Day One.

She's My Noona!

I love dogs. I love dogs. I love those filthy little creatures who poop and pee everywhere. Pull yourself together Chanyeol, you love dogs!

Park Chanyeol was mentally preparing himself for the biggest interview of his life, well at least he thought it was. He applied at the new daycare a few blocks from where he lived. He must have been crazy for applying because Chanyeol can't stand the sight of an animal that wasn't fufu, his pet fish. But even though he hates animals, besides fufu, he still applied at her doggy daycare. Why? Isn't it obvious? Because the owner was incredibly attractive and Chanyeol couldn't let such a beauty go. He met the babe at a photo shoot. Chanyeol, previously a model, was doing a magazine photo shoot when she arrived. She was doing a commercial to advertise her daycare and lets just say it was love at first sight or so he thinks. But that is just like Chanyeol, he sees anyone that is attractive and says he's in love but this time he said he's going to make it work.  

Chanyeol combed back his hair, took a deep breath, and opened the door to the building. He was going to get this job. As he made his way in, he instantly heard the barking of various dogs. A man with a poodle sat at the front desk. "May I help you?" The man asked as Chanyeol got closer. "Are you alright? You're sweating." The man teased the boy. "If you're here for the interview please have a seat." The man pointed to the black chairs in the waiting room. Chanyeol didn't say a word and went to go sit.

​I can not believe I was scared of a freaking poodle. The poodle looked harmless yet my heart pounded so fast. That's it I can't do this. What was I even thinking? No girl is worth that horror.

Chanyeol was ready to leave when he saw another young man enter the building. Chanyeol stared him down, not even blinking. He knew the guy and he hated him. The guy thinks he's so great and handsome and good at everything. Chanyeol could give a thousand reasons why he hated the guy and applying for the same job was another reason added to the list.

"Hey." The better looking boy said as he took the seat next to Chanyeol. "Are you here for the job too? The owner is so beautiful, which is why I'm here. She has to be mine. I just have a thing for older woman." They guy smirked. 

"What makes you think she will like you." Chanyeol scoffed at Joonmyeon comment. Joonmyeon, the gentle prince that all the girls fawn over. Everybody says he's sweet and such a gentleman. But Chanyeol knows that it's just a cover. There's no way a guy like that could exist.

"Because I drop off my German Shepherd, Chi Chi, here and Jihyo just loves her. We already have a connection which makes it easier for her to fall in love with me." Joonmyeon smiled. He truly believed he and Jihyo would last a lifetime. Joonmyeon was a dreamer and he also got everything he wanted even when it came to women. He knew he was getting the job and most likely getting the girl too. 

Chanyeol tightened his grip on the bottom of his seat in anger. He wasn't jealous of Joonmyeon but he was angry that Jihyo just might pick Suho over him. In the past, girls would leave Chanyeol for the handsome prince. Chanyeol knew that Suho was better looking and wealthier but he didn't give up. Joonmyeon would lose this time.

"Park Chanyeol?" Song Jihyo held a clipboard as she read his name. She wore a blue and white stripped dress that perfectly showed her slim figure. She smiled and waved at Suho as Chanyeol walked over to her. She greeted Chanyeol as she took him to her office. "Take a seat." She pointed at her comfy blue chairs. Chanyeol threw himself on the chair trying to act cool.

"Do you have any experience with dogs?" Jihyo began the interview.

Chanyeol stared at her. He couldn't help but notice how beautiful Jihyo looked. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. He didn't know  that such a beautiful woman could be talking to him. He had worked with tons of models but none compared to her beauty. 

"Do you like dogs, Chanyeol?" Jihyo tilted her head in confusion for not hearing a response.

Chanyeol shook his head and realized he was being asked questions. "I love them." He mumbled out a lie. Chanyeol was afraid of dogs. His heart belonged to fufu. 

"Great!" Jihyo set down her clipboard and called her dog to come over. "I want to see how you interact with Luna." She lifted her little pug and handed her over to Chanyeol. 

Chanyeol, almost shaking, reached out and firmly grabbed the precious little pug. Luna started barking as soon as she saw Chanyeol. Chanyeol, nerviously petting her, tried to quiet her down by repeating, "It's okay." She began to rock her as someone would to a baby and Luna actually enjoyed it. Chanyeol was relieved that she had stopped barking.

"Nice Job." Jihyo took back Luna and let her go play. "I like you." Jihyo said smiling which cause Chanyeol to blush. "I will call you and let you know." She then walked Chanyeol out of her office and went straight to Suho. 

Chanyeol left the building with his little heart pounding. I like you was all he cared about. She said she liked him which drove Chanyeol crazy. He didn't care about the dogs anymore all he cared about was Jihyo. He was so in there and he was so getting the job. She did say she liked him. But what Chanyeol didn't know was that Jihyo says that to everyone who treats Luna nicely.

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I'm sorry I waited so long for updating. I'll try to update for frequently.


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eiylahanyz #1
Chapter 2: Thanks for update, it's nice story....i'm looking forward for next chapter
Altariamelody #2
Chapter 1: It's so refreshing!! please update soon <3
ace_me #3
Chapter 1: i like your story.
so cute, three men fall in love with Jihyo, keep update authornim ^^
Foreverminho #4
Chapter 1: I don't mind who she will ended up with..she is suitable for everyone XD
Please update soon..
jaehyojyj #5
Chapter 1: this sounds interesting! Update soon :))
Chapter 1: I kind of want Ji Hyo unnie to end up with Kai even though he hasn't shown up yet. Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
shotstill75 #7
Chapter 1: It's good. I liked !!
Looks interesting! I love Jihyo so much! ^^
B3stfriend #9
Update pleaseu~ I Love Jihyo unnie
shuishui #10
X sabar nk tnggu cerita ni update please...