I’m sorry ma’am but it says here that your sister passed away. It says here that they tried to contact you but you didn’t answer so they couldn’t perform the operation but you can claim her body in the mortuary” the nurse said with an apologetic tone.

Mrs. Kim couldn’t take the news and faint. Mr. Kim caught her just before she hit the floor but he wasn’t strong either

Their daughter is dead.

They let their anger and ego blind them and now she’s gone. Taehyung came by with Jungkook and Seokjin soon after and when they saw the Kim’s so devastated, they knew all too well what happened

“Noona, it’s a joke right? She’s not gone. My Cheonsa and baby boy are not gone” Taehyung asked and Kyungri could only stare at the strip of paper numbly.

The last thing she said to her sister was that she was selfish when that’s nothing like her. Kyungri’s heartaches and she can’t bear to collect her sister and nephew’s lifeless body.

They were soon escorted to the mortuary. Kyungri and Taehyung decided to go in first. They headed inside and saw the staff bring down the cloth, revealing Sooryun’s lifeless face. Next to her was the most beautiful baby boy ever. 

But something was wrong, he resembles Jungkook more than Taehyung. True enough, Taehyung saw the resemblance too and teared up. 

“So it really was Jungkook’s. I’m not even mad baby please just wake up. We can get through this right? Please baby wake up. Our baby didn’t even get a name” Taehyung begged. His tears won’t stop falling as he held the two close to him

“Please, wake up,” Taehyung said lifelessly. s never saw him this torn. Jungkook felt his heartache. He shifted uncomfortably as cried over his dead girlfriend


“I should’ve spent more time with her. I shouldn’t have accepted that offer to continue my role in that drama! If I just stuck to our schedules I won’t be leaving her alone so often

How painful must it have been for her to go alone” Taehyung exclaimed and s could only comfort him with hugs

“She won’t like seeing you like this hyung,” Jungkook said timidly and Taehyung sniffled. He caressed Sooryun’s cold cheek and their son’s forehead

“I’m sorry Cheonsa. You are and forever will be my one and only love. I love you so much please rest well love” Taehyung muttered and left the room abruptly

The Kim’s said their final goodbye as well before they left to prepare the funeral. The only one who stayed back was Jungkook.

He told them he wanted to visit an old friend and said he will get back himself. The rest agreed and allowed the maknae to visit his friend.

He went up to the top floor exclusively for private clients and entered a room. 

“Eun hee-ah, it’s done. Sooryun’s dead” Jungkook said and the girl turned around. 

“Thank you so much oppa. I owe you a lot” Sooryun or should I say Eun hee spoke up. 


Jungkook’s POV

I came right after our schedule to visit Sooryun. I knew Taehyung hyung wanted to see her so badly but since he’s at a shoot, I came down to see if she’s fine. 

When I got off the elevator I saw a red light flashing at the ceiling. I looked at the bed number and realized that it looked familiar. 

I immediately ran and my worst fear came true, Sooryun collapsed. I called out to her but the nurses had screened the curtains. They worked on reviving her and I felt my heartache. I couldn’t take in the shock. 

She’s my best friend. She helped me up when I was in the dark. Losing her would make me insane. 

It would be a lie if I said I have no feelings for her but I respected Taehyung hyung. They love each other and I cannot go in between them ever again

My hands shakingly took my phone out and I dialed Taehyung hyung’s phone. A woman picked it up

“I need to speak to Taehyung hyung, it’s urgent,” I said but the girl didn’t even pass the phone to him. She just put it down after saying he was busy

I groaned in frustration and decided to call Kyungri noona but she wasn’t picking up too.

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Should I make alternate endings so both team Tae and Kook have a happy ending? :)


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Chapter 18: Badly wanted her to end up with jungkook i dont know i just have a feeling it's his child
Chapter 17: What if it is jungkook's...
Chapter 16: im so excited and i feel like taehyung doesnt want a child yet remmber when he said to jungkook from previous chapters that they are too young to have a kid.
Chapter 16: sooryun is so cold towards kookie im sad :(
Chapter 11: im team jungkook
Chapter 13: im team Taehyung..hmm
-Zaki- #7
Chapter 12: Not knowing which team to support...
Sigh... one of life's mind boggling choices...
Why are both of them so nice!!!! It's killing me... sobs...
Megummy #8
Chapter 12: You should do .. (dodge flying what ever that's throw to you)
I know this is part if the story line......l
Still ..... it make my heart ache,you know......
Don't worry to much jungkook.. ah...
I still in your team,fighting my love
Btw... did you see jungkook's pictures in wing album?
He's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyuuyy
googlemaniac #9
Chapter 12: Sorry.... I'm jungkook's team only.