Cousins Night (Part 1)

Meet the K-Pop Idols

Lisabell's POV:
"Ooof finally at home !" I said and fell on Louise' bed. "Your parents are not here again ?" I asked and she nodded Louise and I changed into comfortable clothes:

Louise:                                                                     Me:

"Where is Michael (Louise's brother)?" I asked. "I don't know. Maybe he's sleeping at his classmate's house. But to be honest, I don't even care." she answered me coldly. 'My poor sweetie she would be alone again if I'm not here.' I thought. "And where are you parents my dear?" "Pfffft there are always letting me alone with Michael." she said."Oooh" I murmured and nodded.


Your POV:
"Yup, my parents are always letting me alone..." I sighed. "Thanks Mommy and Daddy." I said sarcastically and got into the kitchen. "Wanna eat?" I yelled from the kitchen. "Nope thanks." Lisabell answered. I brought some chips, cookies, cola and candy into my room. "Waaaaaaaaaah!! Can I have some?" Lisabell asked and pointed at the food. "I know you to good and to long for not knowing that your hungry!!" I laughed. We then watched 'You're beautiful' while eating. "DAAAAAAAAAAMN!!! Hongki is so cute!!!" I said with my hands on my cheeks. Lisabell put my mouth with chips to calm me down. "FWHEY!! WFAT'S NOT 
FWAIR!!" I yelled. 'I hope SHINee will come on today." Lisabell said.



Lisabelle's POV:
"This can't be true! I'm chatting with SHINee!!! I mean it's S-H-I-N-E-E !!!!!!" I screamed.
"So you are Lisabell? Micha's cousin right?" "Yes! I'm Micha's cousin. May I ask you wich memebr you are now?" I asked. "I'm it Onew." I read. "OH!! The chicken leader." I said exitingly to myself with a smile. I send them a webcam requst and they accepted it.

"OH FTW!! IS THAT ONEW HOLDING A BUCKET OF CHICKEN?!?!" I squealed while laughing my off.

"Yah!! Why...why are you laughing?" he asked. "Oh ! I totaly forgot that they can see me!! Lisabell Catorma you're such a fool!!" I thought and frowned. Onew gave me a weird look. "Oh...uhm...nothing." I lied.

"Oh, wait!. Key want's to chat with you." "Hi! You're Lisabell right? I heard a lot abouth you and that other girl Lucille or Lo..." "You mean Louise ?" "Yes yes right!" he beamed. "Taemin wants to chat with you. Aish~ That maknae." Key said. You giggled about what Key just said.

"Hi Lisabell!" Taemin cheered with a bright smile.

"WOW! From where does that guy get his energy? Maybe from drinking banana milk. I mean bananas are healthy and it's a kind of fruit better than broccoli. I should also start drinking banana milk." I thought. "Hi Taemin." "How are you?" he asked me. "I'm pretty fine you?" I asked back.

"LISABELL!!!! TAEMIN LIKES YOU!!!!!!" Key yelled frome the back and ran away. "HYUNG!!!!" Taemin whined embarrassed and ran after Key.

"You must be Lisabell. Sorry for those weirdos. Anyways who is Louise?" Minho asked with a little smile. "Louise is my couisn or better say niece. I know, it's weird. Anyways, that's her." I told him and sent them a picture of Louise.

"Pretty huh??" I grinned.

"WHOA! She's pretty!" Minho said with his jaw dropped. "Wow...does that Minho guy have a crush on my lovely niece?" I asked myself. "If he does, that girl will be happy." I thought while grinning. "Did she already have a boyfriend yet?" he asked.

"Oh wow!! I think someone has a chrush on my niece!!!" I squealed in my head and smiled like a fool. "Nope. Single just like me! She maybe had one, but it was fake. Micha brought them together but, Louise didn't even knew about her own relationship, which doesn's count." I told him.

"WHAT?! She never had a real boyfriend?!?! I mean, are they all blind or what? SHE'S PRETTY!!! Oh...sorry we need to go now. Our manager just arrived. Greetings to Louise." Minho told me and went offline. "AHAHAHAHA!! NOW it's official! That flaming charisma has a chrush on my cousin!!" I laughed.

-End of Flashback-


Your POV:
"So do I." I said.

Sorry for the long wait guys!
It's my fault! (co-author)
Anyways, hope you enjoyed the update ^^

Bebeth aka co-author

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