Leave him

I'm (totally not) okay.

DOUBLE UPDATE! as i promised


-Jimin’s POV-

He texted Yoongi, just simply saying sorry, nothing else. He know the older won’t reply his message, it’s not like he will, anyway.

Jimin sat on the couch, changed the bandage on his foot before he went to the kitchen and start making dinner. He did the house chores without resting a bit. After he finished, he plopped down on the couch, he glanced at the clock, ’23.30, I’m going to watch TV, then’, Jimin the TV but he couldn’t fight the drowsiness, he fell asleep on the couch.

He jerked up, he looked at the clock and realized it’s already 5 in the morning, he started to panic, ‘am I late? Did Yoongi come home? Did he eat his dinner? Why I overslept?’

He normally can’t fell asleep easily at night when he is alone, that’s why he always stay up late to wait for Yoongi, even though he said ‘I can fall asleep anytime and everywhere I want’ it’s a lie, he made it up so that no one worry about him

He walked to the dining room only to find a cold food displayed on the table, ‘he didn’t come home’ he sighed, ‘it’s really bad!’

Three days passed, everything was going smoothly, except Yoongi hadn’t come home yet and to add the problem, Yoongi’s parents called


“Jimin-ah.. it’s eomonim”

“Ah! Eomonim! How are you?”

“I’m fine, what about you?”

“I’m okay, better than you imagine” he replied cheerfully”

“really? That’s good, then! By the way, Jimin-ah.. I’m going to Seoul tomorrow”

“really? Why you call me so sudden? If you told me sooner, I could have call Yoongi to come home sooner”

“Yoongi is sure really busy, isn’t he?”

“yes, he is really busy with his work nowadays” Lie. He didn’t even hear any news from Yoongi, lately.

“aish! that kid”

“when will you arrive here?”

“around 1 p.m or something”

“oh, okay.. I’m going to prepare lunch then, is samgyupsal okay?”

“I don’t have problem with it, ah.. sorry, I have to hang up now, see you tomorrow, Jimin!”

“see you tomorrow, eomonim! I’m going to tell Yoongi, bye”

Jimin and Yoongi parents are closer than Jimin to his husband, honestly speaking. Isn’t it bitter? Jimin texted Yoongi, telling his parents are going to visit them tomorrow, he actually wants to call Yoongi, he wants Yoongi come home earlier than usual when his parents stay, so his parents won’t suspect anything

But he was scared to call him, he is scared Yoongi will yell at him again

-Yoongi’s POV-

His phone buzzed on the night stand,  he glanced at his phone, as soon as he saw ‘Jimin’ sent a text, he swiped the screen, didn’t even bother to check out the message, ‘probably another apology’ he thought.


Jimin rushed to open the door when he heard a knock, “Annyeong haseyo, Aboji, Eomonim” he smiled, “come in, I’ll take your luggage inside” he moved a bit

“thank you, Jimin” Mr. Min patted his shoulder, “you are getting skinnier, make sure to put some meat” Mr. Min words left the younger speechless, ‘am I getting skinnier?’ he asked himself, “let’s have lunch, you must be hungry” Jimin said as he put the luggage on the living room

He led them to the dining room, he prepared the bowls and chopsticks, before sat down, “so today’s menu is really samgyupsal, I thought you just joking” Mrs. Min chuckled, “no, I never make a joke when it comes to food” he replied

“so… how’s Yoongi?” Mr. Min asked

Jimin kept the smile on his face, “he is wonderful” he replied, “but he is getting busy because he is on higher position now” he continued

“Aw, poor you. you must be lonely, being alone in this house”

“it’s okay, sometimes my friend will come here or we go out for lunch”

-Yoongi’s POV-

‘it’s been four days, I should go home. Am I too selfish? Nah. I told him pretty clear that he can’t go to the place like that’


-Jimin’s POV-

After he washed the dishes, he went to the bathroom, doing the laundry, “Jimin, let me help you” Mrs. Min said as she started to fold up her sleeves

Jimin smiled, “it’s okay, eomonim. I can do it myself, you don’t have to”

“but I want to and I don’t take ‘no’ as an answer” Jimin sighed, “have you check the pockets?” she asked, Jimin nodded, “I have”

Mrs. Min looked at him, “I’m going to check the pocket again, just in case something left”


“I think I found something, wait” she reached deeper into the pocket, Jimin looked at her and notice that it’s Yoongi’s shirt, ‘oh please not anything suspicious, please’ Jimin hoped

“Jimin, are you sure you check the pockets? Because there is no way you would miss this thing” Mrs. Min asked as she showed the thing, ‘another ?!’ he really wants the floor to engulfed him right now

“w-what’s wrong with that? I mean we do it”

“he can do it only to you, and I’m sure he won’t place this kind of thing on his shirt pocket if he only have it with you”

“I don’t get it”

“why don’t he place it on the nightstand? Why would he put it on his working shirt?” Mrs. Min put the thing in her pocket, “I’m so going to talk with him” and with that she walked off from the bathroom.

