Meet the K-Pop Idols

Your POV:

"LALALAALAAL... SO BORING!!!!!! Nothing to do LLALAA." I sang like an idiot. WOW, I'm so embarrassing. I turned my latop on and waited. I played a SHINee song, actually 'Replay' my favourite song. Haahah! I'm such a LONER!!! T-T
I opened Facebook. I'm everyday going to Facebook. LOL xD! "What who is Yang Yoseob?" I wispered. I accepted him and suddenly he started to chatt with me.


Yoseob's POV:

"Yeeeeeheeeyy!!!! Louise accepted my friend request." I smiled. "Yoseob what are you doing?" Gikwang asked me. "Oooh eeem nothing !!" I said insecure. "Do you know me?!" I wrote her. "Oh nope shorry -.- " I read. "WHAT SHE DOESN'T KNOW ME?!?!?!" I yelled. "What's going?" Doojoon hyung asked as he came in the room. "I'm just chatting with Micha's (<--Rachel's nickname for the K-POP Idols) cousin Louise." Aaah, Louise! Micha told me about her too!!" Doojoon hyung said. Then the other B2ST members came into the room too. "I'm Yang Yoseob from B2ST ;)!!!" I wrote proudly.


Your POV:

"I'm Yang Yoseob from B2ST ;)!!!" I read. "WHAT YANG YOSEOB FROM B2ST?!?!?!? NOOOOOO WAAAAY!!! FTW OMG!!!!" I yelled at the screen and jumped like an idiot. Okay...Louise stay cool! "What really? O.o" I wrote him back. "Yes :))" he wrote. OMG! What should a talk about with HIM?!?!?! I'm mean, HE'S AN KPOP IDOL!!! SHOOOOOT -.- !!!!!! Okay, Louise just try to make a conversation!!! "And What's up there in Seoul?" I asked him. "Hey Louise you are Micha's younger cousin, right? I'm Gikwang. ;))" I read. "SHOOOOOOOOT WHAT GIKWANG" I yelled ove again. "Hey Gikwang oppa! Is it okay if I call you oppa? :)" I asked him. "Yes sure sure :)" he wrote me back. "Oh...shorry Louise, we need to go now Bey-yum!! Take care!:)" he wrote me. Oh, too bad. "Okii! Bey-yum Gikwag oppa greetings to the other memebers :) <3 take care too!!" I wrote him. 'There are nice.' I whispered. "WOW My first chatt with B2ST. AMAZING :DD!!!!" I thought. I called Lisabell. "YOOOOO WHAAAT'S UUP GUUURL?!??!??!" I said like a gangster (xDD). "LOOL ?! Nothing much you ?"she said.


Lisabell's POV:

"Guess what just happened?!" Louise said excited. "YOU FOUND YOUR PRINCE CHARMING!!!!!!" I said. "HAHHAAHHAHAAHHAHHAAHA XDDDD!! Nope Minho wasn't here yet." she said. "HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH SHOOOT" I laughed. "YEAH! keep guessing okey!!" Louise said. "Okay relax!! I don't now tell me what happened." I said calmly to her. "Okey I...chatted...with B2ST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she said. "WHAT?!?!? YOU...WHAT?!??! WTF?!? OMG...YOU...REALLY?!?!" "Yes! I did! Waah! It was awesome..!" she said. "YAAA tell me what did they wrote?!" I asked Louise.


Your POV:

I told Lisabell the whole story. We both meet in Starbucks and talked about random stuff. It was nearly 8pm. "!! I need to go home now Louise!!! she told me. "Just sleep at my place." I said to her. "If my parents allow...THEN GLADLY!!" she said. I just laughed at her reaction. I called Lisabell's mother. "Hi Aunti!! It's really late now and there could be many Gangster's and 's on the street's, so can Lisabell sleep at my place??" I asked in a pleading tone.Lisabell just laughed what I said. "PLEASE GOD.. PLEASE GOD...let Lisabell sleep at my Place!!!!" I whispered. My Aunt just laughed too and said: "Yes, okay." !WOW! Thank's aunti! Bye!!" I thanked her and hung up. "Yes!! God heard my prayers." I said. "Hahahah." Lisabell just laughed. "COUSINS NIGHT !!" we both screamed exitingly.

Hey dear readers so this is my FIRST chapter I know boooring -.- but I hope you still like it!! :))
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