
My Husband
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                Two weeks earlier

Sehun was my everything. He was the air that kept me breathing, he was the rope that kept me swinging but never let me fall. Although he was never much of a talker, he was a good listener. He listened to every single problem I had and made me believe he actually cared. He wouldn’t tell me impossible things to make me feel better like my friends would. Sehun told it to you straight. When I got out of college I was 6 feet under in debt. When I asked my friends if I would be alright, they told me I was strong and I would find a great job and pay off the debt in no time. I knew that wasn’t true, and I knew they knew that wasn’t true. When I asked Sehun though, he looked me straight in the eyes with his cold dark stare and told me, Of course not. You owe more than you can make, but maybe you’ll make it somehow.
That was something I liked about him, I think, his completely honesty. Some took it as harshness, which it was, but it was realization. Realization that you can’t get what you want, and happiness doesn’t win over everything. Especially not this time.

    It was our 100 day anniversary when Sehun asked me to come to his favorite café. I did my hair and makeup prettily, more pretty than usual. And wore jeans and a sweater Sehun smiled at once when I showed up to see him. Just a pale pink one with a floral design. I didn’t have a care in the world as I walked blindly to the café, I was ecstatic to finally have a 100 day celebration with a boy I believed I belonged with. My smile never left my face as I entered the small café and searched around until I saw his familiar beanie and leather jacket. I sneakily crept up behind him and covered his eyes, giggling. He didn’t ask who it was, though there was no need.
“Go sit down.” He said dryly. My smile retreated a bit, but quickly came back.  He always tries to act like he’s not excited to see me. But I know he is, he’s cold, but he’s not completely frozen.
I sat down in the seat in front of him where an untouched iced americano sat. He sipped his black co

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