Jimin started to panic, ‘it’s bad! It’s really bad! Eomonim is going to interrogate him! What should I do? How can I cover this up? It’s my fault! If I checked the pockets and hid it, it won’t be a problem, what if Yoongi can’t defend himself? Yoongi is going to hate me more! Jimin, why are you so stupid?!’

But that night, Yoongi didn’t come home either, the next day Mrs. Min became restless, “why he didn’t come home?!”

“maybe he has a lot of works, so he has to finish it” Jimin tried everything to make her calm

“Jimin, it’s Saturday! It’s when people have their break!”

“maybe tonight, he’ll come home” Mr. Min assured his wife

And the words come true, that night, at 1 a.m, Yoongi came home, he expected to find Jimin on the couch but he found his mother on the couch, eyes still on the magazine on her hands

Yoongi froze, “Eo-eomma? Where is Jimin?”

“Min Yoongi, sit down.” Yoongi didn’t dare to say anything, he just did what she ask, “I forced him to stay at his room, he must be asleep now, he is exhausted”

“and why are you still up at this time?” Yoongi’s voice getting quieter, “because i have something to ask yo—“ Mrs. Min suddenly stopped and she closed the magazine, she walked closer to her son and sniffed his shirt before stood up straight in front of him, “I believe no one in this house use this feminine perfume”

Yoongi stared at her in shock, before he can say anything, Mrs. Min put out the thing out from her pocket, “and here I am, wanting to clarify this since yesterday”

“you were here since yesterday?”

“sure you didn’t know, you weren’t home last night”


“Yoongi, are you cheating on Jimin?”


“Yoongi, answer me!” he didn’t dare to look up, he thought he won’t get caught, and now, Jimin probably heard this, he nodded slowly.

A slap landed hard, on his cheek, followed by a loud "How dare you?!"

and a sound of someone running can be heard, “eomonim, stop!” that voice, Yoongi wants the owner of the voice to show up the least, “Jimin, let me go!” Jimin held Mrs. Min

“I’m sorry, eomonim. I can’t or you just going to slap him again”

“Jimin, he did all of these things to you! I have right to do this to him, he is my son!”

“but he is also my husband” Jimin voice cracked, but he didn’t let himself to cry, “I have right to defend him” he continued which made Mrs. Min calmed down, Yoongi looked up to see Jimin’s red face and watery eyes

Little did they know, Mr. Min stood behind Jimin and Mrs. Min, “Jimin” he called, the tone made Jimin shivered, it’s the same tone with Yoongi’s, quiet but full of venom, Mr. Min glared at his son

“y-yes, aboji?"

“leave him.”

I'll leave you hanging, ha. because i'm an evil. >:D

thanks for your comments, i read those and it makes me smile like an idiot :D

Sorry for grammatical error and typos, english is not my first language

Comments are lovely~ <3 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Chapter 9: Jungkook u came ....!! please help our mochi...
NeoRei #2
Chapter 13: hahaha it's funny when they're all gay LMAO *sigh* now I'm spamming the comment section..great
NeoRei #3
Chapter 11: Jin! Go back to sleep! XD can't help it LMAO
NeoRei #4
Chapter 9: yea, Jungkook being friends is fine but IF YOU LAY UR HAND ON JIMIN!---
workluvaffair #5
Chapter 1: Oh snap- I know how Yoongi feels when I know I've left a lighter in my pants and 'nonchalantly' ask my mom..
NeoRei #6
Chapter 6: Idk why, but sometimes their conversation are funny xD spoil mood Hahaha jk jk
NeoRei #7
Chapter 2: "I mean we were there for like 10 minutes!"
This part make me laugh Lmao
Oh my heart~ Can I please hug you, oh dearest Authornim? ╮(T▽T)╭ I just can't control my feels! I was so so so happy that I found your fics! I honestly think that they're so great! I loved it all! I found myself hooked on to it and I read it all in one go! Oh my gath~ I can't even! Thank you for the wonderful fics! The world needs love! The world needs YoonMin!!! Haha! These are so beautiful~ So beautiful. (ಥ_ಥ)❤❤
nickyana #9
Chapter 16: I read the whole thing and I find it... OMGosh its been a while since I read something this enjoyable... even tough in the beginning I already judge Yoongi for being such . But more and more I read it, I just squealed everywhere in my own house in the middle of night. I really need to tell you that the personality of character was beyond perfect, in my opinion. but, really like how I fine Mrs. Park and Jimin is great person such big heart I think I might cry bc of that. Yoongi was the addict really something unexpected and jin for being Jimin best friend, I thank him (I know it's just fiction but I'm to moved) AND I REALLY SHIP ZELOKOOK. ILYSM, THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS WONDERFULL STORY.