Day One pt. 3

She's My Noona!

Jongin lay on his water bed in a deep sleep. His hair all over the place and his bare chest wet from the drool that left his wide opened mouth. He was still sleeping even when it was past one in the afternoon. He didn't have an overnight job or anything he was simply lazy and always tired even if he did nothing. His day consists of sleeping, eating, and going out.


One day when he was out and about he noticed there was a crowd at the park. He wanted to know what the big fuss was about so he joined in too. It turns out two girls were showing off their dogs and how smart they were. The dogs did tricks and did everything they were told. Kai was amused so he went to pet a little pug  when the show was over. He loved animals especially cute little pugs. The little pup enjoyed his company too. What made the pug even cuter was the gorgeous owner. She was absolutely beautiful and nice. Kai didn't care about looks when it came to dating but he couldn't ignore such a beauty. He needed to know more about her to see if her personality matched her beauty. But before he could say anything she was already leaving, so what did he do? He followed her of course. He found out she worked at the local doggy day care and noticed the help wanted sign. He didn't even hesitate and instantly applied for the job. Which for him was rare since he hated to work. 


Jongin woke up around three and got dressed to go out. It was the day of the interview which he thought was unnecessary. Just like the others he knew he would get the girl. He arrived and waited patiently to meet the girl who made his stomach have butterflies. His heart was beating fast at just the thought of talking to her. He was actually nervous, something he didn't expect to be. 

"Kim Jongin." Jihyo announced and looked for a face to match the name. Jongin stood up and headed her way. 

"That's me." He smiled. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jihyo. Follow me." She smiled and lead him to her office. Kai took a seat and looked around while Jihyo brought her little pug. The pug got excited to see the man she had met at the park. Kai petted her and enjoyed seeing her again. "It seems she likes you." Jihyo smiled as always. Her smile could brighten up a whole room. She was really something. 

Kai never told Jihyo he was that one guy from the park. 

"So I'll see you tomorrow." Jihyo said her goodbyes as she closed her business. She enjoyed talking to Kai and had made agreements over the job. She was also kind enough to even close later than usual due to Kai's laziness. 

Jongin waved goodbye as he walked home. After meeting Jihyo, he had agreed that her personality did match her beauty. She was beautiful outside and inside. He couldn't stop smiling after leaving her. He left like a high schooler having their first crush all over again. That's how Jihyo made him feel after only being with her for about half an hour. 


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I'm sorry I waited so long for updating. I'll try to update for frequently.


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eiylahanyz #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for update, it's nice story....i'm looking forward for next chapter
Altariamelody #2
Chapter 1: It's so refreshing!! please update soon <3
ace_me #3
Chapter 1: i like your story.
so cute, three men fall in love with Jihyo, keep update authornim ^^
Foreverminho #4
Chapter 1: I don't mind who she will ended up with..she is suitable for everyone XD
Please update soon..
jaehyojyj #5
Chapter 1: this sounds interesting! Update soon :))
Chapter 1: I kind of want Ji Hyo unnie to end up with Kai even though he hasn't shown up yet. Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shotstill75 #7
Chapter 1: It's good. I liked !!
Looks interesting! I love Jihyo so much! ^^
B3stfriend #9
Update pleaseu~ I Love Jihyo unnie
shuishui #10
X sabar nk tnggu cerita ni update please...